1008 This version of the IEAK Profile Manager is intended for preview purposes only. Some functionality may be lacking or incomplete. Subsequent versions of the IEAK will include a completed Profile Manager.
1009 File should have a .adm extension
1010 Do you wish to overwrite the existing version of this file?
1011 Are you sure you wish to delete this file?
1012 ADM Files
1013 Not enough memory to perform operation
1014 Could create/open log file
1015 GetProcAddress function for admparse.dll failed
1016 No duplicate keys found
1017 No policy files found
1018 Opening file...
1019 Saving file...
1020 Importing adm file...
1021 Ready
1022 Loading adm files...
1023 Checking for duplicate keys...
1024 Wizard Settings\n\nThe settings listed in the left-hand pane under this branch are the same settings you made when you ran the wizard.\n\nYou can import an .INS file that has these settings preset in them, but this .INS file also specifies other files that will need to be modified. If you make changes here, they will be reflected in all files necessary to deploy the updated package.\n\nTo begin using the Profile Manager, you must open an existing .INS or create a new one using the File menu.
1025 System Policies and Restrictions\n\nThe settings you see here are the same ones you set in the wizard. These settings are referred to by the INS file, but are not set directly within this file. The Profile Manager will bundle all the needed files just as the wizard does when you save the settings.
1026 Wizard Settings
1027 System Policies & Restrictions
1028 The file you specified cannot be created. Please type another file name or click Browse.