a. How Do I?b. What's New?c. Top 10 Taskse. Search IndexRef a. Setting UpRef b. WorkspaceRef c. ShortcutsRef d. ScriptingRef e. @FunctionsRef f. Troubleshooting.
Use DatabasesUse ViewsUse DocumentsSearch for InformationUse MailPrint Documents and ViewsKeep Notes SecureShare Information With Other ApplicationsUse Notes Away from a NetworkDesign Notes DatabasesManage Notes DatabasesAdminister Notes Servers---Where is this Release 3 command?What are the important new features?What changed at the last minute?How do I upgrade my site to Release 4?----Things you do before startingThings you do every dayThings you do frequentlyOther things-----About NotesSetting Up NotesStarting & Stopping NotesAbout Other Notes Documentation------About MenusAbout the SmartIcons PaletteAbout WindowsAbout FoldersAbout Split PanesAbout the Status Bar-------SmartIcon ShortcutsMouse ShortcutsKeyboard Shortcuts--------About ScriptingLotusScript BasicsLotusScript Reference----------@Functions Basics@Functions Reference@Commands Basics@Comands Reference---------About MessagesAbout Customer SupportList of Messagest
Server administrationAdministration\Domino serversHow Do I?OnlineOnlyH_ABOUT_ADMINISTERING_NOTES_SERVERSContext Help FormAbout administering Domino servers
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts03 Databases5^
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
DatabasesReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_DATABASESContext Help FormAbout databases
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 Develop and Manage Databases
Databases\developing and managingHow Do I?OnlineOnlyH_ABOUT_DEVELOPING_AND_MANAGING_DATABASES_THIS_DOCUMENTATION_IS_IN_FULL_HELPContext Help FormAbout developing and managing databases: look in Notes Help for this information
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts01 Notes Setup=
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Web sites\creatingSites\creating WebDomino.ActionSiteCreatorLibrary\Domino.ActionReferenceAboutAllH_ABOUT_DOMINO.ACTIONContext Help FormAbout Domino.Action
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts;
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\creatingFolders\designingFolders\private and sharedReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_FOLDERSContext Help FormAbout folders04 Views, Panes, and Folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
03 Release Notes
Release NotesNotes software limitationsInteroperabilityTroubleshootingOnlineOnlyH_ABOUT_KNOWN_SOFTWARE_PROBLEMSContext Help FormAbout the Release Notes
LotusScript and the formula languageDatabases\developing and managingHow Do I?OnlineOnlyH_ABOUT_LOTUSSCRIPT_AND_THE_FORMULA_LANGUAGE_THIS_DOCUMENTATION_IS_IN_FULL_HELPContext Help FormAbout LotusScript and the formula language: look in Notes Help for this information
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts02 Workspace5^
?01 User's Guide02 Chapter 2 The Notes Workspace
Menus, NotesContext menusRelease 3 Menu FinderCommandsFile menuEdit menuView menuCreate menuActions menuWindow menuHelp menuReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_NOTES_MENUSContext Help FormAbout menus
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts04 Views, Panes, and Folders\
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Panes\usingNavigation panePreview paneDocument previewReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_PANESContext Help FormAbout panes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use DatabasesR
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioPortfolioDatabases\collectingHow Do I?AboutAllH_ABOUT_SITE_DATABASESContext Help FormAbout portfolios
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts02 Workspace
?01 User's Guide02 Chapter 2 The Notes Workspace
Workspace\icon names inFolders\across top of workspaceTabs, workspace\storing in the desktop fileDesktopReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_DESKTOP_FILE_DESKTOPDSKContext Help FormAbout the desktop file (DESKTOP.DSK)
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts02 WorkspaceT
?01 User's Guide02 Chapter 2 The Notes Workspace
Workspace\tabbed pages inFolders\across top of workspaceTabs, workspace\usingDesktopReplicator tabReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_SIX_TABBED_PAGESContext Help FormAbout workspace pages
Workspace\definedFolders\across top of workspaceTabs, workspace\definedDesktopReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_WORKSPACEContext Help FormAbout the workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
04 Lotus Web Sites
@01 User's Guide17 Appendix C Common Questions
Web sitesLinks\to Lotus Web sitesInformation\on Lotus Web sitesSites, Lotus WebURLs\to Lotus Web sitesTroubleshootingAboutAllH_ABOUT_USING_LOTUS_WEB_SITES_TO_LOCATE_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATIONContext Help FormAbout using Lotus Web sites to locate additional information
Databases\addingServers\adding databases fromHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_DATABASE_FROM_A_SERVERContext Help FormAdding a database from a server
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\addingHard driveHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_DATABASE_FROM_YOUR_HARD_DRIVEContext Help FormAdding a database from your hard drive
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use DatabasesNb
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\addingFile names\adding databases withHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_DATABASE_USING_ITS_FILE_NAMEContext Help FormAdding a database using its file name
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\adding specialWeb Navigator\adding databases toInternet\adding databasesHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_DATABASES_THAT_ARE_SPECIAL_TO_YOUR_ORGANIZATIONContext Help FormAdding databases that are special to your organization
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioDatabases\collectingDatabases\adding to a portfolioPortfolio\adding databases toHow Do I?StepsAllH_ADDING_DATABASES_TO_A_SITEContext Help FormAdding databases to a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
0@01 User's Guide16 Appendix B What's New in this Release of Notes
ChapAllH_APPENDIX_B__WHATS_NEW_IN_THIS_RELEASE_OF_NOTESContext Help FormAppendix B What's New in this Release of Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases)\
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\changing title ofTitles\changing database titleDatabases\type ofHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_DATABASE_TITLEContext Help FormChanging a database title or type
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Panes\sizingSizing\panesResizing panesHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_SIZE_OF_A_PANEContext Help FormChanging the size of a pane
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
?01 User's Guide02 Chapter 2 The Notes Workspace
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_2__THE_NOTES_WORKSPACEContext Help FormChapter 2 The Notes Workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_3__USING_DATABASESContext Help FormChapter 3 Using Databases
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_4__USING_VIEWS_PANES_AND_FOLDERSContext Help FormChapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Documents\copyingCopying\documentsDocuments\pastingPasting documentsHow Do I?StepsH_COPYING_AND_PASTING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormCopying and pasting documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\creatingCreating\private foldersHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_PRIVATE_FOLDERContext Help FormCreating a personal folder03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioPortfolio\creatingPortfolio\newHow Do I?StepsAllH_CREATING_A_SITE_DATABASEContext Help FormCreating a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\creatingCreating\categoriesHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_NEW_CATEGORIESContext Help FormCreating new categories
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersD
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\creatingSubcategories\creatingHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_SUBCATEGORIESContext Help FormCreating subcategories
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\deletingDeleting\categoriesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_CATEGORYContext Help FormDeleting a category
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\deletingDeleting\databasesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_DATABASEContext Help FormDeleting a database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Deleting\foldersFolders\deletingRemoving\foldersHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_FOLDERContext Help FormDeleting a folder03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersR
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Deleting\documentsDocuments\deletingRemoving\documentsTrash cans in view
How Do I?Top 10 TasksStepsH_DELETING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormDeleting documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases=
p= @9
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\file names onDatabase icons\file names onFile names\on database iconsHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_DATABASE_FILE_NAMES_ON_ICONS_IN_THE_WORKSPACEContext Help FormDisplaying database file names on icons in the workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Switching database replicasDatabases\switching replicasStacked iconsDatabase icons\stackedReplica databases\stacked icons forIcons\stacked databaseHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_DATABASE_ICONS_AS_STACKED_ICONSContext Help FormDisplaying database icons as stacked icons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases\
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\server names displayed onDatabase icons\showing server names onServer names on iconsLocal databases\displaying names on database iconsHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_DATABASE_LOCATIONS_ON_ICONS_IN_THE_WORKSPACEContext Help FormDisplaying server names on icons in the workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use DatabasesH
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\unread document numberDatabase icons\unread document numberUnread document numberDocuments\number of unreadHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_NUMBER_OF_UNREAD_DOCUMENTS_ON_ICONS_IN_THE_WORKSPACEContext Help FormDisplaying number of unread documents on icons in the workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioDatabases\collectingDatabases\editing a portfolioPortfolio\editing database display inPortfolio\changing the display ofPortfolio\changing the display title of databases inHow Do I?StepsAllH_EDITING_THE_DATABASES_IN_A_SITEContext Help FormChanging a database's display title in a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\expanding items inHow Do I?StepsH_EXPANDING_ALL_ITEMS_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormExpanding all items in a view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\expanding items inHow Do I?StepsH_EXPANDING_ONLY_SELECTED_ITEMS_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormExpanding only selected items in a view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\finding replicas ofReplicas\finding and addingHow Do I?StepsH_FINDING_A_REPLICA_OF_A_DATABASE_ON_YOUR_WORKSPACEContext Help FormFinding a replica of a database on your workspace
Files\databaseInformation\on database filesPath\in database file informationDatabase filesHow Do I?StepsH_GETTING_INFORMATION_ABOUT_A_DATABASE_FILEContext Help FormGetting information about a database file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Panes\hidingPanes\displayingHiding\panesDisplaying\panesHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_PANESContext Help FormHiding or displaying panes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
Access levels\to current databaseSearch IndexOnlineOnlyH_IDENTIFYING_YOUR_LEVEL_OF_ACCESS_TO_A_DATABASEContext Help FormIdentifying your level of access to a database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\scrollingViews\typing letters inViews\column widthViews\horizontal scroll bar inScroll bar\showing horizontalHow Do I?StepsH_LOOKING_AT_DOCUMENTS_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormLooking at documents in a view
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders}?5^
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Documents\marking read or unreadUnread marksRead marksMarking documents read or unreadHow Do I?StepsH_MARKING_DOCUMENTS_READ_OR_UNREADContext Help FormMarking documents read or unread
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\moving within navigation paneFolder hierarchyHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_A_FOLDER_WITHIN_THE_NAVIGATION_PANEContext Help FormMoving a folder within the navigation pane
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\movingDatabase icons\movingMoving\database iconsHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_DATABASE_ICONS_AROUND_YOUR_WORKSPACEContext Help FormMoving database icons around your workspace
The five most important things you need to know about Help Lite are:
To open Help as a database, choose Help - Help Topics.
To get help on your current task, choose Help - Guide Me, click the Help button in a dialog box, or click the question mark in an InfoBox.
Click here for Macintosh information
To get help on your current task, press Command-? or Help.
To find an entry in the Index view of Help, click the view pane, type as many letters as you want of the entry you're looking for, and click OK. Click the green triangle next to any index entry to expand its documents.
To jump from one topic to another, double-click green
underlined i
text (press green text in a box for a pop-up definition of a term). To return to where you were, click Go Back. You can also return to the Help Contents screen by clicking Help Topics at the top of any topic.
To search for a word or phrase anywhere in Help, click Search in the navigation pane and follow the instructions in the box in the navigation pane. When you search, Notes shows all the Help topics that contain the word or phrase, in order of the most occurrences.
Getting Help when there is no Help
If you choose Help - Guide Me or use the keyboard to open Help and see a message saying "There is no Help available for that topic," it may only mean that Help isn't available in your current context in Notes. Choose Help - Help Topics and look through the Index view for the topic, or switch to the Search view and use full text search. If you were trying to get help on an error message, look for it in the Troubleshooting view.
If you ask for Help and see a message that the Help database cannot be located, ask your organization's Notes administrator to add the database to your home server.
About editing and printing Help topics
To suit the needs of your site, you can create a replica of this database and edit its documents strictly for the sole use of users within your organization. You cannot resell or otherwise distribute this documentation, modified or unmodified, to anyone outside your organization. Lotus assumes no responsibility for the technical accuracy of any modifications made to this documentation or the operation of Lotus products in reliance on such modifications.
To permit editing of topics in Notes Help Lite:p
1. At the workspace, select the Notes Help Lite database and choose View - Design.
2. Select Forms, and open the Context Help form.
3. In the design pane, select the QueryOpen event and REM all the lines in the script.
4. Select the QueryModeChange event and REM all the lines in the script.
Notes Help is a database that functions as online help for all platforms running the Lotus Notes Designer for Domino workstation software. Help Lite is a reduced version of the full Notes Help, containing topics on everyday tasks you do in Notes.
Help Lite contains many document links to topics in the full Notes Help. If you're connected to a Notes server while using your locally installed Help Lite, you should be able to follow these document links to the complete information in full Help on the server. You can take advantage of the smaller Help Lite while using mobile Notes.
All application development information is in full Help.
Choose Help - Using This Database for information on using Help.
Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Lotus Development Corporation, except in the manner described in the documentation.
Copyright 1997
Lotus Development Corporationw
55 Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142s
All Rights Reserved.
List of trademarks
List of trademarks
Domino, Domino.Action, InterNotes, Lotus Components, Lotus Notes Desktop, Notes, NotesFlow, Notes/FX, and Word Pro are trademarks and Ami Pro, DataLens, Freelance, Freelance Graphics, Lotus, Lotus Mail, Lotus Notes, LotusScript, Notes Mail, 1-2-3, ScreenCam, SmartIcons, SmartSuite, Symphony, and Word Pro are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Helvetica and Times are registered trademarks of Allied Corporation, licensed to Apple Computer, Inc. System 7 and System 7.0 are trademarks and AppleTalk, Mac, Macintosh, and MacPaint are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. cc:Mail is a trademark of cc:Mail, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Lotus Development Corporation. Frame Maker is a registered trademark of Frame Technology Corporation. Interleaf is a registered trademark of Interleaf, Inc. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Metafile is a registered trademark of Donald H. MacNeil. Windows NT is a trademark and Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. NLM is a trademark of Novell, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation.
Vendor Independent Messaging (VIM) Specification, Copyright 1992 Apple Computer, Inc., Borland International, Inc., International Business Machines Corporation, Lotus Development Corporation, MCI International, Inc., Novell, Inc., Oracle Corporation and WordPerfect Corporation. All rights reserved.
International Correctspell English licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright 1991 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied algorithms or database prohibited. Based upon
The American Heritage Dictionary
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
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Context Help Form'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
Declare Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
Declare Sub Querymodechange(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
On Event Queryopen From Source Call Queryopen
On Event Querymodechange From Source Call Querymodechange
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Queryopen:1:12
Sub Queryopen(Source As Notesuidocument, Mode As Integer, Isnewdoc As Variant, Continue As Variant)
REM If ( source.EditMode ) Then
REM Messagebox("If your organization needs to customize Help topics, see your Notes administrator for assistance.")
REM continue = False
REM End If
End Sub
'++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Querymodechange:1:12
Sub Querymodechange(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
REM If Not ( source.EditMode ) Then
REM continue = False
REM End If
End Sub
Go Back
SubjectAssign a topic name to this document.
What do you want to do?
BodyWrite the body of the help document here.
To respond to Lotus with your comments, you must have a connection to the World Wide Web and a browser specified in your Location document. Check with your server administrator for information on your Internet connection, and look in Notes Help for information on how to configure your Notes workstation to connect to the Web.
If you're connected to the Web
String corrected to new 4.6 version, including release number, on 4/14/97
What entries should the document appear under in the Index view?
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
Domino administrator tasks are covered in Domino Administration Help.
If you are an administrator:
1. Add the Domino Administration Help (HELPADMN.NSF) database to your workspace from a Domino server.
2. Open the database.
3. Look through the Index for all Domino administration tasks and reference topics.i
5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
A Notes database generally contains information in a single area of interest, such as a new product discussion, a set of industry news items, or all the processes, forms, and policy for a department such as customer service. A database can be used by an individual or shared. Most databases are shared.
On the computer, a Notes database is a single file containing multiple l
Click here to see this topic
A Lotus Notes database entry users create by using a form on the Create menu. Documents consist of fields containing text, numbers, graphics, and so on. Information may be entered by a user, automatically calculated by formulas, imported from other applications, or linked to another application and dynamically updated.
If you've worked with other database software, you may think of the items within a database as "records." You can think of a document within a Notes database as a record, but a document is more sophisticated than a typical database record, containing rich text, pictures, objects, and many other types of information.t
To work with a database, you add its icon to your workspace. You can use a database only if you have the proper access. The first database you'll probably use is your mail database, in which your electronic mail messages are stored as documents.e
Most databases are stored on one or more Domino
Click here to see this topic
A computer that runs the Lotus Notes server program and stores Notes databases.
, accessible by many users. Databases are either
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A Lotus Notes database stored on your computer's hard drive, on a disk, or on a networked file server.
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A Lotus Notes database that resides on a Notes server.
See related topics
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About database libraries
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Ways to manage a database file
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Ways to use database icons
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Ways to search for databases
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Deleting a database
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You're using Help Lite. If you're connected to the network now, add the Notes Help database from your home/mail server and check this section there.
If you can't find the Notes Help database on your home/mail server or on another server you frequently use, ask your Notes administrator to add it.
If you have room to spare on your hard drive, you can also reinstall and add the Notes Help database locally.
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is an application that lets you design and create a secure and easy-to-maintain World Wide Web site. With its easy-to-use, point-and-click interface, Domino.Action brings powerful workgroup features to the Web. Domino.Action is available on Notes workstations and Domino servers for Windows 95 and Windows NT (Intel).
Whether your site consists of a few pages or thousands of pages, Domino.Action allows you to:
Maintain centralized control over the look, feel, and organization of your site through the use of templates, style sheets, views and categories.d
Set up distributed authoring, so you can specify who can author, edit, and approve specific types of pages for your Web site.r
Create sophisticated workflow and approval processes for documents and Web pages.
Centrally administer strict security, down to the individual field level, so you can control exactly who has access to the information in your site.
The program consists of two database templates: Domino.Action SiteCreator (SiteAct.ntf) and the Domino.Action Library (LibAct.ntf).r
You can use SiteCreator on a Notes workstation. SiteCreator guides you through a simple, three-step process that lets you specify where you want your site to be, how you want it to look, and the way you want users to interact with it. After you select and configure the key elements of your site, SiteCreator uses design objects from the Library to generate your Web site as a set of databases that can be used both in Notes and on the Web.
You can install the components of Domino.Action locally or on a server. The site databases SiteCreator generates must be located on a Domino server in order to be usable from the Web.
For more information, see SiteCreator, which contains all the general and context-sensitive online help you need to create a dazzling Web site (including information on when you should disallow inheritance of future design changes).
See related topics
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Setting up Domino.Action
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Folders let you store and manage related documents without putting them into a category, which requires a Categories field in the
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Forms control how you edit, display, and print documents. A form can contain fields, static text, graphics, and special objects. A database can have any number of forms.
used to create the documents. Folders are also convenient because you can drag documents to them.
You can keep a folder personal, or share it with other users of a database. No one else can read or delete your personal folders. To create personal folders in a database, you must have at least Reader
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
to the database. To create shared folders in a database, you must have at least Editor access, and the option "Create shared folders/views" must be enabled for you.
When you create a personal folder, Notes stores it in one of two places:
If the manager of the database has allowed it, your folder is stored in the database, letting you use the folder at different workstations.
To see whether a database allows you to store personal folders in it, select the database, choose File - Database - Access Control, select your name, and see whether "Create personal folders/views" is enabled.
If the manager has not given you the option to create personal folders in the database, Notes stores your folder in your
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desktop file
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If a folder is stored in your desktop file, you can use the folder only from your workstation, and you can't use full text search in the folder.
About folder designB
When you create a folder, its design is automatically based on the design of the default view of the current database. You can choose to base the folder's design on a different existing view, or to design the folder from scratch. Designing a folder is useful when none of the existing views of a database shows information the way you want to see it.
You design a folder the same way you design any view.
After you create a folder, it appears in the navigation pane until you delete the folder.
See related topics
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Creating a personal folder
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Ways to manage folders
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About designing folders
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The Release Notes contain information on:
Platform availability and requirements
Known software limitations and restrictions
Interoperability issues
Last-minute documentation updates
Look on your home server for the Release Notes (README.NSF) database and add the database to your workspace.
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You're using Help Lite. If you're connected to the network now, add the Notes Help database from your home/mail server and check this section there.
If you can't find the Notes Help database on your home/mail server or on another server you frequently use, ask your Notes administrator to add it.
If you have room to spare on your hard drive, you can also reinstall and add the Notes Help database locally.
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Notes has six menus that you see all the time, and two context menus that appear with different titles based on what you have selected.x
File menuh
Use the File menu to perform tasks on an entire document or database at a time, such as saving or closing a document or creating, copying, or deleting a database. Also use the File menu to handle database replication, manage mobile use of Notes, work with non-database files (importing, exporting, attaching), print from databases, manage your user preferences, SmartIcons, and user ID, administer Domino servers (if you have administration access), debug LotusScripti
, and exit Notes.m
Edit menub
Use the Edit menu to change selected elements of a document or a database by cutting, copying, clearing, or pasting. Also use the Edit menu to find and replace text, check spelling, and manage unread marks for the current database.a
View menu,
Use the View menu to manage display elements in:
The workspace (information on icons such as server names and unread document counts; you can also switch to view agents, the database design, or specific views)
The current view (search bar, horizontal scroll bar, display of only certain documents, collapse-expand levels, preview pane; you can also switch among agents, folders, or views)
Or the current document (ruler, page breaks, hidden characters, horizontal scroll bar, field help, preview pane, collapse-expand for sections, and form switching).i
Create menuo
Use the Create menu to add elements to the current database, such as views, forms, folders, or agents, or to add elements to the current document, such as tables, pictures, or hotspots.d
Actions menu
Use the Actions menu to perform tasks on selected elements. For example, when a document is open, use this menu to categorize the document or move it to a folder.
Context menus
Use context menus such as
Text C
to change attributes of a Notes element you have selected. Other context menus include t
, and
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When you want to learn more about a particular context menu, highlight the first command and choose Help - Guide Me for a list of tasks you can perform.
Window menu
Use the Window menu to manage open windows.n
Help menu
Use the Help menu to get guidance on your current task, open the Help database for more detailed information, see the Help - About This Database and Help - Using This Database documents for the current database, and see product release information.
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You can also use the Release 3 Menu Finder on the Help menu to find Release 3 menu equivalents.
Click here for Macintosh information
On the Macintosh, the apple menu provides product release information, and the balloon menu provides all other Help-related items.
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You can divide a view into three parts:
The navigation pane
The view pane
The preview pane
One pane is always selected (with the current selection in that pane surrounded by a thick black highlight), and the menus use that pane as their context. If you can't find the task you want to perform in the available menus, click the pane where you want to perform the task, and look at the menus again.
About the navigation pane
The navigation pane displays the names of all views, folders, and agents in the database. If the database design allows it, the navigation pane may also show design elements of the database.
If the database design includes navigators, a navigator may be set to appear instead of the usual contents of the navigation pane. For example, the pane you see in Notes Help contains a navigator:
Error Print2
About the view pane@
The view pane contains a list of documents. The first column may display icons to help identify types of documents. You use the gutter to the left of all the columns to select documents.
About the preview pane
The preview pane lets you read the content of the selected document, or if Notes is set to preview document links, documents linked to the selected document.n
See related topics
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Ways to manage view panes
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About views
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A portfolio is a collection of databases that help you organize your workspace. Use a portfolio to group databases you use frequently or that are related. For example, you can create a portfolio for a current project and add all project databases to it, making the portfolio a reference tool. When you open a portfolio, the left pane contains buttons matching the databases collected in the site. The portfolio automatically opens the first database in the list. Notes creates a portfolio called "Favorites" (FAVORITE.NSF) when you install Notes. Your "Favorites" portfolio contains buttons for your mail database, the Calendar view of your mail database, the To Do view of your mail database, and your Personal Journal database. If you are using the r
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Personal Web Navigator
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to access the Internet, or if this is the first time you have installed Notes, the program creates a Personal Web Navigator database called "Web Navigator" in your portfolio.
See related topics
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Notes stores information about your workspace in a file called DESKTOP.DSK in your local Notes data directory. This file stores information about the following:
The database icons you add to your workspace
The number of documents still unread in each database
Any private folders or private views you create
As you add and remove databases, your DESKTOP.DSK file grows gradually larger, but you can compact it when necessary.x
Back up your DESKTOP.DSK file regularly, using your operating system.
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It's a good idea to back up the DESKTOP.DSK file as the same time as you usually back up your AUTOEXEC.BAT, WIN.INI, CONFIG.SYS, and other customized system files.
See related topics
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Compacting your workspace file
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You can organize sets of related database icons on different tabbed pages in the workspace, and give each page a descriptive name.
The last page is automatically occupied by the Replicator, which allows you to manage replication while working away from the office. You cannot rename the Replicator page.
're away from th
, you can call a
or work disconne
en you return to
ice, you can eas
ch back to using
n the network.
You can:
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Enter a name for or change the name of any tab
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workspace pages
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Switch between workspace
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See related topics
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Moving database icons around your workspace
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Rearranging database icons on a workspace page
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Ways to display information on database icons
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Compacting your workspace file
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About mobile Notes
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SmartIcons are buttons that perform an
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Allows users to click to accomplish tasks, from mimicking the Notes menus to tasks defined by formulas or a LotusScript program.
(for example, italicizing selected text) when you click them. For many tasks, it's faster to click SmartIcons than to pull down menus or recall and type keyboard shortcuts.U
Notes includes:
over 150 predefined SmartIcons, including icons for most Notes menu commands
over a dozen custom SmartIcons to which you can assign your own macros
SmartIcons work with all the databases in your workspace. SmartIcons appear in a bar that can appear across the top of the workspace under the menus, or in other positions you can select. Groups of SmartIcons you display at once in the bar are called sets.
You can set Notes to
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change which icons are displayed depending on your context
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(what you're doing in Notes). For example, when you're editing a document, Notes can automatically display SmartIcons you can use for editing.o
Notes comes with a SmartIcons set, Universal, that displays in every context in addition to the context icons. You can create and save your own set of SmartIcons and use it in place of the Universal set.
If you have
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Descriptions turned on for SmartIconsp
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, you can find out what any icon does by moving the cursor over the icon and waiting a moment. Notes displays an explanation of the icon.
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You can display SmartIcons descriptions by choosing Help - Show Balloons. Then when you move the cursor over an icon, Notes displays what the icon does..
SmartIcons are stored in the following subdirectory in your Notes data directory (or folder in your Notes Data folder): in Windows Release 3.1, the \WIN subdirectory; in Windows 95 and Windows NT, the \W32 subdirectory; in OS/2, the \OS/2 subdirectory; in UNIX, the \UNIX subdirectory; and on the Macintosh, the SmartIcons Sets folder.
