PC World Komputer 1997 May
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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
396 lines
1 Borland C++Builder User's Guide
2 Getting started
3 First look=FirstlkFirstLook
3 Starting C++Builder=FirstlkStartingC++Builder
3 Accessing commands fast=FirstlkAccessingCommandsFast
3 Displaying commands in context=FirstlkDisplayingCommandsInContext
3 Designing applications=FirstlkDesigningApplications
3 Creating the application interface=FirstlkCreatingTheApplicationInterface
3 Adding components=FirstlkAddingComponents
3 Changing component behavior=FirstlkChangingComponentBehavior
3 Designing menus=FirstlkDesigningMenus
3 Developing applications=FirstlkDevelopingApplications
3 Editing code=FirstlkEditingCode
3 Managing project files=FirstlkManagingProjectFiles
3 Storing application objects=FirstlkStoringApplicationObjects
3 Using the online Help system=FirstlkUsingTheOnlineHelpSystem
3 Getting Help=FirstlkGettingHelp
3 Displaying online information=FirstlkDisplayingOnlineInformation
3 Displaying context-sensitive information=FirstlkDisplayingContextSensitiveInformation
3 Customizing Help=FirstlkCustomizingHelp
3 Writing database applications=FirstlkWritingDatabaseApplications
3 Compiling and running applications=FirstlkCompilingAndRunningApplications
3 Debugging applications=FirstlkDebuggingApplications
3 Deploying applications=FirstlkDeployingApplications
2 Using the Borland C++Builder IDE
3 Form editor
4 Using the Form editor=FormEditor
4 Opening a context menu=OpeningAcontext menu
3 Code editor
4 Using the Code editor=UseCodeWindow
4 Code editor Window=CEWindow
4 Behind the scenes in the Code editor=CEBehindtheScenes
4 Getting Help in the Code editor=CEHelp
4 Viewing pages in the Code editor Window=CEViewingPages
3 Menus
4 File menu=IDH_MFile
4 Edit menu=IDH_MEdit
4 Search menu=IDH_MSearch
4 View menu=IDH_MView
4 Project menu=IDH_MProject
4 Run menu=IDH_MRun
4 Component menu=IDH_MComponent
4 Database menu=IDH_MDatabase
4 Workgroups menu=IDH_MWPVCS
4 Tools menu=IDH_MTools
4 Options menu=IDH_MOptions
4 Help menu=IDH_MHelp
3 Search options
4 Regular expressions=IDH_RegularExpressions
4 Brief regular expressions=BRIEFRegularExpressions
3 ToolBar
4 About the ToolBar=BToolbar
3 Using the Component palette
4 About the Component palette=IDH_BComponentPalette
4 Customizing the Component palette=CustomizingTheIDE
4 Saving a customized Component palette=SavingaCustomizedComponentPalette
4 Rearranging Component palette pages=RearrangingComponentpalettepages
4 Rearranging components on the Component palette=RearrangingcomponentsontheComponentpalette
4 Moving a component to a different Component palette page=MovingacomponenttoadifferentComponentpalettepage
4 Renaming Component palette pages=RenamingaComponentpalettepage
4 Adding pages to the Component palette=AddingpagestotheComponentpalette
4 Removing pages from the Component palette=RemovingpagesfromtheComponentpalette
4 Removing components from the Component palette=RemovingcomponentsfromtheComponentpalette
3 Using the Object Inspector
4 Introducing the Object Inspector=IDH_ObjectInspector
3 Using the Object Repository
4 Introducing the Object Repository=AboutTheObjectRepository
4 Object Repository usage options=ObjectRepositoryUsageOptions
4 Using project templates from the Object Repository=ProjMgrUsingProjectTemplates
4 Customizing defaults in the Object Repository=CustomizingTheObjectRepository
