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- Welcome to Sidekick for Windows
- ================================
- This file contains important information--please read all of
- it. All information here supersedes information in the
- printed documentation and online Help. Also refer to
- UPDATE.TXT for a list of improvements to Sidekick.
- Table of Contents
- ------------------
- 1. Installation
- 2. Registering
- 3. Purchasing and unlocking the Trial Edition
- 4. Technical Support
- 5. Changing the working directory
- 6. Sample files
- 7. Amendments to the documentation
- 8. Saving and backing up your data files
- 9. Using Sidekick with PC Tools and Norton Desktop for
- Windows
- 10. Resetting the Forward of incomplete items in the
- Calendar
- 11. Printing
- 12. YourWay users upgrading to Sidekick
- 13. Uninstalling Sidekick for Windows
- 1. Installation
- ----------------
- Sidekick requires a minimum of 5 MB of hard disk space to
- install, 1 MB of which must be on the same drive as your
- Windows directory, and a 386 processor or higher. After
- installation, however, Sidekick itself uses only 3 MB of
- hard disk space and requires a minimum of 500 KB free disk
- space for working with data files.
- On some older machines, the available disk space is
- inaccurately reported to the installation program. If you
- have less than 10 MB of available disk space, and the
- program either will not install or the install unpack is
- aborted for no apparent reason, make 10 MB of hard disk
- space available and install again.
- Install will ask for your initials (up to 4 letters) to
- create your default calendar name. Install then creates:
- o a directory called 'SKW' on the C: drive (or whatever
- directory and drive you specified in the Install screen)
- and copies the program files into that directory.
- o a directory under 'SKW' called 'DATA', which contains
- your Sidekick data files.
- o a SIDEKICK.INI file in your computer's Windows directory
- o a Sidekick for Windows program group in your Program
- Manager
- To install Sidekick for Windows:
- 1. Start Windows.
- 2. Choose File|Run from the Program Manager.
- 3. Place the Sidekick disk in the appropriate disk drive.
- 4. Type A:INSTALL (or B:INSTALL if you're using drive B)
- and choose OK.
- 5. Follow the directions on the screen.
- 6. To start Sidekick, open the Sidekick for Windows group
- in Program Manager and double-click the Sidekick icon.
- Note: The install looks for the SIDEKICK.INI on your system
- to determine if a copy of Sidekick for Windows was
- already installed. If you are reinstalling Sidekick,
- you may want to back up any data files you've created
- in Sidekick. Refer to the section, "Backing up your
- Data Files" in this document for more information.
- 2. Registering
- ---------------
- During installation or at any later time, you can run the
- Automatic Registration program, and be registered
- automatically via modem. If you don't have a modem, the
- Automatic Registration program will print all your
- registration information in a form that can be simply
- mailed or faxed to Borland. Automatic Registration is
- available for U.S. and Canadian customers only.
- 3. Purchasing and unlocking the Trial Edition
- ----------------------------------------------
- If you have the Trial Edition of Sidekick, it will work
- exactly like the retail version of the program. The ONLY
- difference is that the Trial Edition will automatically
- stop working thirty days after installation unless you
- purchase and "unlock" it. You can unlock the Trial Edition
- during installation, or run the Unlock Sidekick program any
- time during the thirty-day trial period. Unlocking turns
- off the thirty-day limit; Sidekick is then yours to use!
- In addition, we will send you the Sidekick User's Guide.
- UK
- --
- In the UK, unlock Sidekick for the SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY
- PRICE of รบ35. Call 01734 321150 to give your credit card details
- and receive your unlock code.
- When you call you will be asked to provide 3 pieces of information
- that appear on the Phone Order screen:
- System date,
- Serial number,
- Key code.
- The unlock code is uniquely generated based on this information.
- Unlock codes may not be available for customers outside the UK.
- You can, however, purchase a complete version from your local
- store or dealer. Please contact you local Borland office
- for further information.
- Belgium
- -------
- Unlock codes are not available, please call for information
- on your nearest dealer.
