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- November, 1995
- (C)1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- All rights and restrictions that apply to the SolarNet PC-NFSpro
- documentation apply to this supplement.
- _______________________________________________________________________
- 1. Installation and Configuration
- 2. Licensing
- 3. Documentation and On-Line Help
- 4. Windows 95 Issues
- 5. Pronto E-Mail
- 7. News Reader
- 8. Netscape Navigator
- 9. NFS Server
- 10. Using PC-Admin Software
- 11. Miscellaneous
- _______________________________________________________________________
- =================================
- Diskette Images Available on CD -
- For your convenience in making installation diskettes, the PC-NFSpro
- 2.0 CD \DISKETTE\ directory contains diskette images of this product.
- Upgrading From PC-NFS 5.x -
- LAN adapter configuration (which applies to Windows 3.x, as opposed to
- Windows for WorkGroups) does not carry over to PC-NFSpro 2.0. During an
- upgrade, the Configuration program opens the LAN Adapter dialog box and
- you must reselect your adapter and then reconfigure it. You can examine
- your CONFIG.SYS file prior to upgrading to see which LAN adapter driver
- is used by your PC, and examine your PROTOCOL.INI file to determine
- your LAN adapter's current configuration settings.
- Upgrading From PC-NFSpro 1.x -
- If you use Windows 3.1 or Windows for WorkGroups, do not attempt to
- remove a previously installed copy of PC-NFSpro. Install over an
- existing copy of PC-NFSpro. If a problem occurs during installation
- that causes you to abort the installation, a message is displayed that
- says installed files must be removed. Ignore this message if you intend
- to retry the installation. For example, if you run out of disk space
- during an installation, simply make room on your disk and rerun the
- PC-NFSpro Setup program.
- Installing With a File in Use -
- You must close all open applications and files (including Winsock)
- before installing PC-NFSpro. If you do not, you will receive an error
- message when the installation program attempts to install a copy of an
- open file. When this situation occurs, an "Abort, Retry or Ignore"
- dialog box opens. If you see this dialog box, use Alt+Tab to see what
- application is running, close the application, and then choose the
- "Retry" option to resume installation.
- You can choose "Ignore" to use the version of the file already on your
- system and proceed with installation. However, this version may not
- work properly with PC-NFSpro 2.0. If you discover this to be the case,
- re-run Setup and perform a Custom Install, installing the PC-NFSpro 2.0
- component containing the file you need.
- Configuring a Laptop for Serial and LAN Use -
- To configure PC-NFSpro for use on a laptop PC that alternates between
- LAN and PPP connections, create two .CFG files, one for PPP use and one
- for LAN use. Switch back and forth between these configuration files as
- necessary.
- DNS Configuration -
- If you configure DNS, enter an IP address only (not a hostname) to
- identify the DNS server.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- ============
- Use PC-NFSpro 2.0 License Manager With Code1/Code2 Pairs -
- If you currently use License Manager for license distribution and
- administration, you must use the License Manager provided with
- PC-NFSpro 2.0 when creating new licenses from a code1/code2 pair.
- PLUM Server Version Restriction -
- If you currently use a PLUM server for license administration and
- distribution, you must use the PLUM server provided with PC-NFSpro 2.0
- to create new licenses from a code1/code2 pair. Older versions of the
- PLUM server are not compatible with PC-NFSpro 2.0 and cannot be used
- with PC-NFSpro 2.0. The PLUM server supplied on the PC-NFSpro CD is
- compatible with all versions of PC-NFS, PC-Admin, and PC-NFSpro, and
- should be used in mixed software environments.
- _________________________________________________________________________
- =================================
- Upgrading From PC-NFS 5.x Instructions -
- The instructions on Upgrading from PC-NFS 5.x in the User's Guide are
- not complete. Follow the procedures in the Getting Started booklet when
- upgrading from PC-NFS 5.x.
