PC World Komputer 1997 May
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
436 lines
1 Borland C++Builder Programmer's Guide
2 Lexical elements overview
3 Lexical Elements = LexicalElements
3 Whitespace Overview
4 Whitespace = Whitespace
4 Comments = Comments
3 Tokens Overview
4 Tokens = Tokens
4 Keywords overview
5 Keywords = Keywords
5 Table of C++ specific keywords = Keywords_Cplusplus
5 Table of Borland C++ register pseudovariables = TableOfRegisterPseudovariables
5 Borland C++ keyword extensions = Keywords_BorlandExtensions
4 Identifiers Overview
5 Identifiers = Identifiers
4 Constants overview
5 Constants = Constants
5 Integer constants = IntegerConstants
5 Extended integer types =ExtendedIntegerTypes
5 Borland C++ integer constants without L or U = BorlandCPPIntegerConstantsWithoutLOrU
5 Floating-point constants = Floating_PointConstants
5 Character constants overview
6 Character constants = CharacterConstants
6 The three char types = TheThreeCharTypes
6 Escape sequences = EscapeSequences
6 Wide-character and multi-character constants = Wide_CharacterConstants
5 String constants overview
6 String constants = StringConstants
5 Enumeration constants
6 Enumeration constants = EnumerationConstants
5 Constants and internal representation
6 Constants and internal representation = ConstantsAndInternalRepresentation
6 Data Types (32-bit) = DataTypesBorland_32
5 Internal representation of numerical types
6 Internal representation of numerical types = InternalRepresentationOfNumericalTypes
5 Constant expressions
6 Constant expressions = ConstantExpressions
4 Punctuators overview
5 Punctuators = punctuators
2 Language structure
3 Introduction to Language structure =LanguageStructure
3 Declarations
4 Introduction to Declarations =Declarations
4 Objects
5 Introduction to Objects =Objects
5 lvalues =lvalues
5 rvalues =rvalues
4 Storage classes and types
5 Storage classes and types =StorageClassesAndTypes
4 Scope
5 Introduction to Scope =Scope
5 Name spaces =NameSpaces
4 Visibility
5 Visibility =Visibility
4 Duration
5 Introduction to Duration =Duration
5 Static =Static
5 Local =Local
5 Dynamic =Dynamic
4 Translation units
5 Translation units =TranslationUnits
4 Linkage
5 Introduction to Linkage =Linkage
5 External and internal linkage rules =ExternalAndInternalLinkageRules
5 Name mangling =NameMangling
3 Declaration syntax
4 Introduction to Declaration syntax =DeclarationSyntax
4 Tentative definitions =TentativeDefinitions
4 Possible declarations =PossibleDeclarations
4 External declarations and definitions =ExternalDeclarationsAndDefinitions
4 Type specifiers =Keywords_TypeSpecifiers
4 Type categories
5 Introduction to type categories =TypeCategories
5 Type void = Void
4 The fundamental types
5 Introduction to the fundamental types =TheFundamentalTypes
5 Integral types =IntegralTypes
5 Floating-point types =Floating_PointTypes
5 Standard arithmetic conversions = StandardArithmeticConversions
5 Special char, int, and enum conversions =SpecialCharIntAndEnumConversions
4 Initialization
5 Introduction to Initialization =Initialization
5 Arrays, structures, and unions =ArraysStructuresAndUnions
4 Declarations and declarators
5 Declarations and declarators =DeclarationsAndDeclarators
4 Use of storage class specifiers
5 Use of storage class specifiers =Keywords_StorageClassSpecifiers
4 Variable Modifiers
5 Introduction to Variable Modifiers =VariableModifiers
5 const =const
5 volatile =volatile
4 Mixed-language calling conventions
5 Mixed-language calling conventions =Mixed_LanguageCallingConventions
