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Java Source | 1995-05-15 | 13.8 KB | 481 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)Socket.java 1.16 95/05/15 Jonathan Payne, Chuck McManis
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994,1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
- * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without
- * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
- * appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html"
- * for further important copyright and licensing information.
- *
- */
- package net;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.util.Linker;
- /**
- * This is the basic socket class. It is currently 'SOCKSified'
- * so if you have SOCKS_HOST and SOCKS_PORT set, and the address
- * cannot be connected to locally, then we try going through sockd.
- *
- * @author Jonathan Payne
- * @author Chuck McManis
- * @version 1.16, 15 May 1995
- */
- public final class Socket {
- private int s; /* UNIX socket FD */
- /** address this socket is bound to */
- public InetAddress address;
- /** Port this socket is bound to in network byte order. */
- public int port = -1;
- /** file for doing input on this socket */
- public FileInputStream inputStream;
- /** file for doing output to other end */
- public FileOutputStream outputStream;
- /** set to true if the connection has gone through socks. */
- private boolean isSOCKSSocket = false;
- /**
- * SOCKS Variables. These variables are set when the user is
- * using SOCKS to go through the firewall.
- *
- * The first SOCKSUser should be the current username.
- */
- private static String SOCKSUser;
- /** This is the host running sockd, SOCKS_HOST environment var */
- private static InetAddress SOCKSHost;
- /** Port number for sockd, by default it is 1080 */
- private static int SOCKSPort = 1080;
- /**
- * This is the SOCKS name server
- */
- private static InetAddress SOCKSNameServer;
- /** This is the SOCKS domain name, SOCKS_DN environment variable */
- private static String SOCKSDomainName;
- /** A pair of booleans to control SOCKS */
- private static boolean SOCKSInit;
- /** Link network.so into the runtime. */
- static {
- Linker.loadLibrary("net");
- }
- /** Specify how many connections can attempt to connect to this
- socket at once before getting an error. */
- public native void listen(int count);
- /** Accept a connection to this socket from some place else,
- and fill in the specified socket with the new socket
- information. This is a helper function for the accept()
- method that returns a new Socket object. */
- private native void accept(Socket dst);
- /** This does nothing except provide an entry point for other
- related packages to cause the above static initializer to
- run. */
- public static void initialize() {}
- /** Create an internet socket. If isStream is true, creates
- a stream socket, otherwise a DGRAM style socket is created. */
- private native void create(boolean isStream);
- /** dup 'this' socket, this is for the fake accept that SOCKS does. */
- private native int dup();
- /** Bind this socket to a local address. */
- public native void bindAnonymously(InetAddress addr);
- private native void connectUnchecked(InetAddress dest, int port);
- /** Bind this socket to a known port at the specified address. */
- public native void bindToPort(InetAddress addr, int port);
- /** Connect this socket to the specified destination and
- port. Throws an exception if this fails. */
- public void connect(InetAddress dest, int port) {
- String appURL = Firewall.verifyAccess(dest.hostName, port);
- if (appURL != null) {
- String msg = "Applet at " + appURL +
- " attempted illegal socket connection to " +
- dest.hostName + ":" + port;
- Firewall.securityError(msg);
- return;
- }
- connectUnchecked(dest, port);
- }
- /** Accept a connection on this socket, returning a new one.
- The old socket is still around for listening for new
- connections. */
- public Socket accept() {
- Socket newSocket = new Socket();
- newSocket.address = new InetAddress();
- accept(newSocket);
- newSocket.makeStreams();
- return newSocket;
- }
- public Socket SOCKSAccept() {
- int i;
- if (! usingSOCKS()) {
- throw new SOCKSException("Not using socks on this socket.");
- }
- byte dst[] = new byte[8];
- i = inputStream.read(dst); // Get the remote connect request.
- if (i != 8) {
- throw new SOCKSException("remote server timed out.");
- }
- if (dst[0] != 4) {
- throw new SOCKSException("Wrong version returned from sockd.");
- }
- if (dst[1] != 90) {
- exceptionThrower((int) dst[1]);
- }
- Socket newSocket = new Socket();
- newSocket.address = new InetAddress();
- newSocket.address.address = ((dst[4] << 24) & 0xff000000) +
- ((dst[5] << 16) & 0xff0000) +
- ((dst[6] << 8) & 0xff00) +
- ((dst[7] << 0) & 0xff);
- newSocket.port = ((dst[2] << 8) & 0xff00) + (dst[3] & 0xff);
- newSocket.s = dup();
- newSocket.makeStreams();
- return (newSocket);
- }
- private void exceptionThrower(int msgnum) {
- String msg;
- switch (msgnum) {
- case 90: msg = new String("Call Succeeded.");
- break;
- case 91: msg = new String("Call Failed.");
- break;
- case 92: msg = new String("Failed to connect to identd on client.");
- break;
- case 93: msg = new String("Identd reported different user id.");
- break;
- default: msg = new String("SOCKS Error "+msgnum);
- break;
- }
- throw new SOCKSException(msg);
- }
- /**
- * This method returns the state of the isSOCKSSocket variable.