4 Using the Object Repository in a shared development environment=ProjmgrUsingTheObjectRepositoryInASharedEnvironment
3 Using the Alignment Palette
4 Alignment palette=IDH_AlignmentPalette
2 Creating and managing projects
3 Creating and managing projects=ProjmgrCreatingAndManagingProjects
3 What is a C++Builder project?=ProjmgrWhatIsAC++BuilderProject
3 Details about project files
4 C++Builder project files=ProjmgrC++BuilderProjectFiles
4 Project files=ProjmgrProjectFiles
4 Project1.CPP=ProjmgrProject1Cpp
4 Project1.MAK=ProjmgrProject1Mak
4 Project1.RES=ProjmgrProject1Res
4 Form files=ProjmgrFormFiles
4 Unit1.DFM=ProjmgrUnit1Dfm
4 Unit1.CPP and Unit1.h=ProjmgrUnit1CPPAndUnit1H
4 Unit files=ProjmgrUnitFiles
4 Desktop file=ProjmgrDesktopFile
4 About form and unit files=ProjmgrAboutFormAndUnitFiles
4 Unit files for forms=ProjmgrUnitFilesForForms
4 Standalone unit files=ProjmgrStandaloneUnitFiles
3 Saving and naming files
4 Saving and naming C++Builder files=ProjmgrSavingAndNamingC++BuilderFiles
4 Saving all open project files=ProjmgrSavingAllOpenProjectFiles
4 Saving a new project=ProjmgrSavingANewProject
4 Naming unit files=ProjmgrNamingUnitFiles
4 Naming project files=ProjmgrNamingProjectFiles
4 Saving an existing project=ProjmgrSavingAnExistingProject
4 Saving individual project files=ProjmgrSavingIndividualProjectFiles
4 Changing a file name=ProjmgrChangingAFileName
4 Removing files from a project=ProjmgrRemovingFilesFromAProject
4 Copying a project=ProjmgrCopyingAProject
4 Backing up a project=ProjmgrBackingUpAProject
4 Viewing project files=ProjmgrViewingProjectFiles
3 About the Project Manger
4 Using the Project Manager=ProjmgrUsingTheProjectManager
4 Project Manager file list=ProjmgrProjectManagerFileList
4 Project Manager toolbar=ProjmgrProjectManagerToolbar
4 Project Manager status bar=ProjmgrProjectManagerStatusBar
4 Project Manager context menu=ProjmgrProjectManagerContextMenu
4 Integrating forms and units into a project=ProjmgrIntegratingFormsAndUnitsIntoAProject
4 Adding form and unit files=ProjmgrAddingFormAndUnitFiles
4 Sharing files from other projects or directories=ProjmgrSharingFilesFromOtherProjectsOrDirectories
4 Using Borland C++, C, or Pascal source code units=ProjmgrUsingBorlandC++COrPascalSourceCodeUnits
4 Using the Project Manager to view forms and units=ProjmgrUsingTheProjectManagerToViewFormsAndUnits
4 Navigating among project components=ProjmgrNavigatingAmongProjectComponents
4 Bringing a window to the front=ProjmgrBringingAWindowToTheFront
3 About the Object Repository
4 Using the Object Repository=ProjmgrUsingTheObjectRepository
4 About the Object Repository=ProjmgrAboutTheObjectRepository
4 Sharing objects across projects=ProjmgrSharingObjectsAcrossProjects
4 Sharing forms within projects=ProjmgrSharingFormsWithinProjects
4 Sharing entire projects=ProjmgrSharingEntireProjects
4 Using wizards=ProjmgrUsingWizards
4 Using Object Repository items=ProjmgrUsingObjectRepositoryItems
4 Copying items from the Object Repository=ProjmgrCopyingItemsFromTheObjectRepository
4 Inheriting items from the Object Repository=ProjmgrInheritingItemsFromTheObjectRepository
4 Using items directly from the Object Repository=ProjmgrUsingItemsDirectlyFromTheObjectRepository
4 Using project templates=ProjmgrUsingProjectTemplates
4 Adding projects to the Object Repository=ProjmgrAddingProjectsToTheObjectRepository
4 Saving form templates=ProjmgrSavingFormTemplates
4 Customizing the Object Repository=ProjmgrCustomizingTheObjectRepository
