PC World Komputer 1997 May
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521 lines
* *
* CustOrd.jfm -- Customer Order Sample Form *
* *
* CustOrd.jfm is a stand-alone sample form that demonstrates several things. *
* It uses two Query objects and relates the tables using the rowset *
* properties. It uses client side events to control the calling of the *
* server. The client side events submit the form which causes it to be re- *
* rendered on the server. *
* *
* Note: When using the form in some older browsers, you must leave the *
* Select control for the onChange event to fire. To view another *
* customer or order simply select one in the Select control and click *
* on the background area. Beta 5 of Netscape Navigator 3.0 does not *
* have this problem. *
* *
* Updated 11/13/96 by IntraBuilder Samples Group *
* $Revision: 1.12 $ *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1996, Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. *
* *
#include "intra.h"
// {End Header} Do not remove this comment//
// Generated on 11/13/96
var f = new custordForm();
class custordForm extends Form {
with (this) {
onServerSubmit = class::form_onServerSubmit;
onServerLoad = class::form_onServerLoad;
height = 14.6667;
left = 0;
top = 0;
width = 76;
title = "Customer Orders";
with (this.query1 = new Query()){
left = 60;
top = 0;
sql = 'select * from "customer.dbf"';
active = true;
with (this.query1.rowset) {
autoEdit = false;
with (this.query2 = new Query()){
left = 64;
top = 0;
sql = 'select * from "orders.dbf"';
active = true;
with (this.query2.rowset) {
autoEdit = false;
indexName = "CUSTOMER_N";
masterRowset = parent.parent.query1.rowset;
masterFields = "customer_n";
with (this.rule1 = new Rule(this)){
top = 9.5;
size = 2;
right = 70;
with (this.rule2 = new Rule(this)){
top = 1.5;
size = 2;
right = 70;
with (this.rule3 = new Rule(this)){
top = 17.5;
size = 2;
right = 70;
with (this.Street = new Text(this)){
top = 5;
width = 28;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["STREET"];
with (this.City = new Text(this)){
top = 6;
width = 12;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["CITY"];
with (this.State_prov = new Text(this)){
left = 14;
top = 6;
width = 4;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["STATE_PROV"];
with (this.Zip_postal = new Text(this)){
left = 22;
top = 6;
width = 6;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["ZIP_POSTAL"];
with (this.Country = new Text(this)){
top = 7;
width = 18;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["COUNTRY"];
with (this.Phone = new Text(this)){
top = 8;
width = 18;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["PHONE"];
with (this.First_cont = new Text(this)){
left = 50;
top = 6;
width = 12;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["FIRST_CONT"];
with (this.Ytd_sales = new Text(this)){
left = 50;
top = 7;
width = 12;
dataLink = parent.query1.rowset.fields["YTD_SALES"];
with (this.HTML1 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
left = 32;
top = 6;
width = 12;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "First Contact";
with (this.HTML2 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
left = 32;
top = 7;
width = 12;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Year to Date";
with (this.HTML3 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 13;
width = 14;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Sale Date";
with (this.Sale_date = new Text(this)){
left = 14;
top = 13;
width = 8;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["SALE_DATE"];
with (this.HTML4 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 14;
width = 14;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Ship Date";
with (this.Ship_date = new Text(this)){
left = 14;
top = 14;
width = 8;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["SHIP_DATE"];
with (this.HTML5 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 15;
width = 14;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Ship Via";
with (this.Ship_via = new Text(this)){
left = 14;
top = 15;
width = 8;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["SHIP_VIA"];
with (this.HTML6 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
left = 30;
top = 14;
width = 18;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Amount Paid";
with (this.Amt_paid = new Text(this)){
left = 48;
top = 14;
width = 10;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["AMT_PAID"];
