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Java Source | 1995-05-15 | 12.0 KB | 489 lines |
- /*
- * @(#)GifImage.java 1.24 95/05/11 Patrick Naughton, Arthur van Hoff
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
- * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without
- * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
- * appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html"
- * for further important copyright and licensing information.
- *
- */
- /*-
- * Reads GIF images into a DIBitmap structure.
- *
- * The algorithm is copyright of CompuServe.
- */
- package awt;
- import java.io.*;
- import browser.Observer;
- /**
- * Gif Image converter
- *
- * @version 1.24 11 May 1995
- * @author Arthur van Hoff
- */
- public
- class GifImage extends DIBitmap {
- private final boolean verbose = false;
- private static final int IMAGESEP = 0x2c;
- private static final int EXBLOCK = 0x21;
- private static final int EX_GRAPHICS_CONTROL= 0xf9;
- private static final int EX_COMMENT = 0xfe;
- private static final int EX_APPLICATION = 0xff;
- private static final int TERMINATOR = 0x3b;
- private static final int INTERLACEMASK = 0x40;
- private static final int COLORMAPMASK = 0x80;
- private static final int BUFSIZE = 2048;
- /**
- * An error has occurred. Throw an exception.
- */
- private static void error(String s1) {
- throw new Exception(s1);
- }
- /**
- * Read bytes
- */
- boolean readBytes(InputStream in, byte buf[], int off, int len) {
- while (len > 0) {
- int n = in.read(buf, off, len);
- if (n < 0) {
- return false;
- }
- off += n;
- len -= n;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Constructor, read the image from a file
- */
- public GifImage(String fname) {
- // Don't buffer this stream, most data is read in chunks anyway...
- this(new FileInputStream(fname), null);
- }
- public GifImage(InputStream in) {
- this(in, null);
- }
- /**
- * Constructor, read image from stream.
- */
- public GifImage(InputStream in, Observer o) {
- if (o != null) {
- addObserver(o);
- }
- try {
- readHeader(in);
- while (true) {
- int code;
- switch (code = in.read()) {
- case EXBLOCK:
- switch (code = in.read()) {
- byte buf[] = new byte[6];
- if (!readBytes(in, buf, 0, 6)) {
- return;//error("corrupt GIF file");
- }
- if ((buf[0] != 4) || (buf[5] != 0)) {
- return;//error("corrupt GIF file (GCE size)");
- }
- // Get the index of the transparent color
- trans_index = buf[4] & 0xFF;
- break;
- }
- case EX_COMMENT:
- default:
- while (true) {
- int n = in.read();
- if (n == 0) {
- break;
- }
- byte buf[] = new byte[n];
- if (!readBytes(in, buf, 0, n)) {
- return;//error("corrupt GIF file");
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case IMAGESEP:
- try {
- readImage(in);
- } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
- if (verbose) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return;//error("corrupt gif file");
- }
- break;
- return;
- case -1:
- return;
- default:
- return;//error("corrupt GIF file (parse) [" + code + "].");
- //break;
- }
- }
- } finally {
- in.close();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Read Image header
- */
- private void readHeader(InputStream in) {
- // Create a buffer
- byte buf[] = new byte[256*3];
- // Read the header
- if (!readBytes(in, buf, 0, 13)) {
- throw new IOException();
- }
- // Check header
- if ((buf[0] != 'G') || (buf[1] != 'I') || (buf[2] != 'F')) {
- error("not a GIF file.");
- }
- // colormap info
- int ch = buf[10] & 0xFF;
- if ((ch & COLORMAPMASK) == 0) {
- error("no global colormap.");
- }
- num_colors = 1 << ((ch & 0x7) + 1);
- // supposed to be NULL
- if (buf[12] != 0) {
- error("corrupt GIF file (nonull).");
- }
- // Read colors
- if (!readBytes(in, buf, 0, num_colors * 3)) {
- throw new IOException();
- }
- // Allocate color map
- red = new byte[num_colors];
- green = new byte[num_colors];
- blue = new byte[num_colors];
- // Copy colors
- for (int i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++) {
- red[i] = buf[i*3 + 0];
- green[i] = buf[i*3 + 1];
- blue[i] = buf[i*3 + 2];
- }
- // nothing transparent yet.
- trans_index = num_colors + 1;
- }
- private void readImage(InputStream in) {
- int tm = 0;
- if (verbose) {
- tm = System.nowMillis();
- }
- // Allocate the buffer
- byte block[] = new byte[256 + 3];
- // Read the image descriptor
- if (!readBytes(in, block, 0, 10)) {
- throw new IOException();
- }
- width = (block[4] & 0xFF) | (block[5] << 8);
- height = (block[6] & 0xFF) | (block[7] << 8);
- boolean interlace = (block[8] & INTERLACEMASK) != 0;
- int initCodeSize = block[9] & 0xFF;
- /* observers may want to know the image size */
- /* annoying I have to say setChanged */
- setChanged();
- notifyObservers();
- // allocate the raster data
- byte ras[] = raster = new byte[width * height];
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.print("Reading a " + width + " by " + height + " " +
- (interlace ? "" : "non-") + "interlaced image...");
- }
- // Patrick Naughton:
- // Note that I ignore the possible existence of a local color map.
- // I'm told there aren't many files around that use them, and the
- // spec says it's defined for future use. This could lead to an
- // error reading some files.
- //
- // Start reading the image data. First we get the intial code size
- // and compute decompressor constant values, based on this code
- // size.
- //
- // The GIF spec has it that the code size is the code size used to
- // compute the above values is the code size given in the file,
- // but the code size used in compression/decompression is the code
- // size given in the file plus one. (thus the ++).
