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Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo GetActiveWindow AddFontResource USER GetWindow GetWindowText LoadString KERNEL GetLogicalDriveStrings KERNEL GetDriveType isadmin IsAdmin Setup is now generating file lists...A Micrografxa Micrografx Suitea MgxSuite Micrografx Designera Micrografx ABC FlowChartera Micrografx ABC Media Managera Micrografx Picture Publisher( Setup is now generating file lists...A Micrografx ABC Media Manager Special Edition FileComponents SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SUITEFOLDERR Micrografx Micrografx Setup is preparing to copy files...A General! Adding registry entries... Creating Program Folder and Icons...( Newer versions of DLL you have will not be installed until you restart the machine.M Restart Windowsb6 Installation complete. Setup is complete.a To run your programs, double-click on the appropriate icon in the group folder. Setup is complete., Setup is complete.a To run your programs, go to the Windows 95 Start menu and select the appropriate icon. Setup is complete.b6 Micrografx ABC Media ManagerA Micrografx ABC Media ManagerA TITLE.BMP This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Setup is preparing to copy files...A Micrografx SetupaS Unable to create a directory under %s. Please check write access to this directory.b Micrografx Setupaa General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again./n/nError Number: %db9 designer.za designer.za system\*.*A MEDIAMAN.za Program FilesB designer.za help\*.*A Help FilesB fonts.za Font FilesB MGXFMA.Za Xlator FilesB Micrografx Setupa Insufficient hard drive space available. Your selection requires a total of about %d Megabytes of free space on your destination drive. Free up the space needed and try again.B SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABCPath1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera DSPath1R SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera PPPath1R Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\R ProgramFilesDir2~ Program Files\Micrografx% ABC Graphics Suite Micrografx% ABC Graphics Suite Program Files\Micrografx% ABC Graphics Suite ABC FlowCharter Designer Picture Publisher Program Files SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NTProgramFiles% Program FilesQ TESTFORNOVELL TEST1 The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid Pathb? The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid Pathb? The pathname you entered is not a valid path. Try a different directory and/or drive. Make sure you have write access if you are installing to a network. Micrografx Setup: Invalid Pathb? Software\Microsoft\Office Shortcut Bar\Toolbar RootR Office Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\R Programs2P Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b Micrografx Setupa] The application you are trying to install is currently running. Close %s and run Setup again.b _ISRES! _ISUSER! SYSTEM\# Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\R VersionNumber2 Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0a Current CollectionA ABC Media ManagerA SubjectA IconsA WindowRectA 134,367,326,537A Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0a Files NewCollectionPathA NewSubjectPathA Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0a Preferences HorzScrollA OnTopA ShowNamesA ShowThumbsA ThumbnailResolutionA TipsA CDPathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0a Catalog ABCMM.ecf ABC Media Managerb? Samples% Office.ecf Officeb@ Samples% Transpor.ecf Transportationb@ Samples% People.ecf Peopleb@ Software\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0a Current CollectionA PeopleA SubjectA Public1A Software\Microsoft\Word\7.0! CLSID\{00020900-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32R Copying Microsoft Office buttons...S Startup Micrografx ABC Media Manager.lnka Micrografx ABC Media Manager.lnk MEDIAMAN.Za Emword.*B MEDIAMAN.Za Emunwrd.*B MEDIAMAN.Za Emdeinst.wllB Micrografx Setup has detected Microsoft Office on your system. Do you want Micrografx program icons added to your MS Office applications?A Micrografxa ABC FlowCharter$ Floword.*a flodeins.wlla flounwrd.dll Micrografx Designera dsword.*a dsdeinst.wlla dsuniwrd.dll Micrografx Picture Publishera PPword.*a PPdeinst.wlla PPunwrd.dll Software\Microsoft\Excel\7.0! CLSID\{00020841-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer32R XLStart MEDIAMAN.Za Abcmm.xlaB MEDIAMAN.Za Emunexl.*B MEDIAMAN.Za Emdeinst.xlsB Floword.wlla Flow95.xlaa flodeins.xlsa flounexl.dll DSword.wlla Designer.xlaa DSdeinst.xlsa DSunexl.dll PPword.wlla pp.xlaa PPDeinst.xlsa PPunexl.dll MEDIAMAN.Zb did not uncompress.* MEDIAMAN.Zb MEDIAMAN.Zb MEDIAMAN.Zb did not uncompress.* MEDIAMAN.Zb MEDIAMAN.Zb MEDIAMAN.Zb Copying Micrografx ABC Media Manager files... MEDIAMAN.Za ABCMM.DLLB MEDIAMAN.Za ABCMM.EXEB MEDIAMAN.Za *.hlpB MEDIAMAN.Za ABCMMRES.DLLB MEDIAMAN.Za *.cntB ABCMM.ecfR MEDIAMAN.Za ABCMM.ecfB MEDIAMAN.Za Icons.sbjB ABCMM.EXE Micrografxa ABC Media Manager: Mgxclean.exe abc.app des60.app pp60.app fonts.app$ Removea Micrografx ABC Graphics Suite: Micrografxa ABC Media Manager: SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga Count2 SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga CountA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga Name2 SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga NameA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga PathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0\Cataloga CountA ABC60 System Netwin System ABCMM MGXFMA MGXSUITE MGXSUITE\System, ABC Media Manager MGXFMA Program Files\Micrografx Program Files\Micrografx\System *.GID system.za abcsuite.hlpB Samples Copying Micrografx ClipArt files... Clipart.za TARGETDIRa Custom CLIPART.Za Micrografx Sample ClipArtB Micrografx Sample ClipArtA This component includes approximately 150 pieces of Micrografx ClipArt. ISADMIN.DLL Micrografx Setupa You do not have Administrator write access. Make sure you log on as the Windows Administrator or contact your network administrator to install this program for you.