with (this.HTML7 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 16;
width = 14;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Terms";
with (this.Terms = new Text(this)){
left = 14;
top = 16;
width = 8;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["TERMS"];
with (this.HTML8 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
left = 30;
top = 13;
width = 18;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Payment Method";
with (this.Pay_method = new Text(this)){
left = 48;
top = 13;
width = 10;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["PAY_METHOD"];
with (this.HTML9 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
left = 30;
top = 15;
width = 18;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Total";
with (this.Total = new Text(this)){
left = 48;
top = 15;
width = 10;
dataLink = parent.query2.rowset.fields["TOTAL"];
with (this.customerSelect = new Select(this)){
onChange = class::customerSelect_onChange;
top = 4;
width = 30;
with (this.orderSelect = new Select(this)){
onChange = class::orderSelect_onChange;
left = 14;
top = 12;
width = 16;
with (this.HTML10 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 12;
width = 14;
color = "black";
alignVertical = 1;
text = "Order Number";
with (this.HTML11 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1.5;
width = 70;
color = "black";
text = "<H1>Customer Orders</H1>";
with (this.HTML12 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 10;
width = 70;
color = "black";
text = "<H2>Orders for this customer</H2>";
with (this.HTML13 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 2;
width = 70;
color = "black";
text = "<H2>Customer Profile</H2>";
with (this.HTML14 = new HTML(this)){
height = 1;
top = 18;
width = 70;
color = "black";
text = {||"<ADDRESS>Generated by IntraBuilder on " + new Date() + "</ADDRESS>"};
with (this.whatChanged = new Hidden(this)){
left = 68;
value = 0;
with (this.customerButton = new Button(this)){
onServerClick = class::customerButton_onServerClick;
left = 32;
top = 8;
width = 16;
text = "Edit Customer";
with (this.orderButton = new Button(this)){
onServerClick = class::orderButton_onServerClick;
left = 30;
top = 16;
width = 16;
text = "Edit Orders";
with (this.saveCustomer = new Hidden(this)){
left = 50;
top = 8;
value = 0;
with (this.saveOrder = new Hidden(this)){
left = 48;
top = 16;
value = 0;
this.rowset = this.query1.rowset;
function form_onServerLoad()
var name;
// fill customer array
this.custArray = new Array();
while (!this.query1.rowset.endOfSet) {
name = new StringEx(this.query1.rowset.fields["name"].value);
name = name.rightTrim();
// assign options and value
this.customerSelect.options="array this.custArray";
this.customerSelect.value = this.custArray[0];
// set new customer flag and call onServerSubmit
this.whatChanged.value = 1;
function submit()
function customerButton_onServerClick()
if (this.text == 'Save Customer') {
this.text = 'Edit Customer';
else {
this.text = 'Save Customer';
function orderButton_onServerClick()
if (this.text == 'Save Order') {
this.text = 'Edit Order';
else {
this.text = 'Save Order';
function form_onServerSubmit(notForm, formRef)
var frm = notForm ? formRef : this;
var change = parseInt(frm.whatChanged.value);
switch (change) {
case 1: // customer has changed
if (frm.query2.rowset.state == STATE_EDIT) {
frm.orderButton.text = 'Edit Order';
if (frm.query1.rowset.state == STATE_EDIT) {
frm.customerButton.text = 'Edit Customer';
var x=frm.query1.rowset.applyLocate("Name='" + escapeChar(frm.customerSelect.value,"'") + "'");
// fill order array
frm.orderArray = new Array();
while (!frm.query2.rowset.endOfSet) {
// assign options and value
frm.orderSelect.options="array frm.orderArray";
if (frm.orderArray.length > 0)
frm.orderSelect.value = frm.orderArray[0];
case 2:
if (frm.query2.rowset.state == STATE_EDIT) {
frm.orderButton.text = 'Edit Order';
frm.query2.rowset.applyLocate("Order_no='" + frm.orderSelect.value + "'");
frm.whatChanged.value = 0;
function customerSelect_onChange()
this.form.whatChanged.value = 1; // 1 for customer select
function orderSelect_onChange()
this.form.whatChanged.value = 2; // 2 for order select
function escapeChar(str,chr)
var offset = last = 0;
var returnVal = "";
while(str.indexOf(chr,last) >= 0) {
offset = str.indexOf(chr,last);
returnVal += str.substring(last, offset) + "\\" + chr;
last = offset+1;
returnVal += str.substring(last,str.length);
return returnVal;