500 The output directory that you specified does not currently exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
501 Drag And Zip for Win32
502 You have specified a file as the output path.\nYou need to specify a directory in which to create the Zip file.
503 Error
504 Unable to create directory.
505 You must enter a Zip filename.
506 Converting %s to %s.
507 &Settings
508 &About Drag And Zip
509 &Help
510 Zipping Selected Files.
511 Running PKZIP on Selected Files.
512 ZIP Filename
513 LZH Filename
514 Running LHA on Selected Files.
515 Creating %s
516 %s was successfully created.\n\nDo you want to view the output?
517 &Path For Temporary Files
518 You must enter a directory for output.
519 To use Span Multiple Disks option,\nOutput directory must be a floppy drive.
520 The temporary directory does not currently exist.\n\nDo you want to create it?
521 Invalid path specified.
522 There is not emough memory to zip the files.
523 The self extracting file created by Drag And Zip is a Win 16 based file and expects file names in the zip file to be in uppercase and have short names. Do you want Drag And Zip to convert \nthe names when it makes the zip \n file?
524 &Run Set
525 This is not a valid Zip set file.
526 There is no password listed in the set file. Do you want to cancel the zip operation?
527 There is not enough memory to zip file files. We recommend that you restart Windows and try again.
528 You must enter a zip file name and an output path before you can save a set.