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- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Select graphic rendition (SGR)
- d$attoff == "<esc>[0m" !Turn attributes off
- d$bdon == "<esc>[1m" !Turn bold on
- d$ulon == "<esc>[4m" !Turn underline on
- d$bkon == "<esc>[5m" !Turn blink on
- d$rvon == "<esc>[7m" !Reverse video on
- d$bdoff == "<esc>[22m" !Turn bold off
- d$uloff == "<esc>[24m" !Turn underline off
- d$bkoff == "<esc>[25m" !Turn blink off
- d$rvoff == "<esc>[27m" !Reverse video off
- d$buon == "<esc>[1;4m" !Turn bold & underline on
- d$bron == "<esc>[1;7m" !Turn bold & reverse on
- d$uron == "<esc>[4;7m" !Turn underline & reverse on
- d$buron == "<esc>[1;4;7m" !Turn bold, underline & reverse on
- ! Select erasable character attributes (DECSCA)
- d$escaoff == "<esc>[0""q" !Set all characters erasable
- d$escon == "<esc>[1""q" !Set character(s) not erasable
- d$escoff == "<esc>[2""q" !Set character(s) erasable
- ! Erase characters (Nonselective)
- d$ech == "<esc>[$1sX" !Cursor $1s # of chars
- d$eeol == "<esc>[K" !Cursor to end of line
- d$ebol == "<esc>[1K" !Beginning of line to cursor
- d$el == "<esc>[2K" !Line
- d$eeod == "<esc>[J" !Cursor to end of display
- d$ebod == "<esc>[1J" !Beginning of display to cursor
- d$ed == "<esc>[2J" !display
- ! Erase erasable characters (Selective DECSEL/DECSED)
- d$seeol == "<esc>[?K" !Cursor to end of line
- d$sebol == "<esc>[?1K" !Beginning of line to cursor
- d$sel == "<esc>[?2K" !Line
- d$seeod == "<esc>[?J" !Cursor to end of display
- d$sebod == "<esc>[?1J" !Beginning of display to cursor
- d$sed == "<esc>[?2J" !display
- ! Editing
- d$il == "<esc>[$1sL" !Insert $1s # of lines
- d$dl == "<esc>[$1sM" !Delete $1s # of lines
- d$ich == "<esc>[$1s@" !Insert $1s # of blanks
- d$dch == "<esc>[$1sP" !Delete $1s # of blanks
- ! Cursor
- d$cuu == "<esc>$1sA" !Move cursor up $1s # of lines
- d$cud == "<esc>$1sB" !Move cursor down $1s # of lines
- d$cur == "<esc>$1sC" !Move cursor right $1s # of chars
- d$cul == "<esc>$1sD" !Move cursor left $1s # of chars
- d$cup == "<esc>[$1s;$2sH" !Set cursor position (Column, Row)
- d$hvp == "<esc>[$1s;$2sf" !Set cursor position (Column, Row)
- d$cd == "<esc>D" !Move cursor down
- d$cu == "<esc>M" !Move cursor up
- d$nel == "<esc>E" !Move cursor to beginning of next line
- d$sc == "<esc>7" !Save cursor & attributes
- d$rc == "<esc>8" !Restore cursor & attributes
- ! Set tab stops
- d$st == "<esc>H" !Set tab at cursor position
- d$ct == "<esc>g" !Clear tab at cursor position
- d$cta == "<esc>3g" !Clear all tabs
- ! Scrolling margins (top and bottom)
- d$stbm == "<esc>[$1s;$2sr" !Set top and bottem scroll region
- ! Print modes
- d$prtcon == "<esc>[?5i" !Continous print on
- d$prtcoff == "<esc>[?4i" !Continous print off
- d$prtscr == "<esc>[i" !Print screen
- d$prtl == "<esc>[?li" !Print line cursor is on
- d$prtcmon == "<esc>[5i" !Set Printer controller mode on
- d$prtcmoff == "<esc>[4i" !Set Printer controller mode off
- ! Character set selection (SCS)
- d$g1dsg == "<esc>)0" !Set DEC special graphic chars into G1
- d$g0dsg == "<esc>*1" !Set IBM special graphic chars into G2
- d$g0gl == "<si>" !Invoke G0 into GL
- d$g1gl == "<so>" !Invoke G1 into GL
- d$g1gr == "<esc>~" !Invoke G1 into GR
- d$g2gl == "<esc>n" !Invoke G2 into GL
- d$g2gr == "<esc>}" !Invoke G2 into GR
- ! Ansi-compatible DEC private modes
- d$c132 == "<esc>[?3h" !Set columns to 132
- d$c80 == "<esc>[?3l" !Reset columns to 80
- d$rvdon == "<esc>[?5h" !Set reverse video display on
- d$rvdoff == "<esc>[?5l" !Reset reverse video display off
- d$omon == "<esc>[?6h" !Set origin mode on (user defined)
- d$omoff == "<esc>[?6l" !Reset origin mode off (upper left)
- d$wrapon == "<esc>[?7h" !Set auto wrap on
- d$wrapoff == "<esc>[?7l" !Reset auto wrap off
- d$cvon == "<esc>[?25h" !Set cursor visable
- d$cvoff == "<esc>[?25l" !Reset cursor invisable
- ! User definable keys (DECUDK)
- d$udk == "<esc>P1;1|$1s/$2s<esc>\" !Define function key $1 ("12-34") as
- !value $2 (Hex value of ascii character)
- !Ex: d$udk(34/5052494e540d)
- ! Terminal reset and tests
- d$str == "<esc>[!p" !Soft terminal reset
- d$ris == "<esc>c" !Hard terminal reset
- d$aln == "<esc>#8" !test pattern