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INI File | 1995-05-01 | 8.8 KB | 268 lines |
- #
- # FILE: setup.ini
- # VERSION: @(#) setup.ini 2.6 94/09/13
- # Copyright (c) 1994 SoftQuad Inc.
- #
- # The script roughly does the following in order:
- #
- # create the setup screen, throw up a welcome dialog, get and
- # create the application directory, install the product, create
- # or modify the program group ( this can be skipped ), and provide
- # some options to the user at the end.
- #
- # This file allows you to configure what the script does, and is split
- # along the same lines as the script.
- #
- # The file is like a normal MS-Windows .ini file. It contains
- # into sections of key-value pairs. Example:
- #
- # [SectionName]
- # key1=value1
- # key2=value2
- #
- # Trailing and leading blanks are ignored. Enclose the value
- # in single or double quotes if you need the blanks.
- #
- ################################################################################
- # Screen Initialization
- ################################################################################
- [Screen]
- screenTitle= SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO 1.0
- ################################################################################
- # Welcome section
- #
- # Throws up a welcome dialog with at most 10 lines of text
- # Leading spaces are ignored, unless you quote the string
- # In the example below lines 1,4,8,9 and 10 will be left blank.
- # Line2 and line3 will be indented.
- ################################################################################
- [Welcome]
- line2= " This is the setup program for "
- line3= " SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO 1.0, the HTML editor. "
- line5= If you have installed a previous version of HoTMetaL,
- line6= it is important that you read the installation notes and
- line7= the README.WRI file before continuing. Otherwise, you
- line8= may lose valuable files and data.
- ################################################################################
- # The (top-level) application directory ( e.g. D:\AE )
- #
- # gets directory of user choosing, verifies that there is enough disk space
- # and creates the directory if this is a new installation
- ################################################################################
- [ApplicationDirectory]
- # if installing on top of an old installation, give a "tag file" whose existence
- # the script can check
- #
- # if this is a new installation, the top-level directory will be automatically
- # created
- #newInstallation=no
- #tagFile=ae.exe
- newInstallation = yes
- # the Windows drive will be automatically prepended
- defaultLocation= "\htmlpro"
- # Bytes used up by the complete installation. The script will add on the overhead.
- # You will have to total up the sizes below ( in Installing ).
- spaceNeeded=5567488
- # Header text for the application directory dialog
- # Maximum of six lines of header
- line1= Setup will install this application into the following
- line2= directory, which it will create on your hard disk.
- line4= If you want to install the application in a different
- line5= directory and/or drive, type the name of the directory
- line6= below:
- #################################################################################
- # Installing
- #
- # The application directory is already created. The installation part of
- # the script will creates the sub-directories, which you must specify.
- #
- # It then installs the disks, one by one.
- #
- #################################################################################
- [Directories]
- # number = 0 is legitimate
- number = 8
- # the application directory is already created
- # specify relative to the top-level directory, all the other directories to be created
- dir1= lib\scm
- dir2= lib\spell
- dir3= doc
- dir4= dtds
- dir5= rules
- dir6= macros
- dir7= styles
- dir8= template
- [Disks]
- number = 1
- # the full label on a disk is, typically, SoftQuad Author/Editor 3.1 Disk 2.