- Enabling PC Admin Instructions Incorrect -
- The procedures described on page 33 of the "User's Guide" for enabling
- PC-Admin Awareness no longer apply. See, "Using PC-Admin Software" in
- these release notes for more information.
- Scrolling Tokens do Not Exist -
- The Telnet Guide for Windows incorrectly states that tokens exist for
- vertical scrolling (VSD, VSU) and horizontal scrolling (HSRC, HSLF
- HSLC, HSRF). No such tokens exist. You cannot map scrolling functions
- to keys.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ====================
- PC-NFSpro is designed to coexist with Windows 95 software. However,
- refer to the following notes if you are using PC-NFSpro in a Windows 95
- environment.
- Upgrading to Windows 95 From Previous Versions of Windows -
- If you use PC-NFSpro 1.x with Windows 3.1 or Windows for WorkGroups,
- and you want to upgrade your PC to Windows 95, you must first upgrade
- to PC-NFSpro 2.0 and then perform the Windows 95 upgrade.
- Network Printer Setup Procedures -
- Follow these steps to configure a Windows 95 network printer:
- 1) Mount the Network Printer:
- + Start the PC-NFSpro login-logout application
- + Select Settings
- + Select Network Printers
- OR
- + Start Control Panel->Printers
- + Click the right mouse button in the Printers Window to
- display a menu
- + Select Capture Printer Port
- + Select PC-NFSpro
- And mount the network printer as you would in Windows or Windows for
- WorkGroups.
- 2) Install/Configure the Printer Driver:
- + Start Control Panel->Printers
- + Select the Add Printers icon
- + Select Local Printer -----> Yes, Local rather than Network
- + Select the Printer Driver -----> e.g Apple LaserWriter II NTX if
- you are using a SparcPrinter
- + Select the Printer you just connected using the Login/Logout
- application from the list
- + Enter the printer name -----> Preferably a name that helps
- you remember which/what printer it is, e.g. Printer on 2nd floor.
- This will be your default printer if you do not have a default
- printer configured already.
- + Print a test page.
- + Double click on the printer icon you just created. You should
- see the test file queued.
- 3) Start your favorite text editor, load a file, verify the printer
- setup using File->Page Setup->Printer, and print the file.
- Using Long File Names -
- The Long File Name feature in PC-NFSpro differs from the long file
- names used in Windows 95. PC-NFSpro does not display or support Windows
- 95 long file names.
- LAN Adapter Required for Serial-Only Operation -
- If you configure a PC running Windows 95 for Serial (PPP) communication
- only, you must also configure and load a LAN adapter through Windows
- 95, even if the PC is not equipped with a LAN adapter (NIC) card. This
- ensures the successful addition of PC-NFSpro as a Network client. If
- you reconfigure PC-NFSpro from a LAN to a serial configuration, do not
- unload/remove the LAN driver.
- To load a LAN adapter:
- 1. Choose Start->Settings->Control Panel.
- 2. Double-click the Network icon in the Control Panel.
- 3. Choose Add.
- 4. Choose Network Adpater.
- 5. Choose Add.
- The Select Network adapters dialog box opens.
- 6. Select any network adapter from the list of adapters.
- 7. Choose OK.
- LPD Print Server Not Available In Windows 95 -
- On-line help for printing displayed under Windows 95 references the LPD
- Print Server. This server is not available in Windows 95. Ignore all
- LPD references when using the Windows 95 software.
- The Microsoft TCP/IP Stack Causes WINSOCK.DLL Problem -
- PC-NFSpro requires its own WINSOCK.DLL file to be installed in the
- \SOLARNET\BIN directory. However, if you install the Microsoft TCP/IP
- stack supplied with Windows 95, an additional WINSOCK.DLL file is
- installed in the \WINDOWS\ directory. The presence of two WINSOCK.DLL
- files causes some PC-NFSpro applications and utilities to fail. If you
- have installed (and subsequently removed) the Microsoft TCP/IP stack,
- you must rename the WINSOCK.DLL file in the \WINDOWS\ directory to
- prevent PC-NFSpro applications from using it. Rename this file
- SPARC/NeWSPrint Driver Problem -
- The Windows 95 Apple LaserWriter print driver is not fully compatible
- with SPARC printers. In SunOS 4.x environments, two banner pages are
- printed per job. In SunOS 5.x environments, in place of a banner page a
- blank page and a page with an error message is printed. In addition,
- print jobs containing embedded graphics can cause the print job to
- abort.
