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- object Form07: TForm07
- Left = 109
- Top = 157
- Width = 625
- Height = 520
- ActiveControl = Panel1
- Caption = 'Form07'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -14
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- PixelsPerInch = 120
- Position = poScreenCenter
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- TextHeight = 16
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 617
- Height = 105
- Align = alTop
- TabOrder = 0
- object Label9: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 64
- Width = 423
- Height = 21
- Caption = 'This is a demonstration of the TPrintWin Component.'
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -18
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object DBNavigator: TDBNavigator
- Left = -98
- Top = -138
- Width = 137
- Height = 31
- DataSource = DataSource1
- VisibleButtons = [nbFirst, nbPrior, nbNext, nbLast]
- Ctl3D = False
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Preview: TBitBtn
- Left = 373
- Top = 9
- Width = 88
- Height = 32
- Caption = 'Pre&View'
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = PreviewClick
- Glyph.Data = {
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- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- object Exit: TBitBtn
- Left = 473
- Top = 9
- Width = 88
- Height = 32
- Caption = '&Exit'
- ModalResult = 2
- TabOrder = 2
- OnClick = ExitClick
- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- object DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator
- Left = 24
- Top = 16
- Width = 241
- Height = 25
- DataSource = DataSource1
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- end
- object Panel2: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 105
- Width = 617
- Height = 240
- Align = alTop
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- BorderWidth = 4
- Caption = 'Panel2'
- TabOrder = 1
- object ScrollBox: TScrollBox
- Left = 6
- Top = 6
- Width = 605
- Height = 228
- HorzScrollBar.Margin = 6
- HorzScrollBar.Range = 298
- VertScrollBar.Margin = 6
- VertScrollBar.Range = 362
- VertScrollBar.Visible = False
- Align = alClient
- AutoScroll = False
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- Color = clBtnFace
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 37
- Top = 6
- Width = 43
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'CustNo'
- FocusControl = EditCustNo
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 25
- Top = 39
- Width = 55
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Company'
- FocusControl = EditCompany
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label3: TLabel
- Left = 46
- Top = 71
- Width = 34
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Addr1'
- FocusControl = EditAddr
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 46
- Top = 105
- Width = 34
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Addr2'
- FocusControl = EditAddr2
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label5: TLabel
- Left = 57
- Top = 137
- Width = 23
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'City'
- FocusControl = EditCity
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label6: TLabel
- Left = 49
- Top = 170
- Width = 31
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'State'
- FocusControl = EditState
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label7: TLabel
- Left = 63
- Top = 202
- Width = 17
- Height = 16
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- Caption = 'Zip'
- FocusControl = EditZip
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
- Left = 356
- Top = 12
- Width = 185
- Height = 125
- Caption = 'Testing '
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 7
- object Label8: TLabel
- Left = 24
- Top = 20
- Width = 107
- Height = 16
- Caption = 'Label in GroupBox'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
- Left = 24
- Top = 48
- Width = 97
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'CheckBox '
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
- Left = 24
- Top = 76
- Width = 113
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'RadioButton1'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
- Left = 24
- Top = 96
- Width = 113
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'RadioButton2'
- Checked = True
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 2
- TabStop = True
- end
- end
- object EditCustNo: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 5
- Width = 70
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'CustNo'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 0
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object EditCompany: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 37
- Width = 211
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'Company'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 30
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object EditAddr: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 69
- Width = 211
