PC World Komputer 1997 May
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206 lines
* *
* Employee.jfm -- Employee Phone Book Details Form *
* *
* Employee.jfm is part of the Phone Book solution application. It is used *
* view the details about a single employee. The form is called by the *
* phoneemp or phonedep report. If a single parameter is passed to this form *
* it will show the details for the employee whose EmployeeID matches the *
* parameter. *
* *
* Dependencies: phonbk31.gif *
* apps\shared\controls.cc *
* *
* Links to: ibapps/index.htm *
* svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/phonedep.jrp *
* svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/phoneemp.jrp *
* svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/update.jfm *
* *
* Updated 11/12/96 by IntraBuilder Samples Group *
* $Revision: 1.29 $ *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1996, Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. *
* *
// This header code is executed when the form is run. The return
// prevents the designer generated startup code from executing.
// If a parameter is passed to the form, the rowset will be
// advanced to the record whose empid matches the parameter.
var f = new employeeForm();
if (EMPLOYEE.arguments.length == 1) {
f.rowset.applyLocate('"Employee ID"=' + EMPLOYEE.arguments[0]);
// {End Header} Do not remove this comment//
// Generated on 11/12/96
var f = new employeeForm();
class employeeForm extends Form {
_sys.scripts.load(_sys.env.home() + "APPS\\SHARED\\CONTROLS.CC")
with (this) {
color = "cae4ff";
height = 15;
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 78;
title = "Employee Details";
with (this.ibapps1 = new Database()){
left = 20;
top = 2;
databaseName = "IBAPPS";
active = true;
with (this.employee1 = new Query()){
left = 26;
top = 2;
database = parent.ibapps1;
sql = "SELECT * FROM employee";
active = true;
with (rowset) {
with (this.department1 = new Query()){
left = 32;
top = 2;
database = parent.ibapps1;
sql = "select * from departmt";
active = true;
with (rowset) {
masterRowset = parent.parent.employee1.rowset;
masterFields = "Department";
with (this.rule1 = new Rule(this)){
top = 13.5;
size = 2;
right = 70;
with (this.PhoneBookLogo = new Image(this)){
height = 3.4167;
width = 10.25;
dataSource = "filename PHONBK31.GIF";
alignment = 4;
with (this.FullnameHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 2;
left = 12;
width = 58;
color = "853a1a";
text = {||"<H1>" + form.employee1.rowset.fields["Full Name"].value + "</H1>"};
with (this.EmployeeImage = new Image(this)){
height = 7.2917;
top = 4;
width = 18.75;
dataSource = parent.employee1.rowset.fields["Picture"];
alignment = 4;
with (this.DepartmentHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 0.75;
left = 20;
top = 4.75;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||form.department1.rowset.fields["Department"].value};
with (this.TitleHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 0.75;
left = 20;
top = 4;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||form.employee1.rowset.fields["Title"].value};
with (this.PhoneHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 0.75;
left = 20;
top = 5.5;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||"Extension: x" + form.employee1.rowset.fields["Phone"].value};
with (this.LocationHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 0.75;
left = 20;
top = 6.25;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||"Office: " + form.employee1.rowset.fields["Location"].value};
with (this.homepageHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 2;
left = 20;
top = 7;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||"<A HREF='" + this.form.employee1.rowset.fields["Homepage"].value + "'>" + this.form.employee1.rowset.fields["Homepage"].value + "</A>"};
with (this.PhoneNoteHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 2;
left = 20;
top = 9;
width = 46;
color = "black";
text = {||form.employee1.rowset.fields["Phone Note"].value};
with (this.LinksHTML = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 12;
width = 70;
color = "black";
text = {||'<A HREF="/ibapps/index.htm">[Home]</A> <A HREF="/svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/phoneemp.jrp">[List by Employee]</A> <A HREF="/svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/phonedep.jrp">[List by Department]</A> <A HREF="/svr/intrasrv.isv?apps/phone/update.jfm(' + parseInt(this.form.employee1.rowset.fields["Employee ID"].value) + ')">[Update Data]</A>'};
with (this.GeneratedHTML1 = new GeneratedHTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 14;
width = 70;
this.rowset = this.employee1.rowset;