4 Specifying a default new project=ProjmgrSpecifyingADefaultNewProject
4 Specifying a default new form=ProjmgrSpecifyingADefaultNewForm
4 Specifying the default main form=ProjmgrSpecifyingTheDefaultMainForm
4 Using the Object Repository in a shared environment=ProjmgrUsingTheObjectRepositoryInASharedEnvironment
2 Creating forms
3 Creating forms=FormsCreatingForms
3 Creating a C++Builder application=FormsCreatingAC++BuilderApplication
3 What are forms?=FormsWhatAreForms
3 What are components?=FormsWhatAreComponents
3 Creating a form=FormsCreatingAForm
3 Placing components on a form=FormsPlacingComponentsOnAForm
3 Understanding components
4 Understanding components=FormsUnderstandingComponents
4 Component hierarchy=FormsComponentHierarchy
4 What components do=FormsWhatComponentsDo
4 C++Builder component groupings=FormsC++BuilderComponentGroupings
4 Common component elements=FormsCommonComponentElements
4 Naming components used in your application=FormsNamingComponentsUsedInYourApplication
4 Changing the name of a component=FormsChangingTheNameOfAComponent
3 Using components
4 Manipulating components in forms=FormsManipulatingComponentsInForms
4 Adding components to a form=FormsAddingComponentsToAForm
4 Adding components in a specific location=FormsAddingComponentsInASpecificLocation
4 Adding multiple copies of a component=FormsAddingMultipleCopiesOfAComponent
4 Organizing components=FormsOrganizingComponents
4 Grouping components=FormsGroupingComponents
4 Adding multiple copies of a component to a container=FormsAddingMultipleCopiesOfAComponentToAContainer
3 Aligning components
4 Aligning components=FormsAligningComponents
4 Aligning using the Alignment palette=FormsAligningUsingTheAlignmentPalette
4 Aligning using the Alignment dialog box=FormsAligningUsingTheAlignmentDialogBox
4 Aligning components using the grid=FormsAligningComponentsUsingTheGrid
4 Setting grid options=FormsSettingGridOptions
4 Snapping to grid=FormsSnappingToGrid
4 Changing grid size=FormsChangingGridSize
4 Locking the position of components=FormsLockingThePositionOfComponents
3 Viewing forms and units
4 Viewing forms=FormsViewingForms
4 Viewing units=FormsViewingUnits
4 Setting component properties=FormsSettingComponentProperties
3 About the Object Inspector
4 About the Object Inspector=FormsAboutTheObjectInspector
4 Properties page=FormsPropertiesPage
4 Events page=FormsEventsPage
4 How the Object Inspector displays properties=FormsHowTheObjectInspectorDisplaysProperties
4 Tabbing to specific properties=FormsTabbingToSpecificProperties
4 Changing component properties=FormsChangingComponentProperties
4 Displaying and setting shared properties=FormsDisplayingAndSettingSharedProperties
3 Building dialog boxes
4 Building dialog boxes=FormsBuildingDialogBoxes
4 Developing customized dialog boxes=FormsDevelopingCustomizedDialogBoxes
4 Making a dialog box modal or modeless=FormsMakingADialogBoxModalOrModeless
4 Setting form properties for a dialog box=FormsSettingFormPropertiesForADialogBox
4 Specifying a caption for a dialog box=FormsSpecifyingACaptionForADialogBox
4 Creating standard command buttons=FormsCreatingStandardCommandButtons
4 Executing button code on Esc=FormsExecutingButtonCodeOnEsc
4 Executing button code on Enter=FormsExecutingButtonCodeOnEnter
4 Closing a dialog box when the user chooses a button=FormsClosingADialogBoxWhenTheUserChoosesAButton
4 Setting the tab order=FormsSettingTheTabOrder