- # the script will add the Disk 2
- diskLabel= SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO 1.0
- # Compressed File Description:
- # name,target directory relative to application directory, description
- # for status bar, total uncompressed size
- [Disk1]
- files=13
- file1=sqdir.z,.,Expanding and installing HoTMetaL and configuration files ...,2162688
- file2=tut.z,doc,Expanding and installing HoTMetaL Tutorial...,63000
- file3=spellbrt.z,lib\spell,Expanding and installing British English Dictionary files ...,1000000
- file4=scm.z,lib\scm,Expanding and installing Library files ...,477000
- file5=dtds.z,dtds,Expanding and installing HTML DTDs...,42000
- file6=entities.z,dtds\entities,Expanding and installing Entities...,12000
- file7=macro.z,macros,Expanding and installing Macros...,2000
- file8=rules.z,rules,Expanding and installing HTML Rules...,38000
- file9=styles.z,styles,Expanding and installing Styles...,90000
- file10=spelleng.z,lib\spell,Expanding and installing American English Dictionary files ...,1000000
- file11=doc.z,doc,Expanding and installing Help file...,293000
- file12=template.z,template,Expanding and installing Templates...,35000
- file13=mosaic.z,doc,Expanding and installing HTML documentation...,356000
- [Backup]
- # number = 0 is legit
- number = 2
- # backed up to aeini.bak
- file1 = sqhmpro.ini
- # backed up to rgbtxt.bak
- file2 = rgb.txt
- ##################################################################################
- # Program group section
- #
- # NOTE: a group name may NOT contain double quotes, commas, or parentheses.
- #
- ##################################################################################
- [ProgramGroup]
- skipProgramGroup = no
- #### Removing old groups ####
- # set to yes if you want to remove an old program group e.g. A/E 3.0's group
- removeOldGroup=no
- #OldDefaultGroupName = SoftQuad Author/Editor 3.0
- #### Creating or checking for existing program group ####
- createGroup = yes
- defaultGroupName = SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO 1.0
- # defaultGroupFile useful only if creating a new group
- defaultGroupFile = HTMLPRO.GRP
- #### Adding new items ####
- # no of items to add to/replace in the group, 0 is o.k.
- items = 1
- # Item Description
- # ----------------
- # binary, command line arguments, description
- #
- # Give binary relative to the application directory, the script will prepend the
- # application directory. The working directory will be the application directory.
- #
- # NOTE: the description may NOT contain double quotes, commas or parentheses
- #
- item1=sqhmpro.exe, ,SoftQuad HoTMetaL PRO 1.0
- #### header text for the program group dialog ####
- # maximum of 8 lines allowed as header text
- line1= Setup will create a program group in the Program Manager
- line2= with the following file name and description.
- line3= NOTE: Any existing program group with the same name will
- line4= be replaced.
- line5= If you want to create the group with a different name or
- line6= description, change the fields below:
- ###########################################################################
- # End Options
- #
- # Once the installation is done and the program group is created,
- # give the user the option to register product and/or view readme file
- #
- # The readme file, for now, is README.WRI and must be in the installation
- # top-level directory.
- ###########################################################################
- [EndOptions]
- # if you need a simple text dialog before the end-opts,
- # uncomment and set the below.
- doTextDlog = yes
- line1 = "Please look at register.htm for information"
- line2 = "on obtaining support for HoTMetaL PRO."
- line3 =
- line4 =
- line5 =
- line6 =
- # skipEndOptionsDialog = yes
- skipEndOptions = no
- registerProduct = no
- theRegisterProgram = REGISTN.EXE
- product = HoTMetaL PRO
- ########################################################################
- # Mosaic
- #
- # Maximum of five lines in messages. Can be changed.
- ########################################################################
- [Mosaic]
- # uncomment if you want Mosaic-related dialogs and code
- # iniFile = mosaic.ini
- #text for mosaic.ini exists dialog
- line2 = "Hey, this is your lucky day."
- line3 = "Mosaic is already installed and run."
- line4 = "I can make the appropiate changes to your mosaic.ini if you"
- line5 = "want."
- [Spyglass]
- # uncomment if you want Spyglass-related dialogs and code
- # iniFile = emosaic.ini
- # text for emosaic.ini dialog exists
- line2 = "Hey, this is your lucky day."
- line3 = "Spyglass is already installed and run."
- line4 = "Want me to backup and then setup your emosaic.ini file."
- #text if neither Spyglass or Mosaic is installed
- [NoMosaicProduct]
- line2 = " You haven't installed and run Mosaic nor Spyglass."
- line3 = " If you continue, you will have to setup the ini files. "
- line4 = " That's right, no GUI, just you and a text editor."
- ############################## EOF #####################################