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INI File | 1995-10-30 | 15.5 KB | 301 lines |
- [list]
- Title="\n\n - PC-NFSpro DOS Network Utilities -\n\n"
- NfsAll=" NFS ALL Display network and user information \n"
- NfsUse=" NFS USE Mount/unmount a drive, display mount information\n"
- Rcp=" RCP Copy files between machines (Remote Copy)\n"
- Rsh=" RSH Execute a command on a remote host (Remote Shell)\n"
- Rlogin=" RLOGIN Login to a remote Host\n"
- Ping=" PING See if remote host alive by sending echo request packets\n"
- LS=" LS Display file information\n"
- Dos2Unix=" DOS2UNIX Convert file(s) from DOS to Unix format\n"
- Unix2Dos=" UNIX2DOS Convert file(s) from Unix to DOS format\n"
- [NFS]
- NetAllUn="Username: %s\n"
- NetAllLi="License #: %s\n\n"
- NetAllDd="DNS Domain: %s\n"
- NetAllNd="NIS Domain: %s\n"
- NetAllSm="Subnet Mask: %s\n"
- NetAllSnm="Serial Net Mask: %s\n"
- NetAllMac="MAC Address: %s\n"
- NetAllTz="Time Zone: %s\n\n"
- NetAllPc="PC: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllSh="Serial Host: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllPs="PCNFSD Server: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllGa="Gateway: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllDs="DNS Server: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllNs="NIS Server: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllDhs="DHCP Server: %s (%s)\n"
- NetAllDsr="DNS Searches: %s\n"
- NetAllMd="\nMounted Drives:\n"
- DrvOpts1="Drv rsize wsize retries timeout mapchar mode case rnames cdname fattr\n"
- DrvOpts2="─── ───── ───── ─────── ─────── ─────── ──── ──── ────── ────── ─────\n"
- UsrId1="Drv User ID Group ID Secondary IDs\n"
- UsrId2="─── ─────── ──────── ─────────────\n"
- NetUsage1="\n NFS ALL Display network and user information \n"
- NetUsage2=" NFS USE Mount/unmount a drive, display mount information\n"
- NetUsage3=" NFS USE ? Display NFS USE command usage\n"
- UseDriveUsage="\nMount a drive: NFS USE drive: hostname:/path [/<option>,<option>,...]\n"
- UseOther1="Unmount a drive: NFS USE drive: /d\n"
- UseOther2="Unmount all drives: NFS USE /d or NFS USE /f\n"
- UseOther3="Display mount info: NFS USE [/l]\n\n"
- UseDriveOpt1="Options: ms|ns|ro Must use file sharing OR no file sharing OR read only\n"
- UseDriveOpt2=" os2 OS/2 filesystem (ms,ro)\n"
- UseDriveOpt3=" cd CD-ROM filesystem (ms,ro)\n"
- UseDriveOpt4=" rsize=nnnn Use nnnn as the maximum NFS read size\n"
- UseDriveOpt5=" wsize=nnnn Use nnnn as the maximum NFS write size\n"
- UseDriveOpt6=" port=nnnn Use nnnn instead of the default NFS port\n"
- UseDriveOpt7=" timeo=nn Number of 1/10 secs before a NFS operation is retried\n"
- UseDriveOpt8=" retries=nn Number of times an NFS operation is retried\n"
- UseDriveOpt9=" mode=nnn Default file creation mode (3 octal digits)\n"
- UseDriveOpt10=" mapchar=c Name map character ('0' to disable name mapping)\n"
- UseDriveOpt11=" case=c Valid remote names are (l)ower or (u)pper case\n"
- UseDriveOpt12=" rnames=c (i)gnore or (u)se case of remote names\n"
- UseDriveOpt13=" cdname=c (i)gnore or (u)se CD-ROM name extensions\n"
- UseDriveOpt14="\nExample: nfs use z: lassi:/docs /ro,wsize=4096,retries=8\n"
- InvalidRsize="invalid rsize option\n"
- InvalidWsize="invalid wsize option\n"
- InvalidPort="invalid port option\n"
- InvalidRetries= "invalid retries option\n"
- InvalidTimeout="invalid timeo option\n"
- InvalidMode="invalid mode option\n"
- InvalidMapchar="invalid mapchar option\n"
- InvalidCase="invalid case option\n"
- InvalidRnames="invalid rnames option\n"
- InvalidCdname="invalid cdname option\n"
- UnknownOption="unknown option '%s'\n"
- InvalidPcnfsw="\nno/invalid PCNFSWIN.INI file - operation cancelled\n"
- NfsmMsg01="Hostname is not set\n"
- NfsmMsg02="Flags are (r)ead only, (c)heck mounts, (n)o EAS, (m)atch names,\n"
- NfsmMsg03="n(o)match names, no share/(L)ock, (S)hare/lock (s)igned lock len)\n"
- NfsmMsg08="Obsolete syntax - use '%s -u %s' to unmount a drive\n"
- NfsmMsg09="Path is not mounted\n"
- NfsmMsg10="Path is in use\n"
- NfsmMsg11="Umount failed %d\n"
- NfsmMsg12="Warning: using default NFS port\n"
- NfsmMsg13="Warning: lock daemon not available\n"
- NfsmMsg14=" locking/sharing disabled\n"
- NfsmMsg15="Invalid argument or NFS not loaded\n"
- NfsmMsg16="Out of mount table space\n"
- NfsmMsg17="Drive in use or invalid\n"
- NfsmMsg18="Mount failed %d\n"
- NfsmMsg19="who are you?\n"
- NfsmMsg20="PCNFSD2 authorization failed\n"
- NfsmMsg21="PCNFSD authorization failed\n"
- NfsmMsg22="YP password lookup failed\n"
- NfsmMsg23="exec/tcp: unknown service\n"
- NfsmMsg24="shell/tcp: unknown service\n"
- NfsmMsg25="Warning, unable to set group list\n"
- NfsmMsg26="\nEnter 'Y' to dismount a drive and 'A' to dismount all drives.\n\n"
- NfsmMsg27="Unmount drive %s %s ?"
