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- mjreadme.txt (c) By Berrie Bloem 1995
- This mjreadme.txt file forms part of this zip file.
- This file contains release notes, installation information and
- information about error messages for Mah Jongg for Windows,
- Version 1.01A.
- Please feel free to upload this ShareWare software to any
- electronic bulletin board, include it on the cover disk of
- your magazine, give it to anyone who might be interested,
- so as many people as possible will have a chance to enjoy
- this software, provided you distribute it in full, including
- all the files listed below, not more, not less, in an unaltered
- state.
- Mah Jongg for Windows Version 1.01A is available on
- CompuServe's SWREG (GO SWREG). The ID is 5675.
- Registration numbers for version 1.01 will work with this
- version.
- ******** Release Notes ********
- The following 14 files are contained in this zip file:
- mahjongg.exe The program main executable file
- mahjongg.hlp Windows help file for Mah Jongg
- tiles.dll Library containing tile images
- bwcc.dll Borland custom controls (dialog boxes)
- demorun.exe Utility to run a Mah Jongg Demo
- stake.wav Sound of tile landing on a stake
- table.wav Sound of tile landing on a table
- alltiles.bmp External tile set
- antique.bmp External tile set
- modern.bmp External tile set
- redgreen.bmp External tile set
- voices.zip Zip file containing voices (25 wave files)
- mjreadme.txt This file
- file_id.diz Identification file
- If you have the Borland bwcc.dll file already installed in your
- Windows\System directory and it is not older than the one included
- in this zip file, then you don't need the Borland bwcc.dll file from
- this zip file.
- Note: This note concerns all files EXCEPT BWCC.DLL.
- None of the files of the previous release of "Mah Jongg for
- Windows 1.00" will work properly with this version. The best
- option is to replace all old files with these new ones.
- Note: Mah Jongg will run properly without all the sound files (*.wav)
- or the bitmap files (*.bmp).
- Note: See "mahjongg.hlp" topic "Licensing and Ordering Information -
- What's New" to read about all the additions and improvements
- in this version of the game.
- Note: Mah Jongg no longer uses the file called "mahjongg.ini" which
- is in your Windows directory. You can delete it if you no longer
- wish to play with the previous version.
- ******** Installation and Removal ********
- System Requirements:
- Microsoft Windows (TM) version 3.10 or higher.
- Installing Mah Jongg for Windows:
- To install the files which are contained in the file "voices.zip",
- see the next section called "Installing the voice files".
- Create a new directory in your favorite games directory called
- mahjongg or whatever name you fancy. You can install this version
- over the previous version if you no longer wish to play with
- the previous version.
- Extract or copy all the files from this zip file to the directory
- you have just created. You can move the Borland file to your
- Windows\System directory if you like, so other programs can access
- this file too.
- In Windows, open File Manager and Program Manager side by side. You
- now need to drag the file mahjongg.exe from File Manager to a program
- group in Program Manager. For example, if you already have a "games"
- program group in Program Manager you might like to add the
- mahjongg.exe file to this group.
- Now double click on the newly created icon for mahjongg in the
- program group and off you go - you are ready to play!
- You can also drag the file "demorun.exe" to Program Manager.
- Starting this program will start "mahjongg.exe" in demo mode.
- Mah Jongg will now play endlessly. This demo mode is especially
- meant for shops, exhibitions and situations where you might
- like to have something attractive displayed on the screen.
- Installing the voice files:
- The zip file called "voices.zip" contains one set of voice files,
- which can be used for all players.
- To install the voice files, create a directory called "voices",
- which MUST be a subdirectory of the directory where you installed
- "mahjongg.exe". So if you installed "mahjongg.exe" in the
- following directory:
- c:\mahjongg\
- then the voices will go in this directory:
- c:\mahjongg\voices\
- This is meant to keep your hard disk tidy.
- Extract all the files contained in "voices.zip" to this newly
- created directory "voices". Now you're ready to start
- "mahjongg.exe". Choose the menu option "Game | Preferences | Sound"
- and check the "Player's Voices" and the "Your Voice" check boxes.
- As soon as you start a game the players will call out the tiles
- they discard.
