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Java Source | 1995-05-15 | 17.0 KB | 571 lines |
- /*-
- * Copyright (c) 1994 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * @(#)PSGraphics.java 1.15 95/04/10 1/10/95
- *
- * Jim Graham, 1/10/95
- */
- package awt;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.lang.*;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * PSGraphics is an object that encapsulates a graphics context for a
- * particular PostScript file.
- *
- * @version 1.15 10 Apr 1995
- * @author Jim Graham
- */
- public class PSGraphics extends Graphics {
- public static Dimension Letter = new Dimension((72 * 17)/2, 11 * 72);
- public static Dimension Legal = new Dimension((72 * 17)/2, 14 * 72);
- public static Dimension Executive = new Dimension((72 * 15)/2, 10 * 72);
- public static Dimension A4 = new Dimension((int) (72 * 210 / 25.4),
- (int) (72 * 297 / 25.4));
- PrintStream ps;
- public String title;
- public Dimension paperDim;
- public Dimension layoutDim;
- public Dimension outputDim;
- public int marginTop = 72 / 2;
- public int marginBottom = 72 / 2;
- public int marginLeft = 72 / 2;
- public int marginRight = 72 / 2;
- public int pageNumber = 0;
- private PSGraphics parent;
- private Color curColor;
- private Font curFont;
- private FontMetrics curMetrics;
- private float scalefactor;
- private int adjustX;
- private int adjustY;
- private boolean prologSent = false;
- static private String SetColorName = "SC";
- static private String SetFontName = "SF";
- static private String RectClipName = "RC";
- static private String InitClipName = "IC";
- static private String RectFillName = "RF";
- static private String RectStrokeName = "RS";
- static private String DrawStringName = "DS";
- static private String DrawLineName = "DL";
- static private String ScaleName = "S";
- static private String StartPageName = "SP";
- static private String EndPageName = "EP";
- static private String GsaveName = "GS";
- static private String GrestoreName = "GR";
- static private String SetColormapName = "CM";
- static private String DrawImageName = "DI";
- static private String hexString = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- static private String testString =
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890";
- /**
- * Create a graphics context.
- */
- public PSGraphics(Window w, OutputStream os, String docTitle,
- Dimension layout, Dimension paper) {
- super(w);
- ps = new PrintStream(os);
- title = docTitle;
- layoutDim = layout;
- setPaper(paper);
- }
- public PSGraphics(PSGraphics psg) {
- super(psg.drawSurface);
- parent = psg;
- parent.gsave();
- title = psg.title;
- paperDim = psg.paperDim;
- layoutDim = psg.layoutDim;
- outputDim = psg.outputDim;
- marginTop = psg.marginTop;
- marginBottom = psg.marginBottom;
- marginLeft = psg.marginLeft;
- marginRight = psg.marginRight;
- pageNumber = psg.pageNumber;
- ps = psg.ps;
- curColor = psg.curColor;
- curFont = psg.curFont;
- scalefactor = psg.scalefactor;
- adjustX = psg.adjustX;
- adjustY = psg.adjustY;
- background = psg.background;
- foreground = psg.foreground;
- font = psg.font;
- originX = psg.originX;
- originY = psg.originY;
- scaleX = psg.scaleX;
- scaleY = psg.scaleY;
- }
- public Graphics createChild(int oX, int oY, float sX, float sY) {
- PSGraphics child = new PSGraphics(this);
- child.setOrigin(oX, oY);
- child.setScaling(sX, sY);
- return (Graphics) child;
- }
- public void dispose() {
- if (parent != null) {
- parent.grestore();
- }
- }
- private void newAdjust() {
- adjustX = ((int) ((float) marginLeft / scalefactor)
- + originX);
- adjustY = (outputDim.height
- + (int) ((float) marginLeft / scalefactor)
- - originY);
- }
- private void newDims() {
- int drawableWidth, drawableHeight;
- drawableWidth = paperDim.width - marginLeft - marginRight;
- drawableHeight = paperDim.height - marginTop - marginBottom;
- if (drawableWidth >= layoutDim.width)
- scalefactor = 1.0;
- else
- scalefactor = ((float) drawableWidth / (float) layoutDim.width);
- outputDim = new Dimension(layoutDim.width,
- (int) ((float) drawableHeight/scalefactor));
- newAdjust();
- }
- public void setPaper(Dimension paper) {
- if (paper == null)
- paper = Letter;
- paperDim = paper;
- newDims();
- }
- private void outRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
- ps.print((adjustX + X)+" "+(adjustY - Y)+" "+W+" "+(-H)+" ");
- }
- private void outPoint(int X, int Y) {
- ps.print((adjustX + X)+" "+(adjustY - Y)+" ");
- }
- private void outPoint(float X, float Y) {
- ps.print(((float) adjustX + X)+" "+((float) adjustY - Y)+" ");
- }
- private void outColor(Color color) {
- if (curColor == null || !curColor.equal(color)) {
- ps.println(color.r+" "+color.g+" "+color.b+" "+SetColorName);
- curColor = color;
- }
- }
- private void outFont(Font font) {
- // REMIND: all we check is the size and style for now...
