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- These release notes contain important information that supplements
- the online Help for EasySyncTM for Notes, for users of Lotus Notes«, with
- 3Com« PalmPilotTM.
- Online Help for the basic HotSync Manager is available from the
- pull-down menu when you click the system tray HotSync icon, or from
- the Custom menu.
- Online Help for EasySync users is available in two places:
- 1. Click the HotSync icon in the System Tray, and select Custom
- from the pick list. When you select a conduit and click the
- Change button, a Help button on the next window provides help
- for that Notes conduit.
- 2. Use the Help shortcut under Lotus User Assistance, or Lotus
- Applications:
- Start - Programs - Lotus Applications - EasySync for Notes Help
- If these program folders are not present, the Help icon is on
- the desktop.
- ***************************************
- Important Information regarding HotSync
- ***************************************
- EasySync for Notes requires HotSync 2.0 or higher. EasySync for
- NOTES doesn't support HotSync 1.0 or HotSync 1.1. If you're
- currently using either a PalmPilot 1000 or a PalmPilot 5000 with
- HotSync 1.0 or HotSync 1.1, you need to upgrade to HotSync 2.0 or
- higher. You can obtain a free upgrade from the PalmPilot Technical
- Support Web site at the following address:
- http://www.3com.com/palm/custsupp/lilypad.html
- When prompted, use the following password:
- wh1tez0ne
- This upgrade includes Pilot Desktop 2.0, HotSync 2.04, and a number of
- new features for your PalmPilot.
- If you're currently using HotSync Manager 1.0 or 1.1, and you're
- upgrading to HotSync 2.0, be aware that any conduit applications
- installed on your computer that rely on HotSync 1.0 or 1.1 will no
- longer work. Before you install this upgrade, you should contact the
- manufacturers of your conduit software to obtain a version compatible
- with HotSync Manager 2.0.
- *************
- Prerequisites
- *************
- Lotus Notes 4.5n, or 4.6n
- Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
- HotSync 2.0, or higher
- Personal Journal file must be named JOURNAL.NSF
- ***************
- Getting Started
- ***************
- Before you install or re-install EasySync, you must shut down
- the HotSync Manager and Notes.
- You must start the HotSync Manager after installing EasySync:
- Start - Programs - PalmPilot Desktop 2.0 - HotSync Manager 2.0.
- An icon then appears in the system tray to use for subsequent access
- to the HotSync Manager menus.
- The Slow Sync option is set automatically during your initial
- synchronization to ensure that your entries map correctly between
- Notes and PalmPilot. After the initial synchronization, you must
- select Slow Sync in the Change HotSync Action dialog box for each
- conduit if you want to make it the default setting for
- subsequent synchronization.
- Notes can be open or closed when you synchronize.
- To perform a synchronization, press the HotSync button on the
- PalmPilot, or use the HotSync icon on the Applications screen.
- Be sure that ALL Edit and New Entry dialog boxes are closed in Notes
- before you synchronize with the PalmPilot. If you leave an Edit
- or New Entry dialog box open, the changes you made to that entry
- will not be synchronized, or you may get duplicate entries.
- Synchronization will not start until you close any Custom menu,
- by clicking Done.
- The time required to synchronize (or combine) entries the first
- time may vary, depending on the number of entries in your Notes
- files and PalmPilot, but will be significantly longer than subsequent
- synchronizations. Expect 15 minutes, or more, the first time.
- Note
- If you have a large number of timed entries in PalmPilot and Notes,
- you might want to set the date range to synchronize ALL entries
- when you initially synchronize. The initial synchronization will take
- longer than if you select a limited date range of timed entries
- to synchronize, but subsequent synchronizations will be faster.
- Always check the HotSync Synchronization Log on either the PalmPilot or your
- PC after synchronizing.
- Refresh the Notes screen (press F9) before looking for
- synchronized entries. Or change to another view and back
- to register the changes.
- If you use a Notes password, use File - Tools - User ID
- to set Share password with Notes add-ins, to avoid repeated
- password prompts.