- NfsmMsg28="Unmounting drive %s %s\n"
- NfsmMsg29="***** Cannot unmount drive %s as it is the current drive\n"
- NfsmMsg30=" ... Press any key to continue ..."
- NfsmMsg31="Warning, unable to open/find NFS configuration file - defaults used\n"
- NfsmMsg32="Sorry, this drive is reserved by PC-Admin.\n"
- NfsmMsg33="Sorry, you do not have permission to unmount this drive.\n"
- [RCP]
- RcpUsage01="\nCopy 1 file: rcp [-p] src_file dst_file|dst_dir\n"
- RcpUsage02="Copy n files: rcp [-p] [-r] src_file|src_dir src_file|src_dir ... dst_dir\n"
- RcpUsage03="Options: -p Use attributes (i.e. creation date) of source file(s)\n"
- RcpUsage04=" -r Allow copying of directories and subdirectories\n"
- RcpUsage05="\nExamples: rcp abc.doc lassi:/docsdir/abc.doc\n"
- RcpUsage06=" rcp abc.doc lassi:/docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage07=" rcp abc.doc def.doc lassi:/docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage08=" rcp *.doc lassi:/docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage09=" rcp -r docsdir lassi:/docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage10=" rcp -r docsdir abc.doc lassi:/docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage11=" rcp lassi:/docsdir/abc.doc .\n"
- RcpUsage12=" rcp -r lassi:/docsdir docsdir\n"
- RcpUsage13=" rcp john@lassi:/docsdir/abc.doc .\n"
- NotPlainFile="rcp: %s: not a plain file\n"
- NameTooLong="%s/%s: Name too long\n"
- AmbigTarget="rcp: ambiguous target\n"
- DroppedConn="rcp: dropped connection\n"
- CantTruncate="rcp: can't truncate %s: %s\n"
- CantSetTimes="rcp: can't set times on %s: %s\n"
- ProtScrewup="rcp: protocol screwup: %s\n"
- NoMemory="rcp: malloc: out of memory\n"
- UnkService="rcp: shell/tcp: unknown service\n"
- WhoAreYou="who are you?\n"
- InvalidName="rcp: invalid user name %s\n"
- LostConn="rcp: lost connection\n"
- Unexpected="unexpected '\\n'"
- LostConn2="lost connection"
- NotDelim1="mtime.sec not delimited"
- NotDelim2="mtime.usec not delimited"
- NotDelim3="atime.sec not delimited"
- NotDelim4="atime.usec not delimited"
- ExpCtrlRec="expected control record"
- BadMode="bad mode"
- NotDelim5="mode not delimited"
- NotDelim6"size not delimited"
- InvalidWild="rcp: %s: invalid DOS wildcard specification\n"
- NoMatch="rcp: %s: no matching names found\n"
- CopyingFile=" copying file: %s\n"
- LocalCopy="rcp: Use the DOS copy or xcopy command for local copies\n"
- [RSH]
- WhoAreYou="who are you?\n"
- UnkService="rsh: shell/tcp: unknown service\n"
- NoStderr="rsh: can't establish stderr\n"
- RshUsage01="\nExecute command: rsh hostname [-l user] [-n] command\n"
- RshUsage02="Execute Rlogin: rsh hostname [-l user] [-n]\n"
- RshUsage03="Options: -l connect to host with login name of user\n"
- RshUsage04=" -n divert input to /DEV/NULL\n\n"
- RshUsage05="Examples: rsh lassi ls /docs\n"
- RshUsage06=" rsh lassi ls /docs > local.doclist\n"
- RshUsage07=" rsh lassi ls /docs \">\" remote.doclist\n"
- RshUsage08=" rsh lassi -l james ls /docs\n"
- RshUsage09=" rsh lassi -l james\n"
- RshUsage10=" rsh lassi\n"
- [rlogin]
- WhoAreYou="Who are you?\n"
- UnkService="rlogin: login/tcp: unknown service\n"
- RloUsage01="\nRemote Login: rlogin hostname [-l user]\n\n"
- RloUsage02="Options: -l connect to host with login name of user\n\n"
- RloUsage03="Examples: rlogin lassi\n"
- RloUsage04=" rlogin lassi -l james\n\n"
- ToReturn="\nTo return to DOS, type \"exit\" or \"logout\" ...\n\n"
