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- 1 Views the contents of the selected files.
- 2 Copies the selected files. A destination directory will be requested.
- 3 Moves the selected files. A destination directory will be requested.
- 4 Deletes the selected files or directires.
- 5 Renames the selected files or directories.
- 7 Modifies the files displayed by name and attribute.
- 8 Prints the file list.
- 10 Runs Drag And Zip and Zips the selected files.
- 11 Sorts the file list by date, ascending.
- 12 Sorts the file list by name, ascending.
- 13 Sorts the file list by size, ascending.
- 14 Sorts the file list by type (extension), ascending.
- 16 Launches and editor with the highlighted file.
- 18 Launches the selected file with it's associated program.
- 22 Tags files based on file specification and attribute.
- 27 Changes the attributes of the selected files.
- 29 Closes the Window.
- 34 Sorts the file list by path, ascending.
- 35 Toggles the display of duplicate files.
- 36 Displays the unique (not duplicate) files.
- 58 Sorts the file list by type (extension), descending.
- 59 Sorts the file list by name, descending.
- 60 Sorts the file list by date, descending.
- 61 Sorts the file list by size, descending.
- 62 Sorts the file list by path, descending.
- 354 Please confirm deletion of this filter set.
- 501 Error
- 510 Unable to read drive %c:. Please check if there is a disk in the drive.
- 511 Unable to read drive %c:
- 512 %s does not appear to be a valid pathneme.
- 513 The directory\n%s\ndoesn't exist. Do you want to create it?
- 514 Drag And File for Win 32
- 515 You have not entered a valid path or filename. Unable to perform move or copy.
- 516 There was not enough room on the destination drive to copy all the files. Uncopied files will still have selection marks.
- 517 There was not enough room on the destination drive to move all the files. Unmoved files will still have selection marks.
- 518 There is not enough memory to copy or move files.
- 519 Copying %s to:
- 520 Moving %s to:
- 521 Do you want to cancel the %s.
- 522 copy
- 523 The diskette you are copying to is full.\n\nDo you want to change diskettes and continue copying?
- 524 Put in a new diskette now and press "OK".
- 525 The destination drive is full. Cannot copy or move.
- 526 Source and destination files are the same.\n%s\nCannot perform copy or move
- 527 Unable to open %s.
- 529 Unable to create %s.
- 530 The file %s already exists on\n%s\nDo you want to overwite this file.
- 532 Deleting %d selected files containing %s bytes.
- 533 Deleting %s.
- 535 Unable to create directory.
- 536 Enter new name for %s.
- 537 Note: If you are renaming more than one file you will need to use the wild cards "?" and "*".
- 538 If you want to rename more than one file at a time, you must do so with the wild cards "*" or "?".
- 539 A file or subdirectory already exists with that name.
- 541 Unable to find Drag And View.
- 542 Unable to find Drag And Zip.
- 547 Unable to rename the file. Please check to see that you have entered a valid file name.
- 554 %s is the volume label of the drive and not a valid directory.
- 564 Insufficient memory to drop file(s).
- 565 Changing attributes on %s.
- 567 There no editor currently installed.
- 569 move
- 570 Duplicate Files
- 571 All Files
- 572 Sorting so many files by path may take a few minutes.\nDo you want to continue?
- 573 Reading files for selected directories.
- 574 Copying
- 575 Moving
- 576 %s %d selected files containing %s bytes to:
- 577 %s %s to:
- 578 There was a memory error. Copying is canceled.
- 579 Sorting files by %s.
- 580 Checking files for duplicates.
- 581 There Are NO Duplicate Files!
- 582 Checking file attributes.
- 584 Unable to run editor.
- 585 There is not enough memory to view all the files.
- 586 Because the file listing may contain files from multiple drives, the destination path must contain a drive specification.
- 587 Because the file listing may contain files from multiple drives, full path names must be entered. You may not use ".." .
- 588 There is not enough memory to run the all file viewer.
- 589 Reading files for selected drives.
- 595 &Close
- 596 Drag And Zip
- 609 Unable to delete files. Please check if disk is write protected
- 633 The shell does not support context menus for files on more than one drive. \n Please re-tag files so all the files are from the same drive.
- 645 Unable to provide a context menu for this item.
- 646 There were no files found that meet your search criteria.
- 650 Checking for unique files.
- 655 There are no files in the selected directories.
- 660 You cannot delete the Defailt filter set. Drag And File uses the Default filter set as the default file spec when it runs.
- 701 View
- 702 Copy
- 703 Move
- 704 Delete
- 705 Rename
- 706 Find
- 707 Filter Files
- 708 Print
- 710 Zip
- 711 Sort by Date
- 712 Sort by Name
- 713 Sort by Size
- 714 Sort by Type
- 716 Edit File
- 718 Launch File
- 722 Tag Some
- 727 Modify File Attributes
- 729 Exit
- 730 Close All DF Windows
- 734 Sort by Path
- 735 Toggle Duplicates
- 736 Toggle Unique Files
- 800 Saves the current sort params as default.
- 806 Allows one to add and remove toolbar buttons and hot keys.
- 809 Opens help on the contents page.
- 810 Opens help with the discription of Drag And File.
- 811 Opens help with instructions on how to use Drag And File.
- 814 Tags the highlighted file.
- 815 Untags the highlighted file.
- 816 Tags all the files.
- 818 Untags all the files.
- 829 Displays the file list unsorted.
- 832 Retags the files with dots on them.
- 900 Unique Files
- 901 There are no unique files. All of the files have duplicates.