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INI File | 1995-08-07 | 2.6 KB | 124 lines |
- rem
- rem This is the default initialization file for Netscape. Netscape
- rem will look in win.ini in the [Netscape] section for the ini
- rem entry and expect this file to be there. Failing that, Netscape
- rem will look in the directory where it was launched for this file.
- rem
- rem If you install NetScape in a directory other than c:\netscape
- rem you should make sure that you update the "History File"
- rem and "File Location" (under "Bookmarks") to be pointers to
- rem files in valid directories that NetScape can write to or
- rem else you wont get global history or bookmarks across
- rem sessions. In addition, you should make sure the directory
- rem specified by "Cache Dir" exists and is writable.
- rem
- rem If you install LAN WorkPlace for Windows in a directory other
- rem than c:\net, modify the statement Tn3270=C:\NET\TN3270\TRMINL.EXE
- rem in the [Viewers] section of this file to point to the right directory.
- rem
- rem If you are having winsock problems you should try setting
- rem
- rem [Network]
- rem Use Async DNS=no
- rem
- rem you might also need to set
- rem
- rem [Network]
- rem Max Connections=1
- rem
- rem
- [Main]
- Autoload Home Page=yes
- Last Config Menu=3
- News RC=c:\newsrc
- Home Page=http://www.novell.com
- Fancy News=no
- Anchor Underline=yes
- Toolbar=yes
- Title/URL bar=yes
- Starter Buttons bar=yes
- Fancy FTP=yes
- Display Inline Images=yes
- Temp Directory=C:\temp
- [Cache]
- Memory Cache Size=600
- Disk Cache Size=5000
- Cache Dir=c:\netscape\cache
- [History]
- Expiration=30
- History File=c:\netscape\netscape.hst
- [Proxy Information]
- Http_Proxy=
- Ftp_Proxy=
- News_Proxy=
- Gopher_Proxy=
- Wais_Proxy=
- NO_Proxy=
- Http_PoxyPort=0
- Ftp_ProxyPort=0
- News_ProxyPort=0
- Gopher_ProxyPort=0
- Wais_ProxyPort=0
- [Services]
- NNTP_Server=news
- SMTP_Server=mail
- rem SOCKS_Server=socks
- [Network]
- Max Connections=4
- Use Async DNS=yes
- TCP Buffer=1024
- [Bookmark List]
- File Location=c:\netscape\bookmark.htm
- Add URLs Under=Top Level of Listing
- Start Menu With=Entire Listing
- [Tool Bar]
- Button Styles=2
- [Images]
- Dither=yes
- Incremental Display=yes
- [Settings]
- Blinking=yes
- [Main Window]
- x=5
- y=5
- width=630
- height=470
- [User]
- User_Name=
- User_Addr=
- User_Organization=
- Sig_File=
- [Cookies]
- Cookie File=c:\netscape\cookies.txt
- [Fonts]
- Proportional Family=Times New Roman
- Proportional Base Size=12
- Fixed Family=Courier New
- Fixed Base Size=10
- [Security]
- Warn Entering=yes
- Warn Leaving=yes
- Warn Mixed=yes
- Warn Insecure Forms=yes
- [Viewers]
- Telnet=presentr.exe -host %h -port %p
- Tn3270=C:\NET\TN3270\TRMINL.EXE