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- unit Calc;
- {$F+,O+,S-}
- { Calculator object.
- Modified from the Borland Demo by Sanford Aranoff. }
- interface
- uses Drivers, Objects, Views, Dialogs, general;
- type
- TCalcState = (csFirst, csValid, csError);
- PCalcDisplay = ^TCalcDisplay;
- TCalcDisplay = object(TView)
- Status : TCalcState;
- Num1,
- Num2,
- Number : string[79];
- Sign : Char;
- Operator: Char;
- PriorOp,
- Operand : Double;
- constructor Init (var Bounds: TRect);
- constructor Load (var S: TStream);
- procedure CalcKey (Key: Char);
- procedure Clear;
- procedure Draw; virtual;
- function GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
- procedure HandleEvent (var Event: TEvent); virtual;
- procedure Store (var S: TStream);
- end;
- PCalculator = ^TCalculator;
- TCalculator = object(TDialog)
- constructor Init;
- end;
- const
- RCalcDisplay: TStreamRec = (
- ObjType: 10040;
- VmtLink: Ofs (TypeOf (TCalcDisplay)^);
- Load: @TCalcDisplay.Load;
- Store: @TCalcDisplay.Store
- );
- RCalculator: TStreamRec = (
- ObjType: 10041;
- VmtLink: Ofs (TypeOf (TCalculator)^);
- Load: @TCalculator.Load;
- Store: @TCalculator.Store
- );
- PROCEDURE NuAdd(VAR s : String; const source : String);
- PROCEDURE NuAdd1(VAR s : String; const let: char);
- PROCEDURE NuAdd2(VAR s : String; const source : String;
- procedure RegisterCalc;
- implementation
- const
- plus = '+';
- minus = '-';
- equals = '=';
- cmCalcButton = 100;
- equals13 = [equals, #13];
- var
- R1,R2 : double;
- n : integer;
- lin_calc,
- Ln : string[80];
- constructor TCalcDisplay.Init (var Bounds: TRect);
- begin
- inherited Init (Bounds);
- Options:= Options or ofSelectable;
- EventMask:= evKeyDown + evBroadcast;
- Clear;
- end;
- constructor TCalcDisplay.Load (var S: TStream);
- begin
- inherited Load (S);
- S.Read (Status, SizeOf (Status) + SizeOf (Number) + SizeOf (Sign) +
- SizeOf (Operator) + SizeOf (Operand));
- end;
- procedure NuAdd;
- var
- i,j : word;
- begin
- i:= byte(source[0]);
- j:= byte(s[0]);
- if i+j >= $FF then
- exit;
- move(source[1],s[succ(j)],i);
- inc(s[0],i)
- {Move(source[1], s[succ(length(s))], length(source));
- Inc(s[0], length(source))}
- END;
- procedure nuadd1;
- begin
- {s + let}
- inc(s[0]);
- s[byte(s[0])]:= let
- end;
- procedure NuAdd2;
- begin
- {s + source + let}
- if byte(source[0]) + byte(s[0]) >= $ff then
- exit;
- inc(s[0]);
- Move(source[1], s[byte(s[0])], byte(source[0]));
- Inc(s[0], byte(source[0]));
- s[byte(s[0])]:= let
- END;
- procedure TCalcDisplay.CalcKey (Key: Char);
- var
- R : Double;
- E,
- i,j,k : integer;
- procedure Error;
- begin
- Status:= csError;
- Num1:= '0';
- Num2:= '0';
- Number:= 'Error';
- R1:= 0;
- R2:= 0;
- Sign:= blank
- end;
- procedure SetDisplay (R: Double);
- var
- S: string[63];
- begin
- Str (R:0:10, S);
- if S[1] <> minus then
- Sign:= blank
- else begin
- Delete (S, 1, 1);
- Sign:= minus
- end;
- if byte(S[0]) > 79 then
- Error
- {15 + 1 + 10 then Error}
- else begin
- while S[byte(S[0])] = '0' do
- Dec (S[0]);
- if S[byte(S[0])] = period then
- Dec (S[0]);
- Number:= S
- end
- end;
- procedure GetDisplay (var R: Double);
- begin
- Val (Sign + Number, R, E)
- end;
- procedure GetPriorDisplay (var R: Double);
- begin
- Val (Num1, R, E)
- end;
- procedure CheckFirst;
- begin
- if Status = csFirst then
- begin
- Status:= csValid;
- Num1:= '0';
- Num2:= '0';
- Number:= '0';
- Sign:= blank
- end
- end;
- begin
- Key:= UpCase (Key);
- if (Status = csError) and not (Key in ['C',esc]) then
- Key:= blank;
- case Key of
- '0'..'9':
- begin
- CheckFirst;
- if Number = '0' then
- Number:= '';
- nuadd1(number,key);
- if Num2 = '0' then
- Num2:= '';
- nuadd1(Num2,key);
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) >= 72 then
- Nudelete(lin_calc,1,1);
- nuadd1(lin_calc,key)
- end;
- period:
- begin
- CheckFirst;
- if Pos (period, Number) = 0 then
- begin
- nuadd1(number,period);
- nuadd1(num2,period);
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1,1);