See related topics
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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Creating custom SmartIcons
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The status bar is the area along the bottom of your workspace.
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The status bar appears above the Windows95 task bar, unless you've moved the task bar.
Using the status bar, you can:
See whether Notes is accessing the network (a lightning bolt appears)
Change the font (typeface), size, or paragraph style of selected text when you're editing a document
See a list of recently displayed messages
See your
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
level of accessa
to the open databasel
See your current location and switch between locations such as your office and your home
Use a popup menu to perform common mail tasks such as creating a message or scanning for unread mail
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See examples
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See related topics
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Ways to format paragraphs
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About the Access Control List
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Ways to set up locations
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About Notes mail
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Lotus Notes Designer for Domino 4.6 Release NotesE
(README.NSF) contains all information on upgrading from Notes Releases 3.x, 4, 4.1, and 4.5 to Notes Release 4.6.
Look on your home server for this database and add it to your workspace.
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The workspace is the window Notes displays when you start Notes. It includes:
The title bar
The menu bar
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The SmartIcons
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On the Macintosh, you see the menu bar, the SmartIcons, and then the title bar of the active window..
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Workspace (tabbed) pages that contain your database icons
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, a special workspace page where you manage database o
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The status bar
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Click the right mouse button on the workspace for a menu of tasks you can perform there.
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See examples
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See related topics
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Ways to set up your workspace
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About the desktop file (DESKTOP.DSK)
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Lotus provides several Web sites designed to help you locate the latest information on Domino, Notes, and other Lotus products.:
http://www.lotus.com is the main Lotus home page, which contains general information on Lotus products and services, including press releases, downloadable software, support, and purchasing information. You can use the Lotus home page to gain access to the sites and pages below or access them directly using the URLs provided.
http://www2.lotus.com/services/notesua.nsf contains Domino, Notes, and related product documentation, browsable documentation databases, ordering information, tips on using the documentation, links to provide feedback, and the latest information on the product.
http://www2.lotus.com/notes.nsf contains Notes product information and software. Use this Web site to download Notes products and review product specifications, demos, and press releases.
http://domino.lotus.com contains the latest information on Domino, including software discussions, tips on creating Web applications, documentation, and bug reporting.
http://www2.lotus.com/partners.nsf contains Notes application development and Business Partner information, including development tips and techniques, innovative applications, developer discussions, and updates on the latest product releases. You can also use this Web site to find out information and request an application for the Lotus Business Partner program.
http://www2.lotus.com/developers/tools.nsf contains the latest tools and information for developing Notes applications and integrating them with back end systems, such as DBMS and transaction systems. Use this Web site to download the latest version of the Notes APIs, participate in software discussions, and review white paper and redbook information.
http://www.net.lotus.com contains the latest information and software for Internet applications using Domino technology, such as Domino.Action
http://www2.lotus.com/education.nsf contains Lotus Education information on Lotus products, including course descriptions, schedules, Lotus Authorized Education Center locations, and Lotus certification information.
http://support.lotus.com contains support information on Lotus products, including common questions and solutions, user discussions, downloadable files, and Lotus support phone numbers. You can also use this Web site to search the KnowledgeBase for technical information on Lotus products.
http://www.lotus.com/notesmta contains information on Lotus Notes Messaging Services, which allow Domino administrators to set up mail routing from different mail systems. These Messaging Services include message transfer agents (MTAs), such as the SMTP/MIME, cc:Mail, and X.400 MTAs.
http://www.lotus.com/systems contains information on systems management and software distribution utilities you can use to manage Domino and Notes.e
http://www.lotus.com/contacts contains telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and mail addresses to use when you need to contact Lotus.n
http://www.support.lotus.com/css/feedback.htm lets you provide feedback and suggestions for Lotus products. Lotus uses these suggestions to help plan and improve Lotus products.e
To access information on the Web, you must use a Web browser, such as the Web Navigator. If you need information on connecting your Notes workstation to the Web, see your server administrator.
See related topics
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Quickstart: Setting up the Personal Web Navigatorc
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Quickstart: Using the Server Web Navigator
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Views are lists of documents in a Notes database. Depending on how they're designed, views can select, sort, or categorize documents in different ways. Views can also show many types of information about the documents listed in them, such as author's name or date of creation.
A view may show all documents in a database, or only a selection of documents.
About panes
You can split a view into three
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: the navigation pane, the view pane, and the preview pane.
About folders
Views are created by the designer of a database. As a database user, you can customize panes and columns to some extent, but you can't affect a view's design. You can, however, create a
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whose design you control.
About rows and columns in the view pane
The view pane contains:
One row for each category or single- or multi-line document title.
One column for each type of information, such as author's name, displayed for that document.
If the database's design allows it, you can resize columns by
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, or change the sorting in a column by clicking its title.
About view action bars
A database may include an action bar, a row of buttons you can click as shortcuts to perform common tasks in the database. If there's an action bar, it appears above the column headers and below the search bar if the search bar is displayed.s
About categories
Views often include alphabetical E
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, which help you to pick out relevant documents.
About view icons
The left edge of the view pane may contain view icons showing which documents are:
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(check marks)t
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Unread or marked unreadr
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Marked for deletionx
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(trash cans)m
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Results of replication conflicts that should be resolved
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Designers may add many other types of icons to views, depending on the purpose of the database.e
Some tasks you can perform in views!
In a view, you can:
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Select and open documentsP
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Copy and paste documents
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Delete documents
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Print documentsy
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, or
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the view
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Forward selected documents to other mail users
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Refresh the view to see new documentsV
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Search for documents containing specific textP
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See examples
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See related topics
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Ways to collapse or expand a viewY
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Ways to manage view categories
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Ways to manage documents in viewsM
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Switching between views#
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Creating a link to a view or folder
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Creating a view
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You can open a local or server-based database while adding it. When you do this, the Open Database dialog box closes.
1. Choose File - Database - Open.e
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2. Find and select the database you want.
3. Click Open.
See related topics
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Adding a database from your hard drive
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Adding a database from a server
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Opening one or more database icons
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Ways to call servers
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If you know what Domino server a database is on, you can add the database from the File menu. By default, Notes lists only servers for databases already added to your workspace, but you can see many more servers.
1. Choose File - Database - Open.i
, changing direc
f necessary.
3. To add th
2. Do one of the following:
Select the server you want from the Server list.
To see additional servers, select Other from the server list. Then select the server you want and click OK.
Click here for OS/2 and UNIX information
Click Open to see a list of databases on the server you selected.
3. Select the database you want from the Database list, changing to a subdirectory if necessary.
4. To add the database's icon to your workspace without opening the database, click Add Icon.
5. To add more database icons, repeat steps 2 through 4.
6. When you finish adding databases, click Done.
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See details
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See related topics
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Opening one or more database icons
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Adding and opening a database at once
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Using database libraries
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Adding a database from your hard drive
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You can add any database (.NSF file) stored "locally" on your hard drive to your workspace. When you choose Local as your server, Notes lists databases and any subdirectories in your Notes data directory. You can use your operating system to add databases from any directory outside your data directory.
To add databases from your data directory
1. Choose File - Database - Open.
2. Select the database you want from the Database list, changing directories if necessary.
3. To add the database's icon to your workspace without opening the database, click Add Icon.
4. To add more database icons, repeat steps 2 through 4.
5. When you finish adding databases, click Done.
To add databases from outside your data directoryT
1. Choose File - Database - Open.t
2. Click Browse, select the directory that contains the database, select the database, and click Select. (On a Macintosh, click Open.)
3. To add the database's icon to your workspace without opening the database, click Add Icon.O
4. Click Done.
See related topics
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Opening one or more database icons
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Adding and opening a database at oncep
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Adding a database using its file name
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Adding a database from a serveri
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Changing your Notes data directory
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If you know a database's file name, you can add its icon by typing its full "path."
1. Choose File - Database - Open.G
01 Do Ev
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2. Click the Filename box, and type the complete operating system path to the database.
Include the server name (if the database isn't local), the volume (if the database is on a file server), the directories, and the database name.
3. Click Add Icon.
You can use a file name to re-add a local database that you've removed.U
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See examples
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See related topics
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Adding and opening a database at once
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Ways to call servers
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Your administrator may set important databases, such as the Internet Web Navigator, to appear in a special dialog box so that you can add the databases quickly.
1. Choose File - Database - Open Special.
2. Select the database you want to add to your workspace.
3. Click OK.
If you would like to see specific databases added to the Open Special dialog box, ask your administrator to add them.c
See related topics
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Ways to add databases to your workspace
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You can add databases to a portfolio. From the workspace, drag the icon of the database you wish to add onto the portfolio icon. Or
1. Open the portfolio.
2. Click the portfolio name bar in the left pane.o
3. Click Edit Portfolio.
4. Click Add Database or choose Actions - Add database.c
5. Select the one or more databases you wish to add and click OK.
6. Click Done when you are finished adding databases.
The Add Database to Portfolio dialog box lists the databases on your workspace organized by their workspace page. Workspace pages are set off by dashes; for example, "- My Workspace Page -".
You can only add a database to your portfolio if it is on your workspace. If you attempt to add multiple replicas of the same database to a portfolio, Notes adds only the first replica you select. You can B
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switch replicas
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in the portfolio as needed.
If you add a portfolio to another portfolio, you do not see the databases collected in the nested portfolio when you open it. You see the contents of that portfolio, which are the documents with links to the collected databases.
While there is no limit to the number of databases you can add to a portfolio, Notes only displays the first 20 databases in the left pane.
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Removing databases from a portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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This appendix describes new features and functionality in this release.
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You can change the title or database type of any local database or any database to which you have Manager
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
. The title is not the same thing as the database file name on disk. Most databases are of standard type.
1. In the workspace, select or open a database.p
2. Choose File - Database - Properties.
ed topics
3. On the Basics tab, click the Title box.
4. Enter a new title.y
5. Choose a type (Standard,
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, Personal Journal, r
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Address Book
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Multi DB Search
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, or
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Multi DB Site
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) from the Type list.
You can change the title of a replica of a database without affecting its ability to replicate changes.c
Use the Personal Journal type only for databases created with the Personal Journal (R4) template (JOURNAL4.NTF). This database type doesn't offer the option of creating shared agents, folders, or views, since the database is meant for your own use.
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You can change the size of any pane. When you make any pane larger, the adjacent pane becomes smaller.
1. Move the cursor over the edge of the pane you want to resize until you see a black line with two arrows.s
2. Drag the edge of the pane until the pane is the size you want.
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Ways to manage view panes
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About panes
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About views
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This chapter describes the Notes environment and its features.
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This chapter tells how to find, open, and manage databases.
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This chapter tells how to display and use views, panes, and folders.
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Collapsing all items makes a view easy to scan.
1. Click the main view pane.
2. Choose View - Collapse All.
If a vie
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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You can collapse or expand any folder that contains other folders. Folders are stored inside a top-level folder called "Folders and Views."
1. Display the navigation pane.
2. Do one of the following to the folder you want:
To expand the folder, click its triangle when it's pointing to the right.
To collapse the folder, click its triangle when it's pointing down.
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Ways to manage folders
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You can cut, copy and paste documents from one database to another.
1. Select the document(s) you want to copy.
2. Choose Edit - Copy.
3. Open the database you want to copy the documents to.v
4. Choose Edit - Paste.c
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Ways to manage documents in viewse
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About viewsn
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You can create personal folders in any database to which you have Reader
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
, except your mail database (where everything is personal). You can base the folder's design on any view already in the database, or create the folder from scratch.
Select or open the database where you want to create the folder.
1. Choose Create - Folder.
2. Enter a name for the folder in the "Folder name" box.
3. (Optional) To place the folder inside another existing folder, click that folder in the "Select a location for the new folder" list.
4. Click Options and do one of the following:
To base the design on an existing folder or view, click a folder or view in the "Inherit design from" list.
To create the folder from scratch, click Blank.m
5. Click OK twice.
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About folders
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About designing folders
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Ways to manage folders
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You can create a portfolio as a collection of databases you use frequently. When you open the portfolio, these databases appear as buttons in the left pane.
1. Choose File - Database - New.
2. Choose a Server for the portfolio from the drop-down list or type the server name in the box.
3. Enter a Title and File Name for the portfolio.
4. Choose "Portfolio (R4.6)" (PRTFLO46.NTF) from the scroll list as the template for the new portfolio.
5. Click OK.
The portfolio opens automatically, allowing you to add databases to its collection. Notes creates a portfolio called "Favorites" (FAVORITE.NSF) when you install the program. The "Favorites" portfolio contains buttons for your mail database, the Calendar view of your mail database, the To Do view of your mail database, your
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Personal Address Booke
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, and a Personal Journal database. If you are set up to access the Internet via the e
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Personal Web Navigator
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, your "Favorites" portfolio also includes a Personal Web Navigator database called "Web Navigator."
You can set Notes to h
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open your portfolio automaticallyc
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when the program opens.C
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Adding databases to a portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Keeping a local database secure
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Categories are temporary; they appear only when there are documents in them.
1. Select (checkmark) the document(s) you want to categorize.
2. Choose Actions - Categorize.
3. In the "New categories" box, type a category name.
Shorter names are easier to read in the scrolling list. Start with a word that's easy to remember; later, you can type the first letter of the word to find the category.
4. (Optional) To create multiple new categories, separate names with commas, for example:
Sales planning, Trade shows
5. Click OK.
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Ways to manage view categories
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents@
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Creating subcategories
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About views
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Subcategories appear indented under category names in the same column. Subcategory names don't appear in the Categorize dialog box.
To create subcategories:
1. Select (checkmark) the document(s) you want to categorize.
2. Choose Actions - Categorize.
3. In the "New categories" box, type a category name, a backslash (\), and a subcategory name, for example:
Sales planning\Trade shows
4. Click OK.
To put documents into existing subcategories:
1. Select (checkmark) the document(s) you want to categorize.
2. Choose Actions - Categorize.
3. In the "New categories" box, type the exact category name, a backslash (\), and the exact subcategory name, for example:
Sales planning\Trade shows
4. Click OK.
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents
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Ways to manage view categories
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About views
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You delete a category from a view by removing all the documents from it. After you close and open the database, the deleted category will no longer appear in the Categorize dialog box, and the documents will appear under the heading (Not Categorized).
1. Scroll the view to the category you want to remove.
2. Select (checkmark) all the documents under the category.
3. Choose Actions - Categorize.@
4. Select the existing category name in the list to remove the highlight.
5. (Optional) Select or enter another category for the documents.
6. Click OK.
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Ways to manage view categories
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents
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Creating subcategories
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About views
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You can permanently delete a Notes database from your local hard drive, from a floppy disk, or from a
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A computer that runs the Lotus Notes server program and stores Notes databases.
1. If the database you want to delete is open, close it.
2. If databases are stacked, choose View - Stacked Icons to unstack them.e
3. In the workspace, select the icon representing the database.j
You can mark documents for deletion, and then make Notes delete them. Documents marked for deletion appear in the view with a trash can icon.
To delete documents
1. Select the document(s) you want to delete.
2. Choose Edit - Clear to mark the documents for deletion.
3. When you're ready to delete documents, do one of the following:
Close the database.
Refresh the view.
You can refresh the view by pressing F9.
4. Click Yes in the message asking whether you want to permanently delete the marked documents.
To change your mind about deleting marked documents:
1. Select the document(s) that are marked for deletion that you want to keep.
2. Choose Edit - Undo Delete to remove the deletion mark(s).
You need Author access to a database to delete documents you've created, and Editor or greater access to delete documents others have created.
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Ways to manage documents in views
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About views
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You can display file names on all database icons in the workspace at once.
1. Display the workspace.
2. Press and hold SHIFT.
3. Choose View - Show Server Names.
Displaying file names simultaneously either displays or hides locations (
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A computer that runs the Lotus Notes server program and stores Notes databases.
name or Local), depending on whether locations were already displayed. If the combination you want doesn't immediately appear, repeat steps 2 and 3 until it does.o
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Displaying number of unread documents on icons in the workspace
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Displaying server namest
on icons in the workspace
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You can set your workspace to show all database
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
as stacked icons. Stacked icons take up less room in your workspace and make it easier to act upon all replicas of a database at once. When you stack icons, the top left icon appears at the top of the stack.
To display icons as replicas, choose View - Stack Replica Icons.
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See detailse
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See related topics
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Ways to use stacked database replica icons
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You can show where databases are stored (
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A Lotus Notes database stored on your computer's hard drive, on a disk, or on a networked file server.
or on a
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A computer that runs the Lotus Notes server program and stores Notes databases.
) on all icons in the workspace.
1. Display the workspace.
2. Choose View - Show Server Names.h
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Displaying database file names on icons in the workspace
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Displaying number of unread documents on icons in the workspace
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You can show the number of unread documents per database on all icons in the workspace.s
If icons are already showing unread counts, you can update the counts for
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A computer that runs the Lotus Notes server program and stores Notes databases.
databases when you're connected to the network, and for local databases at any time.
To display unread counts
1. Display the workspace.
2. Choose View - Show Unread.
To update unread counts that are already displayed
Choose View - Refresh Unread Count.b
You cannot display the number of unread documents in a portfolio.
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Displaying database file names on icons in the workspace
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Displaying server names on icons in the workspaceO
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About portfolios
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You can change how a database appears in a portfolio by changing its display title. For example, you can call your mail database "My Mail" without changing the database name from "Jane Doe's Mail."
1. Open the portfolio.
2. Click the portfolio name bar in the left pane.
3. Click Edit Portfolio.
4. Select the database for which you wish to change the display.
5. Choose Actions - Edit Document.
6. Change the name the portfolio displays by entering a name in the Display Title field.
7. Choose File - Save to save the new settings.
8. Choose File - Close.b
9. Click Done when you are finished changing database display titles.
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Rearranging databases in a portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Expanding all items is particularly useful in discussion databases that may contain many levels of response and response-to-response documents.
1. Click the view pane.
2. Choose View - Expand All.
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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When you locate a main item you're interested in, you can expand it to see items on the level indented just below it, or all items at all levels below it.
For example, expanding to only the selected level shows subcategories indented under a
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A word, phrase, or number used to group documents in a view. To create categories, the form must contain a field named Categories.
, or response documents indented under a main document. Expanding the selected item
all items under it reveals documents as well as subcategories, and response-to-response documents as well as responses.
Some databases are designed to show a triangle, a plus symbol (+), or some other icon next to documents that have responses.
For any database already on your workspace, you can search a server or your hard drive for a replica. Notes adds the first replica it finds to your workspace.
1. At the workspace, select a database.
2. Choose File - Replication - Find Replica.
3. Do one of the following:p
Select Local for your hard drive, or the server you want from the Server list.
To see additional servers, click Other, select a server from the list, and click OK.
4. Click OK.
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Ways to search for databases
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The Database Properties box provides file-related information about the open or selected database.
1. In the workspace, select or open a database.
2. Choose File - Database - Properties.
3. To see the file name, click the Basics tab.
4. To see the file size, date and time created, or date and time modified, click the Information tab.
If the database icon is
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switch the replica
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you want to the top of the stack.
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Reading about a database before adding it
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Ways to control the size of a database
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Do one of the following to hide or display panes in the default pane arrangement:
To hide the navigation pane, drag its right edge all the way to the left.f
To display the navigation pane, drag the left edge of the view pane to the right (this also hides some of the view pane).i
To display the preview pane, choose View - Document Preview.
To hide the preview pane, choose View - Document Preview (removing the checkmark).
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Ways to manage view panes
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About panes
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About views
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You can learn what
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
level of access
you have to a database at any time. You can also see whether you are listed in any
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A named list of users and/or servers in a Personal or Public Address Book.
or have any S
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Identifies the level of access a user or group of users have to specific forms, views, or documents in a database.
for a database.
1. Display the workspace.
2. Select or open the database.
3. Click the key icon in the status bar.
Notes displays the key icon while the database is closed, but when you open the database the icon changes to indicate your level of access.i
A manager of a database may ask you for information from this dialog box if you're having difficulty accessing a database.
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About access levels for users
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About roles and refining database access
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About using server groups in the ACL
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The view pane can contain hundreds of documents, which you can see in several ways.
To see more rows (document titles or categories), do one of the following:
Drag the view scroll box up or down.
Click within the view pane and start typing to
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use quick search
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To see more columns:
1. If you're using Windows or UNIX, choose View - Show - Horizontal Scroll Bar. (If you're using OS/2 or a Macintosh, the horizontal scroll bar is always present.)O
2. Drag the horizontal scroll box right or left.
To expose more information in a column:
1. Move the cursor over the right edge of the column's title until you see a vertical line with two horizontal arrows (this is the splitter).
2. Drag the splitter to the right.
Not all database designs allow you to drag out the column headers.
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Ways to collapse or expand a viewh
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Ways to show only certain documents in a viewc
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Switching between views
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You can mark documents read or unread whether or not you've actually read them. You can mark either selected documents or all documents in the database.
To mark document(s) read:y
1. (Optional) Select the document(s) you want to mark.
2. Do one of the following:
Choose Edit - Unread Marks - Mark Selected Read to mark only selected documents.
Choose Edit - Unread Marks - Mark All Read to mark all the documents in the view.
To mark document(s) unread:i
1. (Optional) Select the document(s) you want to mark.
2. Do one of the following:e
Choose Edit - Unread Marks - Mark Selected Unread to mark only selected documents.
Choose Edit - Unread Marks - Mark All Unread to mark all the documents in the view.s
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Selecting documents
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Ways to show only certain documents in a view
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Ways to manage documents in views
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About views
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You can move the folders in the navigation pane into other unrelated folders.l
1. Display the navigation pane.
2. Drag the folder you want to move into the folder you want to move it to.
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Ways to manage folders
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You can move a database icon elsewhere on the same workspace page, or to another page.
Don't move database icons to the Replicator page unless you want to change the way replication works for the databases.
To move an icon elsewhere on the same page, drag it.
To move an icon to a different workspace page, drag it to the tab for that page.
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Rearranging database icons on a workspace page
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Ways to set up Replicator
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If you use Windows 95, you can create a shortcut to a Notes database from the Windows 95 desktop. Then when you double-click the shortcut, Notes opens to the default view for that database.
1. Resize the workspace window so that you can see the Windows 95 desktop.
2. Drag the database you want to create a shortcut for out of the workspace window to the desktop.
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Opening one or more databasese
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Opening a document from the Windows 95 desktop
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Opening a database automatically opens a view. You can switch views using either the
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The pane that either displays icons for all views, folders, and agents in a database, or displays the current navigator.
navigation pane
or the menu.
When any view is open, you can open a new window on the same view or on a different view.i
1. Switch to the workspace.o
2. Select the database you're already working in.
3. Choose View - Go To and select the view you want to open in a new window.
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Switching between viewsn
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Looking at documents in a view
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To open a database in a portfolio, click its database button. To see the views and folders in a database, click the triangle on the database button or double-click the database button.
If you have a portfolio open and open a database contained within that portfolio from the workspace, Notes opens the database from within the portfolio. You will see the portfolio window with focus shifted to the database you opened.s
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Switching between databases in a portfolio
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You can open one or more databases on a workspace page, and see each database, with all its subordinate views and folders, in the navigation pane.
To open a single database, select its icon and press ENTER.
To open two or more databases, SHIFT-select their icons and press ENTER.
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Using database catalogsO
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Adding a database from a server
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Adding and opening a database at once
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Opening a database from the Windows 95 desktop
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Click the Calendar button in the left pane of your portfolio. Your portfolio changes to the Calendar view of your mail database.
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Opening your mail database in your portfolio
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Opening your To Do list in your portfolioi
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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About the calendar
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The "Favorites" portfolio that Notes creates when you install the program contains a button for your mail database. Click the database button with the name of your mail database in the left pane of your portfolio. Your mail database opens to the view you last used.
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Opening your Calendar in your portfolion
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Opening your To Do list in your portfolion
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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About Notes mail
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Opening your mail database
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Click the To Do button in the left pane of your portfolio. Your portfolio changes to the To Do view of your mail database.
See related topics
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Opening your mail database in your portfolio
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Opening your Calendar in your portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Ways to assign and manage tasksE
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You can put documents into one or more categories at the same time.
1. Select (checkmark) the document(s) you want to categorize.
2. Choose Actions - Categorize.
3. Select one or more categories from the list.
To deselect a category you change your mind about, click it again.
4. Click OK.
See related topics
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Ways to manage view categories
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents
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Creating subcategories
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About views
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You can put documents into folders by dragging the documents, or by using the menu. You may want to use the menu if it's not convenient to drag, or if you want to manage a large number of documents at once.
To drag document(s) into a folder:
1. Select the document(s) you want to store.
2. Drag the documents to that folder's icon in the navigation pane and let go when the folder is highlighted and the cursor appears as a plus symbol (+).
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to drag documents to another folder.
To put documents into folders using the menu:n
1. Select the document(s) you want to store.
2. Choose Actions - Move to Folder.&
3. Do one of the following:e
Click a folder name in the "Select a folder" list to use an existing folder.
To create a new folder, see Details.
4. Do one of the following:
Click Add to put the document into a folder without removing it from other folders.
Click Move to put the document into a folder and remove it from other folders.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to put documents into more folders.
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See details
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Ways to manage folders
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You can read a description of a database before adding or opening it.
1. Choose File - Database - Open.
2. Select the Domino server you want to browse, then click Open.
3. Select the database you want to read about, and click About.g
4. When you finish reading the description of the database, click Close.
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Reading a description of a database's contents
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Getting information about a database fileM
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Creating a new database from a templatea
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The "About" document is usually the first document you see when you open a database for the first time. This document contains information supplied by the database designer, often a description of the database's purpose and contents.
1. Open the database or select its icon in the workspace.r
2. Choose Help - About This Database to see the "About" document.u
The About document may appear the first time you open a database, every time, or only when the contents of the document have changed, depending on how the database is designed.
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Reading about a database before adding it
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The "Using this database" document contains information supplied by the database designer - usually instructions on using the
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Forms control how you edit, display, and print documents. A form can contain fields, static text, graphics, and special objects. A database can have any number of forms.
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A list of documents in a database that is usually sorted or categorized to make finding documents easier. A database can have any number of views.
, and other elements of the selected database.