- if (font != curFont) {
- curFont = font;
- curMetrics = getFontMetrics(font);
- int desiredWidth = curMetrics.stringWidth(testString);
- int fontIndex = font.style & ~Font.UNDERLINE;
- if (!font.family.substring(0,5).equalsIgnoreCase("times"))
- fontIndex += 4;
- ps.println("% Font["
- +font.family+", "
- +font.style+", "
- +font.size
- +"]");
- ps.println(desiredWidth+" "+font.size+" "+fontIndex+" "
- +SetFontName);
- }
- }
- private void outScale(float sx, float sy) {
- ps.println(sx+" "+sy+" "+ScaleName);
- }
- private void outStr(String str) {
- StringBuffer outbuf = new StringBuffer();
- outbuf.appendChar('(');
- for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
- char ch = str.charAt(i);
- if (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '\\')
- outbuf.appendChar('\\');
- outbuf.appendChar(ch);
- }
- outbuf.appendChar(')');
- ps.print(outbuf.toString());
- }
- public synchronized void gsave() {
- ps.println(GsaveName);
- }
- public synchronized void grestore() {
- ps.println(GrestoreName);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the font for all subsequent text-drawing operations.
- */
- public void setFont(Font f) {
- font = f;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the foreground color.
- */
- public void setForeground(Color c) {
- foreground = c;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the background color.
- */
- public void setBackground(Color c) {
- background = c;
- }
- /** Sets the clipping rectangle for this Graphics context. */
- public synchronized void clipRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
- outRect(X, Y, W, H);
- ps.println(RectClipName);
- }
- /** Clears the clipping region. */
- public synchronized void clearClip() {
- ps.println(InitClipName);
- }
- /** Fills the rectangle indicated by x,y,w,h in the given Color. */
- private synchronized void setRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H,
- Color color) {
- outColor(color);
- outRect(X, Y, W, H);
- ps.println(RectFillName);
- }
- /** Clears the rectangle indicated by x,y,w,h. */
- public void clearRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
- setRect(X, Y, W, H, background);
- }
- /** Fills the given rectangle with the foreground color. */
- public void fillRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
- setRect(X, Y, W, H, foreground);
- }
- /** Draws the given rectangle. */
- public synchronized void drawRect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
- outColor(foreground);
- outRect(X, Y, W, H);
- ps.println(RectStrokeName);
- }
- /** Draws the given string. */
- public synchronized void drawString(String str, int x, int y) {
- outFont(font);
- outColor(foreground);
- outStr(str);
- ps.print(" "+curMetrics.stringWidth(str)+" ");
- outPoint(x, y);
- ps.println(DrawStringName);
- }
- /** Draws the given character array. */
- public void drawChars(char chars[], int offset, int length, int x, int y) {
- // REMIND: Check the current font.
- drawString(new String(chars, offset, length), x, y);
- }
- /** Draws the given byte array. */
- public void drawBytes(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, int x, int y) {
- // REMIND: Check the current font.
- drawString(new String(bytes, 0, offset, length), x, y);
- }
- /** Draws the given string and returns the length of the drawn
- string in pixels. If font isn't set then returns -1. */
- public int drawStringWidth(String str, int x, int y) {
- drawString(str, x, y);
- return curMetrics.stringWidth(str);
- }
- /** Draws the given character array and return the width in
- pixels. If font isn't set then returns -1. */
- public int drawCharsWidth(char chars[], int offset, int length,
- int x, int y) {
- drawChars(chars, offset, length, x, y);
- return curMetrics.charsWidth(chars, offset, length);
- }
- /** Draws the given byte array and return the width in
- pixels. If font isn't set then returns -1. */
- public int drawBytesWidth(byte bytes[], int offset, int length,
- int x, int y) {
- drawBytes(bytes, offset, length, x, y);
- return curMetrics.bytesWidth(bytes, offset, length);
- }
- /** Draws the given line. */
- public synchronized void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- outColor(foreground);
- outPoint(x1, y1);
- outPoint(x2, y2);
- ps.println(DrawLineName);
- }
- private int RGBtoGray(int r, int g, int b) {
- // Taken from the RGB to YIQ mapping (Foley & Van Dam, 2nd Ed.)