+ ISADMIN.DLL SOFTWARE\Micrografx\UserR RegisteredOwner2~ RegisteredOrganization2~ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\( Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ RegisteredOwner2~ RegisteredOrganization2~ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\User# network! RegisteredOwnerA RegisteredOwnerA RegisteredOrganizationA ABCPath DSPath PPPath SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallerb SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABCMMFOLDERQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SUITEFOLDERQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart% SamplesQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office% Samples\OFFICEQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMM% Samples\OFFICE\COMMQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE1% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE2% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE3% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE3Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE4% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE4Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-COMPUTE5% Samples\OFFICE\COMPUTE5Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-GENERAL1% Samples\OFFICE\GENERAL1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-GENERAL2% Samples\OFFICE\GENERAL2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-LAN_1% Samples\OFFICE\LAN_1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-Office-LAN_2% Samples\OFFICE\LAN_2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE% Samples\PEOPLEQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-BUSINESS% Samples\PEOPLE\BUSINESSQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-HISTORIC% Samples\PEOPLE\HISTORICQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_1% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_1Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_2% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_2Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-PUBLIC_3% Samples\PEOPLE\PUBLIC_3Q SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-PEOPLE-US_PRES% Samples\PEOPLE\US_PRESQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR% Samples\TRANSPORQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-AIR% Samples\TRANSPOR\AIRQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-GROUND% Samples\TRANSPOR\GROUNDQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Clipart-TRANSPOR-SEA% Samples\TRANSPOR\SEAQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera MicrografxQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SystemQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera ABC Media ManagerQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera MGXFMAQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WindowsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WindowsLinksQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NetWinQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera NetWinSysQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Fonts% FontsQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera WinSystemQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera SuiteQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Uninstallera Copying Micrografx Uninstaller files..." SYSTEM.Za WIN\Mgxclean.exeB NETWORK.Za Z\SYSTEM.ZB SYSTEM.Za WIN\Mgxclean.exeB SYSTEM.Za APP\shared.sysB Copying Micrografx Spelling files... SYSTEM.Za Mgxspell.dllB SYSTEM.Za Hemis320.hphB SYSTEM.Za Ienc9311.dctB SYSTEM.Za Custom.dicB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\CTL3D32.DLLB Copying MFC files... SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MFCans32.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MFCuia32.dllB SYSTEM.Za WINSYS\MSVCRT20.DLLA SYSTEM.Za WIN\LEAD45.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WIN\MGXBM10.DLLB MGXFRM10.DLL SYSTEM.Zb? SYSTEM.Za WIN\PCDLIB32.DLLB Copying Rendering Engine files... Mgxrdr32.dll SYSTEM.Zb? Bitmap FiltersA AI ImportA AI ExportA CDR ImportA CGM ImportA CGM ExportA CMX ImportA DRW ImportA DRW ExportA DXF ImportA DXF ExportA DWG ImportA EPS/AI EPS ImportA EPS/AI EPS ExportA GEM ImportA GEM ExportA HGL ImportA HGL ExportA IGS ImportA IGS ExportA PCT ImportA PCT ExportA PRN/PS ImportA RND ImportA TIF ImportA TIF ExportA WMF/EMF ImportA WMF/EMF ExportA WPG ImportA WPG ExportA MGXFMA\6.0 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMM.EXE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMM.EXE PathA ABCMM.EXEQ Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMMCNV.EXE Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa ABCMMCNV.EXE PathA ABCMMCNV.EXEQ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Help, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Help ABCSuite.hlpA ABCmm.hlpA ABCmm.cntA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\ABC Media Manager\6.0% ABCMM.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa ABCMM Resources ABCMMRES.