4 Setting tabs with the Edit Tab Order dialog box=FormsSettingTabsWithTheEditTabOrderDialogBox
4 Setting tabs with the Tab Order property=FormsSettingTabsWithTheTabOrderProperty
4 Testing the tab order=FormsTestingTheTabOrder
4 Removing a component from the tab order=FormsRemovingAComponentFromTheTabOrder
4 Disabling components=FormsDisablingComponents
3 Runtime tasks
4 Managing forms at runtime=FormsManagingFormsAtRuntime
4 Setting properties at runtime=FormsSettingPropertiesAtRuntime
4 Specifying the project main form=FormsSpecifyingTheProjectMainForm
4 Specifying forms to auto-create=FormsSpecifyingFormsToAutoCreate
4 Controlling the form auto-create order=FormsControllingTheFormAutoCreateOrder
4 Instantiating forms at runtime=FormsInstantiatingFormsAtRuntime
3 Working with forms and the Object Repository
4 Using predesigned forms=FormsUsingPredesignedForms
4 Adding an existing form=FormsAddingAnExistingForm
4 Creating form templates=FormsCreatingFormTemplates
4 Inheriting from forms in the Object Repository=FormsInheritingFromFormsInTheObjectRepository
4 Sharing forms=FormsSharingForms
4 Linking forms=FormsLinkingForms
2 Creating and using menus
3 About the Menu Designer=IDH_MenuDesigner
3 Opening the Menu Designer=OpeningTheMenuDesigner
3 Naming
4 Naming menus=NamingMenus
4 Naming menu items=NamingMenuItems
4 Naming conventions for template menu items and event handlers=NamingConventionsForTemplateMenus
3 Creating menus
4 Adding menu items=AddingMenuItems
4 Adding menu items dynamically=AddingMenuCommandsDynamically
4 Inserting a menu item=Insertingamenuitem
4 Deleting a menu item=Deletingamenuitem
4 Specifying accelerator keys=AccelKeys
4 Specifying keyboard shortcuts=SpecifyingKeyboardShortCuts
4 Creating nested menus=CreatingNestedMenus
4 Moving menu items=MovingMenuItems
4 Merging menus=MergingMenus
3 Using menus
4 Viewing the menu=ViewingTheMenu
4 Editing menu items without opening the Menu Designer=SettingMenuItemPropertiesbyusingtheObjectInspector
4 Switching amoung menus at design time=NavigatingMenus
4 Importing menus from resource files=ImpRC
3 Menu templates
4 Using menu templates=UsingMenuTemplates
4 Saving a menu as a template=CreatingReusableMenus
2 Using the Code editor
3 Working with the Code editor=CodeWorkingWithTheCodeEditor
3 Viewing files in the Code editor=CodeViewingFilesInTheCodeEditor
3 Code editor context menu=CodeCodeEditorContextMenu
3 Searching in the Code editor=CodeSearchingInTheCodeEditor
3 Viewing components as code in the editor=CodeViewingComponentsAsCodeInTheEditor
3 Viewing the associated form=CodeViewingTheAssociatedForm
3 Customizing the editor=CodeCustomizingTheEditor
3 Selecting a default editor=CodeSelectingADefaultEditor
3 Choosing color settings for the editor=CodeChoosingColorSettingsForTheEditor
3 Specifying display and file options=CodeSpecifyingDisplayAndFileOptions
2 Working with event handlers
3 Working with event handlers=EventsWorkingWithEventHandlers
3 Generating the default event handler=EventsGeneratingTheDefaultEventHandler
3 Writing an event handler=EventsWritingAnEventHandler
3 Locating an existing event handler=EventsLocatingAnExistingEventHandler
3 Associating an event with an existing event handler=EventsAssociatingAnEventWithAnExistingEventHandler
3 Writing an event handler for multiple component events=EventsWritingAnEventHandlerForMultipleComponentEvents
3 Displaying and coding shared events=EventsDisplayingAndCodingSharedEvents