- * It has to be a method to prevent the variable from being overwritten
- * my malicious programs.
- */
- public boolean usingSOCKS() {
- return (isSOCKSSocket);
- }
- /**
- * Create a bound socket on the other side of a SOCKS firewall.
- */
- public void SOCKSBind(InetAddress addr, Socket remHost) {
- byte dst[];
- boolean connected;
- int ntries;
- if (! remHost.usingSOCKS()) {
- throw new SOCKSException("SOCKS bind called for inside host.");
- }
- doSOCKSInit(); // Initialize SOCKS variables if not already.
- for (ntries = 0; ntries < 3; ntries++) {
- try {
- create(true);
- makeStreams();
- connectUnchecked(Socket.SOCKSHost, Socket.SOCKSPort);
- break;
- } catch (ProtocolException e) {
- // Sometimes connect on Solaris will get a
- // protocol exception. The only thing that seems
- // to help in that case is to close down the
- // socket and start again from scratch.
- close();
- continue;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Let someone else handle any other exception
- // after clsing the socket down.
- close();
- throw e;
- }
- }
- if (ntries == 3) {
- throw new SOCKSException("Unable to connect to sockd.");
- }
- dst = new byte[8 + SOCKSUser.length() + 1]; /* connect packet */
- dst[0] = 4; // SOCKS version
- dst[1] = 2; // SOCKS bind command
- dst[2] = (byte) ((remHost.port >>> 8) & 0xff);
- dst[3] = (byte) (remHost.port & 0xff);
- dst[4] = (byte) ((remHost.address.address >>> 24) & 0xff);
- dst[5] = (byte) ((remHost.address.address >>> 16) & 0xff);
- dst[6] = (byte) ((remHost.address.address >>> 8) & 0xff);
- dst[7] = (byte) ((remHost.address.address >>> 0) & 0xff);
- SOCKSUser.getBytes(0, SOCKSUser.length(), dst, 8);
- dst[dst.length - 1] = 0;
- outputStream.write(dst);
- int i = inputStream.read(dst, 0, 8);
- if (i != 8) {
- throw new SOCKSException("connection timed out.");
- }
- if (dst[1] != 90) {
- exceptionThrower((int) dst[1]);
- }
- /* if result as INADDR_ANY */
- if ((dst[4] | dst[5] | dst[6] | dst[7]) == 0) {
- addr.address = SOCKSHost.address;
- }
- port = ((dst[2] << 8) & 0xff00) + (dst[3] & 0xff);
- isSOCKSSocket = true;
- }
- private void doSOCKSConnect(String host, int port) {
- byte dst[];
- InetAddress addr;
- boolean debug;
- debug = System.getenv("SOCKS_DEBUG") != null;
- if (debug)
- System.out.println("Attempting to resolve host '"+host+"'");
- if (SOCKSNameServer == null) {
- addr = InetAddress.getByName(host);
- } else {
- addr = InetAddress.getByName(host, SOCKSNameServer);
- }
- if (debug)
- System.out.println("address is '"+addr+"'");
- /* XXX this works on UNIX but may fail on Win/Mac */
- if (SOCKSUser == null) {
- SOCKSUser = System.getenv("USER");
- if (SOCKSUser == null) {
- SOCKSUser = new String("NOBODY");
- }
- }
- dst = new byte[8 + SOCKSUser.length() + 1]; /* connect packet */
- dst[0] = 4; // SOCKS version
- dst[1] = 1; // SOCKS connect command.
- dst[2] = (byte) ((port >>> 8) & 0xff);
- dst[3] = (byte) (port & 0xff);
- dst[4] = (byte) ((addr.address >>> 24) & 0xff);
- dst[5] = (byte) ((addr.address >>> 16) & 0xff);
- dst[6] = (byte) ((addr.address >>> 8) & 0xff);
- dst[7] = (byte) ((addr.address >>> 0) & 0xff);
- SOCKSUser.getBytes(0, SOCKSUser.length(), dst, 8);
- dst[dst.length - 1] = 0;
- outputStream.write(dst);
- int i = inputStream.read(dst, 0, 8);
- if (i != 8) {
- throw new SOCKSException("connection timed out.");
- }
- if (dst[1] != 90) {
- exceptionThrower((int) dst[1]);
- }
- isSOCKSSocket = true;
- }
- /** Close the connection. Other end will get EOF on reads,
- and SIGPIPE on writes. */
- public synchronized void close() {
- /*
- * Note that we only have to close one of the streams here
- * because they both share the same filesdescriptor.