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa MGXFMA\6.0 MGXFMA.DLLQ PathA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa PPLibMgr\6.0 PPLIBMGR.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa MgxSpell MgxSpell.dllQ Hemis320.hphQ HyphenationA Ienc9311.dctQ DictionaryA Custom.dicQ CustomA SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Rendering Engine Mgxrdr32.dllQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Frame Library MGXFRM10.DLLQ SOFTWARE\Micrografx\Shared Toolsa Bitmap Filters MGXBM10.DLLQ Copying import/export filters... MGXFMA.Za IMDRW9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMDRW9.*B MGXFMA.Za IBTIF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EBTIF9.*B MGXFMA.Za IMWMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMWMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za EMEMF9.*B MGXFMA.Za DRWINT.*B MGXFMA.Za TIFINT.*B MGXFMA.Za WMFINT.*B MGXFMA.Za MGXFMA*.*B MGXFMA.Za *.hlpB MGXFMA.Za Isgdi32.*B MGXFMA.Za PPLIBMGR.DLLB Filters/Translators! Bitmap Filters! MGXFMA.Za PPLIBMGR.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WIN\PCDLIB32.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WIN\MGXFRM10.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WIN\MGXBM10.DLLB SYSTEM.Za WIN\LEAD45.DLLB MGXFMA.Zb Custom MGXFMA.Za *.fltB MGXFMA.Za *.iniB Filters/TranslatorsA Filters/TranslatorsA This component includes vector and raster filters and translators. Filters` Filters/TranslatorsA MGXFMA.Za LEAD45.DLLB MGXFMA.Za MGXBM10.DLLB MGXFMA.Za MGXFRM10.DLLB MGXFMA.Za PCDLIB32.DLLB MGXFMA.Za PPLIBMGR.DLLB Bitmap FiltersB Bitmap FiltersA PPF, PP5, PP4, TIF, TGA, GIF, BMP, DIB, PCX, JPG, PCD and SCT MGXFMA.Za IMPS_9.*B AI ImportB Import filtera Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ files` AI ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMPS_9.*B AI ExportB Export filtera Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ files` AI ExportA AI ImportA IMPS_9.*A AI ExportA EMPS_9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMCD*.*B CDR ImportB Import filtera CorelDRAW! 5.0,4.0,3.0$ files` CDR ImportA CDR ImportA IMCD*.*A MGXFMA.Za IMCGM9.*B CGM ImportB Import filtera Computer Graphics Metafile$ files` CGM ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMCGM9.*B CGM ExportB Export filtera Computer Graphics Metafile$ files` CGM ExportA CGM ImportA IMCGM9.*A CGM ExportA EMCGM9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMCMX9.*B CMX ImportB Import filtera Corel Clipart$ files` CMX ImportA CMX ImportA IMCMX9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMDXF9.*B DXF ImportB Import filtera AutoCAD Drawing Interchange$ files` DXF ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMDXF9.*B DXF ExportB Export filtera AutoCAD Drawing Interchange$ files` DXF ExportA DXF ImportA IMDXF9.*A DXF ExportA EMDXF9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMDWG9.*B DWG ImportB Import filtera AutoCAD Drawing$ files` DWG ImportA DWG ImportA IMDWG9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMPS_9.*B EPS/AI EPS ImportB Import filtera EPS/Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ files` EPS/AI EPS ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMPS_9.*B EPS/AI EPS ExportB Export filtera EPS/Adobe Illustrator Encapsulated Postscript$ files` EPS/AI EPS ExportA EPS/AI EPS ImportA IMPS_9.*A EPS/AI EPS ExportA EMPS_9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMGEM9.*B GEM ImportB Import filtera Digital Research GEM$ files` GEM ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMGEM9.*B GEM ExportB Export filtera Digital Research GEM$ files` GEM ExportA GEM ImportA IMGEM9.*A GEM ExportA EMGEM9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMHGL9.*B HGL ImportB Import filtera HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics$ files` HGL ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMHGL9.*B HGL ExportB Export filtera HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics$ files` HGL ExportA HGL ImportA IMHGL9.*A HGL ExportA EMHGL9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMIGS9.*B IGS ImportB Import filtera IGES Drawing$ files` IGS ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMIGS9.*B IGS ExportB Export filtera IGES Drawing$ files` IGS ExportA IGS ImportA IMIGS9.*A IGS ExportA EMIGS9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMPCT9.*B PCT ImportB Import filtera Macintosh PICT$ files` PCT ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMPCT9.*B PCT ExportB Export filtera Macintosh PICT$ files` PCT ExportA PCT ImportA IMPCT9.*A PCT ExportA EMPCT9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMPSI9.*B PRN/PS ImportB Import filtera Postscript$ files` PRN/PS ImportA PRN/PS ImportA IMPSI9.*A MGXFMA.Za IMWP*.*B WPG ImportB Import filtera WordPerfect Graphic$ files` WPG ImportA MGXFMA.Za EMWP*.*B WPG ExportB Export filtera WordPerfect Graphic$ files` WPG ExportA WPG ImportA IMWP*.*A WPG ExportA EMWP*.*A edit( SETUPSTR862R? Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb@ _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA ...\b SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdNetWelcome( ResultA SdNetWelcome! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA There is not enough space to install these option(s). Please free up some disk space or modify your selections.A SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx Fonts( @15300;1;255,0,255 Preview Note: View the readme text file for more information about fonts. Fonts( SdComponentDialogEx! _EWQU _MRQ~ 3.00.058