PC World Komputer 1998 April A
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198 lines
* HOTSPOT - Relay/PC for Windows "HOTSPOT" processor.
* (c) Copyright 1991,93 Relay Technology Inc.
* This script is executed whenever the user right-clicks on the terminal
* screen.
* This script has three functions. They are Hotspot "words", Hotspot
* "blocks", and "lightpen". A description follows:
* Hotspot "Words"
* A user could be clicking on a "word", that is anything with a space on
* either side of it. The default is to assume that if we are a 3270
* terminal and the "word" is a number from 1-24, then send a PF1-PF24.
* In all other cases, simply send the "word".
* Hotspot "Blocks"
* The user could have "marked" a block on the terminal screen by pressing
* the left mouse button and holding it down and moving the mouse pointer
* to highlight their block.
* Light Pen
* Pointing at an area of the 3270 screen with the mouse pointer, and then
* double clicking the right mouse button will cause the the 3270 cursor to
* be repositioned to that point, and a 3270 "Cursor Select" function to
* be automatically executed. This feature is only available if a global
* variable &$LITEPEN is set to "ON". This can be done in the RELAY.OFP
* (RELAY Gold Offline Profile). Issue the commands:
* If no block is marked: If a block is marked:
* &1 = row number &1 = row number of upper left corner
* &2 = column number &2 = column number of upper left corner
* &3 = 0 &3 = row number of lower right corner
* &4 = 0 &4 = column number of lower right corner
* If we are a 3270 terminal, and the user variable "&$LITEPEN" is set to ON,
* then simulate the use of a lightpen with the current position of the mouse
* pointer.
* Module History *
* *
* Latest Revision - *
* *
* $Revision: 1.8 $ *
* *
* Modification Log - *
* *
* F0106V70 Fix HOTSPOT script litepen check for ON value *
* by JMM on 03/08/96 *
* M0001V70 Put Relay Source Files under PVCS Control *
* by JMM on 12/18/95 *
* *
-LITEPEN if (&where = 3270) and (&$LITEPEN ~ "ON")
then cursor &1 &2
then key cursel
* then key enter
then quiet stop
* Check to see if this is a "block" operation...
if (&3 <> 0) goto -BLOCK
* This is not a "block" operation, so find out what the "word" is that has been
* "clicked" on...
&SLEFT = &LEFT(&ROW, &2)
&STARTC = &2 + 2 - &LSPACE
&ENDC = &2 + &RSPACE - 1
if (&ENDC > &STARTC)
else &WORD =
* We now have exactly what the user "clicked" on. Before we strip out the non
* aplha and numerics, see if they had clicked on any special word verbs...
-SPECVERB if (&WORD ~ "MORE...") then key pa2 ; quiet stop
if (&WORD ~ "***") then key enter ; quiet stop
* Check for validity now. We only want to process numbers and/or letters.
* Throw away any leading non-valid characters. This gives you the beginning of
* the "word". Then look for the next non-valid character or the last character
* in the string. This gives the end of the "word". Now you are ready to go...
* For example:
* "[[[word]]]" yields "word" "[10.]" yields "10"
* "word]]]" yields "word" "wor.d]]]" yields "wor"
&VALID = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
&FINLWORD = "" ; &GOOD = N ; &WORDPOS = 1
&WORDLEN = &len(&WORD)
&LETTER = &substring(&WORD,&WORDPOS,1)
if (&instring(&VALID,&LETTER) <> 0)
then &WORDPOS = &WORDPOS + 1
then &GOOD = Y
then goto -OUT
if (&GOOD = Y) then &WORD = &FINLWORD ; goto -WORDVERB
* We now have exactly the word that the user clicked on, with any non-alpha
* or non-numerics removed. Do we want to take action on any of these...
-WORDVERB if (&WORD ~ "HOLDING") then key enter ; key pa2 ; quiet stop
* Users may add additional "verbs" for application specific HOTSPOTs.
* The additional verbs should follow this line...
* OK, it is not a special verb, so lets take the next appropriate action.
* If this is NOT a 3270 terminal, then simply send the "word" to the other
* computer and exit.
* As of 12/28/93, we also handle protocol converter PF Key simulation
-WORDTTY if (&where = 3270) or (&where = TTY)
then Goto -WORD3270
else Goto -SENDWORD
* Well, we are a 3270 terminal. If the "word" contains a 1-24, assume that the
* user wants to issue a PF1-PF24. If the "word" does not contain a 1-24, then
* simply send the "word" to the host computer.
-WORD3270 &WORD = &trim(&WORD)
&KEYCTR = 24
loop *+2 24
if (&instring(&WORD,&KEYCTR) <> 0) then Goto -SENDPF
If (&where = 3270)
then key PF&KEYCTR
then quiet stop
* if we are not sending PF keys we send the number instead.
if (&option(hotspot.pfkeys)) <> ON)
then send "&KEYCTR"
then quiet stop
* For Protocol Converters, we have to get the definition out of the
* keyfile - this routine assumes the standard Relay definitions
If (&KEYCTR < 11)
then quiet stop
If (&KEYCTR < 21)
then &KEYCTR = &KEYCTR - 10
then quiet stop
* must be 21 thru 24
quiet stop
* We could not find a 1-24, so just send the "word"...
send "&WORD"
quiet stop
* The user has indicated some action against a "marked block". Process the
* "block" one line at a time, sending each line to the host as it appears.
-BLOCK &MLENGTH = &calc(&4 - &2 + 1)
&CNT = &1
loop -BUILD while (&CNT <= &3)
&MARK = &simage(&CNT,&2,&MLENGTH)
send "&MARK"
-BUILD &CNT = &CNT + 1
quiet stop