1. Open the database or select its icon in the workspace.
2. Choose Help - Using This Database to see the "Using" document.
See related topics
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Reading about a database before adding it
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Ways to get information about a database
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To change the order in which databases are displayed in a portfolio, do the following:
1. Open the portfolio.
2. Click the portfolio name bar in the left pane.T
3. Click Edit Portfolio.
4. Select the database you wish to move up or move down in the display.
5. Click Move Up to move the database up one place in the left pane.
6. Click Move Down to move the database down one place in the left pane.
7. Click Done when you are finished rearranging databases.
See related topics
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Editing the databases in a portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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You can arrange all icons on a workspace page at once. When you rearrange icons, they move into continuous rows starting at the top left of the workspace page.
1. Display the workspace.
2. Click the tab for the page on which you want to arrange icons.
3. Choose View - Arrange Icons.
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About the workspace
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You can set three different automatic pane arrangements.
1. Choose View - Arrange Preview.
2. Click the icon for the arrangement you want.
3. Click OK.
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Ways to manage view paness
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About panes
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About viewse
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Sometimes you may try to open a database icon for which the database has been moved or deleted. When this happens, Notes opens the "Database cannot be found" dialog box so you can search for the database.
Searching on servers can take a long time.
1. In the Server box, select or type the name of the server you want to search.
Choose Local if the database is on your hard disk.
2. Click OK.
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See details
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Adding a database from a server
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Using database libraries
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Removing database icons from your workspace
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Refreshing a view lets you see whether documents have been added or deleted during the time you've been using the view. For example, when Notes tells you that you have new mail, you can refresh the view to see the new mail.n
To refresh a view:
1. Click the view pane.
2. Choose View- Refresh.
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See detailss
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See related topics
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to manage documents in views
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Ways to manage view categories
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About views
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You can remove databases from a portfolio.
1. Open the portfolio.
2. Click the portfolio name bar in the left pane.d
3. Click Edit Portfolio.
4. Select the database you wish to remove.
5. Click Remove Database or choose Actions - Remove database.
6. Click Yes.B
7. Click Done when you are finished removing databases.h
See related topics
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Adding databases to a portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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You can remove one or more database icons from your workspace at any time. Removing an icon doesn't affect the actual database, and you can add the icon again if you want to use it later.
1. Select the icon or icons you want to remove.
2. Choose Edit - Clear (or press DEL).
Click here for Windows, OS/2, and UNIX information
Or click the right mouse button and choose Remove From Workspace.t
3. Click Yes.
If you remove an icon while its database is open, the icon remains on your workspace until you close the database, and then is removed._
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Deleting a database
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1. Click the view pane.
2. Choose View - Show - Categories Only.
See related topics
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Ways to show only certain documents in a view
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About views
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This chapter tells how to install and configure a Server Web Navigator for server-based Web browsing.
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Opening\databasesDatabases\openingHow Do I?StepsH_OPENING_A_DATABASE_FROM_THE_WINDOWS95_DESKTOPContext Help FormOpening a database from the Windows 95 desktop
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Foldersj
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\openingHow Do I?StepsH_OPENING_A_VIEWContext Help FormOpening a view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Portfolio\opening databases inDatabases\openingOpening\databases in a portfolioDatabases\portfolioHow Do I?StepsAllH_OPENING_DATABASES_IN_A_SITEContext Help FormOpening databases in a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databasesffffff @
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\openingDatabase icons\openingOpening\database iconsDatabases\openingViewing\databasesHow Do I?StepsH_OPENING_ONE_OR_MORE_DATABASE_ICONSContext Help FormOpening one or more databases
Databases\portfolioPortfolio\CalendarCalendar\in portfolioHow Do I?StepsAllH_OPENING_YOUR_CALENDAR_IN_YOUR_HOME_SITEContext Help FormOpening your Calendar in your portfolio
Databases\portfolioPortfolio\mailMail\in portfoliosHow Do I?StepsAllH_OPENING_YOUR_MAIL_DATABASE_IN_YOUR_HOME_SITEContext Help FormOpening your mail database in your portfolio
Databases\portfolioTasks\mail\accessing from a portfolioHow Do I?StepsAllH_OPENING_YOUR_TO_DO_LIST_IN_YOUR_HOME_SITEContext Help FormOpening your To Do list in your portfolio
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\using existingHow Do I?StepsH_PUTTING_DOCUMENTS_INTO_EXISTING_CATEGORIESContext Help FormPutting documents into existing categories
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders{
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\adding documents toDocuments\adding to folders
How Do I?Top 10 TasksStepsH_PUTTING_DOCUMENTS_INTO_NEW_OR_EXISTING_FOLDERSContext Help FormPutting documents into new or existing folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\information onInformation\on database contentsHow Do I?StepsH_READING_ABOUT_A_DATABASE_BEFORE_ADDING_ITContext Help FormReading about a database before adding it
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use DatabasesT
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\description ofDatabases\information onInformation\on database contentsAbout Database documents\readingPolicy documentsHow Do I?StepsH_READING_A_DESCRIPTION_OF_A_DATABASES_CONTENTSContext Help FormReading a description of a database's contents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases)\
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\instructions on usingUsing Database documentPolicy documentsHow Do I?StepsH_READING_INSTRUCTIONS_ON_USING_A_DATABASEContext Help FormReading instructions on using a database
Databases\portfolioDatabases\collectingDatabases\rearrangingPortfolio\rearranging databases inPortfolio\changing the display ofHow Do I?StepsAllH_REARRANGING_DATABASES_IN_A_SITEContext Help FormRearranging databases in a portfolio
Icons\rearrangingDatabase icons\rearrangingMoving\database iconsHow Do I?StepsH_REARRANGING_DATABASE_ICONS_ON_A_TABBED_PAGEContext Help FormRearranging database icons on a workspace page
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Foldersffffff
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Panes\arrangingPreview paneRearranging panesHow Do I?StepsH_REARRANGING_PANESContext Help FormRearranging panes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\brokenDatabase icons\brokenFinding databasesHow Do I?StepsH_REASSOCIATING_AN_ICON_WITH_ITS_DATABASEContext Help FormReassociating an icon with its database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersJ
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\refreshingRefreshing\viewsHow Do I?StepsH_REFRESHING_A_VIEW_TO_SHOW_NEW_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormRefreshing a view to show new documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databasesffffff
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioDatabases\collectingDatabases\removing from a portfolioPortfolio\removing databasesHow Do I?StepsAllH_REMOVING_DATABASES_FROM_A_SITEContext Help FormRemoving databases from a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databasesq=
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\removingDatabase icons\removingRemoving\database iconsHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_DATABASE_ICONS_FROM_YOUR_WORKSPACEContext Help FormRemoving database icons from your workspace
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\removing documents fromHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_DOCUMENTS_FROM_CATEGORIESContext Help FormRemoving documents from categories
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\removing documents fromDocuments\removingRemoving\documentsDeleting\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_DOCUMENTS_FROM_FOLDERSContext Help FormRemoving documents from folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
;:E^ <
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Categories\renamingRenaming\categoriesHow Do I?StepsH_RENAMING_A_CATEGORYContext Help FormRenaming a category
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\renamingRenaming\foldersHow Do I?StepsH_RENAMING_A_FOLDERContext Help FormRenaming a folder
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Replica databases\in a portfolioPortfolio\replicatingReplication\and portfoliosDatabases\replicating portfoliosHow Do I?AboutAllH_REPLICATING_SITE_DATABASESContext Help FormAbout replicating portfolios
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\librariesLibraries, database\publishing requestsHow Do I?StepsH_REQUESTING_THAT_A_DATABASE_BE_PUBLISHED_TO_A_LIBRARYContext Help FormRequesting that a database get published to a library
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersH
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Documents\selectingSelecting documentsDeselecting documentsDocuments\deselectingCheck marks in viewHow Do I?StepsH_SELECTING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormSelecting documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Domino.ActionWeb sites\creatingSites\creating WebHow Do I?StepsAllH_SETTING_UP_DOMINO.ACTIONContext Help FormSetting up Domino.Action
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersT
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\showing only categoriesCategories\limiting view toHow Do I?StepsH_SHOWING_ONLY_CATEGORIES_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormShowing only categories in a view
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\showing only selected documentsSelected documents, limiting view toHow Do I?StepsH_SHOWING_ONLY_SELECTED_DOCUMENTS_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormShowing only selected documents in a view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\switching in a portfolioPortfolio\switching between databasesHow Do I?StepsAllH_SWITCHING_BETWEEN_DATABASES_IN_A_SITEContext Help FormSwitching between databases in a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\switching between replicas in a portfolioPortfolio\switching between replicasPortfolio\replicasHow Do I?StepsAllH_SWITCHING_BETWEEN_REPLICAS_IN_A_SITEContext Help FormSwitching between replicas in a portfolio
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Switching database replicasDatabases\switching replicasStacked iconsDatabase icons\stackedReplica databases\stacked icons forIcons\stacked databaseHow Do I?StepsH_SWITCHING_BETWEEN_REPLICAS_USING_A_STACKED_ICONContext Help FormSwitching between replicas using a stacked icon
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Switching database replicasDatabases\switching replicasDatabase icons\UnstackedReplica databases\icons not stackedIcons\unstacked databaseHow Do I?Ways ToAllH_SWITCHING_BETWEEN_REPLICAS_WHEN_ICONS_AREN'T_STACKEDContext Help FormSwitching between replicas when icons aren't stacked
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folderssh
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\switching betweenViews\finding same document in another viewHow Do I?StepsH_SWITCHING_BETWEEN_VIEWSContext Help FormSwitching between views
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
Properties boxesInfoBoxesDialog boxes\propertiesTabbed dialog boxesSearch IndexOnlineOnlyH_USING_A_PROPERTIES_BOXContext Help FormUsing an InfoBox
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases%
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Portfolio\and locationsLocations\portfolios andPortfolio\and working offlineHow Do I?AboutAllH_USING_A_SITE_DATABASE_IN_DIFFERENT_LOCATIONSContext Help FormAbout using a portfolio in different locations
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\librariesLibraries, database\usingHow Do I?StepsH_USING_DATABASE_LIBRARIESContext Help FormUsing database libraries
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and FoldersR
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Searching for text\in document titlesQuick searchViews\quick search ofHow Do I?StepsH_USING_QUICK_SEARCH_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormUsing quick search in a view
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders%
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Views\sorting by clickingHow Do I?StepsH_USING_THE_MOUSE_TO_SORT_A_COLUMN_IN_A_VIEWContext Help FormSorting a view by clicking a column heading
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\addingAdding\databasesWorkspace\adding databases toDatabase icons\addingWays toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_ADD_DATABASES_TO_YOUR_WORKSPACEContext Help FormWays to add databases to your workspace
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders?5^
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Collapsing\documents or categories in a viewCategories\collapsingCategories\expandingWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_COLLAPSE_OR_EXPAND_A_VIEWContext Help FormWays to collapse or expand a view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases333333 @
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Icons\information onDatabase icons\information onInformation\on database iconsWays toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_DISPLAY_INFORMATION_ON_DATABASE_ICONSContext Help FormWays to display information on database icons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\information onInformation\on current databaseWays toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_GET_INFORMATION_ABOUT_A_DATABASEContext Help FormWays to get information about a database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\information onWays toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_LEARN_ABOUT_THE_CONTENTS_OF_A_DATABASEContext Help FormWays to learn about the contents of a database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Database filesFiles\databaseWays toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_A_DATABASE_FILEContext Help FormWays to manage a database file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databases'1
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Databases\portfolioDatabases\collectingDatabases\managingPortfolio\managingHow Do I?Ways ToAllH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_A_SITE_DATABASEContext Help FormWays to manage a portfolio
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Documents\managingViews\managing documents inWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_DOCUMENTS_IN_VIEWSContext Help FormWays to manage documents in views
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Folders\deletingDeleting\foldersManila foldersWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_FOLDERSContext Help FormWays to manage folders03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Ways toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_VIEW_CATEGORIESContext Help FormWays to manage view categories
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks03 Use Views, Panes, and Folders
@01 User's Guide04 Chapter 4 Using Views, Panes, and Folders
Split windowSlidersWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_MANAGE_VIEW_PANESContext Help FormWays to manage panes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks02 Use Databasesffffff
@01 User's Guide03 Chapter 3 Using Databases
Ways toHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_PUBLISH_DATABASES_TO_LIBRARIESContext Help FormWays to publish databases to libraries
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\definedFields\definedHelp\fieldsKeyword fields\using in documentsText\enteringReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormAbout documents
Locations\definedReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_LOCATIONSContext Help FormAbout locations
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts01 Notes Setupj
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Servers\definedWorkstation\definedReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_LOTUS_NOTESContext Help FormAbout Lotus Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts08 Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Mobile Notes\usingReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_MOBILE_NOTESContext Help FormAbout mobile Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts08 Mobile NotesP
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
MAIL.BOXOutgoing Mail databaseMail\mobile Notes andAddressing mail\mobile Notes andMobile Notes\mail andReplicator\mail andReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_MOBILE_NOTES_AND_MAILContext Help FormAbout mobile Notes and mail
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts05 Documents!
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesCreating\named stylesCycle keySaving\named paragraph stylesFormatting\paragraphsParagraphs\formattingText\formattingReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_NAMED_STYLESContext Help FormAbout named styles
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts01 Notes Setup?5^
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workstation\limitsLimits\designApplication design\limitsReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_NOTES_LIMITSContext Help FormAbout Notes limits
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts09 Printing
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
PrintingBackground\printingReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_PRINTING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormAbout printing
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts12 Sharing Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Importing\filesExporting\documentsDocuments\exportingReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_RICH_TEXT_FORMATContext Help FormAbout Rich Text Format
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts05 Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sections\collapsedCollapsing\sectionsExpanding\sectionsReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_SECTIONSContext Help FormAbout collapsed sections
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts08 Mobile Notesd;
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Server connectionsReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_SERVER_CONNECTIONSContext Help FormAbout server connections
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts08 Mobile Notes%
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Setup\mobile NotesMobile Notes\setupHelp LiteReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_SETTING_UP_MOBILE_NOTESContext Help FormAbout setting up mobile Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts12 Sharing Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Sharing informationCopying dataAttaching filesFile attachments\sharing informationImporting\filesSubscribingLinks\filesEmbedding dataReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_SHARING_INFORMATION_WITH_OTHER_APPLICATIONSContext Help FormAbout sharing information with other applications
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts12 Sharing Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
SubscribingLinks\and subscriptionReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_SUBSCRIBING_TO_MACINTOSHBASED_DATAContext Help FormAbout subscribing to Macintosh-based data
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts07 Mail and the CalendarP
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
CalendarCalendar profileReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_CALENDARContext Help FormAbout the calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts12 Sharing Information with Other Applications9
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Copying dataPasting data\using the ClipboardMoving\dataClipboard\copying dataShowing\Clipboard contentsCutting dataDisplaying\Clipboard contentsReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_CLIPBOARDContext Help FormAbout the Clipboard
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts05 Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Paragraphs\formattingFormatting\paragraphsText\formattingRulerReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_THE_RULERContext Help FormAbout the ruler
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
02 General Notes Concepts08 Mobile NotesJ
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Passthru servers\usingHunt groupsReferenceAboutH_ABOUT_USING_PASSTHRU_SERVERSContext Help FormAbout using passthru servers and hunt groups
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Accepting meeting invitationsHow Do I?StepsH_ACCEPTING_A_MEETING_INVITATIONContext Help FormAccepting a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsfffff
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Accepting meeting invitationsRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_ACCEPTING_A_MEETING_INVITATION_FOR_AN_INVITEEContext Help FormChanging an invitee's response to accepted
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Accepting meeting invitationsCalendar profileBroadcast meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_ACCEPTING_MEETING_INVITATIONS_AUTOMATICALLYContext Help FormAccepting meeting invitations automatically
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings1
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Rescheduling meetingsMeetings\reschedulingHow Do I?StepsH_ACCEPTING_OR_DECLINING_A_PROPOSED_MEETING_CHANGEContext Help FormAccepting or declining a proposed meeting change
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings=
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Broadcast meetingsCalendar\adding entriesRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_BROADCAST_MEETING_TO_YOUR_CALENDARContext Help FormAdding a broadcast meeting to your calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Rules, horizontalHorizontal rulesLines, addingBars\adding to documentsHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_HORIZONTAL_RULEContext Help FormAdding a horizontal line04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
PicturesImporting\picturesGraphicsHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_PICTUREContext Help FormAdding a picture04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Graphics\and document backgroundPictures\and document backgroundHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_A_PICTURE_TO_THE_BACKGROUND_OF_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormAdding a picture to the background of a document04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\addingAdding\columns and rows in tablesInserting\columns and rows in tablesRows, table\addingCreating\columns and rows in tablesHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_ONE_COLUMN_OR_ROW_TO_A_TABLEContext Help FormAdding one column or row to a table
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\addingAdding\columns and rows in tablesInserting\columns and rows in tablesRows, table\addingCreating\columns and rows in tablesHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_ONE_COLUMN_OR_ROW_TO_THE_END_OF_A_TABLEContext Help FormAdding one column or row to the end of a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes7
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Spell checkerDictionariesUser dictionarySetup\spell checkerHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_OR_DELETING_WORDS_FROM_YOUR_USER_DICTIONARYContext Help FormAdding or deleting words from your user dictionary
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Text\enteringPermanent penFontsColors\permanent pen andComments\enteringHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_QUICK_COMMENTS_THAT_STAND_OUT_FROM_EXISTING_TEXTContext Help FormUsing permanent pen
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\addingAdding\columns and rows in tablesInserting\columns and rows in tablesRows, table\addingCreating\columns and rows in tablesHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_SEVERAL_COLUMNS_OR_ROWS_TO_A_TABLEContext Help FormAdding several columns or rows to a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up NotesD
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Adding\SmartIcons to setsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_ADDING_SMARTICONS_TO_A_SETContext Help FormAdding SmartIcons to a set
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications4
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Custom controlsOCXActiveX controlsOLE custom controlsHow Do I?StepsH_ALLOWING_CHANGES_TO_A_CUSTOM_CONTROL_WHILE_IN_READ_MODEContext Help FormAllowing changes to a custom control while in read mode
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesFormatting\paragraphsParagraphs\formattingText\formattingCycle keyStatus barHow Do I?StepsH_APPLYING_A_NAMED_PARAGRAPH_STYLEContext Help FormFormatting a paragraph with a named style
You can remove documents from any categories in which the documents appear.
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the category you want to remove documents from, scrolling the view if necessary.
2. Select (checkmark) the document(s) you want.
3. Choose Actions - Categorize.
4. Select any category or categories in the list to remove the highlight.
To reselect a category you change your mind about, click it again.
5. Click OK.
If you remove a document or documents from all categories, the document(s) appear(s) at the bottom of the list of the categories in the heading "(Not Categorized)".
See related topics
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Ways to manage view categories
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents
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Creating subcategories
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About views
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You can remove one or more documents from a folder. Removing documents from all folders does not delete the documents from the database or remove them from views.
1. Display the navigation pane.
2. Select the folder you want to remove documents from,
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a parent folder if necessary.
3. Select the document(s) you want to remove.
4. Choose Actions - Remove from Folder.
Caution N
Don't choose Edit - Clear; that marks the documents to be deleted from the database.
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Ways to manage folders
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Selecting documents
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You rename a category by recategorizing all its documents under a new category.
1. Scroll the view to the category you want to rename.
2. Select (checkmark) all the documents under the category.
3. Choose Actions - Categorize.
4. Select the existing category name in the list to remove the highlight.
5. Under "New categories," type the new name.
6. Click OK.
See related topics
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Ways to manage view categories
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Selecting documents
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Creating subcategories
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About views
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You can change the name of any personal folder. You can also rename any shared folder in a database where you have at least Editor e
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
, and the option "Create shared/folders/views" is enabled for you.
1. In the navigation pane, select the folder.
2. Choose Actions - Folder Options - Rename.
3. Enter a name of up to 64 characters.
4. Click OK.
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Ways to manage folders
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Replicating a portfolio replicates the documents stored in it, not the contents of all the databases in the portfolio. The documents in a portfolio link to other databases. For example, you have a portfolio named "Project" that contains documents linking to two databases: a customer survey database and a specifications database. The "Project" portfolio exists on your local workstation and on a server. If you make changes to the specifications database and then replicate the portfolio, nothing happens in either the specifications database, which is not replicated, or in the portfolio, whose content is not changed. If you delete the customer survey database from your local portfolio and then replicate with the server, your change updates the server copy of the portfolio. The server replica of the portfolio no longer contains the customer survey database document.
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About replication
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About replicating local databasesg
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About workstation to server replication
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If you have at least Reader
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
to a library, you can request a librarian of the library to publish a database in it. The database icon for the library where you want to publish a database must be added to your workspace.
1. Display the workspace
2. Select the icon of the database you want to publish.y
3. Choose File - Database - Publish.
4. Select the library you want from the "Available libraries" list.
5. Click Yes in answer to the message asking whether you want to mail a library request.
6. Send the mail message that automatically appears.
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Ways to publish databases to libraries
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Creating a database library
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About database libraries
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You can select one or more documents to act upon at the same time. For example, you can print selected documents or put them into a category. Selected documents appear with a checkmark.
To select one document, click the document.
To select or deselect more than one document, click the gutter at the left of the view pane next to each document.
To select or deselect adjacent documents, drag up or down the left space of the view pane next to each document.
To select or deselect all of the documents in a view, choose Edit - Select All or Edit - Deselect All.
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See details
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See related topics
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Ways to manage documents in views
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Ways to search for documents that contain specific text or match specific criteria
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Table of keys for viewing documents@
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About views
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1. Choose File - Database - New from the Notes menu.
2. In the Server box, select Local if you want to store the Domino.Action Library on your workstation's hard disk and work locally; otherwise, select a server.
3. In the Title box, enter a title for this new copy of Domino.Action Library.
4. In the File Name box, enter a file name if necessary, but leave the .nsf extension.
5. If you entered a different file name, change the default file name in the Site Configuration document in SiteCreator.
6. Click Template Server.
7. In the Server field, enter the name of your server and click OK.
8. Select Domino.Action Library in the list of templates.
9. For now, leave "Inherit future design changes" selected. You may turn this feature off later, if necessary.
10. Click OK.
11. Press ESC twice to close the new database.C
12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 to install the Domino.Action SiteCreator.
Due to the size of the Domino.Action templates, creating databases using them is slower than creating databases using most other Notes templates.i
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About Domino.Action
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Setting the view to display only documents you've already selected is useful when you want to categorize or delete a large number of documents at once.
1. Click the view pane.
2. Select (checkmark) at least one document.
3. Choose View - Show - Selected Only.
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Ways to show only certain documents in a viewn
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About viewso
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To switch to another database in a portfolio, click its database button in the left pane. The portfolio changes to the database you select and opens to the view you last used in that database. F
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Opening your mail database in your portfolio
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Opening your Calendar in your portfolioW
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Opening your To Do list in your portfolio
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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You can switch between replicas of a database in a portfolio.
1. Open the portfolio. o
2. Right-click on a database button to switch replicas for that database.
3. Click the replica you wish to open.
The portfolio changes to the replica you select and opens to the view you last used in that replica. If the icons on your workspace are stacked, the portfolio selects the top icon on the stack for each included database when you open the portfolio. You can switch which replica the portfolio opens by switching which database icon is on top of the stack.
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Switching between databases in a portfolio
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Switching between replicas using a stacked icon
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Displaying database icons as stacked icons
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About using a portfolio in different locations
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Ways to manage a portfolio
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
on top of an
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icon stack
is the database that Notes acts upon.
1. Click the list indicator to see a list of all the replicas in the stack.
2. Choose the replica you want.a
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Ways to use stacked database replica icons
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You can use the menu to switch between database replicas when icons on your workspace are not displayed as stacked.
1. Click the database for which you want to switch replicas.
2. Choose File - Database - Switch Replica.
3. Select the server where the new replica database resides.
4. Click OK.
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Ways to use stacked database replica icons
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You can switch between views using either the navigation pane or the menu.
To switch views in the navigation pane:s
1. If the navigation pane isn't visible, drag the right edge of the pane to display it.t
2. (Optional) To keep the same document highlighted as you switch, press and hold CTRL (or COMMAND on the Macintosh).
3. Click the view you want.
To switch views from the menu:
1. (Optional) To keep the same document highlighted as you switch, press and hold CTRL (or COMMAND on the Macintosh).
2. Choose View - Go To.
3. Select the view you want to switch to.
4. Click OK.
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About views
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Many Notes commands open InfoBoxes. InfoBoxes have tabbed pages, letting you choose many options for selected information all at once.
To change different properties, click a tab.
To change properties for a different object, click the drop-down menu and select an object.
To move the box, drag it by the title bar.
To collapse the box to its title bar or to expand the box, double-click the title bar.
To get Help, click the question mark.
To close the box, click the close box.
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On the Macintosh the close box is at the top left.
Unlike dialog boxes, InfoBoxes can be left open while you work, and you don't have to click OK or Done to make Notes accept your changes. Changes to settings are made as soon as you click somewhere else in the box.
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You can use a portfolio while connected to your office network, while disconnected, or while connected via modem. Portfolios link to the appropriate replica for your location. If you are at the office and have your mail database on a server and on your local workstation, the portfolio links to your server-based mail. If you disconnect your workstation from the network, the portfolio links to your local mail database.
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Details: Displaying database icons as stacked iconse
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About locationsl
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Libraries help you identify databases of interest. You can use any database library to which you have at least Reader
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
You can use a library to store information about databases on your own hard drive.
1. At the workspace, open a database library.
2. Do any of the following:
Scroll the view to find a database you're interested in.
Open any document to read a database's abstract.
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full text search
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to see whether any abstracts contain terms you're interested in.
3. (Optional) If you decide you want to use a database, open the document for that database and do one of the following:
To open the database without adding its icon to your workspace, click Browse Database.
To add and open the database, click Open Database.
To add the database without opening it, click Add Icon.
4. When you're done, close the document(s) and the library database.
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See related topics
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Ways to publish databases to libraries
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Removing databases from a library
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Ways to search for databases
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About database libraries
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You can search a view by typing at least the first part of the name of a category, or, in a view that doesn't use categories, a document. Notes looks only at the category or document titles in a quick search, not the contents of documents.
1. Click the view.
2. Type the letter or letters you want to search for.c
3. Click OK.
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See detailsf
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See related topics
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Searching for text in document titles that appear in a view
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Ways to search for documents that contain specific text or match specific criteria
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If a designer has set one or more columns to allow sorting, you can sort the view by any one of these columns. A small triangle appears on the column heading of any column that allows sorting. Double triangles may allow you to sort the column in a couple of different ways.
arch a view by t
least the first
the name of a c
or, in a view t
n't use categori
cument. Notes lo
at the category
ment titles in a
earch, not the c
of documents.
