PC World Komputer 1997 May
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How to obtain updates to the shareware version over the net:
If you have FTP access, you can always get the most up-to date version of
F-PROT by anonymous FTP from a number of sites. Our primary method of
distribution is through Simtel and Garbo, and all "mirrors" of those sites
should always carry an up-to-date version of F-PROT.
The primary locations are
xxx stands for the version number, for example 224 in version 2.24.
The Simtel archive is mirrored on numerous sites, and in general you
should use the one that is closest to you geographically.
Country Host Directory
--------- ---------------------- -------------------
Australia ftp.bhp.com.au /pub/simtelnet
Australia ftp.iniaccess.net.au /pub/simtelnet
Australia ftp.tas.gov.au /pub/simtelnet
Austria ftp.univie.ac.at /mirror/simtelnet
Belgium ftp.linkline.be /mirror/simtelnet
Belgium ftp.tornado.be /pub/simtelnet
Brazil ftp.iis.com.br /pub/simtelnet
Brazil ftp.unicamp.br /pub/simtelnet
Canada ftp.crc.doc.ca /systems/ibmpc/simtelnet
Canada ftp.direct.ca /pub/simtelnet
Chile sunsite.dcc.uchile.cl /pub/Mirror/simtelnet
China ftp.pku.edu.cn /pub/simtelnet
Czech Republic ftp.eunet.cz /pub/simtelnet
Czech Republic pub.vse.cz /pub/simtelnet
Czech Republic ftp.zcu.cz /pub/simtelnet
Finland ftp.funet.fi /mirrors/ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet
France ftp.grolier.fr /pub/simtelnet
France ftp.ibp.fr /pub/simtelnet
Germany ftp.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de /pub/simtelnet
Germany ftp.tu-chemnitz.de /pub/simtelnet
Germany ftp.uni-heidelberg.de /pub/simtelnet
Germany ftp.uni-magdeburg.de /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de /pub/simtelnet
Germany ftp.uni-trier.de /pub/pc/mirrors/simtelnet
Germany ftp.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de /pub/pc/simtelnet
Greece ftp.ntua.gr /pub/pc/simtelnet
Hong Kong ftp.cs.cuhk.hk /pub/simtelnet
Hong Kong ftp.hkstar.com /pub/simtelnet
Hong Kong sunsite.ust.hk /pub/simtelnet
Italy cis.utovrm.it /simtelnet
Italy ftp.flashnet.it /pub/simtelnet
Italy ftp.unina.it /pub/simtelnet
Italy mcftp.mclink.it /pub/simtelnet
Japan ftp.iij.ad.jp /pub/simtelnet
Japan ftp.riken.go.jp /pub/simtelnet
Japan ftp.saitama-u.ac.jp /pub/simtelnet
Japan ftp.u-aizu.ac.jp /pub/PC/simtelnet
Japan ring.aist.go.jp /pub/simtelnet
Japan ring.asahi-net.or.jp /pub/simtelnet
Latvia ftp.lanet.lv /pub/mirror/simtelnet
Malaysia ftp.jaring.my /pub/simtelnet
Malaysia ftp.mimos.my /pub/simtelnet
Mexico ftp.gdl.iteso.mx /pub/simtelnet
Netherlands ftp.euro.net /d5/simtelnet
Netherlands ftp.nic.surfnet.nl /mirror-archive/software/simtelnet
New Zealand ftp.vuw.ac.nz /pub/simtelnet
Norway ftp.bitcon.no /pub/simtelnet
Poland ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl /pub/mirror/Simtel.Net
Poland ftp.icm.edu.pl /pub/simtelnet
Poland ftp.man.poznan.pl /pub/simtelnet
Portugal ftp.ip.pt /pub/simtelnet
Portugal ftp.ua.pt /pub/simtelnet
Romania ftp.sorostm.ro /pub/simtelnet
Slovenia ftp.arnes.si /software/simtelnet
South Africa ftp.is.co.za /pub/simtelnet
South Africa ftp.sun.ac.za /pub/simtelnet
South Korea ftp.nuri.net /pub/simtelnet
South Korea ftp.sogang.ac.kr /pub/simtelnet
Spain ftp.rediris.es /mirror/simtelnet
Sweden ftp.sunet.se /pub/simtelnet
Switzerland ftp.switch.ch /mirror/simtelnet
Taiwan ftp.ncu.edu.tw /Packages/simtelnet
Taiwan nctuccca.edu.tw /mirror/simtelnet
Thailand ftp.nectec.or.th /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
UK, Edinburgh emwac.ed.ac.uk /mirrors/simtelnet