- Borland Belgium : 02/461.04.48
- Computer 2000 : 02/583.83.11
- Ingram Micro : 02/722.95.11
- Holland
- -------
- In Holland, call Borland Customer Services on 020-5405472
- for information on pricing and how to unlock Sidekick.
- South Africa : 011 907 4392
- ------------
- If you purchase the complete Sidekick, follow the instructions
- in section (8) Saving and Backing Up Your Data Files, otherwise
- you will overwrite your Trial Edition data with the new installation.
- 4. Technical Support
- ---------------------
- Borland offers you a variety of services to help you with
- your questions. Be sure to register your copy of Sidekick:
- registered users are entitled to receive technical support
- and information on upgrades and supplementary products.
- North American customers can register by phone 24 hours a
- day by calling 1-800-845-0147. Borland provides the
- following telephone support options for Sidekick for
- Windows.
- The 900 Support Line
- The 900 Support Line provides priority access to a
- support engineer and is available from 6AM to 5PM
- (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday. 900 Support Line
- calls are billed directly to your telephone bill. Price:
- $2 per minute, first minute free. Call 1-900-555-1010.
- The 800 Support Line
- The 800 Support Line also provides priority access to a
- support engineer and is also available from 6AM to 5PM
- (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday. 800 Support Line
- calls can be billed to your major credit card. Price:
- $14 per call. Call 1-800-953-9995.
- International Support
- Please contact your local Borland office for technical
- support and product information. Borland provides
- several language drivers for Sidekick for Windows. See
- "Contacting Borland" and "Extended Language Driver"
- Support in the online Help.
- 5. Changing the working directory
- ----------------------------------
- By default "SKW" is set as the working directory for Sidekick
- and the Import and Export tools. However, you can change the
- working directory to the same location as your data files
- (in C:\SKW\DATA), or to any other directory you want.
- To change the working directory to the location of your data
- files, follow the instructions outlined below:
- 1. Switch to Program Manager.
- 2. Select the icon labeled "Sidekick".
- 3. Choose File|Properties from the Program Manager.
- 4. Change the working directory in the Properties dialog box
- from "C:\SKW" to "C:\SKW\DATA" (or to the DATA directory of
- the path you specified during installation).
- When run from the Program Manager, you can change the working
- directories for the Import and Export tools in a similar manner.
- 6. Sample files
- ----------------
- The following sample files are included with Sidekick:
- In the SKW\SAMPLES directory:
- Sample cardfiles
- 800NMBRS.SDB AT&T 800 numbers for airlines, hotels, etc.
- OFFICES.SDB Catalog of Borland offices worldwide
- SOFTWARE.SDB Descriptions of Borland software
- VIDEOS.SDB Information on videos and learning aids
- WINELIST.SDB Catalog of wines
- BOOKS.SDB Catalog of books about Borland software
- current as of February 1994
- Sample Reports
- CONTACT.RPT Report on personal contacts
- 800NMBRS.RPT Report on 800 numbers
- OFFICES.RPT Report on Borland offices
- SOFTWARE.RPT Report on Borland software
- VIDEOS.RPT Report on videos
- WINELIST.RPT Report on wines
- BOOKS.RPT Report on books
- In the SKW\DATA directory:
- Sample cardfiles
- ADDRESS.SDB Default sample cardfile
- ADDRESS2.SDB Sample cardfile
- Sample folders (Notes module)
- Tips Several tips and ideas for using Sidekick
- Business Business form letters (use with ADDRESS.SDB)
- Personal Personal form letters (use with ADDRESS.SDB)
- 7. Amendments to the documentation
- -----------------------------------
- Installation
- o During installation, a SIDEKICK.INI file is created in your
- windows directory. You should not manually change the
- contents of this file. If you do, protions of Sidekick may
- fail to operate properly.
- Calendar
- o There are new printing formats for the weekly and monthly
- Filofax personal organizer paper. Choose Help|Search from
- within Sidekick and search on the keyword "Calendar: printing"
- for more information on print options available in the
- Calendar.
