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/ PC World Komputer 1998 April A / Pcwk4a98.iso / Lotus / Org97gs / EXTRA / PILOT / SETUP.INS (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1997-12-04  |  80KB  |  564 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  32. _sdSIZE
  33. KERNEL32
  34. LoadLibraryA
  35. KERNEL32
  36. FreeLibrary
  37. USER32
  38. LoadStringA
  39. SelectObject
  40. GetTextExtentPoint
  41. EnableWindow
  42. GetClassName
  43. GetDC
  44. GetDlgItem
  45. GetFocus
  46. GetWindowLong
  47. GetWindowRect
  48. GetWindowWord
  49. IsIconic
  50. IsWindow
  51. IsWindowEnabled
  52. MoveWindow
  53. USER    
  54. ReleaseDC
  55. SetFocus
  56. SetWindowText
  57. ShowWindow
  58. LoadString
  59. KERNEL
  60. GetModuleHandle
  61. GetClientRect
  62. SetWindowPos
  63. PostMessage
  64. ShowCursor
  65. SystemParametersInfo
  66. InvalidateRect
  67. Lotusa
  68. EasySync for PalmPilota
  69. EasySync
  70. DlgArt1c.bmp,
  71. DlgArt1b.bmp,
  72. DlgArt1a.bmp
  73. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla
  74. EasySync for PalmPilotR
  75. DisplayName2
  76. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla
  77. EasySync for PalmPilotR
  78. UninstallString2
  79. \Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktopa
  80. CoreR
  81. HotSyncPath2
  82. \Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop,
  83. \Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktopa
  84. CoreR
  85. Path2
  86. Hotsync.exe
  87. \Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktop,
  88. \Software\3Com\Pilot Desktopa
  89. CoreR
  90. HotSyncPath2
  91. \Software\3Com\Pilot Desktop,
  92. \Software\3Com\Pilot Desktopa
  93. CoreR
  94. Path2
  95. Hotsync.exe
  96. \Software\3Com\Pilot Desktop,
  97. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\97.1a
  98. Path2
  99. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\97.1\Settingsa
  100. OrgHomeDir2
  101. software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\notes.exea
  102. software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\notes.exea
  103. Default2
  104. \Software\Lotus\Notes\4.0a
  105. DataPath2
  106. \Software\Lotus\Notes\5.0a
  107. DataPath2
  108. General
  109. pilot.za
  110. All\PilotDir\*.*A
  111. pilot.za
  112. Or4\PilotDir\*.*A
  113. General
  114. Orgapi32.dll)
  115. Orgapi32.dllR
  116. pilot.za
  117. Or4\Orgapi32\*.*A
  118. Orgapi32.dll
  119. General
  120. pilot.za
  121. All\PilotDir\*.*A
  122. pilot.za
  123. Nsf\All\PilotDir\*.*A
  124. pilot.za
  125. Nsf\Org\PilotDir\*.*A
  126. pilot.za
  127. Nsf\Notes\PilotDir\*.*A
  128. pilot.za
  129. Nsf\All\Lcppn41\*.*B2
  130. pilot.za
  131. Nsf\All\NotesDataDir\*.*A
  132. General
  133. Orgapi32.dll
  134. Orgapi32.dll
  135. EasySync for PalmPilotA
  136. GeneralA
  137. Orgapi32.dllA
  138. Lo2c40en.hlp,
  139. Lo4c40en.hlp
  140. Readpalm.txt3
  141. notepad.exebh
  142. Software\Lotus\a
  143. EasySync for PalmPilot
  144. Software\Lotus\!
  145. Software\Lotus\a
  146. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXE!
