The Imperium operated a detention camp in a barren marshland region of the Rhent. A number of Freedom Guard prisoners were confined there, along with some of the more infamous civilian criminals from around the galaxy. Imperium biotic researchers there were using the prisoners for genetic experimentation. Among those held in the compound was Freedom Guard Commander Jeb Radec, who led the water raid on Alcine. The Freedom Guard assaulted the camp in an attempt to recover Radec and the others.
We have discovered the location of an internment camp on the uninhabited planet Rhent. Commander Radec is being held there. It is also believed that Imperium scientists are performing genetic experiments on the prisoners in the compound. The prison is located in a desolate swamp, so access routes are limited. Rescue the prisoners and destroy the compound. Leave nothing standing. Our message must be clear. We will bear their oppression no more.
--> Free all prisoners\n
--> Build up an assault force and liberate \n
\s\s\s\sCommander Radec\n
--> Destroy the Imperium prison compound
Well done. But many trials lie ahead.\n
In spite of the Imperium's counter-attack, the Freedom Guard successfully recovered most of the prisoners held on Rhent. Jeb Radec, the Freedom Guard leader who raided the Imperium water facility on Alcine was among those liberated. However, Stiv Baator, an Imperium Shadowhand operative, had previously infiltrated the prisoner population. He was rescued along with Radec and became a trusted officer in Radec's command.