- float y = .299 * r + .587 * g + .114 * b;
- return (int) y;
- }
- /** Draws an image at x,y. */
- public synchronized void drawImage(Image I, int X, int Y) {
- DIBitmap dib = I.getDIBitmap();
- ps.println("%"+dib);
- ps.println(dib.num_colors + " " + SetColormapName);
- char outbuf[] = new char[72];
- int linepos = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < dib.num_colors; i++) {
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.red[i] >>> 4) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.red[i]) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.green[i] >>> 4) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.green[i]) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.blue[i] >>> 4) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((dib.blue[i]) & 0xf);
- if (linepos >= 72) {
- ps.println(outbuf);
- linepos = 0;
- }
- }
- if (linepos > 0)
- ps.println(new String(outbuf, 0, linepos));
- if (dib.trans_index < dib.num_colors) {
- int startx = -1;
- int trans_index = dib.trans_index;
- int index = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < dib.height; j++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < dib.width; i++) {
- if (dib.raster[index++] == trans_index) {
- if (startx >= 0) {
- drawSubImage(dib,
- X + startx, Y + j,
- startx, j, i, j + 1);
- startx = -1;
- }
- } else {
- if (startx < 0)
- startx = i;
- }
- }
- if (startx >= 0) {
- drawSubImage(dib,
- X + startx, Y + j,
- startx, j, dib.width, j + 1);
- startx = -1;
- }
- }
- } else
- drawSubImage(dib, X, Y, 0, 0, dib.width, dib.height);
- }
- private void drawSubImage(DIBitmap dib,
- int X, int Y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- int w = x2 - x1;
- int h = y2 - y1;
- int index = y1 * dib.width + x1;
- int linepos = 0;
- char outbuf[] = new char[72];
- outRect(X, Y, w, -h);
- ps.println(DrawImageName);
- for (int j = y1; j < y2; j++) {
- for (int i = x1; i < x2; i++) {
- int pixel = dib.raster[index++] & 0xff;
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt((pixel >>> 4) & 0xf);
- outbuf[linepos++] = hexString.charAt(pixel & 0xf);
- if (linepos >= 72) {
- ps.println(outbuf);
- linepos = 0;
- }
- }
- index += dib.width - w;
- }
- if (linepos > 0)
- ps.println(new String(outbuf, 0, linepos));
- }
- /**
- * Copies an area of the window that this graphics context paints to.
- * Note that this cannot be done in PostScript so we should throw an error.
- * @param X the x-coordinate of the source.
- * @param Y the y-coordinate of the source.
- * @param W the width.
- * @param H the height.
- * @param dx the x-coordinate of the destination.
- * @param dy the y-coordinate of the destination.
- */
- public void copyArea(int X, int Y, int W, int H, int dx, int dy) {
- // REMIND: Not allowed
- new Exception().printStackTrace();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the origin of this Graphics context. All subsequent
- * operations are relative to this origin.
- */
- public void setOrigin(int x, int y) {
- originX = x;
- originY = y;
- newAdjust();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the scaling factor for this Graphics context. Currently
- * only used for line and rectangle drawing operations.
- */
- public synchronized void setScaling(float sx, float sy) {
- if (sx == scaleX && sy == scaleY)
- return;
- outScale(sx / scaleX, sy / scaleY);
- scaleX = sx;
- scaleY = sy;
- }
- public synchronized void startPage() {
- curFont = null;
- curColor = null;
- if (!prologSent)
- outProlog();
- pageNumber += 1;
- ps.println("\n%%Page: "+pageNumber+" "+pageNumber);
- ps.println(StartPageName);
- }
- public synchronized void endPage() {
- ps.println(EndPageName);
- }
- private void outProlog() {
- // Note: NewsPrinters don't reorder the pages if we use PS-Adobe-3.0!