- [ping]
- CtrlBreak="\nPress CTRL/BREAK keys to quit ...\n\n"
- IsAlive="\n%s is alive\n";
- IsNotAlive="\n%s is unreachable\n";
- PngUsage01="\nSee if Host Alive: ping hostname\n"
- PngUsage02="\Check Connection: ping -s[dfnrvR] hostname [packetsize [count [preload]]]\n"
- PngUsage03="Options: -s Send multiple echo packets\n"
- PngUsage04=" -d Set the SO_DEBUG socket option\n"
- PngUsage05=" -f Send packets with no delay (flood)\n"
- PngUsage06=" -n Show network addresses as numbers\n"
- PngUsage07=" -r Send packets directly to host (don't route)\n"
- PngUsage08=" -v Set Verbose display - list any ICMP packets\n"
- PngUsage09=" -R Set the \'record route\' socket option\n"
- PngUsage10=" packetsize Size of echo packet to send (max 8184)\n"
- PngUsage11=" count Number of echo packets to send\n"
- PngUsage12=" preload Number of echo packets to send before delay\n"
- PngUsage13="\nExamples: ping lassi\n";
- PngUsage14=" ping -s lassi\n";
- PngUsage15=" ping -s lassi 2048\n";
- PngUsage16=" ping -s lassi 2048 1\n";
- PngUsage17=" ping -s lassi 2048 5 5\n";
- PngUsage18=" ping -sf lassi\n";
- PngUsage19=" ping -svR lassi\n";
- Stats="\n----%s PING Statistics----\n"
- PktsSent="%ld packets transmitted, "
- PktsRcvd="%ld packets received, "
- SomeBody="-- somebody's printing up packets!"
- PktLoss="%d%% packet loss"
- RndTrip="round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = %ld/%ld/%ld\n"
- PktShort="packet too short (%d bytes) from %s\n"
- BytesFm1="%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u"
- BytesFm2="%d bytes from %s: "
- UnkHost="%s: unknown host %s\n"
- TooLarge="ping: packet size too large\n"
- MallocFail="ping: malloc failed\n"
- UnkProt="icmp: unknown protocol\n"
- NoRcdRoute="ping: record route not available on this machine.\n"
- DataBytes1="PING %s (%s): %d data bytes\n"
- DataBytes2="PING %s: %d data bytes\n"
- WroteChars="ping: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d\n"
- TripTime=" time=%ld ms\n"
- EchoReply="Echo Reply\n"
- DstNetUnr="Destination Net Unreachable\n"
- DstHstUnr="Destination Host Unreachable\n"
- DstProtUnr="Destination Protocol Unreachable\n"
- DstPortUnr="Destination Port Unreachable\n"
- FragNeeded="frag needed and DF set\n"
- SrcFailed="Source Route Failed\n"
- DestUnr="Dest Unreachable, Bad Code: %d\n"
- SrcQuench="Source Quench\n"
- RedirNet="Redirect Network"
- RedirHost="Redirect Host"
- RedirSrv1="Redirect Type of Service and Network"
- RedirSrv2="Redirect Type of Service and Host"
- RedirCode="Redirect, Bad Code: %d"
- NewAddr=" (New addr: 0x%08lx)\n"
- EchoRqst="Echo Request\n"
- TTLXceed="Time to live exceeded\n"
- FRTXceed="Frag reassembly time exceeded\n"
- TimXceed="Time exceeded, Bad Code: %d\n"
- ParmProb="Parameter problem: pointer = 0x%02x\n"
- TimStamp="Timestamp\n"
- TSReply="Timestamp Reply\n"
- InfoRqst="Information Request\n"
- InfoRply="Information Reply\n"
- AMskRqst="Address Mask Request\n"
- AMskRply="Address Mask Reply\n"
- BadIcmp="Bad ICMP type: %d\n"
- Header="Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data\n"
- TCPFrom="TCP: from port %d, to port %d (decimal)\n"
- UDPFrom="UDP: from port %d, to port %d (decimal)\n"
- SWarning="Warning - option(s) ignored because \'-s\' option not specified\n"
- [ls]
- LsUsage01="\nUsage: ls [-ladsfb] filename|directoryname ...\n"
- LsUsage02="Options: -l List in long format\n"
