PC World Komputer 1996 May
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Text File
44 lines
; Weapons.txt
; This file controls the attributes of the weapons used in
; the game engine. The order of appearance here determines which
; keyboard key selects each weapon.
; The attrib says whether the weapon is deadly or just knockout.
; The handle is the handle number of the animation file as per weapdef.txt
; The range is range in cm
; Distoff is added to the range before calculations start.
; Rangedenom controls the effectiveness falloff over distance.
; Luck has to do with randomness of out of range hits.
; Force is how many hitpoints are dished out when enemy hit.
; Maxhit puts a max limit on hitpoints in all cases.
; aimacc determines how accurately the weapon must be pointed to attain a hit
; weapsnd is 0 (no sound) or a sound number from sounds.txt.
; weapinv is which inventory item a weapon is.
; Picture name is the name of the .VGA file that is put up in the Current
; Weapon icon.
;struct weapontype {
; int attrib,handle,range,distoff,
; rangedenom,luck,force,maxhit,aimacc,weapsnd,weapinv;
; char *picturename; };
; a h r d r l f m a w i P
; t a a i a u o a i e n i
; t n n s n c r x m a v c
; r d g t g k c p e
; i l e e e h a n n
; b e o i c s t a
; # f d t c n m
; f . d # e
0 3600 1000 -350 25 3 600 10 8632 -1 0 pistfat.vga ; Hand Gun
0 3600 1000 -450 25 3 600 10 10632 -1 0 pistfat.vga ; Hand Gun (jump)
4 3607 1500 -500 500 65 500 16 6450 2 26 stickfat.vga ; Goo Gun
0 3603 500 200 16000 1 0 1 3122 -1 1 grenfat.vga ; Grenade toss
0 3604 1500 -500 500 65 1000 16 22075 0 15 mgunfat.vga ; Machine gun
0 3603 500 200 16000 1 0 1 3122 -1 28 grenfat.vga ; Gas Gren toss
0 3606 1000 100 8000 2 0 1 6244 3 25 plsmafat.vga ; Plasma Launcher
7 3605 250 -500 125 1 700 16 100 4 20 fireext.vga ; Fire Extinguisher
; 0 3602 1250 -100 50 6 1800 20 10500 35 37 laserfat.vga ; Laser Pistol
0 3601 2500 -100 20 7 2100 23 12950 7 16 shtgnfat.vga ; Shotgun