- * closing one has the effect of closing filedescriptor of
- * the other.
- */
- inputStream.close();
- s = -1;
- }
- public String toString() {
- return "Socket[fd=" + s + ", address=" + address + ", port=" + port + "]";
- }
- /** Make the input and output streams for this socket. */
- private void makeStreams() {
- inputStream = new SocketInputStream(this, s);
- outputStream = new SocketOutputStream(this, s);
- }
- /** Create a socket object without a corresponding underlying
- system socket object associated with it. This is used for
- the accept() call, which in UNIX, anyway, allocates a new
- system-level socket upon return (which we then use to fill
- in this socket with). */
- private Socket() {
- }
- private static void doSOCKSInit() {
- /*
- * Initialize SOCKS variables if necessary.
- */
- if (! SOCKSInit) {
- String t;
- SOCKSInit = true;
- t = System.getenv("SOCKS_HOST");
- if (t == null) {
- return;
- }
- SOCKSHost = InetAddress.getByName(t);
- t = System.getenv("SOCKS_PORT");
- if (t != null) {
- SOCKSPort = Integer.parseInt(t);
- }
- t = System.getenv("SOCKS_NS");
- if (t != null)
- SOCKSNameServer = InetAddress.getByName(t);
- SOCKSDomainName = System.getenv("SOCKS_DN");
- }
- }
- /** Create a socket which is a TCP socket if isStream is true,
- or is a UDP socket otherwise. */
- public Socket(boolean isStream) {
- create(isStream);
- makeStreams();
- doSOCKSInit();
- }
- /** Create a TCP socket and connect it to the specified port on
- the specified host. */
- public Socket(String host, int port) {
- int ntries = 3; // number of tries before faulure.
- boolean connected = false;
- String tmps;
- Exception pendingException = null;
- String appURL;
- /*
- * Initialize SOCKS variables if necessary.
- */
- doSOCKSInit();
- if ((appURL = Firewall.verifyAccess(host, port)) != null) {
- String msg = "Applet at " + appURL +
- " attempted illegal socket connection to " +
- host + ":" + port;
- Firewall.securityError(msg);
- } else {
- while (!connected && ntries-- > 0) {
- try {
- create(true);
- makeStreams();
- connectUnchecked(InetAddress.getByName(host), port);
- connected = true;
- } catch (ProtocolException e) {
- // Sometimes connect on Solaris will get a
- // protocol exception. The only thing that seems
- // to help in that case is to close down the
- // socket and start again from scratch.
- close();
- pendingException = e; // save it for later
- if (ntries == 0) {
- break;
- }
- } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
- close();
- pendingException = e;
- break; // Try socks if that is configured.
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Let someone else handle any other exception
- // after clsing the socket down.
- close();
- throw e;
- }
- } // end while
- /* Were we successful? If so, return from here. */
- if (connected)
- return;
- // If not using SOCKS really quit.
- if (SOCKSHost == null) {
- throw pendingException;
- }
- /*
- * Could not connect directly, and while statement above
- * did a 'break' so we must be using SOCKS
- *
- * XXX Weaknesses XXX
- * - We aren't a "versatile" client, and don't support many
- * SOCKS server.
- * - We probably should encapsulate the firewall behaviour to
- * support others such as NAT, etc.
- *
- * Step 1. Attempt to establish a connection to the SOCKS server
- */
- while (! connected && ntries-- > 0) {
- try {
- create(true);
- makeStreams();
- connectUnchecked(Socket.SOCKSHost, Socket.SOCKSPort);
- connected = true;
- } catch (ProtocolException e) {
- // Sometimes connect on Solaris will get a
- // protocol exception. The only thing that seems
- // to help in that case is to close down the
- // socket and start again from scratch.
- close();
- if (ntries == 0)
- throw e; // give up
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Let someone else handle any other exception
- // after clsing the socket down.
- close();
- throw e;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Now we're connected to the SOCKS server,
- * Step 2. Tell it who we _really_ want.
- * (throws an exception if it fails)
- */
- doSOCKSConnect(host, port);
- }
- }
- protected void finalize() {
- try {
- close();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
- }
- }