PC World Komputer 1996 May
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Linux/UNIX/POSIX Shell Script
379 lines
# RE_SID: @(%)/usr/re/builds/pcnfs/unix/serial/SCCS/s.addslip.csh 1.5 93/11/04 16:58:48 SMI
# @(#)addslip.csh 1.5 11/4/93
echo ""
echo " -------------- addslip.csh -------------------"
echo ""
echo "This is the PC-NFS 5.1 SLIP Gateway Installation Script"
echo "for SunOS 4.x running on all Sun systems."
echo ""
echo "This script is quite verbose, and will ask you a number of questions about"
echo "your current configuration and what you want to do. You may find it useful"
echo "to use the script(1) command to create a record of the installation process."
echo ""
echo "All questions will be simple yes/no choices. You should enter y or n exactly"
echo "as shown - Y, yes, etc. will not be recognized. The default reply is shown"
echo "in square brackets."
echo ""
echo -n "Are you ready to proceed (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn == n ) goto exitscript
echo ""
echo "Retrieving the current configuration..."
echo ""
set curconf=`strings /vmunix | grep "SunOS Release" | sed -e "s/^.*(//" | sed -e "s/).*//"`
set syspath=/usr/sys
set arch=`arch`
# Check for new paths on Sun3 and Sun4 systems.
if ( $arch == sun3) then
if ( -e $syspath/sun3x) then
set arch=sun3x
else if (! -e $syspath/sun3) then
echo "This script installs to $syspath/sun3 or $syspath/sun3x. "
echo "Neither sub-directory can be located. "
echo "Refer to the documentation for suggestions. "
exit (3)
else if ( $arch == sun4) then
if ( -e $syspath/sun4c) then
set arch=sun4c
else if ( -e $syspath/sun4m) then
set arch=sun4m
else if (! -e $syspath/sun4) then
echo "This script installs to $syspath/sun4, sun4c, or sun4m. "
echo "Neither sub-directory can be located. "
echo "Refer to the documentation for suggestions. "
exit (3)
set archpath = $syspath/$arch
set confpath = $archpath/conf
set localpath = /files/local/sun386
if( $#argv > 1 ) then
echo "Usage: addslip.csh [<current-config>]"
exit (1)
if ( -e $syspath/sunif/if_sl.c ) then
diff sunif/if_sl.c $syspath/sunif/if_sl.c >/dev/null
echo "You have already installed some or all of a SLIP distribution kit. Do you"
echo "want to remove this software? If you do this, you should then remove any"
echo "SLIP kernel configurations and install a non-SLIP kernel if necessary."
echo "(Please note: You do not need to do this if you simply want to upgrade to"
echo "new SLIP software.)"
diff sunif/if_sl.c $syspath/sunif/if_sl.c >/dev/null
if ($status == 0) echo "(N.b. The existing SLIP software matches that in this distribution.)"
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to remove SLIP (y or n [n]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn == y) then
echo -n "Are you sure you want to remove SLIP (y or n [n]):"
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn == y) then
if ( -f $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP ) mv $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP $syspath/sun/str_conf.c
if ( -f $confpath/files.PRE-SLIP ) mv $confpath/files.PRE-SLIP $confpath/files
echo ""
echo "Pre-SLIP files replaced."
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to continue with the installation (y or n [n]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn != y ) goto exitscript
echo ""
echo "Any existing SLIP sources have been left intact."
echo ""
if ( $#argv > 0 ) then
if( $1 != $curconf ) then
echo "You have specified that the SLIP configuration should be derived from"
echo "the configuration file $1"
echo "However, your system is currently running a Unix kernel which was built"
echo "from the configuration file $curconf"
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to use $curconf instead of $1 (y or n [n]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( "$yorn" != y ) set curconf = $1
echo ""
echo "The file $curconf will be used as the basis for this configuration."
echo ""
if ( $#argv == 0 ) then
echo "You did not specify the name of a configuration file from which the SLIP"
echo "configuration should be derived. Your system is currently running a Unix"
echo "kernel which was built from the configuration file $curconf"
echo "This configuration file will be used for this installation."
echo ""
set newconf=${curconf}-SL
if ( ! -f $confpath/$curconf ) then
echo "addslip.csh cannot find a configuration file called"
echo " $confpath/$curconf"
echo "Please recheck your input."
goto abortscript
fgrep -s sl8 $confpath/$curconf
if ( $status ) then
set newconf=${curconf}-SL
if ( -f $confpath/$newconf ) then
echo "The script normally creates a new kernel configuration file by appending"
echo "the string -SL to the original name. However a file called $newconf"
echo -n "already exists. Should I replace this file (y) or use it (n)? [n]: "
set yorn = $<
if ( "$yorn" == y ) rm $confpath/$newconf
echo ""
echo "The configuration file $curconf already includes SLIP configuration"
echo "information. A new configuration file will not be built."
echo ""
set newconf=$curconf
echo "Current configuration checks complete."
echo ""
echo "Before you can build a SLIP kernel, you must copy the SLIP sources into the"
echo "correct directories. Specifically, new copies of the following files must be"
echo "installed:"
echo " $syspath/sunif/if_sl.c"
echo ""
echo "Backup copies of all files will be made. If you have already installed SLIP"
echo "you can skip this step. If you are upgrading to a new release of the SLIP"
echo "software, this step will replace the necessary files but will still allow"
echo "you to back out SLIP completely at a later time."