1. Click t
the letter or le
u want to search
To sort a view by a particular column, click that column's heading.
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You add a database by adding its icon to your workspace. To add a database, you must be given access to the database by the database's manager.e
You can do any of the following to add databases:i
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Browse through a library of available databasesd
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, select one or more databases, and add them
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Find and add a database from a servers
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Add a database stored locally on your hard drive
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Add a database by typing its file name
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Add a database that is special to your organizatione
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The Open dialog box lists items with icons for databases, database e
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A Lotus Notes database design that you can use as a starting point for a new database. If it is a design template, it will update database design elements created from the template.
, and folders (operating system directories).a
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Adding and opening a database at onced
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Opening one or more database icons
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Removing database icons from your workspaceE
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If a view's design allows it, you can collapse the view to show fewer items. When you collapse a view, Notes hides documents under
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A word, phrase, or number used to group documents in a view. To create categories, the form must contain a field named Categories.
, or
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A document created using a Response form, a typical component of a discussion database. In a view, response documents are usually indented underneath the document to which they respond.
response documents
under main documents. Collapsing helps you find the main item you want; you can then expand a selected item, or the item and all its subordinate items.
You can:
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Collapse all categories or main documents
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Expand only selected categories or main documents
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Expand selected categories or main documents, and any documents under them
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Ways to manage documents in views
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Ways to manage view categories
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About views
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You can expand database icons on the workspace to show:
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File names
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Number of unread documents
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Names of the servers where the databases are stored
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(Local means your hard drive)
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Reading a description of a database's contents
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Getting information about a database file
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You can get information on:
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The contents of a database
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- what types of information are available in its documents
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a database's forms and viewsl
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A database's filec
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(file size, where the database is stored, and other properties)
See related topics
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About databases
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You can read a description of a database's contents several different ways.
You can:
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Read a short description of a database before adding ite
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Browse short descriptions in a database libraryh
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Read all about a selected database
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See related topics
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Reading instructions on using a database
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You can manage a database file by:
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Getting information about it
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Controlling its file size
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A database is an operating system file, so in addition to using Notes to copy and delete
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A Lotus Notes database stored on your computer's hard drive, on a disk, or on a networked file server.
databases, you can use your operating system. For example, you may want to switch to your operating system to copy or delete databases while Notes is performing a time-intensive operation. However, if you use your operating system to move databases to different directories, you must remove their icons from your workspace and add them again from their new directory. You must also remove and add a database's icon again if you change its file name.
Database files have the extension .NSF.
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Even in an operating system that doesn't require file name extensions, you can share a database more easily across systems if it has an MS-DOS
file name of 8 characters plus the extension .NSF. The database title can be longer and more informative.t
You can select any database icon and see file-related information in the Database Properties box.
If the database is a public database you manage, you can also control aspects of database operation that may affect the database's performance on a server, by
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disabling background agents
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preventing use of stored forms
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, or
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specifying that images in documents display when received
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instead of based on their position in a document.
See related topics
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About databasesS
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Ways to get information about a database
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Portfolios are collections of databases. Notes creates a portfolio called "Favorites" when you install the program. You can
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Create a portfolio
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Open databases in a portfolioN
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Add a database to a portfolio
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Remove a database from a portfolio
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Reorder the databases in a portfolio
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Change the display title of a database in a portfolio
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Switch between databases in a portfolio
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Switch between replicas in a portfolio
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Open your mail database from your portfolioa
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Open your Calendar from your portfolio
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Open your To Do list from your portfolio
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Search in a portfolioo
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Browse the Web from a portfolio
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See related topics
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About portfolios
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You can:
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Select documents to act upon
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Copy documents
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Delete documents
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Find unread documentsc
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Mark documents read or unreadt
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See related topics
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Putting documents into existing categories
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Putting documents into new or existing folders
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About views
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You can:
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Create a personal folder
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Put documents into folders
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Remove documents from folders
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Collapse or expand folders to see other folders
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Move folders to different levels of the navigation pane
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Rename folders
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Delete folders
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See related topics
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About folders
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About designing folders
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Categories help you organize data in views that contain many documents, and move around in these views more quickly. Categories may be sorted alphabetically.
To make categories available in a view, the database designer must set a column to sort on a field called "Categories." You see an error message if you try to use categories in a view that isn't designed for them.
You can categorize your own documents in any view that uses categories. To categorize documents created by other users, you need at least Editor
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
to the database.
You can:
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Create new categories and put documents into them
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Create subcategories and put documents into them
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Put documents into existing categories
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Remove documents from a category
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Rename a category
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Delete a category
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See related topics
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to collapse or expand a view
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Putting documents into new or existing folders
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About views
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You can:
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Change the size of a panea
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Rearrange the relative locations of the panesh
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Hide or display a pane
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Set the preview pane to show linked documents as well as the current documente
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See related topics
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About panes
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About viewso
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You can:
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Request that databases be published in a library
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(if you have at least Reader access to the library)
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Publish databases directly to a library
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(if you have at least Author access to the library)
You usually have more than Author
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Identifies the types of tasks users or groups of users are permitted to perform in a database. The levels are Manager, Designer, Editor, Author, Reader, Depositor, and No access.
to any library database you create locally.
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You can search for a specific database in the following ways:e
If you know the name of the server where the database resides, l
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open that server from the File menui
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If you don't know the exact name of the server, use
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Other in the Open Database dialog
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to see a list of servers.
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Open a database library and read database descriptions
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If the database has been moved but you still have an icon for it on your workspace, look for it in the database library and add it from there.
For any database already added to your workspace, you can ask Notes to
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find replicas on a selected server or on your hard drive
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See related topics
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Adding a database from your hard drive
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You can:
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Show only documents that you haven't opened or marked as reada
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Show only documents that you've selected
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Show only categories and subcategories without showing any documents
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See related topics
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Looking at documents in a view
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Ways to manage documents in viewse
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Ways to manage view categories
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About views
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Each Notes database is represented on your workspace by an icon, for example:
Icons use little storage space on your hard drive, so you can use them freely on your workspace pages.
You can also
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your workspace to save storage space.
Stacked icons represent two or more
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
of the same database.
You can do any of the following with database icons:
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Add and open a single database
at once
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Move database icons around your workspace
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Rearrange database icons on any workspace page
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except the Replicator
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Show information on database icons
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, such as where the databases are stored (locally or on a server)
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Select which replica of a database to use
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Remove any database
from your workspace
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(without affecting the database it refers to)
See related topics
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About the workspace
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About the
workspace pages
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Ways to add databases to your workspace
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Opening one or more database icons
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Ways to use stacked database replica icons
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When a database has one or more
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
, you can stack icons to represent the database and all its replicas. A stack of icons takes up less room on your workspace, and makes it easy to find all the replicas of a database.
A stacked icon looks like a regular icon except for the drop-down menu of server names in the top right corner.
k here to
You can:
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Display all database replicas in the workspace
as stacked replicas
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Change which replica is on top of a stackn
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See related topics
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Ways to create replicasm
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Finding a replica of a database on your workspacei
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The following is a description of some of the new features in Notes Release 4.6:
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Notes Web Navigator with Internet Explorer
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is a new type of Personal Web Navigator that lets you use Notes and the Internet Explorer Web browser control to use the power of Notes along with the features in Microsoft Internet Explorer, without leaving the Notes environment.
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Enhancements to the Personal Address Book template
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, which let you create a list of contacts to address mail, invite people to meetings, and browse a person's Web page easily.
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let you collect databases you use frequently or are related.
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Internet mail support
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lets you use Notes to send and receive Internet mail through practically any Internet mail system. You do not have to use a Notes server for Internet mail.
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New mail creation optionsu
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let you create mail messages from calendar entries, tasks, and existing mail messages.s
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New task creation optionso
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let you create tasks from mail messages, calendar entries, and existing tasks.e
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New calendar entry creation options
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let you create calendar entries from mail messages, tasks, and existing calendar entries.
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New properties for OLE objects and custom controls
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give you more control over the way Notes launches objects and custom controls.
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You can use Lotus Word Pro 97 and Microsoft Word
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to create Notes mail messages.o
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You can create mailing lists (Group documents) directly from mail messages, meeting invitations, and tasks
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. You do not have to open you Personal Address Book to do this.N
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Notes lets you attach files to documents. You can attach virtually any type of file, including binary files, compressed files, executable files, even an entire Notes database file. When you attach a file, you're actually attaching a copy of the file, so the original is not affected.
When you attach a file (and have the file's application installed), Notes displays an icon indicating the file type and name; for example, this is a Freelance Graphics file attachment:
Notes displays a generic icon if you don't have the file's application installed (or if you don't have the application installed properly).
In a view, Notes displays a paper clip to the left of documents that contain file attachments; for example:s
Users can detach and save attached files. If users have the application used to create an attached file, they can also launch the application directly from Notes and display the file.
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Users can also view and print attached files directly in Notes.
See related topics
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Attaching a file to a document
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Ways to use file attachments
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About sharing information with other applicationsp
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The Notes spell checker looks for misspelled words using two dictionaries, the main dictionary and the customizable user dictionary. The main dictionary is comprehensive, but does not contain proper names or many specialized words. If you use words like this often, you can add them to your user dictionary so Notes will recognize them.
In addition to misspellings, the spell checker looks for repeated words, such as "that that." The spell checker does not check single-character words (such as "a"), text that does not contain letters (such as 75% or 23), or words that contain more than 64 characters.l
The main dictionary within North America is American English (LOTUSEN1.DIC). If your version of Notes includes more than one language dictionary (for example, if you're using Notes outside North America), you can choose a different dictionary. Language dictionaries have the extension .DIC and are located in your Notes program directory. The user dictionary (USER.DIC) is located in your Notes data directory.
See related topics
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Checking spellingO
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Adding or deleting words from your user dictionary
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Changing the language you check spelling with
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What is OLE?
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is a technology that lets you share data between applications and is supported for Windows and Macintosh. OLE lets you embed or link data, such as a 1-2-3 chart, Word Pro document, or Freelance Graphics presentation, as an
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
in a Notes document.d
You can embed or link part of a file or an entire file from another application as an object in a Notes document. You can also embed a new object in a Notes document and use the object's application to enter data in Notes. For example, if you have 1-2-3, you could create a blank 1-2-3 worksheet object and enter 1-2-3 worksheet data in a Notes document.
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To use OLE, you need the Microsoft OLE Extensions, which are available during Notes installation.
A linked object is a pointer to data in a source file; when data in the source file changes, the changes are reflected in Notes. (You can specify whether the linked data in Notes is updated automatically or manually when data in the source file changes.)
Because a linked object's data is stored in the source file, users who need to edit (or update) a linked object need to have the server application, access to the source file on a file server, and have the same directory mapping to the source file on the file server. Also, if a source file is moved or deleted, the linked object that points to it has to be recreated.
An embedded object is a copy of data from a source file; when data from the source file changes; the changes are
reflected in Notes.
Because an embedded object's data is stored in Notes, users who need to edit an embedded object don't need access to the source file. For this reason, embedding makes it easier to share data from other applications in Notes with other users.
Embedded objects require more storage space in a Notes database than a linked object.
What is OLE 2?
OLE 2.0 is the latest version of OLE technology. You can use the following OLE 2 features in Notes:
Drag & drop - You can create an OLE 2 object in Notes by dragging data from an OLE 2 server application and dropping it into Notes.
Edit "in-place" - You can edit an OLE 2 object using the server application's commands without leaving the Notes window.
Link server - You can create links to Notes documents, views, and databases in Notes documents and in other OLE 2 client applications.
Storage server - You can embed an OLE 2 object in a Notes document and create links to the embedded data in Notes documents and in other OLE 2 client applications. This way, you can use Notes to store data from other applications.
What is OCX?
OCX is an OLE 2 technology (available on Windows 95 and Windows NT) that lets you embed small self-contained software modules in Notes documents. Each module, called an OLE custom control, contains its own data and the software necessary to create and edit it. Lotus Components are examples of OLE custom controls.
What is DDE?
DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) is a protocol that lets you share data between applications and is supported for OS/2. DDE lets you link data from another application as an object in a Notes document. Notes can act as a DDE client application, but not as a DDE server application. Before you can create or activate a DDE link in Notes, both Notes and the DDE server application must be running.
See related topics
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Ways to add objects to documents
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Ways to manage objects
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A Notes document is a database entry that contains information. A document may range in size from a brief reply to a question to a multi-page market analysis filled with text and graphics.
When you create or edit a document, Notes puts the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeN
so you can enter information into it. You enter information in fields, which are enclosed by brackets that look like this:
When the brackets are red, the field is
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Notes provides document security by letting you encrypt fields in documents. Encryption means encoding data so that only those who have the secret encryption key can read it.
The types of information you can enter into a document depend on the types of fields on its form. For example, you can enter text in text fields, numbers in number fields, and text, graphics, and Notes features such as links and file attachments in rich text fields. If Notes beeps when you try to enter text into a field, the field is a keyword field; you can press ENTER and select a keyword from the list Notes displays.e
If the database designer created help for a field, it is displayed at the bottom of the window when the insertion point is in the field.
See related topics
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Ways to read documents
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Ways to use features you see in documents
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Creating a document
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Editing a document
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Ways to add information to documents
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Ways to save documents
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Printing a document
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When you export a document to a graphics, ASCII text, structured text, or word processing file, keep the following information in mind.e
Graphics files
When you export a document to a graphics file, Notes exports only the first graphic in the document. If you want to export a graphic that is not the first graphic in a document, select the graphic (by dragging the mouse over the graphic) before you choose File - Export.
You can export two types of graphics files, CGM Image and TIFF 5.0 Image. Both graphics types can be used across platforms (Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, and UNIX).
You cannot export raster images (.BMP, .TIF) as metafile images or export metafile images as raster images.H
ASCII text files
When you export a document to an ASCII text file, Notes asks you to set the line length for the exported text. Words that extend beyond the line length wrap to the next line.
Structured text files
You can export documents to a structured text file from a view. Select the documents you want to export from the view, choose File - Export, and select Structured Text as the file type. When you click Export, select "Selected documents," keep form feed as the document separator or specify the character code for a different separator, and specify the line length you want for the exported text. If you keep form feed as the separator, Notes exports one record per page and one field per line.s
Word processing filesc
Notes uses Microsoft
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Rich Text Format
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(RTF) as an intermediate file format for exporting documents to some word processing files (such as WordPerfect files).
See related topics
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Exporting a document to a file
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About importing and exporting
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About importing files into documents
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About sharing information with other applications
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Notes uses the information specified under "Allowable free times" in your calendar profile to create your free time schedule. (To make changes to this information, choose Actions - Calendar Tools - Calendar Profile.)
Notes marks the ranges of time specified under "Allowable free times" free (that is, available for meetings) and marks all other times busy (unavailable for meetings). This information is your free time schedule, which Notes stores in the free time information database on your mail server. When users
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look up your free time for meetingso
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, they can read your free time schedule and see when you're available and unavailable.
When you create an appointment, meeting invitation, event, or anniversary entry, accept a meeting invitation, or add a broadcast meeting to your calendar, Notes automatically marks the specified time busy in your free time schedule. However, if you select "Pencil in" when you create a calendar entry or pencil in a meeting invitation rather than accept it, Notes does not mark the specified time busy in your free time schedule. This way, you can add an entry to your calendar that you're not certain about without preventing others from inviting you to meetings at the same time.#
Reading your free time schedule is different from reading your calendar. If a user can read your free time schedule, the user can see the ranges of time during which you're busy but cannot see what you're doing. If a user can
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read your calendar
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, the user can read your calendar entries and see what you're doing.
See related topics
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Ways to manage your free time schedule
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Setting up to find free time locally
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Notes lets you
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import files into documents
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import files into views
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, which means converting data from other applications into a form that Notes documents or views can use. You can import many types of spreadsheet, graphics, word processing, and text files into a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field in a document, as well as import spreadsheet and text files into a view.x
Notes also lets you
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export documents to files
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export views to files
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, which means converting Notes data into a form that other applications can use. You can export documents to word processing, graphics, and text files, as well as export views to spreadsheet and text files.
File support
Notes supports import and export of the following types of files; however, not all types of files are available for import and export on all platforms.
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Notes supports Claris
XTND capabilities, which let you import Macintosh files such as MacPaint
and MacWrite files.
Spreadsheet filess
File type f
Import into rich text field or viewf
Export from document or view
File extension
File description
Lotus 1-2-3p
.WKS, .WK1, .WK3, .WK4
Entire worksheet or named range created in Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS 1A or later, 1-2-3 for Windows, or 1-2-3 for Macintosh
Rich text field
Not supported
Microsoft Excel 4.0, 5.0
Graphics files
File type
Import into field or view
Export from document or view
File extension
File description
PCX Image
Rich text field
Not supported
Raster graphic
Lotus PIC
Rich text field
Not supportedS
Picture created in Lotus 1-2-3 or Symphony
CGM Image
Rich text field
Picture created in software supporting ANSI Metafile
TIFF 5.0 image
Rich text field#
Bitmapped image scanned into software supporting TIFF
Bitmap Image (not UNIX)
Rich text field
Not supported
Bitmapped image
GIF image
Rich text field
Not supported
Graphics Interchange Format image
JPEG image
Rich text field
Not supported
Joint Photographics Experts Group image|
Word processing files
File types
Import into field or viewn
Export from document or view
File extension
File description
Lotus Ami Pro
Rich text field
Ami Pro 1.x, 2.x, 3.x
Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF)
Rich text field
Applications that support .RTF, such as Word
Microsoft Word
Rich text field
Word for Windows 6.0
Rich text fieldo
Document (only 5.1, 6.0, and 6.1)
WordPerfect 5.x, WordPerfect 6.0, 6.1
Frame Technologies
Frame Maker
(UNIX only)
Rich text field
Frame Maker 3.0, 4.0
Rich text field
Interleaf Version 5 or later
Text files
File type
Import into field or view
Export from document or view
File extension
File description
ASCII text
Rich text field
Unformatted text
Binary with text
Rich text field
Not supported
Imports text from non-text files
Tabular ASCII text
ASCII text arranged in rows and columns; limit of 1,536 characters per record, total
Structured ASCII text
Any (except .TAB, .TXT, .PRN, .RPT)
ASCII text arranged as fields and field values; limit of 256 bytes per simple text field
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About importing files into documents
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About exporting documents to files
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About sharing information with other applications
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When you import a graphics, spreadsheet, or word processing file, keep the following information in mind.s
Graphics files
Graphics must be imported into Notes separately; if a file contains more than one graphic, Notes imports only the first graphic. Also, Notes can't import a graphic that is embedded in a text file (such as a PIC file in a WordPerfect document).i
Imported graphics may look different in Notes because their fonts, colors, text sizes, and overall size are mapped to Notes equivalents. Since you can only resize graphics in Notes, you may want to experiment with a graphic's appearance in its original application before you import it into Notes.
Before you import scanned images into Notes, save them in BMP, PCX, or TIFF format. If you're not satisfied with the appearance of your scanned images, try adjusting the dpi (dots per inch) setting or the image size setting in your scanner software if possible. Start with 75 dpi and 100% size, increasing the dpi and decreasing the size until you're satisfied with the results. In general, higher dpi settings result in larger images in Notes. Note that different monitors may display the scanned image differently.
Spreadsheet files
If you specify a range to import that spans more than one worksheet, Notes imports only the specified range in the current worksheet. Notes doesn't import named ranges that span more than one worksheet. Also, Notes doesn't import named ranges from Microsoft Excel files.
The default font is Courier for 1-2-3 imports and Times Roman for Microsoft Excel imports. Once imported, you can specify a different Notes font.h
Notes doesn't line-wrap imported spreadsheets. If a spreadsheet has more columns than a Notes window can display, use the horizontal scroll bar to see the rest of the data. Notes supports a maximum text width of 22.75 inches in a document. Additional text is truncated.o
Word processing files
Notes uses Microsoft
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Rich Text Format
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(RTF) as an intermediate file format for importing some word processing files (such as WordPerfect files).
See related topics
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Importing a file into a document
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About importing and exportingi
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About exporting documents to files
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About sharing information with other applications
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A location is a document in your
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A database that contains the names and computer addresses of users and user groups that you enter yourself.
Personal Address Book
that contains communication settings you use when you work with Notes in a particular place. For example, you might use a network port at the office to connect to Domino servers on a local area network and use a remote port at home to connect to Domino servers over a modem.
In location documents, you specify settings such as the port(s) you want to use (network or remote), the location of your mail file (on a server or local), phone information (such as dialing prefixes), and replication schedules.
When you install Notes, Notes automatically creates five location documents in your Personal Address Book: Island (Disconnected), Home (Modem), Office (Network), Travel (Modem), and Internet. You can edit these documents and customize them or create your own. When you use Notes in a different location, you choose the location document that contains the settings that apply to where you're working. You could set up locations in the following ways:
You could set up the Office location to use a network port and your mail file on the server when you're at the office, and you could set up the Travel location to use a remote port and a local replica of your mail file when you're on the road.
If your home and office are in different area codes, you could specify your home's area code in your Home location. Then when you use Home and call a server with a different area code, Notes automatically dials 1 and the server's area code before it dials the server's phone number.
If you use a calling card only when you make long-distance calls from hotel rooms, you could create a location called Hotel and specify your calling card number. Then when you use Hotel and call a server, Notes automatically uses your calling card number.
You can also set up the
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workspace page in different ways at different locations. This way, you can use different replication settings depending on where you're working.B
See related topics
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Ways to set up locations
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Choosing a location
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Lotus Notes
is a workgroup computing environment that helps people work together more effectively. With Notes
, people can work together regardless of platform or technical, organizational, or geographical boundaries. Notes-based information can be shared across any distance, at any time.
Domino servers and Notes workstationsv
Notes consists of two primary programs: the Domino
server and the Notes workstation.
The Domino server - a computer running OS/2
, Windows
, or UNIX
- provides services to Notes workstation users and other Domino servers including storage of shared databases and mail routing.
The Notes workstation - a computer running Windows, OS/2, Macintosh
, or UNIX system software - communicates with Domino servers so you can use shared databases and read and send mail.
A Domino server is not the same as a file server. A file server is a computer that provides access to shared resources like printers and applications, and manages network activity.
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About the workspaced
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Starting, stopping, and exiting Notess
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About Notes limits
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Mobile Notes lets you connect to Domino servers over a phone line. This way, you can work with databases on Domino servers when your workstation isn't connected to a
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Computers that share devices such as printers and file servers, and can communicate with each other. A LAN is often confined to one building because connections are made over cable or dedicated lines.
local area network (LAN)
When to use mobile Notes
You can use Notes in the following mobile situations:
On your laptop when you work at home or on the road.
When you're away from the office, you can call a server or work disconnected. When you return to the office, you can easily switch back to using Notes on the network.
On a mobile workstation when there is no LAN-based Notes installation.
For example, when you're at a regional office, you could call a server at the home office from a computer with a modem.c
Notes also supports X.25 connectivity. You can use asynchronous communications scripts to connect to X.25 networks and other applications that require extended communications support.m
How to use mobile Notes
There are two ways to use mobile Notes:l
Interactively, by calling a server and remaining connected while you work directly with databases on the server.
Locally, by working in local e
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
of databases on a server, calling the server, and exchanging data between your local replicas and the databases on the server.i
Advantages to working interactively
Advantages to working locally
Without local replicas, you save disk space on your workstation.
With local replicas, telephone calls are shorter and cost less.
You don't need to create local replicas.
You can work when a server is down.
Working directly on the server, you get and provide the most current data.
Working locally, performance is faster and you occupy the server's modem for shorter periods of time.
Mail is routed immediately. If mail is addressed incorrectly, you will be notified right away.
You can send all of your mail to the server at once. You don't have to wait for a memo to be sent before you can write the next one.
See related topics
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About mobile Notes and mail
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About setting up mobile Notes=
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When you use mobile Notes, you can work in a local
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Notes lets you keep multiple copies of a single database, called replicas, on multiple servers or workstations. This lets users on a variety of networks in a variety of locations access the same information.
of your mail database. Then you can use the Replicator workspace page to send and receive Notes mail by exchanging documents between the replica and your mail database on the server.
The way you create a local replica of your mail database depends on the connection type you specified the first time you set up Notes.
If you specified remote connection, Notes automatically created a replica stub of your mail database. To use the replica stub, you need only replicate your mail database's documents to it.
If you specified network connection only, you can create a local replica of your mail database manually.
About the Outgoing Mail database (MAIL.BOX)@
When you send mail from a local replica of your mail database, Notes temporarily stores the outgoing mail in MAIL.BOX.
When you replicate with your mail database on the server, Notes sends the mail. When replication is completed successfully, MAIL.BOX is empty.
MAIL.BOX is used for temporary storage only; do not try to create mail in it.
About mail and Replicator@
If you have a local replica of your mail database, Notes automatically includes an entry for the replica on the Replicator workspace page. Notes also includes a "Send outgoing mail" entry for MAIL.BOX on the Replicator page. When you use mobile Notes, you can use the Replicator page to send and receive mail or send mail only.
About addressing mail
When you address mail that you create in a local replica of your mail database, Notes looks for the recipient (the name you entered in the To: field) in your
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A database that contains the names and computer addresses of users and user groups that you enter yourself.
Personal Address BookK
. If the recipient is not there, Notes assumes the server will look for the recipient in its
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A database that contains the name and computer address of every Lotus Notes user, user group, and Notes server in a domain.
Public Address BookK
when the document is sent during replication. If the server cannot find the name, it sends a non-delivery report to your mail file on the server to let you know the mail was not received.
You may not see this report until the next time you replicate your mail file, so make sure that recipients you enter are listed in your Personal Address Book or the server's Public Address Book.
See related topics
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About mobile Notes
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About Notes mail
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About Replicator
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Ways to replicate databases with Replicator
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Named paragraph styles let you save combinations of paragraph properties that you use regularly. For example, suppose that you often write sales reports in italic text with a 2.25" left margin like this:
In the first quarter, domestic sales increased 5% and international sales increased 10%. In the second quarter, both domestic and international sales increased 15%.
You could save the italic and left margin paragraph properties as a named style called Reports. Then when you write sales reports, you could format them with Reports without having to specify the italic and left margin properties individually each time. You could select Reports from the Text - Named Styles menu or from the status bar:
Or, you could assign Reports to the cycle key F11, which lets you cycle through each of the named styles you've created and assigned to the key.
