PC World Komputer 1997 May
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258 lines
* *
* Events1.jrp -- Contact Management Report by Type of Call *
* *
* Events1.jrp is part of the Contact Management solution application. *
* It lists the existing event (or call) entries, in order by the person *
* who initiated the contact and then by the type of contact made. *
* *
* Dependencies: bkgnd.gif *
* eventlog.gif *
* barsep.gif *
* *
* Links to: ibapps/contacts/index.htm *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1996, Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. *
* *
// {End Header} Do not remove this comment//
// Generated on 11/06/96
var r = new EVENTS1Report();
if (EVENTS1.arguments.length == 2) {
r.startPage = EVENTS1.arguments[0];
r.endPage = EVENTS1.arguments[1];
class EVENTS1Report extends Report {
with (this) {
title = "Events by ContBy";
linkText = "Next Page";
with (this.contactsdb = new Database()){
left = 0;
top = 0;
databaseName = "CONTACTS";
active = true;
with (this.events1 = new Query()){
left = 5;
top = 0;
database = parent.contactsdb;
sql = "SELECT * FROM Events ORDER BY ContBy,ContType,CONTEND";
active = true;
with (this.events1.rowset) {
with (this.streamSource1 = new StreamSource(this)){
with (this.streamSource1.group3 = new Group(this.streamSource1)){
groupBy = "ContBy";
with (this.streamSource1.group3.headerBand) {
height = 205;
with (this.streamSource1.group3.headerBand.Contby = new HTML(this.streamSource1.group3.headerBand)){
height = 255;
width = 7500;
variableHeight = true;
color = "blue";
suppressIfDuplicate = true;
text = {||this.form.events1.rowset.fields["ContBy"].value};
with (this.streamSource1.group3.footerBand) {
height = 50;
with (this.streamSource1.group4 = new Group(this.streamSource1)){
groupBy = "ContType";
with (this.streamSource1.group4.headerBand) {
height = 250;
with (this.streamSource1.group4.headerBand.Conttype = new HTML(this.streamSource1.group4.headerBand)){
height = 255;
left = 315;
width = 7185;
variableHeight = true;
color = "black";
text = {||this.form.events1.rowset.fields["ContType"].value};
with (this.streamSource1.group4.footerBand) {
height = 250;
with (this.streamSource1.group1 = new Group(this.streamSource1)){
groupBy = "CONTEND";
with (this.streamSource1.group1.headerBand) {
height = 0;
with (this.streamSource1.group1.footerBand) {
height = 0;
with (this.streamSource1.detailBand) {
height = 0;
with (this.streamSource1.detailBand.HTML2 = new HTML(this.streamSource1.detailBand)){
height = 1;
left = 560;
width = 1440;
variableHeight = true;
color = "black";
fontBold = false;
text = {||this.form.events1.rowset.fields["ContName"].value};
with (this.streamSource1.detailBand.HTML5 = new HTML(this.streamSource1.detailBand)){
height = 61;
left = 3800;
width = 3700;
variableHeight = true;
color = "black";
fontBold = false;
text = {||this.form.events1.rowset.fields["Description"].value};
with (this.streamSource1.detailBand.contend1 = new HTML(this.streamSource1.detailBand)){
height = 255;
left = 2000;
width = 1800;
variableHeight = true;
color = "black";
fontBold = false;
text = {||this.form.events1.rowset.fields["CONTEND"].value};
with (this.printer) {
duplex = 1;
orientation = 1;
paperSource = 7;
paperSize = 1;
resolution = 4;
color = 1;
trueTypeFonts = 3;
with (this.pageTemplate1 = new PageTemplate(this)){
height = 16710;
width = 9000;
marginTop = 0;
marginLeft = 0;
marginBottom = 0;
marginRight = 0;
gridLineWidth = 0;
background = "filename bkgnd.gif";
with (this.pageTemplate1.streamFrame1 = new StreamFrame(this.pageTemplate1)){
height = 11376;
top = 1374;
width = 9000;
with (this.pageTemplate1.HTML2 = new HTML(this.pageTemplate1)){
height = 250;
top = 785;
width = 7455;
color = "blue";
text = {||"Sorted by Employee && Contact Type - " + new Date()};
with (this.pageTemplate1.image1 = new Image(this.pageTemplate1)){
height = 650;
width = 2460;
dataSource = "filename EVENTLOG.GIF";
alignment = 4;
with (this.pageTemplate1.image2 = new Image(this.pageTemplate1)){
height = 155;
top = 1125;
width = 7500;
dataSource = "filename BARSEP.GIF";
alignment = 4;
with (this.reportGroup) {
groupBy = "";
with (this.reportGroup.headerBand) {
height = 0;
with (this.reportGroup.footerBand) {
height = 350;
with (this.reportGroup.footerBand.HTML1 = new HTML(this.reportGroup.footerBand)){
height = 240;
top = 155;
width = 7500;
color = "black";
text = '<FONT COLOR="blue">Click <A HREF= "/svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/contacts/events.jfm">here</A> to return to Events Log.</FONT>';
with (this.reportGroup.footerBand.image3 = new Image(this.reportGroup.footerBand)){
height = 155;
width = 7500;
dataSource = "filename BARSEP.GIF";
alignment = 4;
this.firstPageTemplate = this.form.pageTemplate1
this.form.pageTemplate1.nextPageTemplate = this.form.pageTemplate1
this.form.pageTemplate1.streamFrame1.streamSource = this.form.streamSource1
this.form.streamSource1.rowset = this.form.events1.rowset