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- ====================
- TExcel component 3.2
- ====================
- TExcel is a component to produce output tables directly into
- MS Excel, including formatting, commands, macro calls, etc.
- Demo project is attached to show how easy to drive it.
- The demo project creates the component explicitly so it can be
- tried without installing the component.
- Files:
- EXCELS.PAS Component source
- EXCELS.INC Include messages
- EXCELS.DCR Component resource for Delphi 1.0
- EXCELS.D32 Component resource for Delphi 3.0 (rename to DCR)
- EXCELDEM.DPR Demo project
- EXCELDEM.RES Demo project resource
- EXCELTOP.PAS Demo dialog
- EXCELTOP.DFM Demo dialog format
- EXCEL.XLS Demo Excel macro collection
- EXCEL.TXT This file
- TExcel is available at the following sites:
- (Thanks to Stefan Hoffmeister the sophisticated
- version named TAdvExcel is also available there.)
- Delphi Super Page
- http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/delphi/
- http://www.cdrom.com/pub/delphi_www/
- http://ring.aist.go.jp/archives/pc/delphi/
- http://ftp.powerup.com.au/webmirror/delphi/
- Torry's Delphi Pages
- http://carbohyd.siobc.ras.ru/torry/
- http://www.deltacom.ru/torry/
- http://torry.rimini.com/
- http://www.torry.pp.ru/
- http://www.snc.ru/~torry/
- ===================
- About Compatibility
- ===================
- Version 3.2 has left some methods and properties which became
- unnecessary due to Batch feature (see next section).
- Apart from this it is fully compatible to version 3.1 and 3.0.
- ===================
- About Batch Feature
- ===================
- When huge amount of data must be transferred to Excel you can use
- the batch methods and properties. These are the following:
- procedure BatchStart(FirstRow, FirstCol: Integer);
- procedure BatchSend;
- procedure BatchCancel;
- property Lines : TStrings;
- property BatchOn : Boolean;
- property BatchMin : Integer;
- property BatchMax : Integer;
- property FirstRow : Integer;
- property LastCol : Integer;
- Each BatchStart must be followed by BatchSend or BatchCancel.
- After BatchStart the results of PutStr, PutExt, PutInt and
- PutDay methods are collected in Lines (TStringList).
- When the Lines.Count reaches BatchMax the first BatchMin
- lines are transferred to Excel and deleted from Lines,
- besides this FirstRow is increased.
- It is recommended to process output by rows.
- BatchSend transfers all cells collected in Lines and calls
- BatchCancel which clears Lines.
- WARNING! In Excel the whole bounding rectangle (batch area)
- of the referred cells will be replaced.
- All not referred cells in the rectangle will be cleared.
- FirstRow always shows which Excel row is the first in Lines.
- LastCols shows the greatest cell index in the processed lines.
- BachOn shows the batch status. When BatchOn is false or you
- refer a row less then FirstRow or column less then FirstCol
- the put methods (PutStr, PutExt, PutInt and PutDay) are
- directly executed.
- Transfer speed can be increased if Lines are prepared.
- The cells must be separated by tab (#9) in each line (see demo).
- Further speed increasing can be achieved
- if Excel is restored instead of minimized.
- RESTRICTIONS! The Excel DDE buffer cannot be larger then 64 KB.
- For Delphi 1.0 the length of lines cannot be
- longer then 255 character including separators.
- (See buffer checking in demo.)
- ===============================
- About Receiving Data from Excel
- ===============================
- Though TExcel is to produce output to Excel sometimes input is
- also needed. GetCell retrieves the contents of the specified cell.
- When many cells needed it is recommended to use the GetRange method.
- GetRange returns the specified area of the current Excel worksheet
- in the stringlist given as Lines. Each cell is separated by tab (#9).
- RESTRICTIONS are the same as case of batch (see previous section)!
- WARNING! When Batch is on, cells in the batch area are NOT AVAILABLE!
- ==================
- Excel DDE commands
- ==================
- To tell the truth I have never seen documentation of Excel DDE
- commands but I have found that most of Excel 4.0 macro instructions
- work as DDE commands. So all you have to do make a macro using the
- desired instruction in Excel 4.0 format and use it as DDE command.
- (With Excel 5.0 and 7.0 you can record macro in 4.0 format.)
- The demo project shows some samples in the "Command" combo box.
- =================================================================
- Instead of documentation here are some words about the interface.
- =================================================================
- procedure Connect;
- To connect Excel.
- procedure Disconnect;
- To disconnect Excel.
- procedure Wait;
- To wait for Excel to be ready.
- Needed when more thousands commands are executed in a loop.
- procedure ProcessMessages;
- To permit Windows to process (Excel) messages.
- function Request(const Item: string): string;
- To request for a DDE item.
- Use "SysItems" to get the available items.
- procedure Exec(const Cmd : string);
- To execute Excel commands. See section "Excel DDE Commands".
- procedure Run(const Mn: string);
- To execute a macro of the open macro file.
- procedure Select(Row, Col: Integer);
- To select a cell of the active Excel sheet.
- procedure PutStr(Row, Col: Integer; const s: string);
- To replace the cell with string.
- procedure PutExt(Row, Col: Integer; e: Extended); virtual;
- To replace the cell with real number.
- procedure PutInt(Row, Col: Integer; i: Longint); virtual;
- To replace the cell with integer.
- procedure PutDay(Row, Col: Integer; d: TDateTime); virtual;
- To replace the cell with date value.
- procedure BatchStart;
- To start processing. See section "About Batch...".
- procedure BatchCancel;
- To cancel batch processing. See section "About Batch...".
- procedure BatchSend;
- To finish batch processing. See section "About Batch...".
- procedure GetRange(R: TRect; Lines: TStrings);
- To receive many data from Excel. See section "About Receive...".
- function GetCell(Row, Col: Integer): string;
- To get the cell contents. See section "About Receive...".
- procedure OpenMacroFile(const Fn: TFileName; Hide: Boolean);
- To specify a macro file.
- Needed only when macros are going to call.
- procedure CloseMacroFile;
- To close an opened macro file.
- Only one macro file can be opened at the same time.
- property DDE: TDdeCLientConv;
- To handle DDE directly. (Read only)
- Normally not needed.
- property Connected: Boolean;
- To check connection.
- property Ready: Boolean;
- To check Excel status. (Read only)
- property Selection: string;
- To get current selection. (Read only)
- property Lines : TStrings;
- To handle batch strings directly. See section "About Batch...".
- property FirstRow : Integer;
- To check batch area. (Read only) See section "About Batch...".
- property LastCol : Integer;
- To check or set batch area. See section "About Batch...".
- property BatchOn : Boolean;
- To check batch status. (Read only) See section "About Batch...".
- property ExeName: TFileName;
- To set Excel path. If it is not set before connection
- it will be set due to Windows Registry.
- property Decimals: Integer;
- To specify number format for real numbers.
- property BatchMin : Integer;
- To calibrate batch processing. See section "About Batch...".
- property BatchMax : Integer;
- To calibrate batch processing. See section "About Batch...".
- property OnClose: TNotifyEvent;
- Event handler called when Excel is connected.
- property OnOpen: TNotifyEvent;
- Event handler called when Excel is disconnected.
- --------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------
- TExcel is provided free of charge as so long as
- it is not in commercial use. When it produces
- income for you, please send me some portion of
- your income (at least $50). Thank you.
- --------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------
- Tibor F. Liska MTA SZTAKI
- Lßgymßnyosi utca 11
- 1111 Budapest
- Hungary
- Fax: +36-1-209-5288
- Tel: +36-1-209-5284
- E-mail: liska@sztaki.hu