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'Addr1'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 30
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 2
- end
- object EditAddr2: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 101
- Width = 211
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'Addr2'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 30
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 3
- end
- object EditCity: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 133
- Width = 106
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'City'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 15
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object EditState: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 165
- Width = 139
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'State'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 20
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 5
- end
- object EditZip: TDBEdit
- Left = 102
- Top = 197
- Width = 70
- Height = 24
- Color = clWhite
- DataField = 'Zip'
- DataSource = DataSource1
- Font.Color = clMaroon
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- MaxLength = 10
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 6
- end
- object RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup
- Left = 356
- Top = 144
- Width = 185
- Height = 77
- Caption = 'RadioGroup Test'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object RadioButton3: TRadioButton
- Left = 376
- Top = 164
- Width = 113
- Height = 17
- Alignment = taLeftJustify
- Caption = 'RadioButton3'
- Checked = True
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 9
- TabStop = True
- end
- object RadioButton4: TRadioButton
- Left = 376
- Top = 188
- Width = 113
- Height = 17
- Alignment = taLeftJustify
- Caption = 'RadioButton4'
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 10
- end
- end
- end
- object Panel3: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 345
- Width = 617
- Height = 148
- Align = alClient
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- BorderWidth = 4
- Caption = 'Panel3'
- TabOrder = 2
- object DBGrid1: TDBGrid
- Left = 6
- Top = 6
- Width = 605
- Height = 136
- Align = alClient
- BorderStyle = bsNone
- DataSource = DataSource2
- Font.Color = clBlack
- Font.Height = -13
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- TitleFont.Color = clBlack
- TitleFont.Height = -13
- TitleFont.Name = 'Arial'
- TitleFont.Style = []
- end
- end
- object DataSource1: TDataSource
- DataSet = Table1
- Left = 335
- Top = 61
- end
- object DataSource2: TDataSource
- DataSet = Table2
- Left = 333
- Top = 25
- end
- object Table1: TTable
- Active = True
- DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS'
- TableName = 'customer.db'
- Left = 308
- Top = 61
- end
- object Table2: TTable
- Active = True
- DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS'
- IndexFieldNames = 'CustNo'
- MasterFields = 'CustNo'
- MasterSource = DataSource1
- TableName = 'orders.db'
- Left = 306
- Top = 21
- object Table2OrderNo: TFloatField
- FieldName = 'OrderNo'
- end
- object Table2CustNo: TFloatField
- FieldName = 'CustNo'
- Required = True
- Visible = False
- end
- object Table2SaleDate: TDateTimeField
- FieldName = 'SaleDate'
- end
- object Table2ShipDate: TDateTimeField
- FieldName = 'ShipDate'
- end
- object Table2ShipVIA: TStringField
- FieldName = 'ShipVIA'
- Size = 7
- end
- object Table2Terms: TStringField
- FieldName = 'Terms'
- Size = 6
- end
- object Table2PaymentMethod: TStringField
- FieldName = 'PaymentMethod'
- Size = 7
- end
- object Table2ItemsTotal: TCurrencyField
- FieldName = 'ItemsTotal'
- Currency = True
- end
- object Table2AmountPaid: TCurrencyField
- FieldName = 'AmountPaid'
- Currency = True
- end
- end
- object DBPrintWin1: TDBPrintWin
- About = 'Version 5.32'
- AboutRegistered = 'TOM SNIDER'
- HeaderFont.Color = clWindowText
- HeaderFont.Height = 16
- HeaderFont.Name = 'Arial'
- HeaderFont.Style = []
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = 16
- Font.Name = 'Arial'
- Font.Style = []
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- FooterFont.Height = 12
- FooterFont.Name = 'Arial'
- FooterFont.Style = []
- FrameObjects = True
- clBtnFaceAsWhite = True
- OutputTo = poViewer
- Orientation = Default
- Units = poInches
- ViewButtonVisible = False
- ShowCancelDialog = True
- LineWidth = 0
- Copies = 1
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- GridBackDropUnits = poInches
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- HeaderEnabled = True
- HeaderOutlined = False
- HeaderFilled = False
- TextColor = clBlack
- ViewBkColor = 11234567
- ViewHeading = 'Printit Viewer'
- HeadingColor = clSilver
- FrameStyle = frThin
- FooterTop = 10.170000000000000000
- FooterString = ' '
- FooterEnabled = True
- FooterOutlined = False
- FooterFilled = False
- FixSansSerif = True
- FooterStringLeft = 'Printed on @Date at @Time'
- FooterStringRight = 'Page @Page'
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- Left = 472
- Top = 80
- end
- end