- ***********************
- Initial Synchronization
- ***********************
- If you have no data in your PalmPilot yet, or little or no data that
- is the same as that in your Notes mail files, Personal Address Book,
- or journal, you can skip this section.
- If you have already synchronized with the Pilot desktop, and also
- maintain the same data in the Notes Calendar, Addresses Book, To Do,
- or Journal, read this section. These steps are necessary to handle the
- duplicate items that will appear on your PalmPilot and PC following
- your initial synchronization.
- Use the All Documents View for this procedure.
- For data in the mail file, (Calendar and To Do):
- 1. If possible, read all unread email before doing the initial sync.
- 2. Perform the initial synchronization.
- 3. In the All Documents View, look at all the items shown as unread.
- These unread items represent all the items transferred from your
- PalmPilot to the Calendar and To Do view. Items already existing
- within your mail file will be duplicated. (New entries in Notes
- show as unread; existing entries show as read.)
- 4. Remove the duplicates in Notes, deleting the copy in Notes that
- contains less information.
- Note
- During the synchronization process new email items may arrive;
- take care not to delete these items while removing the duplicates.
- 5. While EasySync checks the Address list for duplicate entries, you
- will have duplicates for some if the information is not identical.
- Review these entries, retaining the record that contains the best
- information.
- 6. Synchronize again, to remove all the entries from the PalmPilot
- that you have deleted from Notes.
- ****************************
- Notes Databases and Conduits
- ****************************
- The Notes Calendar conduit transfers data between the PalmPilot
- Date Book and the Notes mail file Calendar view.
- The Notes Address conduit transfers data between the PalmPilot
- Address and Notes Personal Address Book. The local address book
- specified in the
- File - Tools - User Preferences - Mail - Local address book
- field is used for this conduit.
- The Notes To Do conduit transfers data between the PalmPilot
- To Do List and the Notes mail file To Do view.
- The Notes Journal conduit transfers data between the PalmPilot
- Memo Pad and the Personal Journal database. This database must be
- named JOURNAL.NSF.
- When "Pilot Overwrites Desktop" synchronization is selected,
- only those Pilot entries that are changes, and within the date range
- window, overwrite the Notes entries.
- ***************************************
- Differences Between Notes and PalmPilot
- ***************************************
- Lotus Notes and PalmPilot handle some features differently.
- This topic describes the differences in two sections:
- - Notes Differences
- - PalmPilot Differences
- -Alarms
- In Notes, you can set Calendar alarms to go off before, on, or after
- an entry. In PalmPilot, you can set alarms to go off up to 99 days
- before, or at the time of the Date Book entry. In PalmPilot you
- can't set an alarm to go off after an entry. For example, you can't
- set an alarm to go off at 9:10 for a 9:00 PalmPilot entry.
- When you synchronize a Notes Calendar entry that has an alarm set
- to go off after the entry's start time, the corresponding PalmPilot
- entry will have an alarm set to go off at the entry's start time.
- (The Notes entry retains its after-start alarm time.) For example,
- if you set an alarm to go off at 9:10 for a 9:00 appointment, the
- alarm for the corresponding PalmPilot entry will go off at 9:00,
- while the Notes appointment will retain the 9:10 alarm.
- -Confidential option
- A Notes Calendar entry with Not for Public Viewing set will appear
- in PalmPilot with Private checked in the Details, and Show selected
- from Show/Hide.
- In PalmPilot, a private Date Book Event must be set to Hide if you
- want to suppress its synchronization. Otherwise, it appears in the
- Notes Calendar as an entry with the Not for Public Viewing option
- checked.
- -Detailed Description
- Detailed description text in the Notes Calendar entry is
- transferred to the PalmPilot as a Note.
- -Pencil In option
- 'Pencil In' has no effect on the entry in the PalmPilot Date Book.