- // Arthur van Hoff:
- // The following narly code reads LZW compressed data blocks and
- // dumps it into the image data. The input stream is broken up into
- // blocks of 1-255 characters, each preceded by a length byte.
- // 3-12 bit codes are read from these blocks. The codes correspond to
- // entry is the hashtable (the prefix, suffix stuff), and the appropriate
- // pixels are written to the image.
- int clearCode = (1 << initCodeSize);
- int eofCode = clearCode + 1;
- int bitMask = num_colors - 1;
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.print("Decompressing...");
- System.out.flush();
- }
- // Variables used to form reading data
- boolean blockEnd = false;
- int remain = 0;
- int byteoff = 0;
- int accumbits = 0;
- int accumdata = 0;
- // Variables used to decompress the data
- int codeSize = initCodeSize + 1;
- int maxCode = 1 << codeSize;
- int codeMask = maxCode - 1;
- int freeCode = clearCode + 2;
- int code = 0;
- int oldCode = 0;;
- byte prevChar = 0;
- // Temproray storage for decompression
- short prefix[] = new short[4096];
- byte suffix[] = new byte[4096];
- byte outCode[] = new byte[1025];
- // Variables used for writing pixels
- int x = width;
- int y = 0;
- int off = 0;
- int pass = 0;
- // Read codes until the eofCode is encountered
- while (true) {
- if (accumbits < codeSize) {
- // fill the buffer if needed
- remain -= 2;
- while (remain < 0 && !blockEnd) {
- // move remaining bytes to the beginning of the buffer
- block[0] = block[byteoff];
- byteoff = 0;
- // read the next block length
- int blockLength = in.read();
- if (blockLength < 0) {
- // throw new IOException();
- return; // quietly accept truncated GIF images
- }
- if (blockLength == 0) {
- blockEnd = true;
- }
- // fill the block
- if (!readBytes(in, block, remain + 2, blockLength)) {
- // throw new IOException();
- return; // quietly accept truncated GIF images
- }
- remain += blockLength;
- }
- // 2 bytes at a time saves checking for accumbits < codeSize.
- // We know we'll get enough and also that we can't overflow
- // since codeSize <= 12.
- accumdata += (block[byteoff++] & 0xff) << accumbits;
- accumbits += 8;
- accumdata += (block[byteoff++] & 0xff) << accumbits;
- accumbits += 8;
- }
- // Compute the code
- code = accumdata & codeMask;
- accumdata >>= codeSize;
- accumbits -= codeSize;
- //
- // Interpret the code
- //
- if (code == clearCode) {
- // Clear code sets everything back to its initial value, then
- // reads the immediately subsequent code as uncompressed data.
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.print(".");
- System.out.flush();
- }
- // Note that freeCode is one less than it is supposed to be,
- // this is because it will be incremented next time round the loop
- freeCode = clearCode + 1;
- codeSize = initCodeSize + 1;
- maxCode = 1 << codeSize;
- codeMask = maxCode - 1;
- // Continue if we've NOT reached the end, some Gif images contain bogus
- // codes after the last clear code.
- if (off < raster.length) {
- continue;
- }
- // pretend we've reached the end of the data
- code = eofCode;
- }
- if (code == eofCode) {
- // make sure we read the whole block of pixels.
- if (!blockEnd) {
- in.read();
- }
- if (verbose) {
- System.out.println("done in " + (System.nowMillis() - tm) + "ms");
- }
- return;
- }
- // It must be data: save code in CurCode
- int curCode = code;
- int outCount = outCode.length;
- // If greater or equal to freeCode, not in the hash table
- // yet; repeat the last character decoded
- if (curCode >= freeCode) {
- curCode = oldCode;
- outCode[--outCount] = prevChar;
- }
- // Unless this code is raw data, pursue the chain pointed
- // to by curCode through the hash table to its end; each
- // code in the chain puts its associated output code on
- // the output queue.
- while (curCode > bitMask) {
- outCode[--outCount] = suffix[curCode];
- curCode = prefix[curCode];
- }
- // The last code in the chain is treated as raw data.
- prevChar = (byte)curCode;
- outCode[--outCount] = prevChar;
- // Now we put the data out to the Output routine. It's
- // been stacked LIFO, so deal with it that way...
- int len = outCode.length - outCount;
- if (len > 2 && len < x) {
- x -= len;
- System.arraycopy(outCode, outCount, ras, off, len);
- off += len;
- } else while (--len >= 0) {
- ras[off++] = outCode[outCount++];
- // Update the X-coordinate, and if it overflows, update the
- // Y-coordinate
- if (--x == 0) {
- // If a non-interlaced picture, just increment y to the next
- // scan line. If it's interlaced, deal with the interlace as
- // described in the GIF spec. Put the decoded scan line out
- // to the screen if we haven't gone past the bottom of it
- x = width;
- if (interlace) {
- switch (pass) {
- case 0:
- y += 8;
- if (y >= height) {
- pass++;
- y = 4;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- y += 8;
- if (y >= height) {
- pass++;
- y = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- y += 4;
- if (y >= height) {
- pass++;
- y = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- y += 2;
- break;
- }
- off = y * width;
- }
- // Some files overrun the end
- if (off >= ras.length) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Build the hash table on-the-fly. No table is stored in
- // the file.
- prefix[freeCode] = (short)oldCode;
- suffix[freeCode] = prevChar;
- oldCode = code;
- // Point to the next slot in the table. If we exceed the
- // maxCode, increment the code size unless
- // it's already 12. If it is, do nothing: the next code
- // decompressed better be CLEAR
- if (++freeCode >= maxCode) {
- if (codeSize < 12) {
- codeSize++;
- maxCode <<= 1;
- codeMask = maxCode - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Testing... 1... 2...
- */
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- GifImage image = new GifImage(args[0]);
- }
- }