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- STATISTICA(R) Release 5.0
- Demonstration Program
- Welcome to the STATISTICA version 5.0 Demonstration
- Program. This Demonstration Program is not a "self-running"
- demo; it is a program with many features of the Basic Statistics
- module of STATISTICA and it allows you to run your own analyses
- and produce customized graphs.
- Note that this Demonstration Program came with several
- example data files (located in the EXAMPLES subdirectory inside
- the Demonstration Program directory) on which you can perform
- various analyses and create different kinds of graphs.
- ELECTRONIC MANUAL: Press F1 at any point in the program
- to access the comprehensive Electronic Manual.
- After starting the program, the last-used data file is automatically
- opened (when you start the Demo program for the first time, the
- data file ADSTUDY.STA will open). Select Correlation Matrices
- from the start up panel (the same selections are available from the
- pull-down menu Analysis). The Correlation dialog will appear.
- Press the first button (One variable list (square...)) to choose the
- variables for the correlation matrix; for example, highlight 10
- variables in the list: MEASUR1 through MEASUR10 and click OK.
- Then, click OK to see the default output: a Scrollsheet showing the
- correlation matrix.
- The numbers in the correlation matrix represent relations between
- the variables; the higher the absolute value of a correlation
- coefficient, the stronger the relation between the two respective
- variables.
- To see graphs related to a particular correlation coefficient, point to
- that coefficient with the right-mouse button. A "flying menu" will
- pop-up. Select the first option in the menu: Quick Stats Graphs,
- and then, from the list of "quick" graphs, select the first one: a
- Scatterplot. The graph will appear on the screen.
- Now you can explore the other "quick" graphs which visualize the
- variables from the correlation matrix. You can also return to the
- previous dialog to review other options (press the Continue button
- on the correlation matrix Scrollsheet or the "floating" Cont button
- near the bottom of the STATISTICA window).
- For a comprehensive selection of graphs, try the pull-down menu
- Graphs or the toolbar button Graphs Gallery.
- "Flying menus." Point to any object on the screen and press the
- right-mouse-button to bring up a context-sensitive "flying menu" of
- options related to the object. Try it for a spreadsheet cell -- the
- options will include a selection of relevant graphs, formats,
- recoding, etc. In graphs, the "flying menu" options allow you to
- quickly customize the selected object (e.g., a scale, title).
- Toolbars. The most common tools are accessible from the
- toolbars. The toolbars change when you switch between output
- windows (e.g., graphs have different toolbars than spreadsheets).
- To review the short toolbar-button descriptions on the status bar
- (at the bottom of the window), keep the selected toolbar button
- pressed; then, release the mouse outside the toolbar to release the
- toolbar button without invoking its function.
- Data files. STATISTICA data files are organized into cases (rows
- in the spreadsheet) and variables (columns in the spreadsheet).
- Cases are like records in data base management files and they
- consist of a number of variables (e.g., each case may represent one
- patient in a medical study). Variables (columns) are like fields in
- data base management files (e.g., each variable may represent one
- type of measurement, such as the cholesterol level, blood pressure,
- etc.).
- Variables. To review or edit the specifications of a variable,
- double-click on the respective column name in the spreadsheet.
- Text values; value labels. In STATISTICA, all values can
- simultaneously have numeric and text identities (e.g., 1=MALE,
- 2=FEMALE). Switch between displaying the two by pressing the
- spreadsheet toolbar ABC button. All values can also have long
- labels; to review/edit the labels for the highlighted variable, press
- the toolbar ABC/123 button.
- Subsets of cases. To specify a subset of cases to be included in
- (or excluded from) an analysis, double-click on the clickable Sel:
- OFF field on the status bar (at the bottom of the STATISTICA
- window).
- Self-prompting dialogs. To perform an analysis, select it from
- the startup panel (or the pull-down menu Analysis or Graphs). If
- you are not sure what to select in a dialog, press OK; then, if
- necessary, STATISTICA will request that you make additional
- selections.