5 _ _cdecl = cdecl
5 _ _pascal =pascal
5 _ _stdcall =_stdcall
5 _ _fastcall =_fastcall
4 Multithread variables
5 Multithread variables =__thread
4 Function modifiers
5 Function modifiers =FunctionModifiers
3 Pointers
4 Introduction to Pointers =Pointers
4 Pointers to objects =PointersToObjects
4 Pointers to functions =PointersToFunctions
4 Pointer declarations =PointerDeclarations
4 Pointer constants =PointerConstants
4 Pointer arithmetic =PointerArithmetic
4 Pointer conversions =PointerConversions
4 C++ reference declarations =CPPreferencedeclarations
3 Arrays
3 Introduction to Arrays in C =Arrays
3 Functions
4 Introduction to Functions =Functions
4 Declarations and definitions =DeclarationsAndDefinitions
4 Declarations and prototypes =DeclarationsAndPrototypes
4 Definitions =Definitions
4 Formal parameter declarations =FormalParameterDeclarations
4 Function calls and argument conversions =FunctionCallsAndArgumentConversions
3 Structures
4 Introduction to Structures =Structures
4 Untagged structures and typedefs =UntaggedStructuresAndTypedefs
4 Structure member declarations =StructureMemberDeclarations
4 Structures and functions =StructuresAndFunctions
4 Structure member access =StructureMemberAccess
4 Structure word alignment =StructureWordAlignment
4 Structure name spaces =StructureNameSpaces
4 Incomplete declarations =IncompleteDeclarations
4 Bit fields =BitFields
3 Unions
4 Introduction to Unions =Unions
4 Anonymous unions (C++ only) =AnonymousUnions
4 Union declarations =UnionDeclarations
3 Enumerations
4 Enumerations =Enumerations
4 Assignment to enum types =AssignmentToEnumTypes
3 Expressions
4 Introduction to Expressions =Expressions
4 Precedence of Operators = Ops_Precedence
4 Expressions and C++ =ExpressionsAndCPP
4 Evaluation order =EvaluationOrder
4 Errors and overflows =ErrorsAndOverflows
3 Operators Summary
4 Operators Summary = Op_Summary
3 Primary Expression Operators
4 Primary Expression Operators = PrimaryExpressionOperators
3 Postfix Expression Operators
4 Postfix Expression Operators = Postfix_ops
5 Array subscript operator = bracket_ops
5 Function call operator = parens_ops
5 Direct member selector = Op_Period
5 Indirect member selector = Op_RightArrow
5 Increment/Decrement operators = inc_decrement
3 Unary operators
4 Unary operators = unary_ops
4 Reference/Indirect operators = ref_deref_ops
4 Plus/Minus operators = plus_minus
4 Arithmetic Operators = Arithmetic_ops
4 The sizeof operator = sizeof
3 Binary operators
4 Introduction to Binary operators = binary_ops
4 Multiplicative Operators = multiplicative_ops
4 Bitwise operators =Bitwise_Ops
4 Relational operators =Relational_Ops
4 Equality operators =EqualityOperators
4 Logical operators =Logical_Ops
4 Conditional Operator = conditional_op
4 Assignment Operators = assignment_ops
4 Comma Punctuator and Operator = comma_op
4 C++ Specific Operators = CPlus_ops
3 Statements
4 Introduction to Statements =Statements
4 Blocks =Blocks
4 Labeled statements =LabeledStatements
4 Expression statements =ExpressionStatements
4 Selection statements =SelectionStatements
4 Iteration statements =IterationStatements
4 Jump statements =JumpStatements
2 C++ specifics
3 Introduction to C++ specifics =CPPSpecifics
3 C++ namespaces
4 Namespaces overview = CPPNamespaces
4 Defining a namespace = DefiningANamespace
4 Declaring a namespace = ANamespace
4 Namespace alias = NamespaceAlias
4 Extending a namespace = ExtendingANamespace
4 Anonymous namespaces = AnonymousNamespaces
4 Accessing elements of a namespace = AccessingElementsOfANamespace