When you create a named style, you can make the style available to the rest of the documents in the database, or make it available only in the document in which you created it.
[None] named style
You can use the default style [None] to create named styles from existing named styles. When you select [None], it retains the properties of the last current named style, but lets you change its properties and save the properties as a new named style. This way, you don't have to change the existing named style.
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Ways to use named
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The following table lists known Notes workstation limits.
Feature test
Windows, OS/2, UNIXU
What is the maximum size of a database?i
4 GB (gigabyte)
4 GB (gigabyte)r
What is the maximum size of plain text fields?
15KB (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's columnn
15KB (storage); 15KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textp
What is the maximum number of paragraph styles?
unique t
paragraph styles in a single document
paragraph styles in a single document
How many levels of responses in a hierarchical view; how many documents at each level?
31 levels; 300,000 documents
31 levels; 300,000 documents
What is the maximum number of windows you can have open simultaneously?
How many characters are allowed in names for views, forms, and so on?
Database Title: 32
Filename: on server 8 plus extension; on local workstation 8 plus extension (on Windows 95 workstation 255)
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32
Database Title: 32
Filename: on server 8 plus extension; on local Macintosh workstation 31
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Macro names: 32
What is the maximum size for Mail recipient names?
2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, 5
Les Kaplan @ Marketing
2MB of recipient names (based on fully qualified names, for example, l
Les Kaplan @ Marketing
What's the maximum password length allowed on an ID?
63 charactersi
63 characters
How many fields in a form?
10MB memory (6MB memory for OS/2)
48MB on disk, 12MB total memory, 2MB cache size, with 3MB memory assigned to Notes
How many columns can be included in one table?
How many rows can be included in one table?
How many views can be added to a database?
No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
How many forms can be added to a database?
How many columns are allowed in a view?
289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
How wide can a column be (# of inches)?L
999 characters or approximately 54 inches wide
999 characters wide; more than 70 inches
What is the total size of computable simple text fields?
63K (cumulative throughout document)
63K (cumulative throughout document)
How many paragraphs in a document?
21,509 (19,004 for OS/2)
3,018 (with partition size set to 2,500)
What is the maximum size of a rich text field?
Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
What is the maximum number of inserted page breaks?w
How many cascading views are allowed in a database?
How many copies of a document can be printed at once?
What is the maximum value allowed in "Start page numbers at" field?
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for margin size?
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for page size cropping?e
What is the maximum point size you can select/print?
250 (except under UNIX X11R4/Motif, where it's the maximum display size for the font).
How many documents are allowed in one view?l
Maximum of 130MB for a view indexh
Maximum of 130MB for a view index
What is the maximum number of documents that can be exported to Tabular Text?
Limited only by available disk space
Limited only by available disk space
How many levels of responses will display in a view?
31 responses to 1 main document
31 responses to 1 main document@
What is the maximum number of entries in an Access Control List?
950 names
950 names
What is the maximum number of roles in an access control list?
75 Roles =
75 Roles
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph you can cut or copy to the Clipboard?
Unlimited (64K for UNIX)
What is the maximum number of users to have authorized passwords on a multiple password ID?
8 users&
8 users
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About Lotus Noteso
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You can print an open document, selected documents in a folder or view, a list of documents in a folder or view, or print to a file. You can also print the Calendar view or one or more calendar entries.
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You can also print file
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A file attached to a Lotus Notes document. An attachment remains with the document until delete the attachment or the document.
directly from Notes.F
You can specify printer settings, such as the printer to use, and page settings, such as headers, footers, and margins. You can also insert page breaks and preview a document to see where pages break and words wrap before you print.
Depending on the operating system and printer you're using, you can specify more print settings, such as print orientation, paper size, and scaling.
Notes uses your operating system's print spooler to print in the background. A print spooler sends your print job to a queue, where it waits for its turn to print. This means that you can continue working in Notes and not wait until printing is complete. Your operating system controls the print spooler; for information on print spoolers, see your operating system or printer documentation.
See related topics
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Previewing a document for printing
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Ways to printk
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Notes uses Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) as an intermediate file format for importing and exporting to some word processing files. For example, if you import a WordPerfect file, Notes calls the Mastersoft
libraries to translate the file to an RTF file and then imports the RTF file into Notes. Similarly, if you export to a WordPerfect file, Notes calls the Mastersoft libraries to translate the document to an RTF file and then converts the RTF file to the WordPerfect file format.
Features that Notes translates
Character set
When importing, Notes supports the Windows ANSI, IBM PC, and IBM 850 character sets. When exporting, Notes uses the IBM 850 character set.
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The Macintosh character set is supported for import but not export.v
Click here for UNIX information
When exporting, Notes uses the 8859 ISO Latin 1 character set.
Character attributes
Bold, italic, and strikethrough are fully supported. Small caps, caps, and shadow attributes are imported as bold text. Outline is imported as italic, and any hidden text is imported as plain text. Notes has only one kind of underline, so continuous, dotted, and word underlining are imported as underlined text. Superscripts and subscripts are supported. Font sizes and colors are imported correctly.
Each color is mapped to the closest Notes color.
Document and paragraph margins and indents
In Notes, paragraph left, first line indents, and tabs are relative to the left side of the page, whereas in word processing products they are relative to the document margins. When importing, Notes calculates the left margin of a paragraph by adding the Notes document's left margin setting to the left margin and paragraph indent settings of the imported paragraph. For example, if you import a paragraph with a 0" left margin and a .5" tab setting into a Notes document with a left margin of 1", the imported paragraph will have a 1" left margin and a 1.5" tab.
When exporting, Notes checks all paragraphs and makes the document's left margin equal to the left margin of the leftmost paragraph.
Section formatting
If a section break is also a page break, it is imported as a page break. Otherwise, it is imported as a paragraph break.
Paragraph justification and line spacing
Notes imports left, right, full, and center justification, and converts all line spacing into single, single and one-half, and double line spacing.
Special characters
A non-breaking space is imported as a normal space. Different kinds of hyphens are imported as dashes.
Headers, footers, and footnotes
Notes doesn't import header or footer information into Notes headers and footers. Instead, header or footer text is inserted into the body of the document at the position in the document where the header or footer control code exists in the original document. Notes imports footnote text in the same way.
Features that Notes doesn't translate
Notes doesn't translate revision marks, style sheets, annotations, expanded or compressed text, or bookmarks.
See related topics
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About importing files into documents
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About exporting documents to files
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Ways to format paragraphsa
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You can use sections to collapse one or more paragraphs in a document into a single line.
Sections make navigation in large documents easier. Readers can expand a section when they want to read its contents.
Sections are useful for organizing documents that contain a lot of information. You can group related information in a large document into different sections.
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Expanding or collapsing a section
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Creating a collapsed section
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Ways to format sections
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A server connection is a document in your
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A database that contains the names and computer addresses of users and user groups that you enter yourself.
Personal Address Book
that contains information, such as a server's phone number, that Notes uses to connect to a server. There are four types of server connection documents.
A dial-up server connection tells Notes the phone number you want to use to connect to a server over a modem. Notes saves the phone number so you can use it whenever you call the server.
A network server connection tells Notes the network port you want to use to connect to a server on a local area network. This is useful if you need to use a port with a specific protocol driver to connect to a server.
A passthru server connection tells Notes the
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passthru serverU
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you want to use to connect to another server. If you have access to a passthru server, you can set up passthru connections for servers the passthru server leads to.
For more information about passthru servers, see Domino Administration Help or your Domino administrator.
A remote LAN server connection tells Notes the remote LAN server you want to use to connect to another server. If you're using a remote LAN service, such as Microsoft RAS, you can set up remote LAN connections for servers you want to use on the remote LAN.
For more information about remote LAN service, see Domino Administration Help or your Domino administrator.
See related topics
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Ways to set up server connections
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What you need
To set up mobile Notes, you need:
Notes 4.0 installed on the workstation.
A certified Notes user ID.
A modem connected to the workstation that is compatible with Notes (unless you're using another method to connect remotely, such as Microsoft Remote Access Service).
The names and phone numbers of servers you want to access.
To use mobile Notes, you need a direct-dial, analog phone line. (To check if you have an analog phone line, listen to the tones made when you dial. If the tone varies for each number, you have an analog phone line.)n
If you're using mobile Notes on a laptop, it's a good idea to have a phone cord, extra batteries, and a power adapter. Also, many countries have different phone jacks, so If you're going to use mobile Notes on a laptop in a different country, you will probably need a specific connector for the country you are visiting.
Help Litev
When you installed Notes, you also installed the Notes Help Lite database (HELPLT4.NSF) locally (unless you selected a different Help option during Install). Help Lite lets you get Help while you travel and uses much less disk space than full Help. Help Lite contains information you are more likely to need when you use Notes away from the office, such as information on using mobile Notes.
See related topics
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About mobile Notes
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Setting up mobile Notes
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There are several ways you can add information to Notes documents from other applications.
Copying part or all of a fileO
To add data quickly.
Do this when the source application is available and supports the Clipboard. This is useful when the data you're copying will not be changing.
Attaching a file
To distribute files electronically.s
Do this when users will work with the file in the source application rather than in Notes. This is useful when the file is compressed or is a system or executable file.
Importing a file
To add large amounts of data in its original format.
Do this when you want to work with the file in Notes rather than the source application. This is useful when you want to display data such as tables, styled text, and pictures in their original form and when the data you're importing will not be changing.e
Linking a file
To add data that updates when the original file changes.
Do this when the source application is available and supports
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DDE (dynamic data exchange)
A method for displaying data created with other Windows and Presentation Manager applications, such as graphics or spreadsheet ranges, within Notes documents. DDE objects can be reactivated and updated to reflect the current state of changing data.
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
linking. This is useful when you want to display the latest data from the source application in Notes.e
Embedding part or all of a files
To add data that is not necessarily associated with a file.!
Do this when the source application is available and supports OLE embedding. This is useful when you want to use the source application to enter and edit data in Notes.
Embedding an OLE custom controlk
To add both data and the software necessary to edit it, in Windows 95 or Windows NT.
Do this when there is an OLE custom control, such as a Lotus Component, available in your operating system, and you want users of the document to enter and edit data without needing application software.
Subscribing to part or all of a file
To add data from Macintosh applications that updates when the original file changes.
Do this when you're using Macintosh System 7
or later and the source application is available and supports publishing. This is useful when you want to display the latest data from the source application in Notes.
If you want to link, embed, or subscribe to data, but the source application does not support DDE, OLE, or the Macintosh Subscribe command, you can copy, attach, or import data instead.e
See related topics
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Ways to share information with other applications
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About the Clipboardh
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About attaching filesA
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About importing and exporting%
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About OLE and DDE objects
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If you're using Macintosh System 7 or later, Notes lets you subscribe to information in other Macintosh System 7 applications, such as 1-2-3 for Macintosh. All Notes users, whether they use Macintosh computers or other Notes platforms, can see this information if you save it in a shared database or send it to them using Notes mail.u
Subscribing and publishing
An application that can make information available is a publisher; an application that can link to published information is a subscriber. Notes can serve as a subscriber, but not as a publisher.
Subscribing is almost as simple as copying data, but is much more powerful because the shared information is saved as a live link. Whenever the information in the publisher is changed, the information also changes in any documents that subscribe to it. You can subscribe to information located on your own Macintosh or on another Macintosh available on your network.
For example, suppose you want to include the latest sales figures from a 1-2-3 worksheet in an Executive Summary document in a Notes database. Instead of having to paste, import, or type the sales figures in Notes every time they change, you could publish them using 1-2-3 for Macintosh and subscribe to them in Notes.
See related topics
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Subscribing to Macintosh-based data
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Updating subscription data
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About sharing information with other applicationsa
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The calendar is a view in your Notes mail database which you can use to manage your time and to schedule meetings. You can add appointments, meetings, reminders, events, and anniversaries to the Calendar view. You can also display tasks in the Calendar view.
You can display the Calendar view in four different formats: two days, one week, two weeks, and one month. In the following illustration, the Calendar view is displayed in one-week format.
Note that there are time slots displayed on Tuesday, April 1st. When you display the time slots on a date, Notes displays each time period for which you have scheduled an appointment or meeting as a shaded blue area. If the time of two appointments or meetings overlap, Notes displays a red bar to the left of the conflicting entries.
Notes displays a different icon for each type of calendar entry. For example, in the following illustration, "Write status report" is a task, "Lunch with Scott" is an appointment, "Operations task force" is a meeting, "Call Diane" is a reminder, "Time management class" is an event, and "Pat Hurley's birthday" is an anniversary.
About the calendar profile
The calendar profile lets you indicate the time during the week that you're normally available for meetings. Notes saves this information in a database on your mail server so that others can read your e
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free time schedule
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and h
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look up your free time for meetings
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The calendar profile also lets you customize your calendar. For example, you could use the calendar profile to change the default length of appointments and meetings and set an alarm for all anniversaries. To specify calendar profile options, choose Actions - Calendar Tools - Calendar Profile.
Make sure that your name is specified in the "Mail File Owner" field in your calendar profile.
About using a browser and the calendar
For information on the calendar and scheduling features you can use if you use a browser to work with Notes mail, see
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About using a browser to work with Notes mail
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See related topics
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Ways to display the calendar
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Ways to print the calendar
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The Clipboard is a temporary storage area provided by your operating system to store the data you copy or cut.
With the Clipboard, you can copy or cut text, pictures, or other data from a Notes document and paste the data elsewhere in the same document or into another document. You can also copy, cut, and paste selections between Notes and other Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, and UNIX applications that support the Clipboard.
When you copy or cut data to the Clipboard, it remains on the Clipboard until you do one of the following:
Copy or cut new data, which replaces Clipboard data.
Exit Windows or OS/2, or shut down your Macintosh, which removes Clipboard data.
Click here for Windows information
You can display the contents of the Clipboard. If you're using Windows, double-click the Clipboard Viewer icon in the Windows Main program group. If you're using Windows 95, choose Start - Programs - Accessories - Clipboard Viewer. After you open the Clipboard Viewer, you can clear its contents by choosing Edit - Delete.
Click here for Macintosh information
You can display the contents of the Clipboard by switching to the Finder and choosing Edit - Show Clipboard.
See related topics
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Copying, moving, or deleting datan
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Copying data into a document
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About sharing information with other applicationss
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When you choose View - Ruler, Notes displays a ruler you can use to format one or more paragraphs.
The ruler contains:
Pentagon pointers, which represent the left margin.
The upper pentagon pointer represents the left margin for the first line in a paragraph; the lower pentagon pointer represents the left margin for the remaining lines in a paragraph.
Triangle pointers, which represent tab stops.
The first triangle pointer represents a left tab stop; the second represents a right tab stop; the third represents a decimal tab stop; and the fourth represents a centered tab stop.
When you click in a column in a table, the ruler also contains:
Thin bar pointers, which represent the start and the end of the column.
See related topics
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Indenting a paragraph with the ruler
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Setting the left margin with the ruler
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Setting tabs with the ruler
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Setting a column width with the ruler
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to format paragraphst
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Your Domino administrator can set up one or more servers for you to use as "stepping stones" to connect to other servers. These intermediary servers are known as passthru servers. You can use passthru servers to do the following:
Connect to multiple servers through a single phone connection
For example, if you have access to a passthru server that leads to servers A, B, and C, you can call the passthru server and access databases on servers A, B, and C without having to make another call.F
Connect to a server on a local area network running a different network protocol
For example, suppose your workstation is running only NetBIOS and server A is running only TCP/IP. If you have access to a passthru server running both protocols, you can use the passthru server to connect to server A.
Your Domino administrator can set up a passthru server so that it leads to additional passthru servers as well as target servers. This way, Notes can "hop" from passthru server to passthru server until it reaches the target server you want to access. You don't have to know how a passthru server reaches a target server; all you need to find out from your Domino administrator is which target servers you can reach from a passthru server.
Setting up to use passthru servers
There are two ways to set up your workstation to use a passthru server. You can:
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Specify a default passthru server for a location
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This is the easiest way to set up to use a passthru server. When Notes can't connect to a server directly, it tries to use the default passthru server for the current location to connect to the server.
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Set up passthru server connections
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This way, you can tell Notes which passthru server you want to use to connect to a server. For example, if your default passthru server is server P1, but you want to use a different passthru server (server P2) to connect to server A, you can create a server connection document in your Personal Address Book that tells Notes to use server P2 to connect to server A.t
About hunt groups
When you use a hunt group name, you call a single phone number, and your call connects to one of several passthru servers. Large organizations with many passthru servers may use hunt groups to balance the load on servers more efficiently.
Ask your Domino administrator whether hunt groups are available in your organization. If they are, t
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create a hunt group connection
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document to take advantage of hunt groups when you work remotely.
See related topics
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About locations
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About server connections
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To accept a meeting invitation
1. Open the invitation.
2. Click Accept.
Notes sends a message with your response to the meeting chairperson. Notes also adds the meeting to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified time busy in your
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free time schedule
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To accept a meeting invitation and send comments to the chairperson
1. Open the invitation.
2. Click Other.
3. Select Accept in the "Action to take" field.
4. Enter your comments in the "Comments to include" field and click OK.
Notes sends a message with your response and your comments to the meeting chairperson. Notes also adds the meeting to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified time busy in your
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free time schedule
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To view your calendar while you're responding to the invitation, click Check Calendar. To return to the invitation, press ESC.
See related topics
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Changing your response after accepting a meeting invitation
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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After you invite people to a meeting, you can change the status of one or more of the invitees to accepted.
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Choose Actions - Change Status to Accepted.
3. Select one or more invitees and click OK.
Notes sends a message to the selected invitee(s) telling them that they are required to attend the meeting. When an invitee opens the message, Notes adds the meeting to the invitee's calendar. Notes also marks the specified time busy in the e
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free time schedule(s)
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of the selected invitee(s).
If the meeting is a repeating meeting, you cannot change the status of an invitee to accepted.
See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetings
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You can automatically accept meeting invitations from all or from selected users.
3. Under "Autoprocessing Options," do one of the following:
To automatically accept meeting invitations from all users, select Meetings.
To automatically accept meeting invitations from selected users, select Meetings and specify the names of the users in the "Autoprocess Meetings only from the following people" field.
You must have at least Designer access to the mail database to select or deselect Meetings.
4. Click OK.
5. When Notes asks which server you want to run the autoprocessing agent on, select your mail server and click OK.
Notes accepts a meeting invitation for you if the time of the proposed meeting is free in your
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free time schedule
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. If you're busy at the time of the proposed meeting, Notes adds "(Time Conflict)" to the subject of the invitation in the Inbox folder and lets you respond to the invitation manually.
If you enable this option and receive a broadcast invitation (an invitation that you don't have to respond to), Notes adds the broadcast meeting to your calendar automatically.
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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When an invitee proposes a change to the time or location of a meeting that you've called, Notes sends you a counter-proposal message.
1. If necessary, switch to the Inbox folder.
2. Open the counter-proposal message.
3. Click "Accept Counter Proposal" or "Decline Counter Proposal."
If you accept the proposed change, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting. If a room and/or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes sends the Resource Reservations database a reservation request for the new time or for the new room.
If you decline the proposed change, Notes sends the invitee who proposed the change a message that says you've declined it.
See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetings
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1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Click New Entry or double-click the date of the anniversary.
3. Select Anniversary.
Enter a description of the anniversary in the Brief description field.
5. If necessary,
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specify the date
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of the anniversary in the Date field.
(Optional) Do any of the following:t
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set an alarm for the anniversary
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, click Alarm options, specify when you want the alarm to go off, and click OK.
To e
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make the anniversary a repeating anniversary
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, click Repeat, specify how often and for how long you want the anniversary to repeat, and click OK.
To indicate to others that you are busy on the selected date, deselect Pencil in.h
To hide the anniversary from
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other users who can read your calendar
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, select "Not for public viewing."
To include more information about the anniversary, enter it in the Detailed description field.
7. Click "Save and Close."
Notes adds the anniversary to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified date busy in your
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free time schedule
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(unless you selected Pencil in).
To view your calendar while you're filling out the anniversary form, click Check Calendar. To return to the anniversary form, press ESC.
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See detailsl
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See related topics
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Editing a calendar entry
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1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Click New Entry or double-click the date of the appointment.
3. Select Appointment.
4. Enter a description of the appointment in the Brief description field.
5. If necessary,
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specify the date
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of the appointment in the Date field.
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Specify the time
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of the appointment in the Time field.
7. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To d
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set an alarm for the appointment
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, click Alarm options, specify when you want the alarm to go off, and click OK.
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make the appointment a repeating appointment
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, click Repeat, specify how often and for how long you want the appointment to repeat, and click OK.
To keep the selected time free for meetings, select Pencil in.
To hide the appointment from s
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other users who can read your calendar
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, select "Not for public viewing."
To include more information about the appointment, enter it in the Detailed description field.
8. Click "Save and Close."
Notes adds the appointment to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified time busy in your
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free time schedule
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(unless you selected Pencil in).s
To view your calendar while you're filling out the appointment form, click Check Calendar. To return to the appointment form, press ESC.
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See detailsm
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See related topics
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Inviting people to a meeting
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Editing a calendar entry
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1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Click New Entry or double-click the first date of the event.
3. Select Event.
Enter a description of the event in the Brief description field.
5. If necessary,
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specify the first date
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of the event in the Date field.
6. Specify the number of days the event lasts in the Duration field.
(Optional) Do any of the following:e
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set an alarm for the event
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, click Alarm options, specify when you want the alarm to go off, and click OK.
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make the event a repeating event
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, click Repeat, specify how often and for how long you want the event to repeat, and click OK.
To keep the selected date(s) free for meetings, select Pencil in.
To hide the event from
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other users who can read your calendar
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, select "Not for public viewing."
To include more information about the event, enter it in the Detailed description field.
8. Click "Save and Close."
Notes adds the event to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified date(s) busy in your o
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free time schedule
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(unless you selected Pencil in).o
To view your calendar while you're filling out the event form, click Check Calendar. To return to the event form, press ESC.
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See detailsm
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See related topics
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Editing a calendar entry
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If you receive a broadcast invitation (an invitation that you don't have to respond to), you can add the broadcast meeting to your calendar.
1. Open the invitation.
2. Click "Add to Calendar."R
Notes adds the meeting to your calendar and marks the specified time busy in your
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free time schedule
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All repeating meeting invitations are broadcast invitations.
See related topics
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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You can add horizontal lines to a document to separate different parts of the document or to make the document more interesting visually.o
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moder
, click where you want to enter the line.
2. Choose Create - Horizontal Rule.r
You must be in a E
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textd
field to add a horizontal line.
To change the line's height, width, or color, or to make the line transparent, click the line and choose Horizontal Rule - Horizontal Rule Properties.
See related topics
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Ways to add information to documents
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You can use the Clipboard to copy pictures into a document. You can also import picture files into a document.
To copy a picture into a document
1. Copy the picture.
You can copy only bitmap pictures into a document.
Open the document you want to add the picture to in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeg
3. Click where you want to place the picture.
4. Choose Edit - Paste.
To import a picture file into a document
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click where you want to place the picture.
3. Choose File - Import.
4. Select the file to import.t
You can import BMP (bitmap), GIF, JPEG, PCX Image, and TIFF 5.0 Bitmap files into a document.
5. Click Import.
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to add a picture.
See related topics
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About the Clipboard
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Resizing a picture
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Adding a picture to the background of a document
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Ways to add information to documents
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If a form's design allows it, you can use the Clipboard to copy a picture and then use it as a document's background. You can also import a picture file and use it as a document's background.
If the picture is the same size as the document, it appears once. Smaller pictures "tile" to fill the background of the document.
To copy a picture and use it as a document background
1. Copy the picture.
You can copy only bitmap pictures for use as a document's background.
2. Open the document you want to add the picture to in p
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
3. Choose File - Document Properties and click the Background tab.
4. Click Paste Graphic.
To import a picture file and use it as a document background
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode1
2. Choose File - Document Properties and click the Background tab.
3. Click Import Graphic.
4. Select the file to import.
You can import BMP (bitmap), GIF, JPEG, PCX Image, and TIFF 5.0 Bitmap files for use as a document's background.
5. Click Import.
See related topics
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About the Clipboardn
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Adding a picture
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Changing the background color of a document
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You can add a port to your workstation. When you add a port, Notes enables it by default and lets you specify the
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
at which you want to use the port.o
Before you add a network port, make sure the appropriate network software is installed. Before you add a modem port, make sure a modem is installed and you know the physical port it is connected to.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Click New.
4. Do the following:
Enter a name for the port.
Select a driver for the port.
Select the locations at which you want to use the port.e
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
For information on adding server ports, see Domino Administration Help.e
See related topics
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Enabling or disabling a port
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Selecting ports for a location
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Ways to set up ports
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1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Click New Entry or double-click the date on which you want the reminder.
3. Select Reminder.
Enter a description of the reminder in the Brief description field.
5. If necessary,
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specify a date
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for the reminder in the Date field.
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Specify a time
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for the reminder in the Time field.
(Optional) Do any of the following:e
To s
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set an alarm for the reminder
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, click Alarm options, specify when you want the alarm to go off, and click OK.
To f
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make the reminder a repeating reminder
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, click Repeat, specify how often and for how long you want the reminder to repeat, and click OK.t
To hide the reminder from
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other users who can read your calendar
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, select "Not for public viewing."
To include more information with the reminder, enter it in the Detailed description field.
8. Click "Save and Close."
Notes adds the reminder to the Calendar and Meetings views.
To view your calendar while you're filling out the reminder form, click Check Calendar. To return to the reminder form, press ESC.
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See detailsi
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See related topics
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Editing a calendar entry
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1. T
Make sure
the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modea
2. Click where you want to add the column or row.
Notes adds new columns to the left of the current column and adds new rows above the current row.
3. Do one of the following:
Choose Table - Insert Column to add a column.
Choose Table - Insert Row to add a row.m
See related topics
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Ways to add columns or rows to a table
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You can add a column or row to the right or bottom side of a table.
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the table.
3. Do one of the following:
Choose Table - Append Column to add a column to the right side of the table.
Choose Table - Append Row to add a row to the bottom side of the table.
See related topics
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Ways to add columns or rows to a table
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You can customize the user dictionary Notes includes so that it contains words you want Notes to recognize when it checks spelling.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click User Dictionary.