- Viewing Drive and Printer Connections -
- In Windows 95, after connecting/disconnecting PC-NFSpro network drives
- using the PC-NFSpro Login/Logout application or the Windows 95
- Explorer, you must refresh the Explorer display before using the
- network drive. To do this, press the F5 key or select the
- View->Refresh menu item in the Explorer.
- Starting the Network Event Log -
- Starting the Network Event Log during system initialization causes the
- Event Log to fail to initialize. You must start the Network Event Log
- after Windows 95 system initialization is complete.
- Running Win32 Applications -
- When using PC-NFSpro network drives under Windows 95, Win32
- applications (applications written specifically for Windows 95 or
- Windows NT) are only able to open twenty files simultaneously. This
- can cause unpredictable behavior. In some cases the workaround is
- explicitly to close files before opening too many. For example, when
- using a Win32 spreadsheet or word processor, instead of simply opening
- another spreadsheet or document, first close the previous one. In
- other cases there is no known workaround.
- Microsoft acknowledges that this is a problem in Windows 95 (it occurs
- with any DOS or Windows 3.x file system, not just PC-NFSpro) and they
- are working on a solution for it.
- Using Office 95 and MAPI-
- When the PC-NFSpro Pronto E-Mail software is configured as a MAPI
- server, the MAPI functions contained in the Microsoft Office 95
- software suite are not available.
- TELNETD Refuses Connection -
- If you have configured the ftpd PC daemon, the telnetd PC server
- program is not available under Windows 95. To use telnetd under Windows
- 95, you must unconfigure ftpd.
- NetBIOS Domain Scope Parameter -
- This parameter is invalid in Windows 95 and can be ignored.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ================
- Using Multiple E-Mail Programs -
- **WARNING: Reading mail with multiple mail tools can cause problems.**
- Pronto E-Mail(TM) includes a feature that synchronizes your inbox on
- your PC with your inbox on your mail server. Correct synchronization
- requires that you use ONLY Pronto E-Mail to read your messages. Since
- other mail applications can modify your inbox in ways that adversely
- affect Pronto's synchronization, do not use multiple mail applications
- to read your mail. This includes running multiple instances of Pronto
- E-Mail itself from different systems, either sequentially or
- concurrently.
- Viewing Messages That Have Many Attachments -
- On a VGA resolution display, Pronto can display up to eight
- attachments. If you receive a message with more than eight attachments,
- you can select only the first eight. To view additional attachments,
- forward the message. In the Forward Message window delete the first
- eight attachments. The remaining attachments will then be displayed and
- you can view and save them as normal. Discard the forwarded message
- when you have finished using the attachments.
- SHARE Required When Using Windows 3.1 -
- To use Pronto E-Mail with Windows 3.1, CONFIG.SYS must load the
- SHARE.EXE program. Refer to the MS-DOS on-line help by typing 'help
- share' at the MS-DOS command prompt for more information.
- CTL3DV2.DLL Version Compatibility -
- If you do a full PC-NFSpro installation, or a custom installation that
- includes Pronto E-Mail, a new version of CTL3DV2.DLL is installed in
- the Windows system directory. If there is an older version of
- CTL3DV2.DLL in the Windows directory, you should rename or delete it.
- The older version may cause problems with the encode/decode features of
- Pronto E-Mail.
- Configuring Pronto E-Mail for Multiuser Operation -
- Pronto E-Mail can be configured to support multiple users on a single
- system. Refer to "Serving Multiple E-Mail Users" in the contents
- section of the Pronto on-line help for instructions on setting up this
- configuration.
