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- set nover
- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Command File Process for Error Messages and Codes
- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- errcode=0
- errlev=0
- display
- display " ERROR"
- display " LEVEL $STATUS L $STATUSID Error Message"
- display
- loop:
- on warning then goto exit
- ! * Shift left 3 *
- errcode=(((errlev * 2) * 2) * 2)
- ! * Set to not print NOMSG error but still EXIT on error *
- set nomess
- errmsg=f$message(errcode)
- set mess
- ! * make code fatal
- errcode=errcode+4
- ! * Special check for fatal error without Ident *
- if errcode .eq. 12 then goto abort
- st=f$loc("-",errmsg)+3
- sc=f$loc(",",errmsg)+2
- id=f$ext(st,f$loc(",",errmsg)-st,errmsg)
- ! * Check for fatal system errors *
- if id .eqs. "DISKFULL" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "DIVBYZERO" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "DOSERR" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "FORMOPEN" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "FORMREAD" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "INSFMEM" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "MEMFULL" then goto syserr
- if id .eqs. "PROGERR" then goto syserr
- ! * Special check for nolabel error *
- if id .eqs. "NOLABEL" then goto syserr
- ! * Call to display error messages and codes *
- set noon
- @errex "''id'"
- errcode_out=$status .and. %h7fff
- set on
- ! * Process to construct error message *
- errmsg=f$message(id)
- errmsg=f$ext(0,f$loc("<cr><lf>",errmsg),errmsg)
- sevid=f$ext(st-2,f$loc(",",errmsg)-st+2,errmsg)
- sevid=f$ext(0,1,sevid) + " " + f$ext(2,255,sevid)
- next:
- msg2=f$ext(sc,f$len(errmsg)-sc,errmsg)
- space1="<HT>"
- msg1=" ''errlev' ''errcode_out' ''sevid'"
- if f$length(sevid) .le. 7 then space1="<HT><HT>"
- display msg1+space1+msg2
- set abort
- errlev=errlev + 1
- goto loop
- ! * Process to handle abort error *
- abort:
- sc=0
- sevid="F ABORT"
- goto syserr1
- ! * Process to handle fatal system errors *
- syserr:
- sevid=f$ext(st-2,f$loc(",",errmsg)-st+2,errmsg)
- sevid="F " + f$ext(2,255,sevid)
- ! * If NOLABEL, severity = E *
- if id .nes. "NOLABEL" then goto syserr1
- errcode=errcode-2
- sevid="E" + f$ext(1,255,sevid)
- syserr1:
- set noabort
- errmsg=f$message(errcode)
- errcode_out=errcode
- goto next
- exit:
- set mess
- exit