- -Invitations, Appointments, Reminders, and Anniversaries
- These four Notes Calendar items all appear as Events, timed or
- untimed, in the PalmPilot Date Book. Repeating entries in Notes are
- individually transferred to PalmPilot as non-repeating events.
- An exception is a Notes Event entry with a duration of more than
- one day; this entry will appear in PalmPilot as a daily repeating
- untimed event for the specified period. PalmPilot untimed repeating
- events become Event entries in Notes. PalmPilot timed events,
- repeating or non-repeating, become Appointments in Notes.
- Caution
- Because only 4000 characters are transferred to the PalmPilot
- for attendees and description, and the attendees list precedes
- the detailed description, information from the invitation description
- field will be lost if the attendees list is very long.
- -End Date requirement
- Notes requires all repeating events to have an end date.
- When synchronizing with PalmPilot, an end date is assigned to the
- Notes entry if none has been assigned in PalmPilot. See the help
- file for the algorithm.
- -Using Multiple Addresses and Phone Numbers
- PalmPilot does not, by default, support more than one address
- per entry. Office and Home phone numbers are mapped based on
- options that you set on the Address Field Mapping menu.
- See the help file "Details: Field mapping for Address entries"
- for the complete mapping description.
- In Notes 4.5n, Office Address fields carried in a
- PalmPilot address entry are not displayed in the Notes address
- entry, but are preserved in the PalmPilot. Also, because the
- Location field in Notes 4.5n (containing the Office Address)
- is not mapped to the PalmPilot, any information in the field is
- preserved in Notes, but not mapped to the PalmPilot.
- -PalmPilot does not support task assignment to other people.
- -PalmPilot does not support a Start Date for a task.
- -Additional Information in a Notes task becomes a Note in PalmPilot.
- -While PalmPilot recognizes five priorities, (1-5), Notes To Do uses
- only four: High, Medium, Low and None. Priorities are handled as
- follows:
- Priorities 1,2, and 3 are transferred to Notes as High, Medium,
- and Low.
- Priorities 4 and 5 are transferred to Notes as Priority None.
- Notes tasks with Priority None transfer to PalmPilot as Priority 4.
- (Thus, a priority 5 PalmPilot task that is synchronized with Notes,
- and then edited in Notes, becomes a Priority 4 task in PalmPilot at
- the next synchronization.)
- -Categories
- PalmPilot allows you to categorize entries in the Address List,
- To Do list, and Memo Pad. In Notes, addresses may be categorized.
- Except for address entries, entries from Notes transfer
- to PalmPilot as unfiled. Addresses categorized in Notes are
- synchronized with the categories maintained. A new category is
- created on the PalmPilot if the named category is not already present.
- -Multiple Addresses and Phone Numbers
- PalmPilot does not, by default, support more than one address
- per entry. Office and Home addresses and phone numbers are mapped
- based on options that you set on the Address Field Mapping menu.
- -Field Names
- PalmPilot Address Book allows you to customize the names of five
- telephone number fields, from a selection list of eight titles:
- Work
- Home
- Fax
- Other
- E-mail
- Main
- Pager
- Mobile
- -Custom Fields
- PalmPilot provides four fields in an address entry that you can
- customize for your particular usage: Custom1, Custom2, Custom3,
- Custom4. They are the last four fields in the entry. You can
- change the name of the field, and use it for any data item.
- You can also use these fields to synchronize certain fields
- from Notes entries, if desired.
- -PalmPilot "Note"
- An item with a Note attached to it in PalmPilot is handled as follows:
- A Note on a PalmPilot To Do entry becomes
- Additional Information in the Notes task.
- A Note on a PalmPilot Date Book entry becomes
- Detailed Description text in the Notes Calendar entry.
- A Note on a PalmPilot address entry becomes
- a Comment in the Notes address entry.
- -Arranging Tasks
- You can sort your tasks by priority or due date in PalmPilot.
- You cannot reassign tasks to another user in PalmPilot.
- -Memo Pad Title
- Use a line feed at the end of the first line of memo text to create
- the subject title in Notes. If there is no line feed, all the text
- transfers into the Title field of the Notes Journal entry.