- Queues of Scrollsheets and graphs. The Scrollsheets
- (output tables with built-in customization and data visualization
- facilities) and graphs are displayed in queues of windows of a fixed
- length (by default, 3 windows in each queue) and they are closed on
- a first-in-first-out basis. You can customize this system using the
- pull-down Options or Window menus.
- Text and graphics reports. In addition to the printer and disk
- file output, the content of all Scrollsheets and graphs can be
- directed to a report window; double-click on the Output: OFF field
- on the status bar (at the bottom of the window) to review some of
- the relevant options.
- STATISTICA supports a selection of user-interfaces (various
- interactive interfaces, internal macros, command languages, macros
- written in other applications which support DDE). Practically all
- aspects of the user-interfaces are customizable. For example, to
- review some of the output reporting options, double-click on the
- Output: OFF field on the status bar (at the bottom of the window)
- or use the pull-down menu Options.
- Types of graphs. Many specialized graphs are part of the
- output from respective analyses and they are automatically
- generated or are available from the respective Results dialogs
- and/or Scrollsheets. The "general purpose" graphs are available
- from the pull-down menu Graphs or the Graphs Gallery (accessible
- by pressing a toolbar button). In that menu:
- The Stats Graphs options offer hundreds of types of pre-defined
- statistical graphs produced from raw data;
- The Quick Stats Graphs (also accessible from "flying menus"
- and all toolbars) offer a selection of the most often-used types
- of Stats Graphs; they are "quick" in the sense that they do not
- require going through any intermediate dialogs; they do not
- even require selecting variables because the variables indicated
- by the highlight position in the current spreadsheet or
- Scrollsheet are automatically used;
- The Custom Graphs options (also accessible from "flying
- menus" and all toolbars) allow you to convert any combination
- of numbers from rows and/or columns (and their subsets) in the
- current spreadsheet or Scrollsheet into graphs;
- The User-Defined Graphs offer types of graphs which were not
- available as pre-defined graphs but were "constructed by the
- user" and added to the menu or floating toolbars for repeated
- use;
- The Blank Graphs create "empty" graph windows where other
- graphs (and/or drawings, diagrams, and other artwork) can be
- pasted or linked/embedded; the same effect can be achieved by
- starting with an existing graph and extending its margins to
- make room for other objects.
- Customization of graph layout. The "flying menu" of global
- graph customization options can be popped up by pressing the
- right-mouse-button anywhere on the "empty" outside background
- of the graph. The most commonly-used global customization
- options are included in the General Layout dialog accessible from
- that menu (see the first option of the menu) or by double-clicking
- anywhere on the "empty" outside background of the graph.
- Customization of graphic objects. The "flying menu" with
- customization options applicable to a graph object (e.g., scale, title,
- gridlines, markers) can be quickly accessed by pressing the right-
- mouse-button on the object, e.g., on a graph scale. The most
- commonly-used customization dialog for an object (e.g., for a
- marker -- the Patterns, colors, and sizes dialog) can be accessed by
- double-clicking on the object.
- Drawing, zooming, etc. If you press one of the toolbar buttons
- to enter a graph drawing, zooming, inserting, resizing, etc. mode,
- press the wide arrow button on the graph toolbar (or press the Esc
- key) to return to the default pointing mode. To edit an existing
- custom-drawn object (e.g., a freehand line or rectangle), click on it
- with the mouse -- then, you can resize it (by dragging the black
- resizing squares), or change its color, pattern, etc. (by using the
- respective toolbar buttons). Freehand lines support the "second-
- level" line shape editing mode: the editing squares will appear in
- every point where the line changes its direction -- you can now drag
- any one of them with the mouse to modify the local shape of the
- drawing (to edit fine details, zoom on the object with the toolbar
- magnifying glass (zoom +) tool).
- Thank you for trying STATISTICA. To order or to get more
- information, you can contact StatSoft USA:
- StatSoft, Inc.
- 2325 East 13th Street
- Tulsa, OK 74104
- voice: (918)-583-4149
- fax: (918)-583-4376
- or a local StatSoft sales office (or an authorized representative);
- please refer to the enclosed brochures for details.