PC World Komputer 1996 May
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* Tiny LHA Ver1.21E (FREE SOFT) *
* *
* Copyright(C)1994 by Tatsu Osawa *
* Release 1995/02/15 *
* Translated by: Hitoshi Ozawa *
Introduction *****************************************************************
Tiny LHA is a program to compress/decompress file from and to LZH format.
When a file is drag & dropped from a Windows 3.1 file management program
such as a File Manager, compressed files will be decompressed and regular
files will be compressed into *.LZH format.
Requirements *****************************************************************
80386 or higher machine
4MB or more RAM memory
MS-Windows3.1 or higher
Liability ********************************************************************
The author and the developer of this software will not take any
responsibilities for any damages that may occur with the use of this software.
The files contained in TINLHA.EXE file are distributed "as is" and without
any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire risk of
using the software.
Distinguishing Features ******************************************************
Tiny LHA has 5 distinguishing features:
1. Does not use too much memory.
2. Support Drag & Drop to compress and decompress files
3. Can compress/decompress entire files in a directory
with directory information. (New feature)
4. Support associate command in a File Manager (New feature)
5. Able to decompress self-extracting files (New Feature)
Included Files ***************************************************************
The following files are included in the TINLHA.EXE file:
TINYLHA.EXE Execution file
README.TXT Introduction (the file you are reading right now)
Installation *****************************************************************
Copy the LHA.DLL file to the \WINDOWS directory.
Execute the TINYLHA.EXE file from Windows by using either the File Manager
or the Program Manager.
If you desire to have TinyLHA loaded every time Windows is started, add
the TINYLHA.EXE to the Start-up group (^_^).
Uninstallation ***************************************************************
Just delete the TINYLHA.EXE and this README.TXT files. There are no other
files such as the *.INI file associated with this program.
How to Use *******************************************************************
1. Compression
-Select files to compress into *.LZH format from a file management
software such as a File Manager. It is possible to select
multiple files. Files already with *.LZH extension will not be
-Drag and drop the files onto the Tiny LHA icon.
-A dialog box will appear asking you to enter the compressed format
file names.
-Compressed files will be created in the same directory as the
original files.
-If a directory is dropped, directory structure information will
be compressed, but empty directory will not be compressed.
(LHA specification)
-If several files are selected and dropped on to the Tiny LHA
icon, even files with LZH extension will be re-compressed.
Please decompress files one at a time.
2. Decompression
-Select a file with *.LZH extension to be decompressed from a
file management software such as a File Manager. The file must
be compressed in *.LZH format.
-Drag and drop the file onto the Tiny LHA icon.
-The file will be decompressed in the same directory as the
original compressed file.
-If Tiny LHA program is associated with the LZH extension in the
File Manager, a *.LZH file can be decompressed by just double-
clicking the file.
-If a *.LZH file contains directory information, subdirectories
will be created when it is decompressed.
Development Environment ******************************************************
This program is written in Borland C++ 4.00J.
Test *************************************************************************
This program has been tested on:
1. PC-9801BX + DX2ODP + Windows 3.1J (NEC)
2. IBM ThinkPad 500 + MS Windows 3.1
Development ******************************************************************
Version 1.21 Package LHA.DLL file
Version 1.20 Support directory compression/decompression
Support associate command in a File Manager
Support decompression of self-extracting files
Version 1.10 Initial Release
Distribution *****************************************************************
This program can be distributed only in the original archived TINLHA.ZIP
formatted file. Do not change this file or any files within.
This file can be freely distributed. If it is to be copied to another forum
or to another distribution channel, please contact the developer to let us know
exactly where it is to be copied. We will need this information to maintain
and upgrade Tiny LHA at all locations.
If the TINLHA.EXE file is to be distributed for commercial or in any manner
including exchange of object(s) not excluding money, permission from the
developer is required.
If this program is to be mentioned in any article, please send
a E-mail to one of the developers.
Copyright ********************************************************************
Tiny LHA is copyrighted by Tatsu Osawa. No part of this
program or data may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
a written permission from Tatsu Osawa.
LHA.DLL **********************************************************************
LHA.DLL is copyrighted by Junichi Komuke. This file must not be distributed
without other files in TINLHA.EXE file. To use this file in your program,
please consult files in the LHADLL.EXE in WINUTIL, LIB 5.
Miscellaneous ****************************************************************
If this type of memory resident accessory were written in VB or C++, it
will become very large and slow. It is best if it is written in C (with some
I'm apologize for the sorry looking icon. I wanted it so that you will be
able to know that it is a LHA icon with just one look, but...
If you are able to change it, please do so.
Support **********************************************************************
Support for Tiny LHA is provided by CompuServe E-mail.
If you have any question, opinion, suggestions, or other comments, please
send any E-mail to:
Japanese support
Tatsu Osawa Internet: cxp04536@niftyserve.or.jp
English support
Hitoshi Ozawa Internet: h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp
For list of other Japanese software, access http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa
home directory.