4 Using directive = UsingDirective
4 Using declaration = UsingDeclaration
4 Explicit access qualification = ExplicitAccessQualification
3 New-style typecasting overview
4 New-style typecasting =NewStyleTypecasting
4 const_cast = const_cast
4 dynamic_cast = dynamic_cast
4 reinterpret_cast = reinterpret_cast
4 static_cast = static_cast
3 Run-time type identification (RTTI)
4 Run-time type identification (RTTI) overview = RunTimeTypeIdentificationRTTIOverview
4 The typeid operator = typeid
5 _ _rtti and the -RT option = __rtti
5 -RT option and destructors = RTOptionAndDestructors
3 Referencing
4 Introduction to Referencing =Referencing
4 Simple references =SimpleReferences
4 Reference arguments =ReferenceArguments
3 The scope resolution operator
4 Scope resolution operator =ScopeResolutionOperator
3 The new and delete operators
4 operator new =new
4 operator delete =delete
4 operator new placement syntax = OperatorNewPlacementSyntax
4 Handling errors for the new operator =HandlingErrorsForTheNewOperator
4 The Operator new with Arrays = TheOperatorNewWithArrays
4 The Operator delete with Arrays = TheOperatorDeleteWithArrays
4 ::operator new = TheOperatorNew
4 Overloading the operator new = OverloadingNew
4 Overloading the operator delete = OverloadingDelete
4 Example of overloading the new and delete operators = OverloadingNewAndDelete_Ex
3 Classes
4 Introduction to Classes =CPPClasses
4 VCL class declarations =VCLClassDeclarations
4 Class names =ClassNames
4 Class types =ClassTypes
4 Class name scope =ClassNameScope
4 Class objects =ClassObjects
4 Class member list =ClassMemberList
4 Member functions =MemberFunctions
4 The keyword this =TheKeywordThis
5 Static members =StaticMembers
4 Inline functions
5 Introduction to Inline functions =InlineFunctions
5 Inline functions and exceptions =InlineFunctionsAndExceptions
4 Member scope
5 Introduction to Member scope =MemberScope
5 Nested types =NestedTypes
5 Member access control =MemberAccessControl
5 Base and derived class access =BaseAndDerivedClassAccess
4 Virtual base classes
5 Virtual base classes =VirtualBaseClasses
4 Friends of classes
5 Friends of classes =FriendsOfClasses
3 Constructors and destructors
4 Introduction to Constructors and destructors =ConstructorsAndDestructors
4 Constructors
5 Introduction to Constructors =Constructors
5 Constructor defaults =ConstructorDefaults
5 The copy constructor =TheCopyConstructor
5 Overloading constructors =OverloadingConstructors
5 Order of calling constructors =OrderOfCallingConstructors
5 Class initialization =ClassInitialization
4 Destructors
5 Introduction to Destructors =Destructors
5 Invoking destructors =InvokingDestructors
5 atexit, #pragma exit, and destructors =atexitPoundSignpragmaexitAndDestructors
5 exit and destructors =exitAndDestructors
5 abort and destructors =abortAndDestructors
5 Virtual destructors =VirtualDestructors
3 Operator overloading overview
4 Overloading Operators = Ops_Overload
4 How to construct a class of complex vectors
5 Example for Overloading Operators =OverloadingOperatorsExample
3 Overloading Operator Functions Overview
5 Overloading Operator Functions = OpsOverload_OperatorFunctions
5 Overloaded Operators and Inheritance = OpsOverload_OperatorsAndInheritance
5 Overloading Unary Operators = OpsOverload_UnaryOperators
5 Overloading Binary Operators = OpsOverload_BinaryOperators
5 Overloading the Assignment Operator = OpsOverload_AssignmentOperator
5 Overloading the Function Call Operator ( ) = OpsOverload_FunctionCallOperator
5 Overloading the Subscript Operator [ ] = OpsOverload_SubscriptOperator