UK, London ftp.demon.co.uk /pub/simtelnet
UK, Liverpool ftp.mersinet.co.uk /pub/simtelnet
UK, Lancaster micros.hensa.ac.uk /pub/simtelnet
UK, London sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk /packages/simtelnet
US, California ftp.cdrom.com /pub/simtelnet
US, California ftp.digital.com /pub/micro/pc/simtelnet
US, Illinois uiarchive.cso.uiuc.edu /pub/systems/pc/simtelnet
US, Mass. ftp.bu.edu /pub/mirrors/simtelnet
US, Michigan oak.oakland.edu /pub/simtelnet
US, New York ftp.rge.com /pub/systems/simtelnet
US, Oklahoma ftp.ou.edu /pub/simtelnet
US, Oregon ftp.orst.edu /pub/simtelnet
US, Utah ftp.cyber-naut.com /pub/simtelnet
US, Virginia mirrors.aol.com /pub/simtelnet
For people in remote corners of the world, without reliable FTP or WWW
access, we offer the "F-PROT by E-mail" service.
To use this service, you MUST be able to handle multiple-part uu-, xx-
or mime-encoded mail messages. Please do not waste your (and ours) time by
using this service if you do not already have the software to decode such
messages, and keep in mind that this service is intended for those who
have no other alternative...that is, no FTP or WWW access.
To use this service you send an E-mail message to f-prot-update@complex.is
This is an automated mail server. No human will see your message, and if
it does not match the format described below, the mail server will just
respond with a standard help message.
For now the following commands are accepted by the mail server.
Please note that the commands must be in the body of the message, not in
the subject line or the header.
send-as: form
send-part: part_num
send-size: size_in_kilobytes
subscribe notice
unsubscribe notice
check notice
The 'send-as' command signifies the encoding that should be used in sending
the file by E-mail. 'form' must be one of: 'uue', 'xxe' or 'mime'.
If the 'send-as' command is 'mime', F-PROT will be sent as a MIME message
with Content-Type: message/partial.
send-part: requests transmission of a specific part. You should only use
this command if you are requesting re-transmission of a corrupted part.
send-size: requests that a specific size (in KB) is used for each part.
The size must be between 20 and 60.
If the 'send-as' command is 'mime', F-PROT will be sent as a MIME message
with Content-Type: message/partial.
send-version is used to check which version is currently available. Using
"finger f-prot@complex.is" is a better method, however.
To get an uuencoded copy of the current version of F-PROT, send a message
containing the following in the body to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' :
send-as: uue
If for some reason, the 6th part of the transmission failed, you could
send another message to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' containing the following
in the body:
send-as: uue
send-part: 6
To change the block size to about 20 Kilobytes, you could send a message
to 'f-prot-update@complex.is' containing the following in the body:
send-as: uue
send-size: 20
And if the 4th part of that transmission is lost, you could send the
following message to 'f-prot-update@complex.is':
send-as: uue
send-size: 20
send-part: 4
subscribe notice: Allows people to subscribe to a new version notice.
Subscribers will then receive announcement in e-mail when new versions of
F-PROT are available.
unsubscribe notice: Removes people from the new version notice list.
check notice: Sends back confirmation whether an address is subscribed or
Comments about this service should be addressed to: f-prot-request@complex.is
Suggestions for improvements are welcomed.