1001 Welcome to Folder Guard!\n\nPlease keep in mind that Folder Guard is a powerful tool that must be used responsibly.\n\nPlease take time reading Folder Guard Help before enabling the protection of folders.
1002 You have not set up the Folder Access Password.\n\nSuch a password would allow you to temporarily disable folder protection performed by Folder Guard when you need to access the protected folders.\n\nWe recommend you to set up this password.
1003 You have not set up the Administrator's password.\n\nThe Administrator's password would prevent other users from running Folder Guard and, therefore, from changing its settings.\n\nWe recommend you to set up this password.
1004 You have not set up the automatic enabling of folder protection at Windows startup.\n\nIf you leave it this way, the protected folders will be accessible to other users.\n\nIf you do want the folders to be protected, you must turn this option on.
1005 The Folder Protection is NOT currently enabled.\n\nDo you want to enable the protection at exit of Folder Guard?
1006 The Folder Protection is about to be enabled.\n\nAre you sure you want the protection to be enabled at exit of Folder Guard?
1007 The folder protection will be enabled automatically every time Windows reboots.\n\nDo you want to continue?
1008 You have not set up the logon password for the Default user.\n\nIf this password is not set up, anyone will be able to use this computer by logging on as the Default user.\n\nAre you sure you don't want to set up this password?
1009 In order for the settings being saved to be restored next time when you run Folder Guard, make sure that the .CFG file is available in the folder from which you will run FGuard.exe.\n\nAlso, the configuration file must be renamed to FGUARD.CFG.
1010 This folder contains one or more subfolders set to be visible. If you continue, such subfolders will become hidden.\n\nAre you sure you want to hide all subfolders of this folder?
1011 One or more parent (or grand-parent) folders of this folder have been set to be hidden. To make this folder actually visible, you must change the attributes of its parent folder(s) from 'Hidden' to at least 'Restricted'.\n\nContinue this operation?
1012 The working folder you have specified does not contain file FGuard.VxD. This file must be present in the working folder in order for the folder protection to be enabled automatically at Windows startup.\n\nDo you want to choose a different working folder?
1013 The working folder you have specified does not exist.\n\nDo you want to choose a different working folder?
1014 The user profiles are not enabled on this computer.\n\n\nAre you sure you want turn on the 'Logon Validation' option?
1016 The working folder you have specified does not contain file FGuard32.DLL. This file must be present in the working folder in order for the 'Validate user name at logon' option to work.\n\nDo you want to choose a different working folder?
1043 Current User\nCurrent User
2000 Press Esc key to cancel
2001 Folder Guard Advisor has been reset
2002 Folder protection has been disabled
2003 Folder protection has been enabled
2004 Initializing...
2005 Reading %s ...
2006 Building %s.FGD ...
4000 Include 'Run' command in Start menu
4001 Include 'Find' command in Start menu
4002 Allow 'Shut down' command
4003 Include folders in 'Settings' on Start Menu
4004 Include Taskbar in 'Settings' on Start Menu
4005 Allow save desktop settings
4006 Show all desktop items
4007 Show 'Network Neighborhood' icon
4008 Allow registry editing tools
4009 Allow MS-DOS prompt
4010 Allow single-mode MS-DOS applications
4011 Allow 'Display' icon in Control Panel
4012 Show 'Background' page in display properties
4013 Show 'Screen Saver' page in display properties
4014 Show 'Appearance' page in display properties
4015 Show 'Settings' page in display properties
4016 Allow 'Network' icon in Control Panel
4017 Allow 'Passwords' icon in Control Panel
4018 Show 'General', 'Details' in printer properties
4019 Allow addition and deletion of printers
4020 Show 'Device mgr', 'HW profiles' in system properties
4021 Allow file sharing controls
4022 Allow print sharing controls
6001 Are you sure you want to clear all custom texts?
7001 Could not enable %s.\n\nYou have not set up any restrictions, probably.
7002 Cannot write the registration information into the file '%s'.\n\nPlease ensure you have full read-write access rights to this file.
7003 Cannot delete file '%s'.
7004 This software is designed to be used under Windows 95 only.\n\nAre you sure you want to run this program now?
7005 Cannot write Folder Guard data to file: '%s'.\n\nPlease ensure the file is not being used by another process and that you have write access rights to this file.
7006 Cannot delete file '%s'.\n\nPlease ensure the file is not being used by another process and that you have write access rights to this file.
7007 This will reset attributes of this folder for all users to 'default'.
7008 Unsupported format or version of the file.
7009 Cannot access the FGuard.VxD driver.\n\nUse the 'File - Settings - Output' command to set up the correct working folder.
7010 Cannot perform this command while the folder protection is in effect.
7011 Activate file '%s'?\n\nIf you choose No, file '%s' will remain active.
7012 Activate file '%s'?\n\nIf you choose No, no FGA file will be active.
7013 Cannot write to file '%s'.\n\nPlease ensure you have full read-write access rights to this file.
7014 Cannot create working folder: '%s'.
7015 Please choose another working folder by using the 'File - Settings - Output' command .
7016 One or more FGD files in the working folder '%s' are out of date or do not exist.\n\nThese files include:\n%s\nWould you like to build them?
32794 Change the Administrator's password
32795 Change the Folder Access password
32810 Reset Folder Guard Advisor in its original state\nReset Advisor