- nuadd1(lin_calc,period)
- end
- end;
- #8:
- begin
- CheckFirst;
- dec(lin_calc[0]);
- if byte(Number[0]) = 1 then
- Number:= '0'
- else
- Dec (Number[0])
- end;
- '_', #241: begin {+-}
- if Sign = blank then
- Sign:= minus
- else
- Sign:= blank;
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1,1);
- i:= 0;
- k:= byte(lin_calc[0]);
- if k > 0 then
- for j:= 1 to k do
- if lin_calc[j] = blank then
- i:= j;
- NuInsert(sign,lin_calc,succ(i))
- end;
- plus, minus, star, slash, equals, '%', #13:
- begin
- if (key in [star,slash]) and not (Operator in [star,slash]) then
- begin
- Num1:= Sign + Num2;
- val(Num1,R1,E);
- if operator = minus then
- R1:= -R1
- end;
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1,1);
- if not (key in equals13) then
- nuadd1(lin_calc,key);
- if Status = csValid then
- begin
- Status:= csFirst;
- GetDisplay (R);
- if Operator in [star,slash] then
- val(Num2,R2,E);
- if Key = '%' then
- begin
- case Operator of
- plus, minus: R:= Operand * R / 100;
- star, slash: R:= R / 100
- end;
- R2:= R2/100
- end;
- if Operator in [plus,minus] then
- PriorOp:= Operand;
- case Operator of
- plus : SetDisplay (Operand + R);
- minus : SetDisplay (Operand - R);
- star : begin
- R1:= R1*R2;
- SetDisplay (PriorOp + R1)
- {(Operand * R);}
- end;
- slash :
- if R2 = 0 then
- Error
- else begin
- R1:= R1/R2;
- SetDisplay(PriorOp + R1)
- end
- {(Operand / R);}
- end
- end;
- if key in equals13 then
- begin
- PriorOp:= 0;
- ln:= equals;
- if sign = minus then
- nuadd1(ln,minus);
- nuadd2(ln,number,blank);
- n:= byte(ln[0]);
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) + n >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1, (byte(lin_calc[0])+n-80));
- nuadd(lin_calc,ln)
- end;
- Operator:= Key;
- GetDisplay (Operand)
- end;
- 'C', esc: Clear;
- else begin
- if byte(lin_calc[0]) >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1,1);
- nuadd1(lin_calc,blank);
- PriorOp:= 0;
- number:= '0'
- end
- end;
- DrawView
- end;
- procedure TCalcDisplay.Clear;
- begin
- Status:= csFirst;
- Num1:= '0';
- Num2:= '0';
- Number:= '0';
- R1:= 0;
- R2:= 0;
- lin_calc:= '';
- PriorOp:= 0;
- Sign:= blank;
- Operator:= equals
- end;
- procedure TCalcDisplay.Draw;
- var
- Color: Byte;
- I: Integer;
- B: TDrawBuffer;
- begin
- i:= byte(lin_calc[0]);
- if i >= 72 then
- delete(lin_calc,1,i-72);
- Color:= GetColor (1);
- I:= Size.X - byte(lin_calc[0]) - 2;
- MoveChar (B, blank, Color, Size.X);
- {MoveChar (B[I], Sign, Color, 1);}
- MoveStr (B[I + 1], lin_calc, Color);
- WriteBuf (0, 0, Size.X, 1, B);
- end;
- function TCalcDisplay.GetPalette: PPalette;
- const
- P: string[1] = #19;
- begin
- GetPalette:= @P
- end;
- procedure TCalcDisplay.HandleEvent (var Event: TEvent);
- begin
- inherited HandleEvent (Event);
- case Event.What of
- evKeyDown:
- begin
- CalcKey (Event.CharCode);
- ClearEvent (Event)
- end;
- evBroadcast:
- if Event.Command = cmCalcButton then
- begin
- CalcKey (PButton (Event.InfoPtr)^.Title^[1]);
- ClearEvent (Event);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCalcDisplay.Store (var S: TStream);
- begin
- TView.Store (S);
- S.Write (Status, SizeOf (Status) + SizeOf (Number) + SizeOf (Sign) +
- SizeOf (Operator) + SizeOf (Operand));
- end;
- { TCalculator }
- constructor TCalculator.Init;
- const
- KeyChar: array[0..19] of Char = 'C'#27'%'#241'789/456*123-0.=+';
- var
- I: Integer;
- P: PView;
- R: TRect;
- begin
- lin_calc:= blank;
- R.Assign (0, 3, 79, 18);
- inherited Init (R, 'Calculator');
- Options:= Options or ofFirstClick;
- for I:= 0 to 19 do
- begin
- R.A.X:= (I mod 4) * 5 + 2;
- R.A.Y:= (I div 4) * 2 + 4;
- R.B.X:= R.A.X + 5;
- R.B.Y:= R.A.Y + 2;
- P:= New (PButton, Init (R, KeyChar[I], cmCalcButton,
- bfNormal + bfBroadcast));
- P^.Options:= P^.Options and not ofSelectable;
- Insert (P);
- end;
- R.Assign (1, 2, 78, 3);
- Insert (New (PCalcDisplay, Init (R)));
- end;
- procedure RegisterCalc;
- begin
- RegisterType (RCalcDisplay);
- RegisterType (RCalculator)
- end;
- end.