- Note: The two sound files called "table.wav" and "stake.wav"
- should stay in the same directory where you've installed
- "mahjongg.exe".
- See the "mahjongg.hlp" file for extensive information on creating
- new voice files.
- Removing Mah Jongg for Windows:
- Just delete the files: mahjongg.exe, mahjongg.hlp, tiles.dll,
- mjreadme.txt, demorun.exe, mahjongg.cfg, all the wave files and
- possibly any bitmap files used as tile sets. In the case of the
- Borland bwcc.dll file only delete if it is NOT in your
- Windows\System directory.
- Mah Jongg for Windows no longer uses its own initialization file
- called mahjongg.ini in your Windows directory. You can safely
- delete this file.
- ******** Error Messages ********
- If you are unlucky Mah Jongg for Windows might show one of the following
- error messages:
- 1 Old version of "TILES.DLL"
- Solution: Make sure that the right version of tiles.dll is in
- the same directory as mahjongg.exe. You can check
- the version numbers in File Manager if you select
- the menu "View | All File Details". The version
- numbers of mahjongg.exe and tiles.dll are shown in
- the time stamp of those files: 01:01:00. The version
- of tiles.dll that came with release 1.00 (January
- 1995) will not work properly with this new version.
- If the problem remains, try the strategy followed
- in point 3 below, but look for TILES.DLL in stead of
- BWCC.DLL. After you've done all that, move the one
- and only copy of TILES.DLL left on your computer
- to the directory where you've installed mahjongg.exe.
- 2 Can't find "TILES.DLL"
- MAHJONGG.EXE all to the same directory.
- 3 You are using an old version of "BWCC.DLL".
- Copy the version from the Mah Jongg zip file to your
- Windows\System directory. Mah Jongg will now exit.
- Solution: Make sure that the correct version of BWCC.DLL is
- loaded in memory. If the copy of BWCC.DLL that came
- with the Mah Jongg zip file is newer than the copy
- found in your Windows or Windows\System directory,
- then copy the version from the Mah Jongg zip file
- to your Windows\System directory and delete any
- copies found in your Windows directory. Try running
- Mah Jongg again. If the problem remains then you
- have to search all directories listed after the
- "PATH=" and possibly "SET PATH=" statements in
- your autoexec.bat file and your Windows and
- Windows\System directory for copies of BWCC.DLL.
- Close all applications except Program Manager
- and File Manager. Make backup copies of all
- versions on a floppy disk and include information
- from which directory a particular copy came from.
- Delete any versions of this DLL in your Windows
- directory and copy the newest version you can find
- of this DLL to your Windows\System directory.
- Try running Mah Jongg again. If the problem still
- remains, then delete all copies of this DLL on
- your system, except for the copy in your
- Windows\System directory. Mah Jongg should run now.
- 4 Sorry... You are using a version prior to Windows 3.1. Mah Jongg
- needs Windows 3.1 or higher. Mah Jongg will now exit.
- Solution: I'm afraid you'll have to install a version of
- Microsoft Windows (TM) newer than the version
- you have now. Versions onwards from 3.10 should
- run Mah Jongg properly.
- 5 Mah Jongg has a problem allocating memory. Free up memory by closing
- other applications. Mah Jongg will now exit.
- Solution: The memory on a computer is limited. Other
- applications have taken up so much of it that
- Mah Jongg can't get enough to run properly.
- Close all applications you're not working
- on at the moment and try running Mah Jongg again.
- 6 Could not Create Timer
- Solution: There are only a limited number of timers in Windows.
- Other applications have taken up so many of them
- that Mah Jongg can't get the timers needed to run
- properly. Close all applications you're not working
- on at the moment and try running Mah Jongg again.
- 7 Error opening Help. Can't find "mahjongg.hlp". Make sure it is in
- the same directory as mahjongg.exe.
- MAHJONGG.EXE all to the same directory.
- All other problems are dealt with in the "mahjongg.hlp" file topic "Technical
- Information - Error Messages" or in the appropriate description of the dialog
- boxes "The Program Full Explanation - Information and Message Boxes".
- You can contact me if problems persist, see Ordering Information in
- "mahjongg.hlp" for how to contact me.