5 Overloading the Class Member Access Operator -> = OpsOverload_ClassMemberAccessOperator
3 Polymorphic classes
4 Introduction to Polymorphic classes =PolymorphicClasses
4 virtual functions
5 Introduction to virtual functions =VirtualFunctions
5 virtual function return types =VirtualFunctionReturnTypes
4 Abstract classes
5 Abstract classes =AbstractClasses
3 C++ scope
4 Introduction to C++ scope =CPPScope
4 Class scope =ClassScope
4 Hiding =Hiding
4 C++ scoping rules summary =CPPScopingRulesSummary
3 Templates
5 Using Templates = Templates
5 Template Syntax = Template
5 Template Body Parsing =TemplateBodyParsing
4 Function templates overview
5 Function Templates = FunctionTemplates
5 Overriding a Template Function = OverridingATemplateFunction
5 Implicit and Explicit Template Functions = ImplicitAndExplicitTemplateFunctions
4 Class templates overview
5 Class Templates = ClassTemplates
5 Template Arguments = Arguments
5 Using Angle Brackets in Templates = AngleBrackets
5 Using Type-safe Generic Lists in Templates = TypesafeGenericLists
5 Eliminating Pointers in Templates = EliminatingPointers
4 Compiler template switches
5 Using Template Compiler Switches = TemplateCompilerSwitches
4 Exporting and importing templates
5 Exporting and importing templates =ExportingAndImportingTemplates
2 Coding in C++Builder
3 Creating forms in memory=CreatingFormsDefault
3 Creating forms at runtime=CreatingFormsRuntime
3 Passing parameters to forms=ParametersToForms
3 Retrieving data from forms=DataFromForms
3 Using Delphi forms in C++Builder projects=UsingDelphiForms
2 Dynamic-link libraries
3 What is a dynamic-link library?=WhatIsADLL
3 Using DLLs in C++Builder=UsingDLLs
3 Creating DLLs in C++Builder=CreatingDLLs
3 Compiling DLLs=CompilingDLLs
3 Creating DLLs containing VCL components=CreatingDLLsWithVCL
3 DLLs and String objects=DLLsAndStringObjects
2 Exception handling
5 C++ Exception Handling = Exceptions_CPP
5 Exception declarations = ExceptionDeclarations
5 Throwing an Exception = Exceptions_Throwing
5 Handling an Exception = Exceptions_Handling
5 Exception Specifications = Exceptions_Specifications
5 Constructors and Destructors in Exception Handling = Exceptions_ConstructorsAndDestructors
5 Unhandled Exceptions = Exceptions_Unhandled
5 C-Based Structured Exceptions = StructuredExceptions
5 Using C-Based Exceptions in C++ Programs = StructuredExceptionsInCPP
5 Handling C-Based Exceptions =HandlingCBasedExceptions
2 The Preprocessor
3 Preprocessor Directives
4 # (null directive) = PndSnnull
4 Preprocessor Directives = PreprocessorDirectives
3 Defining and undefining macros
4 #define = PndSndefine
4 #undef = PndSnUndef
4 Using the-D and -U Command-line Options = DAndUOptions
4 Keywords and Protected Words as Macros = KeywordsandProtectedWords
3 Macros with Parameters overview
4 Macros with Parameters = MacrosWithParameters
4 Nesting Parentheses and Commas = define_NestingParensAndCommas
4 Token Pasting with ## = define_TokenPasting
4 Converting to Strings with # = define_ConvertingToStrings
4 Using the Backslash (\) for Line Continuation = define_UsingTheBackslash
4 Side Effects and Other Dangers = define_SideEffects
3 File inclusion with #include
4 #include = PndSnInclude
4 Header File Search with <header_name> = HeaderFileSearchWithBrackets
4 Header File Search with "header_name" = HeaderFileSearchWithQuotes
3 Conditional compilation overview
4 Conditional compilation =ConditionalCompilation
4 operator defined = defined
4 #if, #elif, #else, and #endif conditional directives = PndSnif