- ********************
- Troubleshooting Tips
- ********************
- # Scenario
- You try to synchronize PalmPilot and your Notes
- file, stored on a networked server. There is a delay while the
- synchronization is taking place. (In particular, you may experience
- this delay when you first synchronize your entries.)
- Solution
- Create a local replica of your mail file.
- Create and choose a local (No Connection)
- location and Synchronize with PalmPilot.
- Replicate your local mail file with your server mail file.
- Note
- Always perform a replication immediately before synchronizing
- with PalmPilot when working with replicated databases.
- > Installation
- # Scenario
- You re-install the EasySync for PalmPilot program after
- un-installing it. The Install program asks if you want to see the
- available Communication ports. If you do, the Communication port with
- the PalmPilot cradle is marked as "Attached to a modem" and a
- different Communication port is selected incorrectly.
- Solution
- Disconnect the PalmPilot cradle from the Communication port
- before you reinstall the EasySync program. You can
- also manually select the correct Communication port to avoid a
- different Communication port from being selected by default.
- > Synchronization
- # Scenario
- Synchronization won't start.
- Solution
- The HotSync Custom menu or Problem dialog box may be hidden
- behind other windows on your screen.
- Close the HotSync Problem dialog box, or close the Custom menu window.
- # Scenario
- Synchronization didn't change my Notes files.
- Solution
- 1) Press F9, or use View - Refresh, to bring changes to the screen.
- Or change to another view, and back again.
- 2) You may have PDAMAP.NSF files on your C: drive. Delete them
- and retry the synchronization. If you have previously successfully
- synchronized, however, this will cause duplicates.
- 3) You may have more than one copy of Notes installed on your PC.
- Although multiple copies of Notes is not generally supported, you may
- be able to synchronize if you copy your NOTES.INI file, for the
- desired copy of Notes, to C:\Windows.
- # Scenario
- You're synchronizing your PalmPilot entries and Notes. The
- synchronization times out before all of your entries
- are synchronized.
- Solution
- This problem may occur when you're synchronizing entries while the
- network is busy. 3Com PalmPilot recommends the following "Developer's
- Backdoor" procedure, to make PalmPilot wait indefinitely for a
- response from the computer.
- To activate the "Developer's Backdoor":
- 1. Turn on PalmPilot.
- 2. Select Applications on the bottom left of the PalmPilot General
- Preferences screen.
- 3. On the PalmPilot General Preferences screen, press HotSync.
- 4. Hold down both the up and down scroll buttons (the rectangular
- buttons in the middle of the PalmPilot) while tapping in the top
- right corner of the screen (several taps may be necessary).
- A window will pop up titled "DEVELOPER'S BACKDOOR. DLServer Wait
- Forever is ON."
- 5. Select OK.
- 6. Press the HotSync button on your PalmPilot cradle or press HotSync
- on the PalmPilot General Preferences screen.
- The PalmPilot will remain in the "wait-forever" mode until the
- synchronization is canceled or completed, or the PalmPilot shuts
- itself off per the Auto-off Preference setting. (Infrequently, the
- HotSync Cancel option may hang. If this happens, a soft-reset
- will restore PalmPilot.)
- Several PalmPilot users have needed to use the Backdoor work-around
- only to complete their initial HotSync. Subsequent synchronizations
- may be successful without using the Backdoor, but you may use it
- whenever it seems necessary to have a longer wait time.
- > Alarms
- Alarms you set when synchronizing PalmPilot entries with
- both Organizer 97 GS PIM with group scheduling and Notes behave
- differently depending on the application in which you set the alarm.
- 1. If you set the alarm in PalmPilot, the alarm will go off in both
- Organizer and PalmPilot, but not in Notes.
- 2. If you set the alarm in Organizer, the alarm will go off in both
- Organizer and PalmPilot, but not in Notes.
- 3. If you set the alarm in Notes, the alarm will go off in Notes,
- Organizer, and PalmPilot.