3. For each change you want to make to the user dictionary, do one of the following:
To add a word, enter the word in the text box (below the larger list box) and click Add.
To delete a word, select the word from the list and click Delete.j
To change the spelling of a word, select the word from the list, enter a new spelling in the text box, and click Update.
4. Click OK to close the User Spell Dictionary dialog box.
5. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
The user dictionary (USER.DIC) is located in your Notes data directory (or Data folder on the Macintosh).
See related topics
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About checking spelling
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Checking spelling
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Ways to specify basic settings
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You can use permanent pen to add comments to a document in a different font. With permanent pen, you don't have to change the font every time you add a comment somewhere else in a document.
To turn on permanent pen
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moden
2. Choose Text - Permanent Pen.o
3. Enter text.
4. (Optional) To turn off permanent pen, choose Text - Permanent Pen again.m
When permanent pen is enabled, you can strike through existing text automatically. To do so, select the text and press SHIFT+BACKSPACE. Notes displays the text in the permanent pen font with strikethrough.r
To change the permanent pen font
1. Choose Text - Text Properties.
2. Click the Font tab.
s Serif
3. Select a font, size, style, and/or color.
By default, permanent pen is red bold.
4. Click "Set Permanent Pen font."
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textS
field to use permanent pen.
You can also turn on permanent pen with the Permanent Pen icon in the SmartIcons bar.
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See examples
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See related topics
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Formatting text
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to format paragraphsl
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to add information to documents
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click where you want to add columns or rows.m
Notes adds new columns to the left of the current column and adds new rows above the current row.
3. Choose Table - Insert Special.
4. Specify the number of columns or rows you want to add.
5. Select Column(s) or Row(s).
6. Click Insert.
To add the columns or rows to the right or bottom side of the table, click Append.
See related topics
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Ways to add columns or rows to a table
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. In the box above the second column of icons, select the SmartIcons set you want to modify.
3. Drag the icon you want to add from the Available icons column to the second column.
4. Click OK.
When you drag an icon from the Available icons column, a copy of the icon remains in the Available icons column so you can add the icon to additional sets.
See related topics
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Removing SmartIcons from a set
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Rearranging SmartIcons in a set
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can allow changes to a custom control while a document is in read mode. You cannot save these changes, however, unless the document is in edit mode.
1. With the document in edit mode, click the custom control.
2. Choose Applet - Object Properties.
3. In the InfoBox, choose Run object when reading document.
4. Close the InfoBox.
5. Save and close the document.
6. Reopen the document.
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See details
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See related topics
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Changing the display of an object
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Editing an embedded object
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Expanding a custom control
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Expanding an embedded OLE 2 object
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Ways to manage objects
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
After you
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create named styles
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, you can format one or more paragraphs with them.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modec
2. t
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)h
Do one of the following:
Choose Text - Named Styles and select a style from the menu Notes displays.u
Click the Named Styles indicator on the status bar and select a style from the list Notes displays.g
If you
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assign named styles to the cycle key
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, you can press F11 to cycle through the named styles when you format paragraphs.
See related topics
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About named styles
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to use named
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01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesRemoving\named styles from cycle listDeleting\named styles from cycle listCycle keyHow Do I?StepsH_ASSIGNING_A_NAMED_PARAGRAPH_STYLE_TO_A_KEYContext Help FormAssigning a named style to the cycle key
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Assigning tasksHow Do I?StepsH_ASSIGNING_A_TASK_TO_OTHERSContext Help FormAssigning a task to others
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Attaching filesFile attachments\creatingCreating\file attachmentsHow Do I?StepsH_ATTACHING_A_FILE_TO_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormAttaching a file to a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\breaking linksBreaking linksLinks\breakingHow Do I?StepsH_BREAKING_A_LINKED_OBJECTS_LINKContext Help FormBreaking a linked object's link
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Calling serversServers\callingDialing serversHow Do I?StepsH_CALLING_A_SERVERContext Help FormCalling a server
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Canceling\meetingsRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CANCELING_A_MEETINGContext Help FormCanceling a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings!
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Canceling\room and resource reservationsRooms, reserving\canceling reservationsResources, reserving\canceling reservationsRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CANCELING_A_ROOM_OR_RESOURCE_RESERVATIONContext Help FormCanceling a room or resource reservation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Buttons\editingFormulas\buttons andScripts\buttons andActions\buttons andHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_BUTTONS_FORMULA_OR_SCRIPTContext Help FormChanging a button's action
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsd;
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\widthHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_COLUMNS_WIDTH_WITH_THE_KEYBOARDContext Help FormSetting a column width
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\widthRulerHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_COLUMNS_WIDTH_WITH_THE_RULERContext Help FormSetting a column width with the ruler
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsX9
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\editingActions\hotspots andFormulas\hotspots andScripts\hotspots andHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_HOTSPOTS_FORMULA_OR_SCRIPTContext Help FormChanging a hotspot's action
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesEditing\named stylesHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_NAMED_PARAGRAPH_STYLEContext Help FormChanging a named style
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Aligning textCentering\textJustifying textHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_PARAGRAPHS_ALIGNMENTContext Help FormAligning a paragraph
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
MarginsRulerHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_PARAGRAPHS_LEFT_MARGIN_WITH_THE_RULERContext Help FormSetting the left margin with the ruler
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents1
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Line spacingSpacing\linesHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_PARAGRAPHS_LINE_SPACINGContext Help FormSetting line spacing
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
MarginsHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_PARAGRAPHS_MARGINS_WITH_THE_KEYBOARDContext Help FormSetting margins
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up NotesH
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Ports\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_PORTS_SETTINGSContext Help FormSpecifying network port options
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sections\formattingBordersColors\section bordersHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_A_SECTIONS_BORDERContext Help FormFormatting a section's border
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Buttons\formattingSizing\buttonsHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_HOW_A_BUTTON_LOOKSContext Help FormChanging a button's label or size
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\formattingBordersHiding\hotspot borderDisplaying\hotspot borderShowing\hotspot borderHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_HOW_A_HOTSPOT_LOOKSContext Help FormHiding or displaying a hotspot's border
International settingsSorting\characters andHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_HOW_NOTES_SORTS_CHARACTERSContext Help FormChanging how Notes sorts characters
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
International settingsImporting\files, and character translationTranslating charactersExporting\files, and character translationHow Do I?H_CHANGING_HOW_NOTES_TRANSLATES_CHARACTERSContext Help FormChanging how Notes translates characters
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
InterNotes Web Navigator URLsWeb Navigator\Internet URLs andHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_INTERNET_URLS_INTO_HOTSPOTSContext Help FormChanging Internet URLs into hotspots
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print}?5^
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\page settingsMarginsHeadersFootersHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_PRINT_MARGINSContext Help FormSetting print margins
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Background colors\documentsColors, background\documentsDocuments\background colorsHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_OF_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormChanging the background color of a document04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
Workspace pages\setupColors\workspace tabsTabs, workspace\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_COLOR_OF_A_WORKSPACE_TABContext Help FormChanging the color of a workspace tab
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsR
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Formatting\textText\formattingFontsPoint sizesColors\textSuperscript textSubscript textStrikethrough textBold textUnderlined textItalic textHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_FONT_SIZE_STYLE_OR_COLOR_OF_TEXTContext Help FormFormatting text
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
International settingsSpell checkerLanguages, spell checkerSetup\spell checkerDictionariesHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_LANGUAGE_YOU_CHECK_SPELLING_WITHContext Help FormChanging the language you check spelling with
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Sizing\SmartIconsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_SIZE_OF_THE_SMARTICONSContext Help FormChanging the size of the SmartIcons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents9
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\spacingRows, table\spacingSpacing\tablesHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_SPACE_BETWEEN_COLUMNS_AND_ROWSContext Help FormSetting the space between columns and rows
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Formulas\hotspots andHotspots\editingText\pop-upPop-up text\changingHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_THE_TEXT_IN_A_POPUPContext Help FormChanging a hotspot's pop-up text
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notesu
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
International settingsTabs, in documents\unit of measurementMarginsHow Do I?H_CHANGING_THE_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENTContext Help FormChanging the unit of measurement
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Data directoryHow Do I?StepsH_CHANGING_YOUR_NOTES_DATA_DIRECTORYContext Help FormChanging your Notes data directory
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_10__USING_MOBILE_NOTESContext Help FormChapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_11__PRINTINGContext Help FormChapter 11 Printing
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_14__SHARING_INFORMATION_WITH_OTHER_APPLICATIONSContext Help FormChapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_1__SETTING_UP_NOTESContext Help FormChapter 1 Setting Up Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_5__READING_CREATING_AND_EDITING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormChapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
ChapAllH_CHAPTER_9__USING_THE_CALENDAR_ASSIGNING_TASKS_AND_SCHEDULING_MEETINGSContext Help FormChapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Spell checkerText\spell checkingDictionariesUser dictionaryDocuments\spell checkingHow Do I?StepsH_CHECKING_SPELLINGContext Help FormChecking spelling
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Locations\choosingHow Do I?StepsH_CHOOSING_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormChoosing a location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notesd;
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Startup settingsLocations\choosingHow Do I?StepsH_CHOOSING_YOUR_LOCATION_AT_STARTUPContext Help FormChoosing your location at startup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
DictionariesStepsH_CHOOSING_YOUR_SPELL_DIRECTORYContext Help FormChoosing your spell directory
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\closingClosing\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_CLOSING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormClosing a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Setup\mouseMouse setupRight mouse buttonHow Do I?StepsH_CLOSING_WINDOWS_WITH_THE_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTONContext Help FormClosing windows with the right mouse button
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsD
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Printing\collapsed sections andPreviewing\collapsed sections andOpening\collapsed sections andEditing\collapsed sections andSections\formattingCollapsing\sectionsExpanding\sectionsHow Do I?StepsH_COLLAPSING_OR_EXPANDING_A_SECTION_AUTOMATICALLYContext Help FormExpanding or collapsing a section automatically
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sections\collapsedCollapsing\text into sectionsText\collapsing into sectionsParagraphs\collapsing into sectionsCreating\sectionsTitles\sectionHow Do I?StepsH_COLLAPSING_TEXT_INTO_A_SECTIONContext Help FormCreating a collapsed section
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace\setupDESKTOP.DSKCompacting\desktop filesHow Do I?StepsH_COMPACTING_YOUR_WORKSPACE_FILEContext Help FormCompacting your workspace files
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Confirming meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CONFIRMING_A_MEETINGContext Help FormConfirming a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\copying and pastingOCXHow Do I?StepsH_COPYING_AND_PASTING_AN_OBJECTContext Help FormCopying and pasting an object or custom control
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\copyingCopying\columnsRows, table\copyingHow Do I?StepsH_COPYING_CELLS_COLUMNS_OR_ROWS_IN_A_TABLEContext Help FormCopying cells, columns, or rows in a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Copying dataClipboard\copying dataPasting data\from other applicationsHow Do I?StepsH_COPYING_DATA_INTO_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormCopying data into a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Deleting\dataRemoving\dataCopying\dataMoving\dataHow Do I?StepsH_COPYING_MOVING_OR_DELETING_DATAContext Help FormCopying, moving, or deleting data
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Buttons\creatingCreating\buttonsFormulas\buttons andActions\buttons andScripts\buttons andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_BUTTONContext Help FormCreating a button
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents+
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\creatingCreating\hotspotsButtons\hotspots andCreating\buttonsActions\hotspots andFormulas\hotspots andScripts\hotspots andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_BUTTON_WITH_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormCreating an action hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
AppointmentsEventsAnniversariesRemindersMeetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRY_FROM_AN_EXISTING_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormCreating a calendar entry from an existing calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsl
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Mail\creating calendar entries fromAppointmentsEventsAnniversariesRemindersMeetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRY_FROM_A_MAIL_MESSAGEContext Help FormCreating a calendar entry from a mail message
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Tasks\creating calendar entries fromAppointmentsEventsAnniversariesRemindersMeetingsHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRY_FROM_A_TASKContext Help FormCreating a calendar entry from a task
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday TasksL7
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Doclinks\creatingCreating\linksLinks\creatingViews\linksDatabases\linksFolders\linksDocuments\linksAnchor linksHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_DOCLINKContext Help FormCreating a link04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\creatingCreating\hotspotsLinks\hotspots andDoclinks\hotspots andCreating\linksHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_DOCLINK_WITH_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormCreating a link hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsX9
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\creatingCreating\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormCreating a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Creating\documentsDocuments\creatingInterNotes Web Navigator URLsWeb Navigator\Internet URLs andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_DOCUMENT_THAT_OPENS_AN_INTERNET_URL_AUTOMATICALLYContext Help FormCreating a document that opens an Internet URL automatically
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks`
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\creatingCreating\hotspotsFormulas\hotspots andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_HOTSPOT_THAT_DISPLAYS_COMPUTED_TEXTContext Help FormCreating a hotspot that displays computed text04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Links\creatingViews\linksDocuments\linksDatabases\linksHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_LINK_TO_A_NOTES_DOCUMENT_VIEW_OR_DATABASEContext Help FormCreating a link to a Notes document, view, or database
Web Navigator\locations andInterNotes server locationsLocations\creatingCreating\locationsEditing\locationsPassthru servers\locations andTime zonesBrowsing\with non-Notes browserHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSetting up a location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsq=
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesCreating\named stylesSaving\named paragraph stylesHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_NAMED_PARAGRAPH_STYLEContext Help FormCreating a named style
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsB`
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
NumbersCreating\numbered listsIndenting textHanging indentHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_NUMBERED_LISTContext Help FormCreating a numbered list
Creating\SmartIcons setsNaming\SmartIcons setsSaving\SmartIcons setsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_SMARTICONS_SETContext Help FormCreating a SmartIcons set
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\creatingCreating\tablesHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_TABLEContext Help FormCreating a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Assigning tasksHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_TASK_FROM_AN_EXISTING_TASKContext Help FormCreating a task from an existing task
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Assigning tasksCalendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_TASK_FROM_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormCreating a task from a calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsr
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Assigning tasksMail\Creating tasks fromHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_TASK_FROM_A_MAIL_MESSAGEContext Help FormCreating a task from a mail message
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsF
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\creatingCreating\hotspotsCreating\URL linksURL links\hotspots andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_URL_LINK_HOTSPOTContext Help FormCreating a URL link hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace pages\creatingCreating\workspace pagesHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_A_WORKSPACE_PAGEContext Help FormCreating a workspace page
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Bitmaps\SmartIcons andCustom SmartIconsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_BITMAPS_FOR_CUSTOM_SMARTICONSContext Help FormCreating bitmaps for custom SmartIcons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes-
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Formulas\SmartIcons andCustom SmartIconsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_CUSTOM_SMARTICONSContext Help FormAssigning formulas to custom SmartIcons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\creatingCreating\hotspotsPop-up text\creatingText\pop-upFormulas\hotspots andHow Do I?StepsH_CREATING_POPUP_TEXT_WITH_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormCreating a pop-up hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
CroppingPrinting\page settingsHow Do I?StepsH_CROPPING_A_PAGEContext Help FormCropping a page
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents#
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Links\customizing description ofHow Do I?StepsH_CUSTOMIZING_THE_STATUS_BAR_DESCRIPTION_OF_A_LINKContext Help FormCustomizing the status bar description of a link
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings)\
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Declining\meeting invitationsHow Do I?StepsH_DECLINING_A_MEETING_INVITATIONContext Help FormDeclining a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Declining\meeting invitationsDelegating\meeting invitationsRescheduling meetingsMeetings\reschedulingHow Do I?StepsH_DECLINING_A_MEETING_INVITATION_AFTER_YOUVE_ACCEPTED_ITContext Help FormChanging your response after accepting a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Declining\tasksHow Do I?StepsH_DECLINING_A_TASKContext Help FormDeclining a task
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Delegating\meeting invitationsHow Do I?StepsH_DELEGATING_A_MEETING_INVITATIONContext Help FormDelegating a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Deleting\calendar entriesRemoving\calendar entriesCalendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormDeleting a calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsF
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Named paragraph stylesDeleting\named stylesRemoving\named stylesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_NAMED_PARAGRAPH_STYLEContext Help FormDeleting a named style
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Deleting\portsRemoving\portsPorts\setupHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_PORTContext Help FormDeleting a port
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings\
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Deleting\calendar entriesRemoving\calendar entriesCalendar entriesRepeating calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_REPEATING_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormDeleting a repeating calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Deleting\SmartIconsRemoving\SmartIcons setsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_SMARTICONS_SETContext Help FormDeleting a SmartIcons set
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Deleting\calendar entriesRemoving\calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_TASKContext Help FormDeleting a task
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes+
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace pages\deletingDeleting\workspace pagesRemoving\workspace pagesHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_A_WORKSPACE_PAGEContext Help FormDeleting a workspace page
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsZd;
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\deletingDeleting\columnsRemoving\columns and rows from tablesRows, table\deletingHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_ONE_COLUMN_OR_ROW_FROM_A_TABLEContext Help FormDeleting one column or row from a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\deletingDeleting\columnsRemoving\columns and rows from tablesRows, table\deletingHow Do I?StepsH_DELETING_SEVERAL_COLUMNS_OR_ROWS_FROM_A_TABLEContext Help FormDeleting several columns or rows from a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Attachments\detachingFile attachments\detachingDetaching filesSaving\file attachmentsCopying\file attachments to diskHow Do I?StepsH_DETACHING_AN_ATTACHED_FILEContext Help FormDetaching an attached file
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Objects\displaying in documentsDisplaying\object dataShowing\object dataHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_AN_OBJECTS_DATAContext Help FormDisplaying an object's data
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\changing displayHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_AN_OBJECT_IN_A_DIFFERENT_FORMATContext Help FormChanging the display of an object
GuideMeAllH_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST--ACCESS_LEVELContext Help FormAccess Control List--Access Level
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can assign named paragraph styles to the F11
key. Then you can press F11
to cycle through named styles when you format paragraphs.
1. Choose Text - Text Properties.
2. Click the Named Styles tab.
3. Click "Assign Styles to Cycle List."
4. Click the named styles you want to assign to the cycle list.
Notes displays a check mark next to the styles assigned to the cycle list
. To remove a style from the cycle list, click the style.
5. Click OK.
See related topics
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About named styles
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Ways to use named styles
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"MS Sans Serif
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You can assign a task to one or more users.
1. If necessary, switch to the To Do view.
2. Click New Task.
3. Enter a brief description of the task in the Subject field.
4. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To set a priority for the task, click High, Medium, or Low.
To specify when the task should be completed,
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specify a date
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in the Due Date field.o
To specify when the task should be started, specify a date in the Start Date field.N
To display the task on your calendar, click "Display Task on My Calendar." (To display the task on your calendar, you must first enter a due date or start date.)
To include more information about the task, enter it in the Additional information field.
5. Click "Assign To Others."
6. Specify the names of one or more users to whom you want to send the task in the Assign to field.
7. (Optional) Specify the names of one or more users to whom you want to send a copy of the task in the cc field.s
8. Click Send.
To save the task without sending it, click Close instead of Send, click Yes, and then click No.
Notes sends a task assignment message and adds the task to the To Do view.
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See details
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See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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1. If necessary, switch to the To Do view.
2. Click New Task.
3. Enter a brief description of the task in the Subject field.
4. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To set a priority for the task, click High, Medium, or Low.
To specify when the task should be completed,
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specify a date
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in the Due Date field.
To specify when the task should be started, specify a date in the Start Date field.N
To display the task on your calendar, click "Display Task on My Calendar."
To include more information about the task, enter it in the Additional information field.
5. w
Click Close.
6. Click Yes when Notes asks if you want to save the document.
Notes adds the task to the To Do view.
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See detailsn
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See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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You can attach a copy of a file to a Notes document.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, click where you want the file attachment to appear.
2. Choose File - Attach.
3. Do one of the following:S
Select the file's drive and directory and then select the file.=
Click here for Windows, OS/2, and UNIX information
On Windows, OS/2 or UNIX, you can select multiple files.
Enter the path and name of the file in the File Name box.
4. (Optional) To prevent Notes from compressing the file, deselect Compress.
5. Click Create (or Open on the Macintosh).
You can also attach files with the File Attach icon in the SmartIcons bar.
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See detailsa
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See related topics
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About attaching files
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Ways to use file attachments
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Ways to share information with other applications
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You can break the link between a linked object and a file.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeu
, choose Edit - External Links.t
2. Select the link.o
3. Click Break Link.
4. Click OK when Notes asks you to confirm that you want to break the link.
5. Click Close._
When you break a link, the object's data remains in the Notes document as "static" text, meaning that you can no longer use the object's server application to edit or update the data.
If you break a link unintentionally, you can restore the link by exiting the document without saving your changes.
See related topics
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Ways to manage objects
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If necessary,
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switch to a location
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where you use a modem to connect to Domino servers (such as Home or Travel).t
2. Do one of the following:l
Choose File - Mobile - Call Server.N
Click the Call Server icon in the SmartIcons bar.a
3. Select the server you want to call.
4. (Optional) To use a different phone number, specify a different phone number, dialing prefix, and/or dialing suffix.
5. Click Auto Dial.i
To add a server to the list displayed in the Call Server dialog box, you
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create a dial-up server connection
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document or a
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remote LAN server connection
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document for the server in your Personal Address Book.
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See related topics
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Ways to specify phone numbers
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Ways to call servers
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Hanging up
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If you need an operator to get an outside line (for example, if you're calling from a hotel room), you can dial a server's phone number manually.
If necessary,
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switch to a location
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where you use a modem to connect to Domino servers (such as Home or Travel).!
2. Do one of the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Call Server.
Click the Call Server icon in the SmartIcons bar.n
3. Click More Options.
4. Click Manual Dial.
5. When Notes prompts you to pick up the phone, call the operator.
6. When the operator connects you to an outside line, dial the number.
7. After the connection is made, hang up the phone.
8. Click OK.
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See related topics
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Ways to call servers
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Hanging up
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1. Double-click the calendar entry the alarm is set for.
2. Click Edit Document.
3. Click Alarm options.
4. Select "Turn Alarm Off."
5. Click OK.
6. Click "Save and Close."
See related topics
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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To cancel a meeting
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Choose Actions - Cancel Meeting.
Notes sends a cancellation message to the invitees. When an invitee opens the message, Notes removes the meeting from the invitee's calendar. If a room or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes cancels the reservation.w
To cancel a repeating meeting
1. Double-click the repeating meeting entry you want to cancel.C
2. Choose Actions - Cancel Meeting.
3. Do one of the following:o
Select "Just this one" to cancel only the selected occurrence of the repeating meeting.
Select "All" to cancel all occurrences of the repeating meeting.
Select "All previous" to cancel the selected occurrence and all previous occurrences of the repeating meeting.
Select "All future" to cancel the selected occurrence and all future occurrences of the repeating meeting.
4. Click OK.
Notes sends a cancellation message to the invitees. When an invitee opens the message, Notes removes the occurrence(s) of the meeting you canceled from the invitee's calendar. If a room or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes cancels the reservation for the occurrence(s) of the meeting you canceled.
See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetingsc
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1. If necessary, double-click the meeting entry and click Edit Document.
2. Choose Actions - Remove - Rooms & Resources.
3. Select the room and/or resource you no longer want and click OK.
4. (Optional)
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Reserve a different room
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If you cancel or change a room reservation, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting.-
If the meeting is a repeating meeting, you cannot cancel or change a room or resource reservation.
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See details
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See related topics
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Reserving a room for a meeting
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Reserving a resource for a meeting
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Ways to schedule meetings
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"MS Sans Serif
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FPalace Script
You can specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes or enter a formula or script for a button.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the button.
3. Choose Button - Edit Button.
4. In the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design pane
, do one of the following:
To specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes, select "Simple action(s)" and click Add Actions. Then select an action, specify any settings Notes needs to perform the action, and click OK. (Note that a button will not perform a simple action unless the document it's in is in edit mode.)
To enter a formula that performs an action, select "Formula" and enter the formula. (You can click Fields & Functions and/or @Commands to specify formula elements.)
To enter a script that performs an action, select "Script" and enter the script. (You can click Event, Fields & Functions, and/or Show browser to specify script elements.)
5. Click the document to close the design pane.
See related topics
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Writing a button script or formula
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Ways to format buttons
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You can use the Table Properties InfoBox to enter a specific column width.
1. Make sure o
the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the column you want to change.t
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.r
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. If necessary, deselect "Fit table width to window."
6. In the Cell width box, enter a new width.
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set column widths in a table
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You can use the
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to set a column's width.
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the column you want to change.
3. Choose View - Ruler.
4. On the ruler, do one or both of the following:
Drag the first thin bar pointer to where you want the column to start.
Drag the second thin bar pointer to where you want the column to end.
See related topics
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About the ruler
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Click here to see this topic
Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set column widths in a table
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"MS Sans Serif
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FPalace Script
You can specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes or enter a formula or script for an action hotspot.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the hotspot.
3. Choose Hotspot - Edit Hotspot.
4. In the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design pane
, do one of the following:
To specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes, select "Simple action(s)" and click Add Actions. Then select an action, specify any settings Notes needs to perform the action, and click OK. (Note that a hotspot will not perform a simple action unless the document it's in is in edit mode.)
To enter a formula that performs an action, select "Formula" and enter the formula. (You can click Fields & Functions and/or @Commands to specify formula elements.)
To enter a script that performs an action, select "Script" and enter the script. (You can click Event, Fields & Functions, and/or Show browser to specify script elements.)
5. Click the document to close the design pane.
See related topics
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Writing a hotspot script or formula
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Ways to format hotspotsP
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FPalace Script
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modes
2. If necessary, format a paragraph with the properties you want to save.
3. Click the paragraph.
4. Choose Text - Text Properties.t
5. Click the Named Styles tab.
6. Click Redefine Style.
7. Select the named style whose properties you want to replace with the selected paragraph's properties.
8. Click OK.
See related topics
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About named styles
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Ways to use named
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You can change the alignment of one or more paragraphs.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.
To align a hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes aligns the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. Click the Alignment tab.
5. Click one of the following Alignment icons:
"Small Fon
o format paragra
Click the Left icon to align text on the left margin.
Click the Center icon to center text.
Click the Right icon to align text on the right margin.
Click the Full icon to align text proportionally between the left and right margins.
Click the No Wrap icon to turn off word wrapping and display text on one line.
You can also align paragraphs with the Text Align Left, Text Align Center, and Text Align Right icons in the SmartIcons bar.
