home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1994-09-15 | 4.3 KB | 112 lines |
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; install.inf - sample setup information file for Pipeline installation program
- ;******************************************************************************
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Application Section - describes stuff about the application
- ; AppName=a description of the product we are installing
- ; DefDir=the default installation drive/directory
- ; SpaceNeeded=the estimated number of kilobytes we require
- ; DefPMGroup=program manager group file name and group title
- ; International=yes/no - if set to yes, "Country" will automatically
- ; default to "Other"
- ; Logo=logo file to be displayed
- ; * temporary
- ; TextRed=128 color values to use in "available space" meters
- ; TextGreen=128
- ; TextBlue=128
- ; BGRed=192
- ; BGGreen=192
- ; BGBlue=0
- ;******************************************************************************
- [Application]
- AppName=Sidekick for Windows
- DefDir=C:\SKW
- SpaceNeeded=3000
- DefPMGroup=sidekick.grp,Sidekick for Windows
- International=no
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Disks Section - describe each diskette in the install set
- ; #=printed label on diskette
- ;******************************************************************************
- [Disks]
- 1=Sidekick Disk #1
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Dirs Section - describe each directory we'll install into
- ; #=directory name
- ; use . for home directory (user specified)
- ; .\dirname for sub-directories within the home directory
- ;******************************************************************************
- [Dirs]
- 1=.
- 2=.\DATA
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Files Section - describe each file to be installed
- ; Description,FileName,Directory#,Diskette#,Compressed?[,expandname]
- ; For now, files should be entered in diskette# order (might sort later).
- ;******************************************************************************
- [Files]
- Program Files 1,EXE.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- Program Files 2,EXE2.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- Program Files 3,EXE3.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- DLLS 1,DLL.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- DLLS 2,DLL2.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- Tour Files,TOUR.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- Help Files,HELP.PAK, 1,1,Y,
- Readme File,README.TXT,1,1,N,
- Update File,UPDATE.TXT,1,1,N,
- Printing Files,PRINTING.PAK,2,1,Y,
- Button Files,BUTTONS.PAK,2,1,Y,
- Text Files,TEXT.PAK,2,1,Y,
- Note Files,NOTES.PAK,2,1,Y,
- Sample Files,SAMPLES.PAK,3,1,Y,
- Report Files,REPORT.PAK,3,1,Y,
- Registration Files 1,REG.PAK,1,1,Y,
- Registration Files 2,REG2.PAK,1,1,Y,
- Registration Files 3,REG3.PAK,1,1,Y,
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; PM Info Section - describe each item to be installed into the PM group
- ; CommandLine,Description[,IconFile,Icon#]
- ;******************************************************************************
- [PM Info]
- $(home)\SIDEKICK.EXE,Sidekick
- $(home)\QUIKMENU.EXE,Quick Menu
- $(home)\IMPORT.EXE,Import Cardfile
- $(home)\EXPORT.EXE,Export Cardfile
- $(home)\QKTOUR.EXE,Quick Tour
- $(home)\README.TXT,Sidekick Readme File
- $(home)\REGISTER.EXE,Automatic Registration
- $(home)\SKORDER.EXE,Unlock Sidekick
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; Ini Section - describe each item to be created in the products INI file
- ; Section,Item,Value
- ;
- ; Macros:
- ; $(home) = base install directory
- ; $(username)
- ; $(company)
- ; $(initials)
- ;******************************************************************************
- [Ini]
- ;INI should be in Windows directory
- Name=sidekick.ini
- 2=Calendar\Task,DefUserName,$(home)\DATA\$(initials)
- 3=UserName,User,$(UserName)
- 4=UserName,Company,$(company)
- 5=Cardfile,default_cardfile,$(home)\DATA\address.sdb
- 6=Preference,ButtonBar,4
- 7=Preference,IconBar,40
- ;******************************************************************************
- ; End Section - nothing here, just indicates end of information
- ;******************************************************************************
- [End]