  147. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  148. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  149. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  150. Pathb
  151. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  152. Pathb
  153. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  154. Pathb
  155. \Software\Lotus\Componentsa    
  156. LocalPath2
  157. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  158. Pathb
  159. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\HOTSYNC.EXEa
  160. Pathb
  161. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extensiona
  162. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\Synchronization Loga
  163. HelpPath2
  164. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\Synchronization Log
  165. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\PalmPilot Synchronization Loga
  166. SyncLog.dllQ
  167. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\PalmPilot Synchronization Loga
  168. PathA
  169. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\USRobotics Palm Pilota
  170. OrgPilot.dllQ
  171. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\USRobotics Palm Pilota
  172. PathA
  173. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\Profilesa
  174. OrgProfile.dllQ
  175. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\Profilesa
  176. PathA
  177. \Software\Lotus\Organizer\Extension\USRobotics Palm Pilot\Users\DefaultUsera
  178. OrgNSFStorageA
  179. OrgNSFStorageA
  180. PdaViewUpdateCountA
  181. OrgNotif.dllb
  182. NsfNotif.dllb
  183. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla
  184. EasySync for PalmPilotR
  185. UninstallString2
  186.  -c"%
  187. LotusUni.dll$
  188. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla
  189. EasySync for PalmPilotQ
  190. UninstallStringA
  191. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarP
  192. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  193. ConduitA
  194. OrgDate.dllA
  195. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  196. CreatorA
  197. 1684108389A
  198. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  199. DirectoryA
  200. datebookA
  201. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  202. File0A
  203. datebook.datA
  204. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  205. ModuleA
  206. moduleA
  207. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  208. Remote0A
  209. DatebookDBA
  210. ApplicationLotusOR4CalendarQ
  211. IntegrateA
  212. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressP
  213. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  214. ConduitA
  215. OrgAddr.dllA
  216. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  217. CreatorA
  218. 1633969266A
  219. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  220. DirectoryA
  221. addressA
  222. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  223. File0A
  224. address.datA
  225. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  226. ModuleA
  227. moduleA
  228. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  229. Remote0A
  230. AddressDBA
  231. ApplicationLotusOR4AddressQ
  232. IntegrateA
  233. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoP
  234. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  235. ConduitA
  236. OrgToDo.dllA
  237. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  238. CreatorA
  239. 1953457263A
  240. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  241. DirectoryA
  242. todoA
  243. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  244. File0A
  245. todo.datA
  246. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  247. ModuleA
  248. moduleA
  249. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  250. Remote0A
  251. ToDoDBA
  252. ApplicationLotusOR4ToDoQ
  253. IntegrateA
  254. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoP
  255. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  256. ConduitA
  257. OrgMemo.dllA
  258. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  259. CreatorA
  260. 1835363695A
  261. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  262. DirectoryA
  263. memopadA
  264. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  265. File0A
  266. memopad.datA
  267. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  268. ModuleA
  269. moduleA
  270. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  271. Remote0A
  272. MemoDBA
  273. ApplicationLotusOR4MemoQ
  274. IntegrateA
  275. ApplicationLotusNSFDateP
  276. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  277. ConduitA
  278. NsfDate.dllA
  279. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  280. CreatorA
  281. 1684108389A
  282. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  283. DirectoryA
  284. datebookA
  285. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  286. File0A
  287. datebook.datA
  288. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  289. ModuleA
  290. moduleA
  291. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  292. Remote0A
  293. DatebookDBA
  294. ApplicationLotusNSFDateQ
  295. IntegrateA
  296. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressP
  297. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  298. ConduitA
  299. NsfAddr.dllA
  300. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  301. CreatorA
  302. 1633969266A
  303. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  304. DirectoryA
  305. addressA
  306. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  307. File0A
  308. address.datA
  309. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  310. ModuleA
  311. moduleA
  312. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  313. Remote0A
  314. AddressDBA
  315. ApplicationLotusNSFAddressQ
  316. IntegrateA
  317. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoP
  318. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  319. ConduitA
  320. NsfToDo.dllA
  321. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  322. CreatorA
  323. 1953457263A
  324. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  325. DirectoryA
  326. todoA
  327. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  328. File0A
  329. todo.datA
  330. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  331. ModuleA
  332. moduleA
  333. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  334. Remote0A
  335. ToDoDBA
  336. ApplicationLotusNSFToDoQ
  337. IntegrateA
  338. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoP
  339. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  340. ConduitA
  341. NsfJournal.dllA
  342. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  343. ConduitA
  344. NsfMemo.dllA
  345. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  346. CreatorA
  347. 1835363695A
  348. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  349. DirectoryA
  350. memopadA
  351. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  352. File0A
  353. memopad.datA
  354. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  355. ModuleA
  356. moduleA
  357. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  358. Remote0A
  359. MemoDBA
  360. ApplicationLotusNSFMemoQ
  361. IntegrateA
  362. HotSync Managerd
  363. Notifier!
  364. Notifier!
  365. HotSync ManagerR
  366. HotSync ManagerQ
  367. HotSync Manager$
  368. Notifierb
  369. \Software\Lotus\Notes\4.0!
  370. \Software\Lotus\Notes\5.0!