See related topics
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Ways to format paragraphs
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You can use the
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to set the left margin of one or more paragraphs.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeo
2. r
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose View - Ruler.
4. On the ruler, drag the lower pentagon pointer to where you want the left margin.
See related topics
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About the rulerA
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set marginsc
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You can change the amount of space between lines in one or more paragraphs. You can also change the amount of space above or below one or more paragraphs.
1. s
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modet
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.A
To set line spacing for a hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes sets line spacing for the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. Click the Alignment tab.
5. Do any of the following:
In the Interline box, select the amount of space you want between the lines of each selected paragraph.
In the Above box, select the amount of space you want between each selected paragraph and the paragraph above it.
In the Below box, select the amount of space you want between each selected paragraph and the paragraph below it.
You can also use Text - Spacing to set the spacing below paragraphs.
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Ways to format paragraphss
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You can use the Text Properties InfoBox to set specific margin widths for one or more paragraphs.
Notes uses the left margin you specify for display and printing and uses the right margin you specify for printing. Notes automatically sets the right margin for display based on the size of the Notes window.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)r
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.y
To set margins for a hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes sets margins for the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. If you want to change the left margin for display and printing, do the following:
Click the Alignment tab.
In the "Left margin" box, enter a new margin.
5. If you want to change the right margin for printing, do the following:
Click the Page tab.
ee this topic
In the "Right margin (for printing)" box, select Other and enter a new margin.
Make sure you specify the right margin in relation to the page size. For example, to specify a 1" right margin on 8.5" wide paper, set the right margin to 7.5".
You can also
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set print margins
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for an entire document. To do so, choose File - Page Setup (on the Macintosh, choose File - Print and click Margins).
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set margins
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You can specify driver-specific options for NetBIOS, NWSPX, TCP/IP, and AppleTalk network ports.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select the network port (for example, LAN0).
4. Under Driver, click
Options, where
is the port name (for example, LAN0 Options).
5. Specify the options you want and click OK.
6. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
For information on the options you can specify for your network driver, see Domino Administration Help or your network administrator.c
See related topics
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Setting up a modem port
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Ways to set up ports
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You can change the style and color of a section's border.s
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the section.
3. Choose Section - Section Properties.e
4. Click the Title tab.e
5. Under Section border, do one or both of the following:
Select a border style.
Select a border color.
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Ways to format sectionsr
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You can specify text or a formula that sets the text for a section's title.c
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modew
2. Click the section.n
3. Choose Section - Section Properties.p
4. Click the Title tab.h
5. Under Title, do one of the following:
Select Text and enter a new title.
Select Formula and enter the formula you want to use to set the new title.
To hide the title when the section is expanded, click the Expand/Collapse tab and select "Hide title when expanded."
Make sure you don't use carriage returns, hotspots, or buttons in section titles.
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Writing a section title formulac
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Ways to format sections
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You can specify standard borders, extruded borders, or embossed borders for a table. Extruded borders appear to be raised from the page and embossed borders appear to be pressed or stamped into the page.
To format table borders:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
Select the cells of the table whose borders you want to change.
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.o
4. Click the Borders tab.
5. (Optional) To set borders for only the outer sides of the current selection, select Outline.N
By default Notes sets borders for each cell in the current selection individually.c
6. Select a border style: Standard, Extruded, or Embossed.
7. Do one of the following:
Select a border thickness for each side of the selected table cells. You can select a thickness from zero to ten for each side.
To set the border on all sides to a thickness of one, click "Set All To 1."
To remove the border from all sides, click "Set All To Zero."t
To change the background color of table cells:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode_
2. Select the cells of the table whose color you want to change.
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.
4. Click the Colors tab.
5. Select a background color for the cells.t
6. (Optional) To apply the new color to the entire table, click Apply to Entire Table.
7. (Optional) To make the new color transparent, click Make Transparent.
To change the table layout:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the cells of the table whose layout you want to change.c
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.G
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. Select a cell width, space between columns, space between rows and left margin for the cells.
6. (Optional) To fit the table in the window regardless of size, select "Fit table width to window."
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Ways to format tables
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You can set the left margin for an entire table.
1. o
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click anywhere in the table.o
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.I
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. In the Left Margin box, enter a new left margin.
The default left margin is 1" (2.54 cm).
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to format tables
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You can have Notes adjust column widths in a table so that the table fits the window it's in.A
Make sure the document is in c
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click anywhere in the table.r
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. Do one of the following:C
Deselect "Fit table width to window" to cancel automatic sizing and keep the table one size.
Select "Fit table width to window" to automatically size the table to fit the window it's in.
"Fit table width to window" is selected by default. If you want to
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set a specific width for a column
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, deselect "Fit table width to window" first.
See related topics
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Ways to format tablesu
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You can change the text on a button, the size of a button, and whether the text on a button wraps.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the button.
3. Choose Button - Button Properties.o
4. Click the Presentation tab.
a button wraps.
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Format a
5. Do one or more of the following:
To change the button's label, enter new text.
To change the button's width, enter a new size.
To change whether the button's label wraps to a new line, click Wrap text.
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to format buttons
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the hotspot.
3. Choose Hotspot - Hotspot Properties.
4. Click the Presentation tab.
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design pane
5. Select or deselect "Show border around hotspot."
Hiding a hotspot's border is useful if the hotspot area is a graphic or non-rectangular area (make sure users will recognize that they can click the area).
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Ways to format hotspotsi
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You can change how Notes sorts characters, for example, when Notes sorts categories in a view. (Notes sorts numbers and accented characters before letters by default.)
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click International.
3. Do any of the following:
Select "Scandinavian collation" to sort some accented characters last.
Select "Numbers last collation" to sort numbers after letters.
Select "French casing" to remove accent marks from most letters when they are changed from lowercase to uppercase.
4. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.b
5. Click OK when Notes tells you some preferences will not take effect until you restart Notes.
To sort documents again with the new settings, restart Notes and press SH+F9.n
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See detailsO
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See related topics
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Ways to specify international settings
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When you import or export, you can specify the character translation file Notes uses to translate special characters, such as international currency symbols.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click International.
3. Click Import/Export Character Set.
4. Do one of the following:
Select a character translation file.
Under "Translation File Name," type the name of a character translation file.
5. Click OK.
6. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.s
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See detailsa
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See related topics
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Importing a file into a document
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Exporting a document to a file
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Ways to specify international settings
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You can have Notes change uniform resource locators (URLs), or World Wide Web page addresses, into hotspots. If you have access to either the Personal or Server Web Navigator database, you can then click the hotspots to open Web pages inside the database.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under "Advanced options," select "Make Internet URLs (http://...) into Hotspots."
3. Click OK.
To open pages using the Server Web Navigator database:
1. Choose File - Mobile - Edit Current Location.
2. Under "Retrieve/open pages," select "from InterNotes server."
3. Under "InterNotes server," specify the InterNotes
server name.
See related topics
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Ways to specify advanced settings
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Ways to open Web pages from outside the Web Navigator database
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Opening a page from a Notes document
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Quickstart: Using the Personal Web Navigator
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Quickstart: Using the Server Web Navigator
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You can set margins for a print job.
1. Choose File - Page Setup.
2. Under Margins, do any of the following:
In the Top or Bottom box, enter the amount of space you want between the top or bottom edge of the page and the text area. The default is 1" (or 2.54 cm).
In the Extra Left or Extra Right box, enter the amount of space you want to add to the left or right margin. The default is 0.
In the Header or Footer box, enter the amount of extra space you want between the top or bottom edge of the page and the header or footer text. The default is 0.5" (or 1.27 cm).
3. Click OK.
You can also _
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set the left and right margins for individual paragraphs
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. To do so, use Text - Text Properties.
Click here for Macintosh information
To set margins for a print job, choose File - Print and click Margins.
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Choose File - Document Properties.
3. Click the Background tab.
4. Select a different background color.
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Adding a picture to the background of a document
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1. Double-click the workspace tab.
2. Click the Tabs tab.
3. Under Tab color, select a color.
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Ways to set up your workspace
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You can use the Text Properties InfoBox to change the font, point size, style, and/or color of text.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Do one of the following:
To format existing text, select the text.
To format new text, click where you want to enter the text.,
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.o
To format a section title or button label, select the section or button and choose Section - Section Properties or Button - Button Properties.
4. Click the Font tab.
Times New R
5. Select a font, size, style, and/or color.
You can
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use permanent pen
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to add comments to existing text in a different font. To do so, choose Text - Permanent Pen and enter text.
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See detailsQ
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See related topics
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Ways to format paragraphs
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If your version of Notes includes more than one language dictionary (for example, if you're using Notes outside North America), you can choose a different dictionary.
The default dictionary within North America is American English (LOTUSEN1.DIC).
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click International.
3. Click Spelling Dictionary.l
4. Select the language you want and click OK.
5. If necessary, select the directory the dictionary file is in and click OK.
6. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
Language dictionary files have the extension .DIC and are located in your Notes program directory (as opposed to USER.DIC, your personal dictionary of terms, which is located in your Notes data directory).
See related topics
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About checking spelling
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Checking spellingC
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Ways to specify international settings
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If you're using Windows or OS/2, you can increase or decrease the size of the SmartIcons bar onscreen.
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Click Icon Size.
3. Select a size and click OK.
4. Click OK to close the SmartIcons dialog box.s
Some monitors don't communicate their type (VGA or Super VGA) correctly to the operating system. On these monitors, you can display SmartIcons properly by changing their size.e
See related topics
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Moving the SmartIcons
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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1. e
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode_
2. Click anywhere in the table.
3. Choose Table - Table Properties.B
4. Click the Layout tab.
5. Do one or both of the following:
In the "Space between columns" box, enter a new amount.S
In the "Space between rows" box, enter a new amount.
The default amount of space between columns and rows is 0.0".
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to format tables
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You can change the text or the formula that sets the text that a pop-up hotspot displays.
To change a pop-up hotspot's text
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the hotspot.d
3. Choose Hotspot - Hotspot Properties.
4. Click the Presentation tab.
o see this topic
design pane
5. Enter new text.
To change a pop-up hotspot's formula
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the hotspot.d
3. Choose Hotspot - Edit Hotspot.C
4. In the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design pane.
, enter a new formula.
5. Click the document to close the design pane.
See related topics
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Writing a hotspot script or formula
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Ways to format hotspotss
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You can change the unit of measurement Notes uses. For example, you can use inches or centimeters when you set margins or tabs. (Notes uses inches by default.)t
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click International.
3. Under Measurements, do one of the following:/
Select Imperial to use inches.
Select Metric to use centimeters.
4. Click OK.
See related topics
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Ways to specify international settings
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You can change your Notes data directory (or Data folder on the Macintosh).
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Enter the path to your new Notes data directory in the "Local database directory" box. (On the Macintosh, click Browse under "Notes data folder," select your new Data folder, and click Choose
<Folder name>
3. Click OK.
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See detailsx
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See related topics
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Ways to specify basic settings
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This chapter tells how to use Notes when your computer is not connected to a network.
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This chapter tells how to move information between Notes and other applications.
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This chapter tells how to set up and configure Lotus
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This chapter tells how to add appointments and reminders to your calendar, assign tasks, schedule meetings, and reserve rooms and resources.
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You can check the spelling of all text or selected text within a document.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. (Optional) If you want to check the spelling of selected text, select the text.
3. Choose Edit - Check Spelling.
4. For each word Notes does not recognize, do one of the following:
To change the spelling, enter a different spelling or select a guess and click Replace.
To keep the spelling, click Skip.
To keep the spelling and add the word to your user dictionary (so Notes recognizes the word the next time), click Define.h
5. Click Done when you are through checking spelling.
See related topics
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About checking spellingW
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Adding or deleting words from your user dictionary
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Changing the language you check spelling with1
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You can switch to a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
that contains communication settings that apply to where you're currently working.l
1. Do one of the following:w
Choose File - Mobile - Choose Current Location.c
Click the location indicator on the status bar.
2. Select a location.6
3. If necessary, click OK.
You can have Notes ask for your current location each time you start Notes. To do so, choose File - Tools - User Preferences, select "Prompt for location," and click OK.l
See related topics
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About locations
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Setting up a locatione
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Ways to call servers
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You can have Notes ask for your current
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
each time you start Notes. This is useful if you use Notes at more than one location.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Select "Prompt for location" and click OK.
3. Click OK when Notes tells you some preferences will not take effect until you restart Notes.
See related topics
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Setting up a location
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Ways to specify startup settings
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Notes cannot find the default dictionary file in your Notes program directory. The following could cause this:
You tried to check spelling, but the default dictionary file is not in your Notes program directory. Select the directory the file is in and click OK.
You tried to change the language you check spelling with, but you don't have the dictionary file that corresponds to the language you selected. Click Cancel and then click OK when Notes tells you it can't find the selected dictionary file. Then select a language for which you have the corresponding dictionary file and click OK.
The default dictionary within North America is American English (LOTUSEN1.DIC).u
See related topics
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Changing the language you check spelling with
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To close a document
1. Choose File - Close or press ESC.
If you made changes to the document, Notes asks if you want to save the document.e
2. If necessary, do one of the following:i
Click Yes to save your changes and close the document.
Click No to discard your changes and close the document.
Click Cancel to leave the document open.
To close a document and open the next document
1. Make sure the document is in
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You can read but not modify a document. To modify a document, you must have Editor access (or better) to the database or you must be the document's author.
read mode$
2. Press ENTER or click the Next icon in the SmartIcons bar.
To close a document and open the next unread documenth
1. Make sure the document is in
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You can read but not modify a document. To modify a document, you must have Editor access (or better) to the database or you must be the document's author.
read mode
2. Click the Next Unread icon in the SmartIcons bar.
in th
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Ways to read documents
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If you're using Windows, OS/2, or UNIX, you can choose whether double-clicking the right mouse button closes the current Notes window.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under Advanced options, select or deselect "Right double-click closes window."
3. Click OK.
You can click the right mouse button to display a menu related to what you're doing in Notes. (On the Macintosh, you can display this menu by pressing OPTION and clicking the mouse.)
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Ways to specify advanced settingsa
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You can collapse or expand a section automatically when the document it's in is previewed, read, edited, or printed.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode_
2. Click the section.y
3. Choose Section - Section Properties.
4. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.p
5. For each document state, do one of the following:
Select "Don't auto expand or collapse" to cancel automatic collapsing or expanding.,
Select "Auto-expand section" to expand the section automatically.p
Select "Auto-collapse section" to collapse the section automatically.N
See related topics
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Ways to format sectionsO
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You can collapse one or more paragraphs into a section. Readers can expand the section when they want to read its contents.
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. p
Select the paragraph(s) you want to collapse into a section.
3. Choose Create - Section.
You must be in a i
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to create a collapsed section.p
Notes uses the first paragraph as the section title by default. To
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change a section's title
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, use Section - Section Properties.-
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See examples
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See related topics
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About collapsed sections
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Expanding or collapsing a section
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Ways to format sections
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Ways to add information to documents
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You can save disk space by compacting your DESKTOP.DSK and CACHE.DSK files. This recovers unused disk space by removing references to databases you no longer have on your workspace.
To compact workspace files:
1. Double-click any workspace tab.
2. Click the Information tab.
3. Click "% used."
4. If the percentage is under 85%, click Compact.@
To keep the CACHE.DSK file small as you work:
Under "Use no more than
Mb locally for server-based design element such as forms and subforms," choose the number of megabytes (from 1 to 16) to which you want to limit the CACHE.DSK file.
When you limit the size of the CACHE.DSK file, Notes removes older, unused cached design elements to make room for new ones.
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Ways to set up your workspace_
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1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Click Send Confirmation.i
Notes sends a confirmation message to the invitees.
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Ways to schedule meetings
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You can copy and paste an entire OLE object or OLE custom control, or a picture of the object or control. You can also copy and paste data from within an OLE custom control.l
To copy an OLE object or a picture of an OLE object:
1. With the document in edit mode, click the object.
2. Do one of the following:
To create an editable copy of the OLE object, choose Edit - Copy.
To create a picture of the OLE object, choose <object menu> - Copy External.
3. Click outside the object.
4. Choose Edit - Paste.
To copy an OLE custom control, a picture of a control, or data from a control:
1. With the document in edit mode, click the control and select the data you want to copy.
2. Do one of the following:
To create an editable copy of the control, choose Applet - Copy.
To create a picture of the control, choose Applet - Copy External.
To create a copy of selected data in the control, choose Edit - Copy.
3. Do one of the following:
Select the location in the document where you want to paste the new control or the picture of the control.
Select the location within the control where you want to paste the data (for example, in a spreadsheet, select a different cell).
4. Choose Edit - Paste.
See related topics
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Ways to manage objects
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You can copy one or more cells, columns, or rows in a table.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the table data you want to copy.
3. Choose Edit - Copy.
4. Click where you want to place the data.
5. Choose Edit - Paste.
If you copy table data outside a table, Notes copies column and row borders with the data.
See related topics
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Ways to format tables
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You can use the Clipboard to copy data from another application into a Notes document.
1. In the application, select the data you want and copy it to the Clipboard.
2. In Notes, open in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
the document you want to copy the data to.e
3. Click where you want the copied data to appear.
If you want to replace existing data with the copied data, select the existing data.
4. Choose Edit - Paste.
Make sure you're in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field when you paste formatted text or graphics into Notes.
If Edit - Paste produces unexpected results, try using Edit - Paste Special to paste the data in a different data format.
See related topics
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About the Clipboard
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Copying, moving, or deleting data
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Ways to share information with other applications
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You can copy, move, or delete data such as text and graphics, as well as features such as links and objects.
1. Select the data.
2. Do one of the following:
To copy data, choose Edit - Copy.
To move data, choose Edit - Cut.
To delete data, choose Edit - Clear.
3. If you copied or cut data, do the following:
Click where you want to place the data.
Choose Edit - Paste.
You can also cut, copy, and paste data with the Edit Cut, Edit Copy, and Edit Paste icons in the SmartIcons bar.
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See details
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See related topics
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About the Clipboardi
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Editing a document
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You can create a button that lets readers perform a Notes action, such as sending a mail message. This is an example of a button that opens a database:
=Joe Levine/OU=C
oe Levine/OU=CAM
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click where you want the button to appear.
3. Choose Create - Hotspot - Button.
4. In the Button properties box, enter the label you want to appear on the button.
5. In the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design paneu
, do one of the following:
To specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes, select "Simple action(s)" and click Add Actions. Then select an action, specify any settings Notes needs to perform the action, and click OK. (Note that a button will not perform a simple action unless the document it's in is in edit mode.)
To enter a formula that performs an action, select "Formula" and enter the formula. (You can click Fields & Functions and/or @Commands to specify formula elements.)
To enter a script that performs an action, select "Script" and enter the script. (You can click Event, Fields & Functions, and/or Show browser to specify script elements.)c
6. Click the document to close the design pane.m
You must be in a r
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textf
field to create a button.
See related topics
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Writing a button script or formula
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Ways to format buttons
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Using a button
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Creating an action hotspot
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Ways to add information to documents
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You can add a hotspot to an area of a document (such as text or a graphic) that lets users perform a Notes action. This is an example of an action hotspot that sends a mail message:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the area you want to add the hotspot to.
3. Choose Create - Hotspot - Action Hotspot.
4. In the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design panec
, do one of the following:
To specify a pre-programmed action that Notes includes, select "Simple action(s)" and click Add Actions. Then select an action, specify any settings Notes needs to perform the action, and click OK. (Note that a hotspot will not perform a simple action unless the document it's in is in edit mode.)
To enter a formula that performs an action, select "Formula" and enter the formula. (You can click Fields & Functions and/or @Commands to specify formula elements.)
To enter a script that performs an action, select "Script" and enter the script. (You can click Event, Fields & Functions, and/or Show browser to specify script elements.)
5. Click the document to close the design pane.a
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to create a hotspot.
See related topics
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Writing a hotspot script or formula
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Ways to format hotspots
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Ways to create hotspotst
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Using a hotspot
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Creating a button
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1. Select or open the calendar entry you want to use.t
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New Calendar Entry.A
3. Change any information you want in the new calendar entry.e
4. Save and close the calendar entry.d
See related topics
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Editing a calendar entry
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Inviting people to a meeting
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Ways to create calendar entriesc
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1. Select or open the message you want to use.
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New Calendar Entry.
3. Change any information you want in the new calendar entry.
4. Save and close the calendar entry.
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See details.
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See related topics
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Editing a calendar entry
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Inviting people to a meeting
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Ways to create calendar entries
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1. Select or open the calendar entry you want to use.
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New Calendar Entry.
3. Change any information you want in the new calendar entry.
4. Save and close the calendar entry.
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See details
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See related topics
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Editing a calendar entry
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Inviting people to a meeting
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Ways to create calendar entries
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You can create a link that lets readers switch to another document, view, folder, or database. This is an example of a link that leads to another document:
1. Do one of the following:
To create a link to another document, select or open the document and choose Edit - Copy as Link - Document Link.
To create a link to a particular location in another document, open the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, click the location in the document, choose Edit - Copy as Link - Anchor Link, and click OK.+
To create a link to a view or folder, select or switch to the view or folder and choose Edit - Copy as Link - View Link.
To create a link to a database, select or open the database and choose Edit - Copy as Link - Database Link.
2. Open the document you want to add the link to in edit mode.
3. Click where you want the link to appear.
4. Choose Edit - Paste.e
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textf
field to create a link.
See related topics
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Using a link
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Creating a link hotspote
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Customizing the status bar description of a link
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Ways to add information to documents
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You can add a hotspot to an area of a document (such as text or a graphic) that lets users switch to another document, view, folder, or database. This is an example of a link hotspot that leads to another document:
1. Do one of the following:
In the @
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The pane that displays documents in each view or folder as rows and columns of information.
view pane
, click the document you want to link to.
In the
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The pane that either displays icons for all views, folders, and agents in a database, or displays the current navigator.
navigation pane`
, click the view or folder you want to link to.
In the workspace, click the database you want to link to.a
2. Choose Edit - Copy as Link.
3. Open the document you want to add the hotspot to in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modey
4. Select the area you want to add the hotspot to.
5. Choose Create - Hotspot - Link Hotspot.
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textu
field to create a hotspot.C
See related topics
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Ways to format hotspotsd
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to create hotspots
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Using a hotspot
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Creating a link
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Customizing the status bar description of a link
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You create a document in a database by choosing one of the database's
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Forms control how you edit, display, and print documents. A form can contain fields, static text, graphics, and special objects. A database can have any number of forms.
and entering information into it.
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Open the database
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you want to create a document in.
2. Choose a form from the Create menu.
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See detailsc
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See related topics
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About documents
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Creating a mail message
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Ways to add information to documents
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Ways to save documents
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Editing a document
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If a database designer m
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enables automatic URL launch for a form
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, you can use the form to create a document that opens a World Wide Web page automatically. When a user opens the document, Notes opens the Web page that corresponds to the uniform resource locator (URL) you specify.
1. Choose Create - <Form>, where <Form> is the name of a form that is enabled to open a URL automatically (for example, URL Launcher).
2. In the URL text field, specify the entire syntax of the URL (for example, http://www.lotus.com).
Make sure you include the URL protocol (for example, http://).
3. (Optional) Enter data in other fields in the document.
When the document is opened, Notes opens the URL in a Web Navigator database on the user's workspace.
See related topics
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Creating a document
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Ways to open web pages from outside the Web Navigator database
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Quickstart: Using the Personal Web Navigator
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Quickstart: Using the Server Web Navigator
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You can add a hotspot to a document that displays text based on a formula you specify.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click where you want to add the hotspot.
3. Choose Create - Computed Text.
4. In the design pane, enter the formula you want. (You can click Fields & Functions to specify formula elements.)
5. Click the document to close the design pane.
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to create a hotspot.
See related topics
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Writing a hotspot script or formula
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Ways to format hotspotsP
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Ways to create hotspots
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If you're using Windows, you can create a link to a Notes document, view, or database in Notes or in another
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
OLE 2e
client application by creating an
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
. Then you can double-click the object in the application to open the document, view, or database in Notes.t
1. In Notes, open the document, view, or database you want to link to.
2. Choose Edit - Copy as Link and choose Document Link, View Link, or Database Link.
3. In the application, click where you want the Notes link to appear.t
4. Choose Edit - Paste Special.A
5. Choose Paste Link (or the application's option equivalent).
6. Click OK.
If you're using Windows 95, you can create a link to a Notes document, view, or database on the Windows desktop. To do so, perform steps 1 and 2 above, click the right mouse button on the Windows desktop, and choose Paste Shortcut.
If you're using Windows, you can create a link to a Notes document or database by dragging the document or database into another OLE 2 client application, avoiding the need to copy and paste.b
When you create a Notes link in some OLE 2 client applications and open the file that contains the link, the application launches Notes (if necessary) and opens the linked document, view, or database.
See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objects
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Ways to manage objects
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Ways to add objects to documents
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You can set up location documents in your Personal Address Book that let you use different sets of communication settings at different places where you work with Notes.
1. Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Notes opens the Locations view of your Personal Address Book.
2. Do one of the following:
To create a location document, click Add Location.
To edit a location document, select the location and click Edit Location.o
3. Under Basics, in the Location name field, enter a name for this location.
4. Under Basics, in the Location type field, do one of the following:
To set up a location for network use, select "Local Area Network."
To set up a location for mobile use, select "Dialup Modem."
To set up a location for network and mobile use, select "Both Dialup and Local Area Network."o
To set up a disconnected location, select "No connection."
Notes displays different options depending on the location type you select.
5. (Optional) Under Basics, in the Prompt for time/date/phone field, select Yes if you want Notes to ask you for location-specific information when you use the location.m
6. Under Basics, in the Web Proxy field,
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specify options for connecting to the Internet via a proxy servern
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7. (Optional) Under Internet Browser, do any of the following:
Select a browser to use at this location--Notes, Notes with Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigatorl
, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Other. If you select Other, click Browse to specify the location of the application in your operating system.1
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Select an option for retrieving or opening Internet Web pagesd
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8. (Optional) Under Servers, do any of the following:y
In the Home/mail server field, enter the name of your mail server.
In the Passthru server field,
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specify a passthru server for the location
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(if you have access to one).
In the InterNotes server field, enter the hierarchical name of your InterNotes server (if you have access to one).
You can access the World Wide Web through Notes using either the Personal Web Navigator or the Server Web Navigator.l
(Optional) Do any of the following:y
Under Ports,
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select ports for the locationf
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Under Phone Dialing,
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specify phone information for the location
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(if you select a mobile location type).