4 #ifdef and #ifndef conditional directives = PndSnifdef
3 The #line control directive
4 #line = PndSnLine
3 The #error directive
4 #error = PndSnerror
3 Pragma directives overview
4 Pragma summary = PndSnpragma
4 #pragma anon_struct =PragmaAnon_Struct
4 #pragma argsused = PndSnpragmaArgsused
4 #pragma codeseg = PndSnpragmaCodeseg
4 #pragma comment = PndSnpragmaComment
4 #pragma exit and #pragma startup = PndSnpragmaExitAndPndSnpragmaStartup
4 #pragma hdrfile = PndSnpragmaHdrfile
4 #pragma hdrstop = PndSnpragmaHdrstop
4 #pragma inline = PndSnpragmaInline
4 #pragma intrinsic = PndSnpragmaIntrinsic
4 #pragma message = PndSnpragmaMessage
4 #pragma option = PndSnpragmaOption
4 #pragma resource =PndSnpragmaResource
4 #pragma warn = PndSnpragmaWarn
3 Predefined macros overview
4 Predefined macros = Macros_Predefined
2 C++Builder programming for C++ programmers
3 The property-method-event model=PropMethEvntModel
3 Components vs. classes=CompvsClass
3 Properties vs. setter/getter functions=PropvsSetGet
3 Working with legacy code=WorkingWithLegacyCode
3 Conversion of Delphi code to C++Builder
4 Hoisted constructors =HoistedConstructors
4 Delphi function return types =DelphiFunctionReturnTypes
2 C++ language support for the VCL
3 C++ language support for the VCL=LanguageSupportForTheVCL
3 Support for Delphi data types =SupportForDelphiDataTypes
3 Special Delphi Parameter Types =SpecialDelphiParameterTypes
3 Properties overview
4 Properties =Properties
4 Property attributes =PropertyAttributes
4 Property operators = PropertyOperators
4 Hoisted properties =HoistedProperties
4 Property declarations = PropertyDeclarations
4 Array properties =ArrayProperties
3 Access specifiers overview
4 Access specifiers =AccessSpecifiers
4 Published properties =PublishedProperties
4 OLE automation support =OLEAutomationSupport
3 Open arrays overview
4 Open arrays = OpenArrays
4 Temporary arrays arguments = TemporaryArrayArguments
4 Existing array arguments =ExistingArrayArguments
3 Exception handling overview
4 Exception handling support for Delphi=ExceptionHandlingSupport
4 Operating system exceptions =OperatingSystemExceptions
4 Delphi exceptions = DelphiExceptions
4 Portability considerations =PortabilityConsiderations
3 Limitations
4 Limitations=Limitations
2 Extended Delphi Data Types Overview
3 Extended Delphi data types = ExtendedDelphiDataTypes
3 Set data type = SetDataType
3 Set reference = SetReference
3 AnsiString data type = AnsiStringDataType
3 AnsiString reference =AnsiStringReference
3 Variant data type = VariantDataType
3 Variant reference = VariantReference
3 TDateTime data type = TDateTimeClass
3 TDateTime reference = TDateTimeReference
3 Currency data type = CurrencyClass
3 Currency reference = CurrencyReference
2 OLE automation
3 OLE automation=newOLEAutomation
3 Automating another application=newOLEAutomationClient
3 Example=newOLEAutomationClientEx
3 About OLE automation servers=newAboutOLEAutoServers
3 In-process and out-of-process servers=newProcessServers
3 Automation object instancing=newAutomationObjectInstancing
3 The Automation object=newTheAutomationObject
3 About OLE automation objects=newAboutOLEAutoObjects
3 Creating an OLE automation server=newOLEAutomationServer
3 Creating the automation server=newCreatinganAutomationServer
3 Automating properties and methods=newAutomatingPropertiesAndMethods
2 ANSI implementation-specific standards
3 ANSI implementation-specific standards = ANSIImplSpecs
2 Keyword alphabetical reference
3 Keyword index =KeywordIndex
3 Keyword categories =KeywordIndex_Categories