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/ PC World Komputer 1997 May / Pcwk0597.iso / cdinst / bmp / solomon.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1997-03-24  |  51KB  |  640x480  |  1-bit (2 colors)
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OCR: "ALLDRIVES Scan all f ixed drives ANAL YZE Use heur istic ana Ius 0 scan for unknowm viruses BADL IST=f ilename Create file conta ining list of infected files CHECKL IST=f ilename Check qiven list of files DOALLF ILES Scan all f iles not isn! executable EXTRA=f ilename Use specif ied extra driver HELP Display this help screen LOCAL Scan all local f ixed drives LOUD Display verbose output NOBOOT Disable boot sector scanning NOPART Disable partit ion sector (MBR) scanning ONEONLY Sean ingle f loppy disk REPAIR [/DELETE] Repair infected files rename unable to repair for delete unable to repair] REPORT=f i lename Create report file TELL=user Spec ify the user [def ault Supervi isor] to rece ive broadcast alert UNZIP Scan recurs ively insi ide compressed and archived files (Most ma jor compress ...