- > Repeating entries
- If you change the date of a PalmPilot-created repeating entry
- in Notes, then the corresponding PalmPilot repeating entries won't
- retain their repeating properties when you next synchronize
- your entries. When you synchronize the edited Notes entries
- back to PalmPilot, the corresponding PalmPilot entries are no
- longer repeating entries. Each entry is a separate entry.
- > Calendar
- Making changes to a Notes Calendar invitation must be performed in
- Notes.
- Any changes you make to a Notes Calendar invitation, including
- rescheduling, canceling, and adding or removing information,
- must be made to the invitation in Notes and not in the
- corresponding PalmPilot Date Book event.
- Any changes you make to the corresponding PalmPilot Date Book event
- won't appear in the Notes Calendar when you next synchronize entries.
- Moreover, the changes you added to the PalmPilot Date Book event
- are removed from the Date Book event when you next synchronize entries.
- > To Do
- Unlike Notes To Do tasks, PalmPilot To Do items don't have start
- dates. When you synchronize newly created PalmPilot To Do items to
- Notes, the corresponding Notes To Do task will have the same
- Start and Due Dates.
- > Address
- All Address records are checked for duplicates when you synchronize
- your PalmPilot and Notes entries for the first time. If the
- information in the first name, last name, company, and address fields
- are identical in both the PalmPilot and the Notes Address entry,
- the two entries are merged. If there's conflicting information in a
- field between the two entries, however, (such as a telephone number),
- the information in the PalmPilot Address entry will write over the
- information in the Notes Address record.
- In a PalmPilot-created address entry, if there is a field that does
- not correspond to a Notes address field, an informational message is
- put in the Sync Log. The data is, however, maintained in PalmPilot
- even if that entry is edited in Notes.
- Example:
- 1) You change the Fax field in PalmPilot to Main and enter "617-555-1212"
- in that field.
- 2) You synchronize PalmPilot and Notes with the address conduit
- option of Home/Map fields.
- Result:
- This number is not mapped to any of the Notes fields. A message is
- put in the log file, "No room for Main number (617-555-1212)".
- Tip
- You can determine how and where information from your Notes
- Address records will appear in PalmPilot when you synchronize.
- Once you have selected a mapping option, however, you should not
- change it again. If you change the mapping, subsequent
- synchronization will cause some data to transfer to the wrong fields.
- For example, if you enter a complete address in Notes and map it to
- PalmPilot with Business/Map fields as the mapping option, and then later
- change the mapping to Business/Other, all the home address, assistant,
- spouse and children data will be in the Home address fields
- of Notes after the second sync.
- Because Notes and PalmPilot use a different set of fields for
- address book entries, use the drop-down arrows in the Notes
- address fields when applicable to enter address and phone number
- information to these fields.
- Refer to the EasySync Help topics for assistance with this subject.
- >Rich Text and Bitmaps
- Scenario
- You create a Notes entry with rich text (such as bold or
- underline), OLE objects or bitmaps, and synchronize
- entries with PalmPilot. You make changes to the corresponding
- PalmPilot entry and synchronize. The corresponding Notes entry
- contains the changes you made to the PalmPilot entry, but no longer
- has its rich text, OLE objects, or bitmaps.
- Solution
- To retain these items in your Notes entries, don't change
- the corresponding PalmPilot entries. Make changes only to the
- original Notes entries. These items are never transferred
- to the PalmPilot.
- Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor software may
- be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
- electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part
- without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation,
- except in the manner described in the software agreement.
- ⌐ Copyright 1997
- Lotus Development Corporation.
- 55 Cambridge Parkway
- Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142
- All rights reserved. Published in the United States.
- Notes and EasySync are trademarks, and Lotus Notes and
- Lotus Organizer are registered trademarks of Lotus Development
- Corporation. 3Com is a registered trademark of 3Com Corporation.
- PalmPilot is a trademark of Palm Computing, Inc.
- Other products and company names mentioned herein may be the
- trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.