- Importing SelectMail or E-Mail 1.x Folders -
- Pronto E-Mail uses an efficient database storage format for messages.
- Existing SelectMail or E-Mail 1.x folders can be imported by using the
- File->Import Folder... option. A utility will be provided in the future
- which will automatically upgrade SelectMail or E-Mail folders to the
- new format. This utility will be made available in the SunSoft forum on
- CompuServe.
- _______________________________________________________________________
- =========
- In a New Location -
- The Telnet application is now installed in its own directory:
- (\SOLARNET\TELNET). If you are upgrading from a previous version of
- PC-NFSpro, you must move any ECF files to this directory. In addition,
- you must remove DEFINE KEY commands in these files.
- Graphic Key mapper -
- Telnet's graphic key mapper does not show default mappings (which are
- specific to the selected keyboard type). It shows only mappings that
- you add.
- Default Printer Assignment -
- Printer Setup and selection in Telnet is on a per-session basis. As a
- result, you must assign a default printer each time you start a Telnet
- session. Use the File -> Print Setup menu to select a printer from the
- list of installed printers.
- ASCII File Transfer Limitation -
- Files that you intend to transfer using the ASCII protocol must be pure
- ASCII. That is, they cannot contain any nonprintable or control
- chracters such as ^D. Many word processing text files contain such
- characters and thus cannot be transferred using the ASCII protocol.
- Configuring for Host in ASCII File Transfers -
- If you use Telnet to send and receive ASCII files, you must configure
- Telnet properly for the system with which you are communicating.
- To configure ASCII file transfer options:
- 1. Open the File-Send or File-Receive dialog.
- 2. Select the ASCII Protocol.
- 3. Choose the [Setup...] button to display the File Transfer
- Setup dialog.
- 4. Select the ASCII Protocol.
- 5. From the "Selected host" menu, select the operating system
- of the remote system. For example, if you are communicating
- with a system running the UNIX operating system, choose
- "Unix - C Shell" or "Unix - Bourne Shell", depending on
- the remote system's command interpreter.
- 6. Choose the [Set Defaults] button to set the file transfer
- defaults correctly for this host.
- 7. Choose [OK] to set the file transfer settings.
- Receiving ASCII Files -
- When receiving ASCII files, you must configure the "Host Prompt String"
- option to correspond to the remote system's command prompt (e.g. =>).
- If you have a prompt that does not contain the characters in the
- default setting for this option, modify this option accordingly.
- KERMIT Protocol -
- The packet length default reflects a host that supports long packets.
- Set the size to 93 or less if the Kermit host does not support long
- packets. When packet length is incorrect, a transfer appears to occur,
- but all you get is a number of retries and zero bytes.
- Hewlett-Packard Machines and WordPerfect Mode -
- When you use Telnet to connect to an HP machine in WordPerfect mode
- using VT320 emulation, line drawing graphics characters are displayed
- as extended characters.
- _______________________________________________________________________
- ==============
- Scroll Bar Problem in Subscribe Dialog Box -
- A problem exists in the Subscribe dialog box in a Windows 95
- environment. Using scroll bars, you cannot fully scroll the entire
- contents of the Unsubscribed or Subscribed Groups list boxes. To scroll
- beyond the first 17 items in either list box, use the keyboard
- down-arrow or PG Dn keys rather than list box scroll bars.
- ________________________________________________________________________
- ======================
- Netscape GPFs -
- If you run Netscape Navigator(TM) without correctly configuring TCP/IP,
- Netscape will cause a GPF (General Protection Fault).
- Netscape Navigator and Win32s -
- If you are running version 1.15 or below of Win32s, you will be unable
- to install the Netscape Navigator unless you upgrade to version 1.25 of
- Win32s or you remove Win32s.
- You can determine which version of Win32s you have in one of two ways:
- - check the WIN32S.INI file in your Windows system directory
- - if you are running Windows for Workgroups, select the WIN32S16.DLL
- file from the Windows system directory in File Manager. Then from
- the File menu, choose Properties. The Version line contains the
- major version and the build number.