3 Displaying shared events=EventsDisplayingSharedEvents
3 Creating an event handler for a shared event=EventsCreatingAnEventHandlerForASharedEvent
3 Modifying a shared event handler=EventsModifyingASharedEventHandler
3 Deleting event handlers=EventsDeletingEventHandlers
3 Coding menu events=EventsCodingMenuEvents
3 Menu component events=EventsMenuComponentEvents
3 Handling menu item events=EventsHandlingMenuItemEvents
3 Associating a menu item with an existing event handler=EventsAssociatingAMenuItemWithAnExistingEventHandler
3 Writing an event handler for the Help|Memory Info menu=EventsWritingAnEventHandlerForTheHelp|MemoryInfoMenu
2 Programming VCL Objects
3 Programming with VCL objects=ObjectProgrammingWithVCLObjects
3 What is an object?=ObjectWhatIsAnObject
3 Examining a C++Builder object and its class=ObjectExaminingAC++BuilderObjectAndItsClass
3 Changing the name of a component=ObjectChangingTheNameOfAComponent
3 Inheriting data and code from a class=ObjectInheritingDataAndCodeFromAClass
3 Objects, components, and controls
4 Objects, components, and controls=ObjectObjectsComponentsAndControls
4 Object scope=ObjectObjectScope
4 Accessing components on another form=ObjectAccessingComponentsOnAnotherForm
4 Scope and descendants of a class=ObjectScopeAndDescendantsOfAClass
4 Overriding a method=ObjectOverridingAMethod
4 Public and private declarations=ObjectPublicAndPrivateDeclarations
4 Accessing object data members and methods=ObjectAccessingObjectDataMembersAndMethods
4 Assigning values to object variables=ObjectAssigningValuesToObjectVariables
4 Creating nonvisual objects=ObjectCreatingNonvisualObjects
4 Creating an instance of an object=ObjectCreatingAnInstanceOfAnObject
4 Destroying your object=ObjectDestroyingYourObject
2 Setting project options
3 Setting project options=SettingProjectOptionsAndCompiling
3 The Project Options dialog box=IDH_OProject
3 Changing the defaults for new projects=ChangingTheDefaultsForNewProjects
3 The .MAK file=.MAKFile
3 Project source file=ProjectSourceFile
3 Setting advanced project options=CppBuilderOptions
3 Optimizing C++Builder compile times=OptimizingCompileTimes
2 Compiling, building, and running projects
3 Compiling a single file=CompilingASingleFile
3 Making a project=MakingAProject
3 Building a project=BuildingAProject
3 Running a project=RunningAProject
3 Managing multiple project versions and team development=ManagingMultipleProjectVersionsAndTeamDevelopment
2 Debugging your program
3 About the Debugger=AboutDebugger
3 Types of errors
4 Compile time errors=CompiletimeErrors
4 Run-time errors=RunTimeErrors
4 Logic errors=LogicErrors
3 The debugging proccess
4 Fixing syntax errors=FixingSyntaxErrors
4 Planning a debugging strategy=Planning_a_debugging_strategy
4 Using the integrated debugger=Using_the_integrated_debugger
3 Getting started with the debugger
4 Preparing your project for debugging=Preparing_your_project_for_debugging
4 Generating debug information for your project=Generating_debug_information_for_your_project
4 Enabling the Debugger=Enabling_the_Debugger
4 Debugging VCL source=Debugging_VCL_source
3 Running a program
4 Running your program in the IDE=Running_your_program_in_the_IDE
4 Debugging with program arguments
3 Program execution
4 Controlling program execution=ControllingProgramExecution
4 Running to the Cursor=RunningToTheCursor
4 Stepping
5 Overview of stepping = Stepping
5 Stepping over code=SteppingOverCode