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to copy the SLIP source files (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
echo ""
if ( "$yorn" != n ) then
echo "Backing up old source files..."
if ( ! -e $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP ) cp $syspath/sun/str_conf.c $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP
echo "Copying source files..."
cp sunif/if_sl.c $syspath/sunif/if_sl.c
echo ""
echo "There are four utility programs used by SLIP. They are:"
echo " sunslip (handles dial-up SLIP connections)"
echo " slattach (handles hard-wired slip connections)"
echo " mkslipuser (sets up the dialup user database)"
echo " dslipuser (displays dial-up SLIP status)"
#### on sun386i ####
if ("$arch" == sun386) then
echo "These are normally installed in /files/local/sun386/etc, with symbolic"
echo "links to them in /etc."
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to compile and install the SLIP utilities (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
echo ""
if ( "$yorn" == n ) goto skip
if(! -w $localpath) goto promptuser
if(! -e $localpath/etc) mkdir $localpath/etc
if(! -w $localpath/etc) goto promptuser
set lpath=$localpath/etc
goto continue
echo "Cannot load files into $localpath/etc"
echo "Please enter a local directory where you would like"
echo "the SLIP utilities installed: "
echo ""
set lpath = $<
#### on other machines ####
echo "These are normally installed in /etc; if you choose to move them to a"
echo "different location, you should make sure that there are symbolic links"
echo "to them in /etc."
echo ""
echo -n "Do you want to compile and install the SLIP utilities (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
echo ""
if ( "$yorn" != y ) goto skip
if(! -w /etc) then
echo "Cannot load files into /etc"
echo "Please enter a local directory where you would like"
echo "the SLIP utilities installed: "
echo ""
set lpath = $<
set lpath=/etc
pushd usr
echo "Changing current directory to $cwd"
echo "Removing any old copies of the utilities..."
if ("$lpath" != /etc) then
make -i uninstall386 DESTDIR=$lpath
echo "Installing utilities..."
make install386 DESTDIR=$lpath
make -i uninstall DESTDIR=$lpath
echo "Installing utilities..."
make install DESTDIR=$lpath
echo "Changing current directory back to $cwd"
echo ""
fgrep -s if_sl $confpath/files >/dev/null
if ($status ) then
echo "The file"
echo " $confpath/files"
echo "contains a list of the source files to be used in configuring a new kernel."
echo "This file must be edited to include an entry for the SLIP driver if_sl.c."
echo "A backup copy will be made before it is edited. Note that if you do not"
echo "edit this file, further SLIP installation is impossible."
echo ""
echo -n "Edit $confpath/files (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( "$yorn" == n ) goto abortscript
echo ""
echo "Backing up current file..."
if ( ! -e $confpath/files.PRE-SLIP ) cp $confpath/files $confpath/files.PRE-SLIP
echo "Editing..."
chmod +w $confpath/files
ed - $confpath/files <<EOFSTRING
sunif/if_sl.c optional sl INET device-driver
chmod -w $confpath/files
echo "Edit complete."
echo ""
fgrep -s sl_info $syspath/sun/str_conf.c >/dev/null
if ($status ) then
echo "The file"
echo " $syspath/sun/str_conf.c"
echo "contains definitions of the STREAMS modules to be included in the kernel."
echo "This file must be edited to include an entry for the SLIP driver if_sl.c."
echo "A backup copy will be made before it is edited. Note that if you do not"
echo "edit this file, further SLIP installation is impossible."
echo ""
echo -n "Edit $syspath/sun/str_conf.c (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( "$yorn" == n ) goto abortscript
echo ""
echo "Backing up current file..."
if ( ! -e $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP ) cp $syspath/sun/str_conf.c $syspath/sun/str_conf.c.PRE-SLIP
echo "Editing..."
chmod +w $syspath/sun/str_conf.c
ed - $syspath/sun/str_conf.c <<EOFSTRING
#include "sl.h"
#if NSL > 0
extern struct streamtab sl_info;
#if NSL > 0
{ "sl", &sl_info },
chmod -w $syspath/sun/str_conf.c
echo "Edit complete."
echo ""
if ( ! -e $confpath/$newconf ) then
echo "The configuration file"
echo " $confpath/$newconf"
echo -n "does not exist. Create it (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn == n ) goto abortscript
cp $confpath/$curconf $confpath/$newconf
echo ""
# There are now three possibilities: no SLIP config info;
# obsolete info, or good info
egrep -s '^pseudo-device.*sl.*init.*slattach' $confpath/$newconf
if ( $status ) then
echo "The configuration file"
echo " $confpath/$newconf"
echo "does not contain an entry for the SLIP pseudo-device (or, possibly, contains"
echo "an entry which is not in the correct format). The file must be edited to"
echo "add this information."
echo -n "Edit $confpath/$newconf (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( $yorn == n ) goto abortscript
echo ""
echo "Editing..."
chmod +w $confpath/$newconf
ed - $confpath/$newconf << EOFSTRING >/dev/null
ed - $confpath/$newconf << EOFSTRING >/dev/null
pseudo-device sl8 init slattach
echo "Edit complete."
echo ""
echo "The next step is to run the config utility. This will take the file"
echo " $confpath/$newconf"
echo "and create a directory"
echo " $archpath/$newconf"
echo "The new kernel will then be built by executing a 'make' in this directory."
echo ""
echo -n "Ready to configure and build the new Unix kernel (y or n [y]): "
set yorn = $<
if ( "$yorn" == n ) goto abortscript
echo ""
echo "Changing current directory to $confpath"
pushd $confpath
echo "Configuring kernel..."
config $newconf
cd ../$newconf
echo "Changing current directory to $cwd"
echo "Making new kernel..."
echo "Kernel build complete."
echo "Save your exisitng kernel and"
echo "Reboot your machine using the newly built kernel."
echo "Changing current directory back to $cwd"
echo ""
echo " ---------------- addslip.csh DONE -----------------"
echo ""
echo " ---------------- addslip.csh FAILED -----------------"