- To remove Win32s:
- 1. Remove the following line from the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI
- file:
- device=<WINDOWS>\<SYSTEM>\win32s\w32s.386
- where <WINDOWS> and <SYSTEM> are where the Windows and System
- directories are, respectively.
- 2. Remove winmm16.dll from the drivers line in the [BOOT] section of
- the SYSTEM.INI file:
- drivers=mmsystem.dll winmm16.dll
- 3. Delete the following files from the <WINDOWS>\<SYSTEM> subdirectory:
- WIN32S16.DLL
- 4. Delete all the files in the <WINDOWS>\<SYSTEM>\WIN32S subdirectory.
- Then delete the subdirectory itself.
- 5. Restart Windows.
- Here's how you can obtain Win32s version 1.25 which Microsoft refers
- to as application note PW1118:
- To obtain this Application Note (number PW1118) and the files
- included with it, download PW1118.EXE, a self-extracting file,
- from the Microsoft Software Library (MSL) on the following services:
- - CompuServe
- Search for PW1118.EXE
- Display results and download
- - Microsoft Download Service (MSDL)
- Dial (206) 936-6735 to connect to MSDL
- Download PW1118.EXE
- - Internet (anonymous FTP)
- ftp ftp.microsoft.com
- Change to the \SOFTLIB\MSLFILES directory
- Get PW1118.EXE
- ______________________________________________________________________
- =============
- Syntax For Mounting Exported Directories -
- You must use the correct syntax when connecting to a PC file system
- exported by the NFS Server. For example, to connect a drive to the
- exported directory C:\FINANCE located on a PC named molly, enter:
- In this example "MOLLY" is the name of the NFS Server PC and
- "/C/FINANCE" is the path and name of the exported directory.
- Out of Memory Error Message -
- If you export many files and directories, you may receive an "Out of
- Memory" error message on the NFS Server PC if you attempt to start
- another application. If this occurs, free up system resources (inodes)
- by stopping and restarting the NFS Server.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ===========================
- A patch is required to use PC-NFSpro 2.0 in a PC-Admin 1.5 environment.
- The patch required depends on the architecture of the PC-Admin server,
- and on the version of PC-Admin in use (see below).
- Patch # Architecture PC-Admin Version
- 102899-01 sparc 1.5
- 102900-01 x86 1.5
- 102853-01 sparc 1.5.1
- 102894-01 x86 1.5.1
- You can obtain the patch you need from your service provider or from
- the SunSoft forum on CompuServe.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- =================
- PC-DOS Printing Problem -
- Due to an anomally in PC-DOS (6.3 & 7.0), PC-NFSpro is unable to
- redirect print services in a DOS box. If you use an IBM ThinkPad
- equipped with these DOS versions, you will not be able to print from an
- application running within a PC-DOS DOS box.
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups DLC Driver Problem -
- When PC-NFSpro 2.0 is used with Windows for Workgroups running the
- Microsoft DLC protocol, problems occur with Workgroups features such as
- printer sharing and the Chat utility.
- For example, the Chat application may say "The list of servers for
- this workgroup is not currently available" when you try to browse the
- available machines or, if you try to connect to a Workgroups PC that
- you know is available on the network, you are unable to connect to it.
- An attempt to access a network printer provided by another Workgroup PC
- results in the message "Network Error!" in the Print Manager.
- File Paths/Names Longer Than 63 Characters -
- Due to a DOS-imposed limitation, a file on an NFS-mounted drive having
- a path name longer than 63 characters is not visible in File Manager,
- or from DOS using the DIR or LS commands. To avoid this problem,
- specify mount points as far down a path as possible to minimize the
- number of characters required to access the lowest file in the path
- hierarchy.
- FTP Auto-Connect -
- If you enable the Auto-Connect feature of FTP, you must enter a valid
- FTP server hostname or address in the Server Hostname edit box in the
- FTP Connect dialog.