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/ PC World Komputer 1996 May / PCW596.iso / demo / statsoft / statist5 / statist.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
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OCR: STATISTICA: Basic Statistics and Tables File Edit Yiew Insert Layouts Analysis Graphs Options Window Help L] %[86 Quick Stats Graphs. matrix.s DescriptivLS Stats Graphs BASIC LS Stats 3 Sequential Graphs STATS Valid Stats 3 XYZ Graphs Std Dev ITEM MEA ASUR10 50 Stats Matrix Graphs - 053335 Stats Icon Graphs. Histograms. Stats Categorized Graphs Scatterplots. Multiple Graph Lavout: Normal Probability Plots Blank Graphs Quantile Quantile Plots [Dv*210c] Probability- Probability Plots Custom Graphs Line Plots Block Stats Graphs Plots Stats User- defined Graphs componentc cus1omlze Of any of Auto Tasl B Pie Charts graph, button I1 wI1h READ 00 Missing/Range Data Plots Graph Data Links customizaton selec1 the opton desired Graph 3D Plots from TO the qulckly lylng access menu the 3D Ternary Plot ...