PC World Komputer 1996 May
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Text File
77 lines
-- Descriptions for elements in html.dtd. SoftQuad SCCS @(#)htmlpro.tag 1.13 95/03/17 --
A "Anchor - a hypertext link"
ADDRESS "Address (e.g. e-mail or postal)"
B "Bold Text"
BASE "The URL of this document (optional)"
BASEFONT "Set Base Font and Size"
BLINK "Blinking Text"
BLOCKQUOTE "Block Quotation"
BODY "Document Body; required"
BR "Force Line Break"
CAPTION "Table Cell Braille Marker [experimental]"
CENTER "Center Text [deprecated]"
CITE "Citation"
CODE "Example of Code (compare with PRE)"
COLDEF "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
COLDEFS "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
DD "Text of Definition"
DFN "Defining instance of a term [HTML 2 proposed]"
DIR "Directory Listing, items each <= 24 characters"
DL "List of Terms and Definitions"
DT "Term to be Defined"
EM "Emphasis"
FONT "Set Font and Size"
FORM "On-line Form [level 2, HTML2]"
H1 "Heading Level 1"
H2 "Heading Level 2"
H3 "Heading Level 3"
H4 "Heading Level 4"
H5 "Heading Level 5"
H6 "Heading Level 6"
HDROW "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
HDROWS "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
HEAD "Document Header, required"
HP "Highlighted Phrase (obsolete)"
HR "Horizontal Rule"
HTML "Top Level Document Element"
I "Italic Text"
IMG "Image"
INPUT "Input to a Form [level 2, HTML2]"
ISINDEX "This document IS Indexed (searchable)"
KBD "Something a User Would Type"
LI "List Item"
LINK "The Relation To Another Document [level 1, HTML2]"
LISTING "Listing (obsolete, use PRE)"
MENU "Menu list, more compact than UL"
META "Generic Metainformation"
NEXTID "Unique ID Counter [deprecated]"
NOBR "No Line Break"
OL "Ordered List (usually auto-numbered)"
OPTION "Form Option within SELECT [level 2, HTML2]"
P "Paragraph, contains text"
PLAINTEXT "Plaintext Content (Obsolete Element)"
PRE "Preformatted Fixed Pitch Text"
ROWS "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
SAMP "Sequence of Literal Characters"
SELECT "Form Selection List [level 2, HTML2]"
STRIKE "Strike-out text [level 2, HTML2]"
STRONG "Strong Emphasis (preferred over BOLD)"
TABLE "Insert a Table"
TBODY "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
TD "Data Cell in a TABLE [TABLE is experimental!]"
TEXTAREA "Form Multi-line Text Input Field [level 2, HTML2]"
TFOOT "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
TH "Heading Cell [in a TABLE]"
THEAD "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
THSUB "Row Sub-Head Cell [in a TABLE]"
TITLE "Document Title for browser; up to 64 chars"
TR "[inserted automatically by TABLE]"
TT "Teletype (fixed width) Font"
U "Underlined text [HTML 2 proposed]"
UL "Unordered List"
VAR "The name of a Variable"
WBR "Soft Word Break"
XMP "Example (obsolete, use PRE)"