  371. \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Organizer\97.1\Settingsa
  372. Backend2
  373. \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Organizer\97.1\Settingsa
  374. Backend2
  375. HotSync Manager!
  376. TzBooka
  377. NOTESa
  378. MyOrgRunningDialog
  379. MyNotesRunningDialog
  380. edit(
  381. SETUPSTR862Rh
  382. Disk Space0
  383. temp.txt
  384. temp.txt
  385. In function '%s':
  386. Unable to create dialog.
  387. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  388. Errorbi
  389. _sdSIZEa
  390. %s-%ldb
  391. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
  392. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  393. USER!
  394. RegisteredOwner2
  395. RegisteredOrganization2
  396. SdRegisterUserEx!
  397. ResultA
  398. szNameA
  399. szCompanyA
  400. szSerialA
  401. SdRegisterUserEx!
  402. szNameA
  403. szCompanyA
  404. szSerialA
  405. ResultA
  406. SdRegisterUser!
  407. ResultA
  408. szNameA
  409. szCompanyA
  410. SdRegisterUser!
  411. szNameA
  412. szCompanyA
  413. ResultA
  414. SdConfirmRegistration!
  415. ResultA
  416. SdConfirmRegistration!
  417. ResultA
  418. SdConfirmNewDir!
  419. ResultA
  420. SdConfirmNewDir!
  421. ResultA
  422. SdAskDestPath!
  423. ResultA
  424. szDirA
  425. SdAskDestPath!
  426. szDirA
  427. ResultA
  428. SdWelcome!
  429. ResultA
  430. SdWelcome!
  431. ResultA
  432. SdShowInfoList!
  433. ResultA
  434. SdShowInfoList!
  435. ResultA
  436. SdSelectFolder!
  437. ResultA
  438. szFolderA
  439. SdSelectFolder!
  440. szFolderA
  441. ResultA
  442. SdSetupType!
  443. ResultA
  444. szDirA
  445. SdSetupType!
  446. szDirA
  447. ResultA
  448. SdShowAnyDialog!
  449. ResultA
  450. SdShowAnyDialog!
  451. ResultA
  452. SdDisplayTopics!
  453. ResultA
  454. SdDisplayTopics!
  455. ResultA
  456. SdShowMsg!
  457. SdShowMsg/
  458. _sdRECTa
  459. _sdRECTa
  460. bottom2
  461. SdAskOptionsList!
  462. ResultA
  463. ComponentA
  464. SdAskOptionsList!
  465. ComponentA
  466. ResultA
  467. SdShowFileMods!
  468. ResultA
  469. nSelectionA
  470. SdShowFileMods!
  471. nSelectionA
  472. ResultA
  473. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  474. ResultA
  475. szEdit1A
  476. SdShowEdit1!
  477. szEdit1A
  478. ResultA
  479. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  480. ResultA
  481. szEdit1A
  482. szEdit2A
  483. SdShowEdit2!
  484. szEdit1A
  485. szEdit2A
  486. ResultA
  487. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  488. ResultA
  489. szEdit1A
  490. szEdit2A
  491. szEdit3A
  492. SdShowEdit3!
  493. szEdit1A
  494. szEdit2A
  495. szEdit3A
  496. ResultA
  497. SdAskOptions!
  498. ResultA
  499. ComponentA
  500. SdAskOptions!
  501. ComponentA
  502. ResultA
  503. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  504. ResultA
  505. ComponentA
  506. szDirA
  507. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  508. szDirA
  509. ComponentA
  510. ResultA
  511. SdComponentMult!
  512. ResultA
  513. ComponentA
  514. SdComponentMult!
  515. ComponentA
  516. ResultA
  517. SdOptionsButtons!
  518. ResultA
  519. SdOptionsButtons!
  520. ResultA
  521. SdBitmap!
  522. ResultA
  523. SdBitmap!
  524. ResultA
  525. SdComponentDialog2!
  526. ResultA
  527. ComponentA
  528. SdComponentDialog2!
  529. ComponentA
  530. ResultA
  531. SdComponentDialogEx
  532. SdComponentDialogEx!
  533. SdComponentDialog!
  534. ResultA
  535. ComponentA
  536. szDirA
  537. SdComponentDialog!
  538. szDirA
  539. ComponentA
  540. ResultA
  541. SdLicense!
  542. ResultA
  543. ResultA
  544. SdStartCopy!
  545. ResultA
  546. ResultA
  547. SdFinishReboot!
  548. ResultA
  549. BootOptionA
  550. ResultA
  551. BootOptionA
  552. ResultA
  553. ResultA
  554. BootOptionA
  555. SdFinish!
  556. ResultA
  557. bOpt1A
  558. bOpt2A
  559. ResultA
  560. bOpt1A
  561. bOpt2A
  562. _EWQH
  563. 3.00.077