PC World Komputer 1996 May
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Hover Tank Version 1.0d
In order to play this game you must have:
512k or more of free conventinal memory
a 386 or better CPU
Sound Blaster compatible sound card (optional)
Also supports the Colorado Spectrum _Notebook Gameport_
(Call Colorado Spectrum for more info: 303-225-6929)
The current default keyboard settings, we have found to work
the best on our keyboard. But, because the keyboard wasn't meant
to have several keys hit at the same time, you may run into problems.
For best results try using one person on the keyboard and one on a
joystick. You can also try redefining the keys so that you can find
the combinations that works best for you.
If you have problems running the game or while in the game, try
increasing the FILES= line in your config.sys.
Note: the settings for the sound card are taken from the BLASTER enviorment
variable, make sure it is set correctly!
EX: set blaster=a220 i7 d1 t3
This is for a card at address 220 hex, interupt 7, DMA channel 1,
and card of type 3 (Sound Blaster 2.0)
PS: Please write me with any comments/suggestions.
Internet address: brend@cs.colostate.edu
And if you would like to support our efforts (lotsa hard work for just
college students, trying to get through school and have fun too...)
Here is the Registration Form:
To: Jeff Anderson Hover Tank v1.0d
1011 Rainbow Way
Boulder, CO 80302
Single user form for the registered version of Hover Tank. This
form is valid for any version of Hover Tank. Please print this
form and send it to the address above.
Your name: ________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
Country: ________________________________________
Email address
(optional): ________________________________________
Please send $10 if you would like us to send you the newest
version of Hover Tank (with modem 4-player support and other
cool features). Plus, if you register, then we will also
send you the registered version of Megapede, a popular game
from Cheesy software.
Disk format: [] 3.5" (1.44 Mb)
[] 5.25" (1.2 Mb)
Comments: ___________________________________________________