- LsUsage03=" -a List all entries, including hidden files\n"
- LsUsage04=" -d List directory names, not directory contents\n"
- LsUsage05=" -s List subdirectories only\n"
- LsUsage06=" -f List files only\n"
- LsUsage07=" -b List DOS file name if different from network name\n"
- LsUsage08="\nExamples: ls\n"
- LsUsage09=" ls *.*\n"
- LsUsage10=" ls my???.doc\n"
- LsUsage11=" ls *.doc *.txt\n"
- LsUsage12=" ls myfile\n"
- LsUsage13=" ls mydir\n"
- LsUsage14=" ls mydir/*.doc\n"
- LsUsage15=" ls mydir\\*.doc\n"
- LsUsage16=" ls *.doc mydir\n"
- LsUsage17=" ls ..\n"
- LsUsage18=" ls -l\n"
- LsUsage19=" ls -sd\n"
- NoMatch="\n%s: no matching names found\n"
- InvPath="No such file or directory\n"
- NotBoth="The -f and -s options are mutually exclusive\n"
- NetOnly="\nThe -b option is only valid for network drives\n"
- [dosunix]
- D2UUsage01="\nUsage: dos2unix [-bulf] [src_file|src_dir [dst_file|dst_dir]]\n"
- D2UUsage02="options: b binary 8-bit conversion (else bit 8 is truncated)\n"
- D2UUsage03=" u text characters (a-z) are converted to upper case\n"
- D2UUsage04=" l text characters (A-Z) are converted to lower case\n"
- D2UUsage05=" f prevents removal of any extra carriage returns\n"
- D2UUsage06="\nNotes: 1) the -b, -u, and -l options are mutually exclusive\n"
- D2UUsage07=" 2) standard input/output device used if no file specified\n"
- D2UUsage08="\nExamples: dos2unix myfile.dos\n"
- D2UUsage09=" dos2unix myfile.dos myfile.ux\n"
- D2UUsage10=" dos2unix -lf d:\\mydir\\myfile.dos myfile.ux\n"
- D2UUsage11=" dos2unix myfile.dos unixdir\n"
- D2UUsage12=" dos2unix dosdir unixdir\n"
- D2UUsage13=" dos2unix dosdir\\*.dos unixdir\n"
- U2DUsage01="\nUsage: unix2dos [-bulfz] [src_file|src_dir [dst_file|dst_dir]]\n"
- U2DUsage02="options: b binary 8-bit conversion (else bit 8 is truncated)\n"
- U2DUsage03=" u text characters (a-z) are converted to upper case\n"
- U2DUsage04=" l text characters (A-Z) are converted to lower case\n"
- U2DUsage05=" f forces addition of carriage returns before linefeeds\n"
- U2DUsage06=" z add Ctrl-Z (DOS EOF) to end of file if not already there\n"
- U2DUsage07="\nNotes: 1) the -b, -u, and -l options are mutually exclusive\n"
- U2DUsage08=" 2) standard input/output device used if no file specified\n"
- U2DUsage09="\nExamples: unix2dos myfile.ux\n"
- U2DUsage09=" unix2dos myfile.ux myfile.dos\n"
- U2DUsage10=" unix2dos -lf d:\\mydir\\myfile.ux myfile.dos\n"
- U2DUsage11=" unix2dos myfile.ux dosdir\n"
- U2DUsage12=" unix2dos unixdir dosdir\n"
- U2DUsage13=" unix2dos unixdir\\*.ux dosdir\n"
- InvalidParam="\nInvalid file parameter(s) specified\n"
- SameFile="\nCannot convert and transfer file or directory onto itself\n"
- InvalidOpt="\nInvalid combination of options\n"
- EmptyDir="\nThe specified input directory is empty\n"
- InputFile="\nUnable to open input file %s%s%s\n"
- DirToFile="\nCannot transfer contents of a directory to a file\n"
- OutputFile="\nUnable to open output file %s%s%s\n"
- InFileErr="\nAn error occurred while reading the input file\n"
- OutFileErr="\nAn error occurred while writing the output file\n"
- DosEof="\nStopped at DOS end-of-file\n"
- [common]
- AllPortsUsed="socket: All ports in use\n"
- ConnectTo="connect to address %s: "
- Trying="Trying %s...\n"
- WriteStderr="write: setting up stderr"
- SelStderr="select: setting up stderr"
- SelProt="select: protocol failure in circuit setup.\n"
- SockProt="socket: protocol failure in circuit setup.\n"