- ps.println("%!PS-Adobe-2.0");
- ps.println("%%Title: " + title);
- ps.println("%%Pages: (atend)");
- ps.println("%%EndComments");
- ps.println("%%BeginProlog");
- ps.println("/D {def} def");
- ps.println("/ISOF {");
- ps.println(" dup findfont dup length 1 add dict begin {");
- ps.println(" 1 index /FID eq {pop pop} {D} ifelse");
- ps.println(" } forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding D");
- ps.println(" currentdict end definefont");
- ps.println("} D");
- ps.println("/F [");
- ps.println(" /Times-Roman ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Times-Bold ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Times-Italic ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Times-BoldItalic ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Courier ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Courier-Bold ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Courier-Oblique ISOF");
- ps.println(" /Courier-BoldOblique ISOF");
- ps.println("] D");
- ps.println("/R {4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto");
- ps.println(" 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath} D");
- ps.println("/"+SetColorName
- +" {3 {255 div 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor} D");
- ps.println("/"+SetFontName +" {");
- ps.println(" F exch get exch scalefont setfont");
- ps.println(" ("+testString+") stringwidth pop div");
- ps.println(" currentfont exch scalefont setfont} D");
- ps.println("/"+RectClipName+" {R clip newpath} D");
- ps.println("/"+InitClipName+" {initclip} D");
- ps.println("/"+RectFillName+" {R fill} D");
- ps.println("/"+RectStrokeName+" {R stroke} D");
- ps.println("/NZ {dup 1 lt {pop 1} if} D");
- ps.println("/"+DrawStringName +" {");
- ps.println(" moveto 1 index stringwidth pop NZ sub");
- ps.println(" 1 index length 1 sub NZ div 0");
- ps.println(" 3 2 roll ashow} D");
- ps.println("/"+DrawLineName+" {moveto lineto stroke} D");
- ps.println("/"+ScaleName+" {scale} D");
- ps.println("/"+StartPageName+" {/P save D} D");
- ps.println("/"+EndPageName+" {showpage P restore} D");
- ps.println("/"+GsaveName+" {gsave} D");
- ps.println("/"+GrestoreName+" {grestore} D");
- ps.println("/"+SetColormapName+" {");
- ps.println(" /cmapr 1 index array D");
- ps.println(" /cmapg 1 index array D");
- ps.println(" /cmapb 1 index array D");
- ps.println(" /cmapgray null D");
- ps.println(" 3 string exch 0 exch 1 exch 1 sub {");
- ps.println(" currentfile 2 index readhexstring pop");
- ps.println(" cmapr 2 index 2 index 0 get put");
- ps.println(" cmapg 2 index 2 index 1 get put");
- ps.println(" cmapb 2 index 2 index 2 get put");
- ps.println(" pop pop } for pop");
- ps.println("} D");
- ps.println("/"+DrawImageName+" {");
- ps.println(" GS");
- ps.println(" /imgsave save D"); // NeWSprint leaves files open!
- ps.println(" /imgh exch D");
- ps.println(" /imgw exch D");
- ps.println(" translate imgw imgh scale");
- ps.println(" /imgstr imgw string D");
- ps.println(" /colorimage where {");
- ps.println(" pop");
- ps.println(" /cimgstr imgw 3 mul string D");
- ps.println(" imgw imgh 8 [imgw 0 0 imgh neg 0 0] {");
- ps.println(" currentfile imgstr readhexstring pop");
- ps.println(" 0 1 imgw 1 sub {");
- ps.println(" 2 copy get");
- ps.println(" cmapr 1 index get");
- ps.println(" cimgstr exch 3 index");
- ps.println(" 3 mul exch put");
- ps.println(" cmapg 1 index get");
- ps.println(" cimgstr exch 3 index");
- ps.println(" 3 mul 1 add exch put");
- ps.println(" cmapb 1 index get");
- ps.println(" cimgstr exch 3 index");
- ps.println(" 3 mul 2 add exch put");
- ps.println(" pop pop } for pop cimgstr");
- ps.println(" } false 3 colorimage");
- ps.println(" } {");
- ps.println(" cmapgray null eq {");
- ps.println(" /cmapgray cmapr length array D");
- ps.println(" 0 1 cmapr length 1 sub {");
- ps.println(" cmapgray exch");
- ps.println(" cmapr 1 index get .299 mul");
- ps.println(" cmapg 2 index get .587 mul");
- ps.println(" cmapb 3 index get .114 mul");
- ps.println(" add add cvi put");
- ps.println(" } for");
- ps.println(" } if");
- ps.println(" imgw imgh 8 [imgw 0 0 imgh neg 0 0] {");
- ps.println(" currentfile imgstr readhexstring pop");
- ps.println(" 0 1 imgw 1 sub {");
- ps.println(" imgstr exch 2 copy get");
- ps.println(" cmapgray exch get put");
- ps.println(" } for");
- ps.println(" } image");
- ps.println(" } ifelse");
- ps.println(" imgsave restore");
- ps.println(" GR");
- ps.println("} D");
- ps.println(scalefactor+" dup scale");
- ps.println("%%EndProlog");
- prologSent = true;
- }
- public synchronized void close() {
- ps.println("%%Trailer");
- ps.println("%%Pages: "+pageNumber);
- ps.println("%%EOF");
- ps.close();
- }
- }