* Is this the first time QUIC_MAX has been run for this session?
If (&$QM_Run = "&.$QM_Run") Or (&$QM_Run = "")
Then global &$QM_Run
Then &$QM_Run = FIRST
* Check the value of &$QM_Run to see what we did last time through this script
If (&$QM_Run = "FIRST") Then Goto -Max
If (&$QM_Run = "MAX") Then Goto -Restore
If (&$QM_Run = "RESTORE") Then Goto -Max
Goto -Exit
* Do we need to remind the user how to get out of Super Maximize Mode?
-Max Display Dialogbox OkCancel "Warning!" "Super Maximize will eliminate ALL Windows Menus. Use Alt-Spacebar to bring up menus. &CR &CR Do you wish to continue?"
If (&Retcode = 0) Then Goto -SuperMax
&$QM_Run = ""
Quiet Stop
* The user wants to be "Super Maximized"
-SuperMax Select Menu ControlMenuMaximize
Select Menu ViewTitleBar Off
Select Menu ViewStatusLine Off
Select Menu ViewMenuBar Off
Select Menu ViewToolBar Off
&$QM_Run = MAX
Goto -Exit
* The user wants to be "restored". This is the default set of on screen
* "objects". The user can alter this to their preference.