; SetDescription(string) ; description of the unit
; SetMenuImage(sprite) ; image which is displayed on the menu
; SetSelectSounds(wav wav wav wav) ; sounds used when unit is selected
; SetResponseSounds(wav wav wav wav) ; sounds used when unit responds to orders
; SetCommandPointLoad(3) ; number of command points this loads the system with
; SetSide(1) ; side this unit belongs to
; SetCost(cost time) ; cost to build and time to build
; UseEffects(Hover) ; effects this unit uses when moving
; SetMoveMode(Hover) ; movement mode of this unit (Ground, Hover, Fly, Fixed)
; SetStrength(hitpoints) ; number of hitpoints the unit has
; SetPhysics(mass speed) ; mass and maxspeed of the unit
; SetHitSize(radius) ; damage radius of the unit (pixels)
; SetSeeingRange(radius) ; seeing range of the radius (tiles)
; SetVulnerability(type strength) ; defense type and strength
; SetCarry(units mass) ; hold units/mass
; SetBuildingSrcAndDst { ; building src and dst pairs for auto resource pathing
; (src dest)
; (src dest)
; (src dest)
; (src dest)
; }
; SetResourceTransport(id max) ; can store max of id resource
; SetRequirements {
; SetType(1014) ; prereq type of this unit
; SetPrereqs(11012) ; required prereqs for this unit
; SetMaker(11003) ; possible makers of this unit
; SetEquivalence() ; defaults to no equivalence (optional)
; SetTechLevel() ; defaults to tech level 0 (optional)
; }
; IsHuman() ; is unit human this?
; CanGrab(unittypesym time) ; can this unit grab other units ? (what does it convert them to and in what time)
; CanMorph() ; can this unit morph ?
; CanSpy(mintime maxtime busttime) ; can this unit spy ? (also has mintime and maxtime which are used as bounds to get a random time before unit gets busted while spying and a busttime which defines how long the unit must wait before it can reenter a building after being busted)
; CanSabotage() ; can this unit sabotage ?
; CanBoomerang() ; can this unit boomerang ?
; CanAlternate(unittypesym) ; can this unit alternate ? (what does it alternate to)
; CanVeteran(unittypesym exp) ; can this unit become a veteran ? (what does it become when its verteran, how much xp does it need)
; ChargeWeapon(unit_cycles_to_charge_for)
; SetRundownInfo { ; rundown information
; SetAttack() ; the rundown attack of this unit
; SetDefence() ; the rundown defence of this unit
; SetSquishSound() ; the sound made when run over
; }
; AddPart {
; SetRotationRate(10) ; rotational rate of this part
; SetRotationalArc(180) ; rotational arc of this part
; SetScanDelay(500) ; delay between rescanning
; SetImage(tacmrow.spr) ; image of this part
; SetMoveAnimation(0) ; move animation frame
; ;SetHealthExplosion(0 expl attached) ; health explosions