- o Additional information on changing and deleting recurring
- activities in the Calendar can be found in online Help.
- Choose Help|Search from within Sidekick and search on the
- keyword "Recurring activities" for more information.
- o The Calendar does not support multiple appointments within
- the same time slot on a particular day's Appointments list.
- Therefore, if you try to schedule an appointment whose
- duration overlaps the start time of an existing appointment,
- Sidekick gives you the choice of overwriting it with the
- new appointment.
- If you try to reschedule an appointment to a slot within
- another appointment's duration, the item is moved, but its
- duration setting is not retained.
- o The Sidekick Calendar extends from January 1, 1990 through
- December 31, 1999. Note: If the system date on your computer
- is outside of this range, Sidekick will not be able to load.
- Notes
- o You can now export notes to either the Windows Clipboard or
- to a formatted text file. Choose Help|Search from within
- Sidekick and search on the keyword "Exporting notes" for
- more information.
- 8. Saving and backing up your data files
- -----------------------------------------
- If you are installing the upgrade version of Sidekick, you should
- copy the entire contents of the "DATA" subdirectory from "C:\SKW"
- (or wherever you installed Sidekick) to another location before
- installation. After you install, copy all files EXCEPT FOR the
- following back into C:\SKW\DATA:
- You can also copy all files from the "DATA" subdirectory to
- another location if for some reason you need to reinstall
- Sidekick for Windows or want to make a back up of your data
- files. You may also want to copy the SIDEKICK.INI from the
- WINDOWS directory to save any global preferences you have set.
- For a complete list of files included with Sidekick and their
- use refer to online Help. Choose Help|Search from within Sidekick
- and search for the keyword "Files".
- 9. Using Sidekick with PC Tools and Norton Desktop for Windows
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- With some configurations of PC Tools for Windows, when you switch
- between desktops while Sidekick is open, a "docked" SpeedBar or
- LaunchBar will move with the active desktop independent of the
- main Sidekick window.
- To prevent the SpeedBar or LaunchBar from moving with the active
- desktop, you can change them to floating palettes by dragging
- them with the mouse, or hide them using the Show options on the
- Sidekick View menu. They will then remain with the Sidekick
- window until the next Windows session.
- When installing Sidekick under Norton Desktop 2.0, you may
- receive error messages when the Installation program attempts to
- automatically create the Sidekick icons. Ignore the error
- messages and Sidekick should be installed. You can then create
- the icons manually.
- 10. Resetting the Forward of incomplete items in the Calendar
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have chosen to have incomplete items forwarded (in the
- Calendar's Daily Setup dialog box, which is the default setting),
- any activities not completed are forwarded to today. (Note:
- Sidekick looks back up to ten days for incomplete items. If you
- don't use Sidekick for more than ten days, older items may not
- forward.)
- To ensure that items are forwarded, you need to save the Calendar
- when prompted to do so. If you close the calendar without saving
- changes, any items which were forwarded are not saved to their
- new location and may not forward correctly the next time you open
- the calendar.
- If any items (Calls, To Dos or Task List) don't forward as
- expected, you can reset the automatic forwarding for a
- particular calendar by editing a line in that calendar's
- INIT file.
- 1. Note the name and location of your calendar file
- (displayed in the title bar of the Calendar View).
- Then close Sidekick and save any changes you made.
- 2. Run Windows Notepad and open your calendar's INIT file.
- The file name is in the format XXXXINIT.SKW, where XXXX
- represents your calendar's name. For example, if your initials
- are IGW, this file will be named IGWINIT.SKW.
- 3. Once you've opened the XXXXINIT.SKW file, look through
- the list of settings until you see a line which starts
- "LastEditTime=" followed by a date. This line tells SKW
- the last day you opened that calendar file and that items
- should not be forwarded from earlier than that date.
- 4. Delete the entire line and save the INIT file.
- The next time you open your calendar in Sidekick, any
- incomplete items on the Calls or To Do lists from the last
- ten days will forward to today. You should then save the
- forwarded items in their new location by choosing File|Save.