5 Tracing into code=TracingIntoCode
4 Running to a breakpoint=Running_to_a_breakpoint
4 Interrupting program execution=Interrupting_program_execution
4 Pausing your program=Pausing_Your_Program
4 Restarting your program=Restaringyourprogram
3 Fixing program errors=FixingProgramErrors
3 Breakpoints
4 Using breakpoints=Breakpoints
4 Setting breakpoints=SettingBreakpoints
4 The Breakpoint list window=IDH_BreakpointList
4 Modifying breakpoint properties=ModifyingBreakpointProperties
4 Conditional breakpoints
5 Creating conditional breakpoints=Creating_conditional_breakpoints
5 Creating Boolean expressions=Creating_Boolean_expressions
5 Using pass counts=Using_pass_counts
4 More about breakpoints
5 Locating breakpoints=LocatingBreakpoints
5 Disabling and enabling breakpoints=DisablingEnablingBreakpoints
5 Deleting breakpoints=DeletingBreakpoints
3 Examining data
4 Examining program data values=ExaminingProgramDataValues
4 Modifying program data values=ModifyingProgramDataValues
4 Watches
5 Watch expressions=WatchExpressions
5 The Watch List window=IDH_WatchList
5 Setting watch properties=Setting_watch_properties
5 Formatting watch expressions=Formatting_watch_expressions
5 Enabling and disabling watches=Enabling_and_disabling_watches
5 Deleting watches=DeletingWatches
4 Evaluating and modifying data
4 Evaluating and modifying expressions=Evaluating_and_modifying_expressions
4 Evaluating expressions=Evaluating_expressions
4 Modifying variables=ModifyingVariables
4 Inspectors
5 Inspecting data elements=IDH_InspectingDataElements
5 Inspector Window=IDH_InspectorWindow
5 Inspecting scalar variables=Inspecting_scalar_variables
5 Inspecting pointers and arrays=Inspecting_pointers_and_arrays
5 Inspecting C++ Structure and Union=Inspecting_C++_Structure_and_Union
5 Inspecting functions=Inspecting_functions
5 Isolating the view in an Inspector window=IsolatingTheViewInAnInspectorWindow
5 Changing the value of Inspector items=ChangingTheValueOfInspectorItems
5 Selecting a range of data items=SelectingARangeOfDataItems
3 Displaying low-level information
4 The CPU window=IDH_CPUWindow
3 Disassembly pane=IDH_DisassemblyPane
3 Memory Dump pane=IDH_DumpPane
3 Machine Stack pane=IDH_StackPane
3 Registers pane=IDH_RegistersPane
3 Flags pane=IDH_FlagsPane
3 Viewing function calls
4 Locating function calls=LocatingFunctionCalls
4 Call stack window=IDH_CallStackWindow
3 More about the debugger
4 Customizing the colors of the execution point and breakpoints=Customizing_the_colors_of_the_execution_point_and_breakpoints
4 Logging debug messages=Logging_debug_messages
4 Debugging start-up code=DebuggingStartupCode
4 Handling hardware and software exceptions=HandlingExceptionsDebugger
4 Debugging multi-threaded applications=DebuggingMulitThreadedApplications
4 Debugging class member functions=DebuggingClassMemberFunctions
4 Debugging External Code=DebuggingExternalCode
4 Debugging dynamic-link libraries=DebuggingDynamicLinkLibraries
2 Advanced project options
3 Setting options in C++Builder=CppBuilderOptions
4 Compiler-specific options=CompilerOptions
4 C++-specific options=CppOptions
4 Optimization options=OptimizationOptions
4 Warning message options=WarningOptions
4 Linker options=LinkerOptions
2 Using and adding tools
3 Using highlighting=UsingSyntaxHigh
3 Transfer macros=IDH_TransferMacros
3 Database Desktop=IDH_MToolsDatabaseDesktop
3 Adding programs to the Tools menu=IDH_AddingProgramsToolsMenu
2 Glossary
3 Glossary terms=Glossary