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- ;drivername
- ; units:[n/a]
- ; range:[elnk$,elnk2$,elnk3$,...]
- ; default:[elnk$]
- ;
- ; This parameter's value must be ELNK$, or, in the case where
- ; multiple adapters are installed, ELNK$ for the first adapter's
- ; drivername, ELNK2$ for the second one, ELNK3$ for the third, and
- ; so on.
- ;
- ;ioaddress
- ; units:[hex]
- ; range:[200-3F0]
- ; default:[300]
- ;
- ; Indicates the current I/O address jumper configuration of
- ; the network adapter card. The value selected on the adapter card must
- ; equal this entry's value. If this entry does not match the adapter
- ; card's switch settings, the driver reports an error.
- IOADDRESS = 0x300
- ;
- ;interrupt
- ; units:[integer]
- ; range:[2-7]
- ; default:[3]
- ;
- ; On an 80286 or 80386 computer, specifying interrupt level 2
- ; will be redirected to interrupt level 9 because the cascaded programmable
- ; interrupt control (PIC) is already using interrupt level 2.
- ;
- ;dmachannel
- ; units:[integer]
- ; range:[none-3]
- ; default:[1 for 8088 and 8086, none for 80286 and 80386]
- ;
- ; Indicates the current DMA jumper configuration of the network
- ; adapter card. The value can be none, 1, 2, or 3. When the value
- ; is none, the driver uses program I/O instead of DMA for data
- ; transfers.
- ;
- ;dmamode
- ; units:[n/a]
- ; range:[byte,burst]
- ; default:[burst]
- ;
- ; Determines the DMA mode of the network adapter card. The adapter
- ; runs faster in burst mode. The random access memory (RAM) refresh
- ; rate is sometimes delayed, however, so byte mode is available in case
- ; the refresh rate causes problems with applications or hardware.
- ;
- ;maxtransmits
- ; units:[integer]
- ; range:[8-50]
- ; default:[12]
- ;
- ; Specifies the number of transmit queue entries in this driver.
- ; On a server, this number should be equal to the transmit window size
- ; times the maximum number of sessions.
- ;
- ;maxrequests
- ; units:[integer]
- ; range:[8-32]
- ; default:[8]
- ;
- ; Sets the number of general request queue entries. General
- ; requests are SetPacketFilter, AddMulticastAddress, RequestInterrupt,
- ; and so forth.