- Choose Help|Search from within Sidekick and search on the
- keyword "Setting up the Daily view" for more information
- on the Forward Incomplete Items option.
- 11. Printing
- -------------
- When using a pre-defined template to print cardfiles or
- calendars, you may need to adjust the template's margins slightly
- for your specific printer. For example, increasing the top
- margin slightly, and decreasing the bottom margin by the same
- amount will cause the text to print higher on the page.
- 12. YourWay users upgrading to Sidekick
- ----------------------------------------
- All cardfile and calendar files created in YourWay are
- compatible with Sidekick. Report files are not. Cardfile
- extensions are now .SDB and the calendar file extensions are
- now .SKW. YourWay files can be renamed to the correct extension
- and then simply opened in Sidekick.
- Installing Sidekick
- 1. Be sure you do not have YourWay or the Quick Menu running
- when you install Sidekick. Follow the installation
- instructions.
- Renaming YourWay's Cardfiles
- 1. Open the File Manager. Click on the YOURWAY directory so
- it is highlighted. (If your data files are stored elsewhere,
- click on that directory.)
- 2. Choose File|Copy.
- 3. In the Copy dialog box, enter "C:\YOURWAY\*.YDB" (don't
- type the quotes) in the "From:" text box. Enter
- "C:\SKW\DATA\*.SDB" in the "To:" text box. (Change the
- location for the Sidekick directory if yours is located on
- another drive or has a different name.) Click OK. This will
- copy and rename all the cardfiles in the YOURWAY directory to
- the SKW directory. If you do not want to rename all the
- cardfiles, select only the ones to rename before opening the
- Copy dialog box. (Ctrl-click on each file name to select it.)
- 4. Your cardfiles are now ready to be opened in Sidekick.
- Close the File Manager and open Sidekick. Choose
- File|Open in Sidekick's cardfile to open any of the
- renamed cardfiles.
- Renaming YourWay's Calendar files
- 1. Open the File Manager. Click on the YOURWAY directory to
- highlight it. (If your data files are stored elsewhere, click
- on that directory.)
- 2. Find all the calendar files. These are all the files in the
- YOURWAY directory that begin with your initials and have a
- .YWY extension. When you installed YourWay, the program
- prompted you for up to four initials to aid in identifying
- your personal files. For example, if your initials were CWB,
- YourWay would have created CWBTASK.YWY, CWBDATA.YWY,
- CWBMAST.YWY, and other similar files.
- 3. Highlight all these calendar files except one: the *INIT.YWY.
- Do not highlight or rename this file.
- 4. Choose File|Copy.
- 5. In the Copy dialog box, the files that you've just
- chosen should automatically be listed in the "From:"
- text box. Enter "C:\SKW\DATA\*.SKW" in the "To:" text box.
- Click OK.
- 6. All the calendar files are now in the Sidekick directory
- and are ready to be used in Sidekick. Close the File
- Manager and open Sidekick. Open the calendar file you
- need in Sidekick's calendar by choosing File|Open.
- NOTE: Multi-Day events (YourWay called them Conferences)
- will have to be edited.
- Using Sidekick
- Do not have YourWay and Sidekick open at the same time.
- IMPORTANT: To ensure that Sidekick runs correctly, you should
- also remove the following files from your WINDOWS directory:
- Once you are certain you no longer need backup files, you can
- delete the YOURWAY directory and all the YourWay files.
- 13. Uninstalling Sidekick for Windows
- -------------------------------------
- Before removing Sidekick from your system, you may want to back
- up any data files you've created in Sidekick. Refer to the
- section, "Backing up your Data Files" in this document for more
- information.
- To uninstall Sidekick for Windows:
- 1. After backing up any Sidekick data files you want to keep,
- delete the C:\SKW directory and all of the files/directories
- it contains.
- 2. Delete the file SIDEKICK.INI from your Windows directory.
- 3. If it exists, delete the file CMCLIP.SKW from your Windows
- directory.
- Except for any data files you backed up, Sidekick for Windows
- is now completely removed from your system.