Under Mail,
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specify mail options for the locationN
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Under Replication,
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specify a replication schedule for the locationt
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10. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
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See detailsl
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See related topics
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About locations
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Choosing a location
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Quickstart: Using the Personal Web Navigator
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Quickstart: Using the Server Web Navigator
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You can use the Text Properties InfoBox to save a combination of paragraph properties (such as alignment, indentation, and margins) that you use regularly as a named style.
1. O
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. If necessary, format a paragraph with the properties you want to save.
3. Click the paragraph.
4. Choose Text - Text Properties.
5. Click the Named Styles tab.
6. Click Create Style.
7. Enter a name for the paragraph style.
8. (Optional) Do any of the following:
Deselect "Include font in named style" if you don't want to save the selected paragraph's font in the named style.
Select "Make style available for all documents" to make the style available when you format paragraphs in other documents in the database.
Select "Include this style in Cycle Key [F11]" to make the style available when you press F11 to cycle through named styles.
9. Click OK.
See related topics
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About named styles
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Ways to use named
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You can create a numbered list automatically by adding numbers to paragraphs.K
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modet
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
you want to start with a number.
3. Choose Text - Numbers.
You can also add numbers with the Numbered List icon in the SmartIcons bar.
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See related topics
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Ways to create lists
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Ways to format paragraphs
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Ways to add information to documents
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You can create a new SmartIcons set by modifying an existing SmartIcons set.
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. In the box above the second column of icons, select the SmartIcons set you want to modify.
Try to select the SmartIcons set that is most similar to the set you want to create.
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Add SmartIcons to the set
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remove SmartIcons from the set
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until it contains the ones you want.t
4. Click Save Set.
5. Enter a name of up to 15 characters for the set.a
6. (Optional) Enter a file name with the extension .SMI for the set.
If you don't enter a file name, Notes uses the first eight characters of the set name to create the file name. (On the Macintosh, Notes automatically uses the set name as the file name.)o
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK to close the SmartIcons dialog box.
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See details
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See related topics
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Deleting a SmartIcons set
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Ways to set up SmartIconsQ
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Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moded
2. Click where you want the table to appear.
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to create a table.
3. Choose Create - Table.
4. Specify the number of columns and rows you want in the table.
5. Click OK.
Notes adjusts the widths of the columns to fit the current window by default. You can
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set a column's width
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specify other table settings
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in the Table Properties InfoBox.
You can also create a table with the Create Table icon in the SmartIcons bar.
See related topics
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Ways to format tablesl
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Ways to add information to documents
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1. Select or open the task you want to use.
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New task.r
3. Change any information you want in the new task.
4. Save and close the task.&
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Ways to create tasks
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1. Select or open the calendar entry you want to use.
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New Task.
3. Change any information you want in the new task.
4. Save and close the task.
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See detailsa
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See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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1. Select or open the message you want to use.
2. Choose Actions - Copy Into - New Task.
3. Change any information you want in the new task.
4. Save and close the task.
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See detailse
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See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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You can add a hotspot to an area of a document (such as text or a graphic) that lets users follow a URL (universal resource locator) link to a Web page. By default, Notes formats the hotspot as bold underline.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modee
2. Select the area you want to add the hotspot to.
3. Choose Create - Hotspot - URL Link.
In the Properties box, enter the URL for the Web page you want users to go to, and click the checkmark.
For example, enter http://www.lotus.com to go to the Lotus home page.
You must be in a O
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to create a hotspot.
See related topics
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Ways to format hotspots
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Ways to create hotspots
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Using a hotspote
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About using Notes to browse the Web
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You can have up to 32 workspace pages (plus the Replicator workspace page).o
1. Click a workspace tab.
Notes inserts the workspace page to the left of the selected workspace page.
2. Choose Create - Workspace Page.
If you haven't added a workspace page before, Notes asks if you want to upgrade your desktop file.
3. If necessary, click Yes to add the workspace page and upgrade your desktop file or click No to cancel adding the page.
If you add a workspace page to your desktop file, you can't use the file with previous releases of Notes.
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Ways to set up your workspace
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You can prepare your own bitmaps for use as SmartIcons.
1. Create a drawing.
Make sure the drawing is no larger than 22 pixels by 22 pixels.
2. Save the drawing as a .BMP file.S
3. Copy the .BMP file to your Notes SmartIcons directory (in Windows, the \WIN subdirectory of the Notes data directory; in Windows 95 and Windows NT
, the \W32 subdirectory of the Notes data directory; in OS/2, the \OS/2 subdirectory of the Notes data directory; in UNIX, the \UNIX subdirectory of the Notes data directory; on the Macintosh, the SmartIcons Sets folder in the Notes Data folder).
See related topics
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Assigning formulas to custom SmartIcons
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Editing custom SmartIcons formulas
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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Notes provides custom SmartIcons to which you can assign your own formulas.
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Click Edit Icon.A
3. Select an icon.
4. Enter a brief description of the icon.
Notes displays the description when you hold the mouse over the icon in the SmartIcons bar. To make sure that text wraps properly, include spaces between words in the description.A
5. Click Formula (or Assign Macro on the Macintosh).
6. Enter a formula for the icon and click OK.f
7. Click Done.
8. Click OK to close the SmartIcons dialog box.
After you assign formulas to custom SmartIcons, you can
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add them to a SmartIcons set
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See related topics
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Writing formulas for SmartIcons
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Editing custom SmartIcons formulas
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Creating bitmaps for custom SmartIcons
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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You can add a hotspot to an area of a document (such as text or a graphic) that lets users display pop-up text. This is an example of a pop-up hotspot:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the area you want to add the hotspot to.
3. Do one of the following:
Choose Create - Hotspot - Text Pop-up and enter the text you want the pop-up to display.
Choose Create - Hotspot - Formula Pop-up and enter a formula in the
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The pane that displays design options, as well as areas to enter design information.
design pane
that will set the text you want the pop-up to display.i
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich texth
field to create a hotspot.
You must be in
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You can read but not modify a document. To modify a document, you must have Editor access (or better) to the database or you must be the document's author.
read mode
to display pop-up text. To test a pop-up hotspot after you create it, return the document to read mode first.
See related topics
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Writing a hotspot script or formula
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Ways to format hotspotsn
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Ways to create hotspots
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Using a hotspot
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You can reduce the area of the page you print on.p
1. Choose File - Page Setup.
2. Under "Page size cropping," enter the width and height of the area of the page you want to print on.
This area is measured from the upper left corner of the page.
3. Click OK.
To print indicators in the bottom right corner of each page that show the edges of the cropped area, select "Print Crop Marks." This is useful when you're sending documents to your aprint service.
Click here for Macintosh information
To crop a page, choose File - Print and click Margins.
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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A document, view, or database link is automatically created with a description showing where the link will go when someone clicks it--for example, for a view link, the name of the database and the name of the view. This description appears in the status bar when a user moves the cursor over the link. You can customize the description, perhaps to provide a database server and database file name.t
1. Select the link.a
2. Choose Link - Link Properties.
3. Delete the text in the Link Description box and enter the customized text you want to appear.
4. Click the check mark.
See related topics
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Using a link
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Creating a link hotspot
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Ways to add information to documents
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To decline a meeting invitation
1. Open the invitation.F
2. Click Decline.
Notes sends a message with your response to the meeting chairperson.
To decline a meeting invitation and send comments to the chairperson
1. Open the invitation.
2. Click Other.
3. Select Decline in the "Action to take" field.
4. Enter your comments in the "Comments to include" field and click OK.
Notes sends a message with your response and your comments to the meeting chairperson.
To view your calendar while you're responding to the invitation, click Check Calendar. To return to the invitation, press ESC.
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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If you accept a meeting invitation and then decide that you can't attend, you can decline or delegate the invitation. You can also propose a different date, time, or location for the meeting.
To decline or delegate a meeting invitation after accepting it
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Click Other.
3. Select Decline or Delegate in the "Action to take" field.
4. (Optional) Enter comments in the "Comments to include" field.
5. Click OK.
6. If you selected Delegate, specify the name of the user to whom you want to delegate the meeting invitation and click OK.
Notes sends a message with your new response to the meeting chairperson. If you delegated the invitation, Notes also sends a meeting invitation to the user you specified.
When you delegate a meeting invitation, you are no longer considered an invitee and will not receive any further information about the meeting (such as reschedule or confirmation messages) unless you are invited to it again.
To propose a different date, time, or location for the meeting
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Click Other.
3. Select "Propose Alternative Time/Location" in the "Action to take" field and click OK.
4. Do any of the following:t
To propose a different date,
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specify a different date
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in the Proposed date field.
To propose a different time, v
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specify a different time
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in the Proposed time field.
To I
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propose a specific roomi
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, click "Propose Specific Room," select the room, and click OK.
To t
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propose any available room
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, click "Find Available Room," select a site, and click OK.c
5. (Optional) Enter a reason for the proposed change in the "Reason for change" field.
6. Click "Send Counter Proposal."
Notes sends a counter-proposal message to the meeting chairperson. When the chairperson
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accepts or declines the counter-proposal
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, Notes sends you the chairperson's response.
To view your calendar while you're changing your response, click Check Calendar. To return to the meeting entry, press ESC.
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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When another user assigns a task to you, you can ask the user to reassign the task.
1. If necessary, switch to the Inbox folder.
2. Open the task assignment message.
3. Click Please Reassign.
4. Do one of the following:
To send a reassignment message without comments, click No.
To send a reassignment message with comments, click Yes, enter your comments, click Send, and then click OK.
Notes displays the task in the Rejected category of the To Do view and sends a reassignment message to the user who assigned the task to you.D
See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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You can ask someone to attend a meeting in your place.
1. Open the invitation.
2. Click Other.
3. Select Delegate in the "Action to take" field.
4. (Optional) Enter comments in the "Comments to include" field.
5. Click OK.
6. Specify the name of the user to whom you want to delegate the meeting invitation and click OK.I
Notes sends a message with your response to the meeting chairperson and sends a meeting invitation to the user you specified.e
When you delegate a meeting invitation, you are no longer considered an invitee and will not receive any further information about the meeting (such as reschedule or confirmation messages) unless you are invited to it again.
To view your calendar while you're responding to the invitation, click Check Calendar. To return to the invitation, press ESC.
See related topics
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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You can mark calendar entries for deletion and then delete them from your mail database.
1. Click the entry.
2. Press DEL.L
Notes strikes through the entry and adds it to your mail database's Trash folder.a
3. Refresh or close the database.N
Caution A
Notes asks if you want to delete the documents (including calendar entries) in the Trash folder. If you select Yes, Notes deletes all of the documents.E
4. Select Yes.
If you mark a calendar entry for deletion and change your mind, you can remove the entry from the Trash folder by clicking the entry and pressing DEL again.
See related topics
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Deleting a repeating calendar entry
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Deleting a task
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Canceling a meeting
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Ways to manage calendar entries
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modes
2. Choose Text - Text Properties.H
3. Click the Named Styles tab.
4. Click Delete Styles.
5. Select the named style you want to delete.
6. Click OK.
See related topics
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About named styles
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Ways to use named
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If you're using Windows, OS/2, or UNIX, you can delete a workstation port.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select the port you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click OK.
For information on deleting server ports, see Domino Administration Help.
See related topics
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Ways to set up ports
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You can delete selected occurrences of a repeating calendar entry.
Select "Just this one" to delete only the selected occurrence of the entry.
Select "All" to delete all occurrences of the entry.
Select "All previous" to delete the selected occurrence and all previous occurrences of the entry.
Select "All future" to delete the selected occurrence and all future occurrences of the entry.
4. Click OK.
If you delete the repeat parent entry (the entry in the Meetings view under which a set of repeating entries is organized), each of the repeating entries in the set becomes an independent, non-repeating entry.p
If you delete a repeating meeting entry for which you reserved a room and/or resource, you must
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cancel the reservation
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for the occurrence(s) you delete directly in the Resource Reservations database. Otherwise, the room and/or resource will be unavailable to others.
See related topics
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Repeating a calendar entry
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Ways to manage calendar entriesn
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1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Click Delete Set.
3. Select the set you want to delete and click OK.
4. Click OK to close the SmartIcons dialog box.
See related topics
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Creating a SmartIcons setI
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to set up SmartIconse
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You can mark a task entry for deletion and then delete it from your mail database.
1. If necessary, switch to the To Do view.
2. Select the task entry that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
If the task is not yet completed, Notes asks if you want to delete the task.
4. If necessary, click Yes.
Notes adds the task to your mail database's Trash folder.
5. Refresh or close the database.
Notes asks if you want to delete the documents (including task entries) in the Trash folder. If you click Yes, Notes deletes all of the documents.
6. Click Yes.E
To remove the task from the To Do view but keep the task in your mail database, select the task and click "Remove from To Do View."t
See related topics
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Removing a task from the calendar
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Ways to assign and manage tasks
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1. Click the workspace page's tab.
2. Choose Edit - Clear or press DEL.
3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel it.
If you delete a workspace page that contains database icons, Notes removes the icons from the workspace when it deletes the page.r
See related topics
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Ways to set up your workspace
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Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moded
2. Click the column or row you want to delete.
3. Do one of the following:
Choose Table - Delete Selected Column(s) to delete the column.
Choose Table - Delete Selected Row(s) to delete the row.
4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel it.
When you delete a column or row, all of the data in the column or row is deleted.p
See related topics
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Ways to delete columns or rows from a tableF
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Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode5
2. Click the first column or row you want to delete.
Notes deletes columns from left to right and deletes rows from top to bottom.
3. Choose Table - Delete Special.
4. Specify the number of columns or rows you want to delete.
5. Select Column(s) or Row(s).
6. Click Delete.
7. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel it.
When you delete columns or rows, all of the data in the columns or rows is deleted.
See related topics
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Ways to delete columns or rows from a table
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You can save an attached file to disk. If more than one file is attached to a document, you can save some or all of the files to disk at once.
1. Do one of the following:
To detach one file, double-click the attachment.
To detach some but not all files in a document, drag over the part of the document that contains the files you want, and choose Attachments - Detach All Selected.
To detach all files in a document, select any attachment, and choose Attachment - Detach All.a
2. Specify the drive and directory in which you want to store the file(s).
3. Click Detach (or Save on the Macintosh).f
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See detailsn
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See related topics
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Ways to use file attachments
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Attaching a file to a document
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
can be displayed as an icon in a document. For example, this is a 1-2-3 for Windows worksheet object displayed as an icon:d
If you have the application used to create the object, you can start the application directly from Notes and display the object's data.
To display an object's data, double-click the object's icon.
See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objects
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Ways to add objects to documents
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Ways to use features you see in documents
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1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeu
, click the object.d
2. Choose
Display As, where
is the object type (for example, 1-2-3 Worksheet).o
3. Select a display format.i
4. Click OK.
Notes displays a message if the server application does not support the display format you select.
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Ways to manage objects
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1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons
2. In the box above the second column of icons, select the SmartIcons set you want to display.
3. Click OK.
To display additional icons that change depending on what you're doing in Notes, select "Context icons" under Show. For example, if "Context icons" is selected, Notes displays one set of context icons when you read a document and another set when you edit a document.
See related topics
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Hiding or displaying the SmartIconsE
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Hiding or displaying context SmartIconse
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Hiding or displaying SmartIcons descriptions
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
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You can see the contents of a document in a different way by displaying the document with a different
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Forms control how you edit, display, and print documents. A form can contain fields, static text, graphics, and special objects. A database can have any number of forms.
(if another form is available).
1. Open the document.
2. Choose View - Switch Form.
3. Select the form you want to display the document with.
4. Click OK.
Because different forms contain different fields, the form you choose may not display all the data you see with the current form.
See related topics
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Printing a document with a different form
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Ways to change the display of documents
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About forms
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You can display information about a port's current activity.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select a port.
4. Click Show Status.
5. (Optional) Click Copy to copy the information to the Clipboard.
6. Click Cancel when you are through reviewing information.
For more information on checking port status, see Domino Administration Help or your network administrator.T
See related topics
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Tracing a connection attempt
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to set up ports
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"MS Sans Serif
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You can display a section only when the document it's in is previewed.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modei
2. Click the section.b
3. Choose Section - Section Properties.t
4. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
5. Select or deselect "Preview only."
If you select "Preview only," Notes displays the section's contents, but not the section, when the document is in another document state (for example, when the document is opened).
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Ways to format sectionsn
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You can display a brief description of the current field at the bottom of a document's window.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Choose View - Show - Field Help.
If the database designer did not specify help for the current field, Notes does not display field help.
See related topics
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Ways to change the display of documents
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About fields
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You can display symbols that represent hidden characters in a document. For example, the following sentence contains tab, space, and end-of-paragraph symbols:
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Choose View - Show - Hidden Characters.
You can also display page breaks by choosing View - Show - Page Breaks.
See related topics
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Ways to change the display of documents
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"MS Sans Serif
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Click the date.
2. Choose View - Calendar - Show Time Slots.
When you
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display the calendar in two-day, one-week, or two-week formatb
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, you can also display or hide time slots on a date by clicking the clock icon in the top left or right corner of the date.
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Ways to display the calendar
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"MS Sans Serif
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You can display the text Notes displays, such as database titles and document text, in typewriter fonts or large fonts. Typewriter fonts are useful for checking tab alignment in forms, and column width in views. Large fonts are useful if the default fonts are too small for your monitor.e
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under Advanced options, do one of the following:
Select Typewriter fonts only to display monospaced text.
Select Large fonts to display text that is slightly larger and darker.
If you select both Typewriter fonts only and Large fonts, Notes displays text in typewriter fonts.a
3. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.n
4. Click OK when Notes tells you some preferences will not take effect until you restart Notes.e
See related topics
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Formatting text
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Ways to specify advanced settings
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"MS Sans Serif
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To display the Calendar view in two-day, one-week, two-week, or one-month format, click Two Days, One Week, Two Weeks, or One Month, respectively.
You can also choose a calendar display format from the View - Calendar menu.
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Ways to display the calendar
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You can display the full contents of a calendar entry to see details that aren't visible in the Calendar view, such as the complete description of an appointment or a meeting location.
To display the contents of a calendar entry, double-click the entry.
To display the contents of a calendar entry in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
, click the entry and choose View - Document Preview. (To change the size of the preview pane, drag the pane's top border.)
When a calendar entry's complete description is not visible in the Calendar view, you can hold the mouse over the entry and Notes will display the description in a pop-up.
See related topics
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Ways to display the calendar
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Ways to manage calendar entries
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"MS Sans Serif
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If you're using Windows or UNIX, you can hide or display the horizontal scroll bar in a document, in the a
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The pane that displays documents in each view or folder as rows and columns of information.
view pane
, or in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
To hide or display the horizontal scroll bar, choose View - Show - Horizontal Scroll Bar.
See related topics
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Ways to change the display of documents
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About panes
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"MS Sans Serif
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You can make the workspace look more three-dimensional.l
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under Advanced options, select "Textured Workspace."n
3. Click OK.
If your display driver doesn't support the "Textured Workspace" option, Notes doesn't display it.d
See related topics
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Ways to set up your workspace
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Ways to specify advanced settingsc
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"MS Sans Serif
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If you're using Windows, OS/2, or UNIX, you can display the entire workspace in various shades of gray on a color monitor when you start Notes.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under Advanced options, select Monochrome display.w
3. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
4. Click OK when Notes tells you that some preferences will not take effect until you restart Notes.
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See related topics
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Ways to set up your workspacer
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Ways to specify advanced settings
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
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You can improve the appearance of 256-color images in documents by setting Notes to dither images.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click the Basic panel in the User Preferences dialog box.
3. Select "Dither images in documents" in the Advanced Options scroll box.
4. Click OK.
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See details
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See related topics
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Ways to specify advanced settings
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01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
SmartIcons\setupDisplaying\SmartIconsShowing\SmartIconsHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_A_DIFFERENT_SMARTICONS_SETContext Help FormDisplaying a different SmartIcons set
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Forms\switchingHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_A_DOCUMENT_WITH_A_DIFFERENT_FORMContext Help FormDisplaying a document with a different form04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsy
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Previewing\collapsed sections andSections\formattingHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_A_SECTION_ONLY_IN_THE_PREVIEW_PANEContext Help FormDisplaying a section only in the preview pane
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents/
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Help\fieldsFields\helpDisplaying\field helpShowing\field helpHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_FIELD_HELPContext Help FormDisplaying field help
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsd;
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Displaying\hidden charactersHidden charactersTabs, in documents\displayingShowing\hidden charactersHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_HIDDEN_CHARACTERSContext Help FormDisplaying hidden characters
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Time slots, calendarHiding\time slots on calendarCalendar\displayHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_OR_HIDING_TIME_SLOTS_ON_THE_CALENDARContext Help FormDisplaying or hiding time slots on a date on the calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Startup settingsTypewriter fontsDisplaying\larger textText\special fonts andFontsShowing\larger textHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_TEXT_IN_SPECIAL_FONTSContext Help FormDisplaying text in special fonts
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Days, calendar\display formatsCalendar\displayHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_THE_CALENDAR_IN_TWODAY_ONEWEEK_TWOWEEK_OR_ONEMONTH_FORMATContext Help FormDisplaying the calendar in two-day, one-week, two-week, or one-month format
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings=
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Calendar entriesPreviewing\calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_THE_CONTENTS_OF_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormDisplaying the contents of a calendar entry
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Scroll bar\showing horizontalHiding\scroll barDisplaying\scroll barHorizontal scroll barShowing\scroll barHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_THE_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BARContext Help FormDisplaying the horizontal scroll bar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up NotesT
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace\setupTextured workspaceDisplaying\textured workspaceHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_THE_WORKSPACE_IN_MARBLEContext Help FormDisplaying the workspace in 3-D
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes)\
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Black and whiteMonochromeStartup settingsWorkspace\setupDisplaying\monochrome workspaceHow Do I?StepsH_DISPLAYING_THE_WORKSPACE_IN_MONOCHROMEContext Help FormDisplaying the workspace in monochrome
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Images\DitheringColors\improvingBitmaps\Improving appearanceHow Do I?StepsAllH_DITHERING_IMAGES_IN_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormImproving color in bitmap images
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other ApplicationsR
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\editingEditing\objectsHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_AN_EMBEDDED_OBJECTContext Help FormEditing an embedded object
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Editing\calendar entriesCalendar entriesMeetings\reschedulingRescheduling meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormEditing a calendar entry
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Editing\documentsDocuments\editingAccess levels\editing documents andAuthor access\creating documents andAuthor access\editing documents andHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormEditing a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\editingEditing\objectsHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_A_LINKED_OBJECTContext Help FormEditing a linked object
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsR
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Repeating calendar entriesCalendar entriesEditing\calendar entriesMeetings\reschedulingRescheduling meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_A_REPEATING_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormEditing a repeating calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings)\
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Editing\calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_EDITING_A_TASKContext Help FormEditing a task
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Embedding dataObjects\creatingHow Do I?StepsH_EMBEDDING_AN_ENTIRE_FILE_IN_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormEmbedding an entire file in a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applicationsu
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Embedding dataObjects\creatingHow Do I?StepsH_EMBEDDING_A_BLANK_OBJECT_IN_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormEmbedding new data in a document
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Embedding dataPasting data\from other applicationsObjects\creatingHow Do I?StepsH_EMBEDDING_PART_OF_A_FILE_IN_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormEmbedding part of a file in a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Mail\setupTrash folderDeleting\mailRemoving\mailHow Do I?StepsH_EMPTYING_YOUR_MAIL_FILES_TRASH_FOLDERContext Help FormEmptying your mail file's trash folder
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Ports\setupDisabling\portsHow Do I?StepsH_ENABLING_A_PORTContext Help FormEnabling or disabling a port
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsffffff
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Enabling alarmsDisabling alarmsCalendar profileHow Do I?StepsH_ENABLING_OR_DISABLING_THE_ALARM_SYSTEMContext Help FormEnabling or disabling the alarm system
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes\
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Encryption\port setup andSecurity\port setup andPorts\setupHow Do I?StepsH_ENCRYPTING_DATA_SENT_THROUGH_A_PORTContext Help FormEncrypting data sent through a port
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace pages\setupTabs, workspace\setupNaming\workspace pagesHow Do I?StepsH_ENTERING_A_NAME_ON_A_WORKSPACE_TABContext Help FormEntering a name on a workspace tab
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks{
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Text\enteringCompose sequencesLMBCS charactersHow Do I?StepsH_ENTERING_SPECIAL_CHARACTERSContext Help FormCreating special characters04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Custom controlsExpanding\custom controlsOCXActiveX controlsOLE custom controlsHow Do I?StepsH_EXPANDING_A_CUSTOM_CONTROLContext Help FormExpanding a custom control
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sections\collapsedCollapsing\sectionsExpanding\sectionsHow Do I?StepsH_EXPANDING_OR_COLLAPSING_A_SECTIONContext Help FormExpanding or collapsing a section
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications-
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Exporting\documentsDocuments\exportingHow Do I?StepsH_EXPORTING_A_DOCUMENT_TO_A_FILEContext Help FormExporting a document to a file
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Free time lookupFree time schedulesSearching\for free timeHow Do I?StepsH_FINDING_FREE_TIME_FOR_A_MEETINGContext Help FormFinding free time for a meeting07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
Startup settingsUnread documents\findingDocuments\unreadFinding documents\unread at startupSearching\for unread documentsHow Do I?StepsH_FINDING_UNREAD_DOCUMENTS_AT_STARTUPContext Help FormFinding unread documents at startup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsy
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Attachments\information aboutFile attachments\information aboutSize\file attachmentsHow Do I?StepsH_GETTING_INFORMATION_ABOUT_AN_ATTACHED_FILEContext Help FormGetting information about an attached file
How Do I?Top 10 TasksStepsH_GETTING_MOBILE_QUICKLYContext Help FormGetting mobile quickly
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notesm
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Hanging up\server connectionHow Do I?StepsH_HANGING_UPContext Help FormHanging up
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Printing\hidden paragraphs andHiding\paragraphsDisplaying\paragraphsFormulas\hidden paragraphs andPreviewing\hidden paragraphs andOpening\hidden paragraphs andEditing\hidden paragraphs andClipboard\hidden paragraphs andCopying\data and hidden paragraphsShowing\hidden paragraphsHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_A_PARAGRAPHContext Help FormHiding or displaying a paragraph04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sections\formattingTitles\sectionHiding\section titlesDisplaying\section titlesShowing\section titlesHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_A_SECTIONS_TITLEContext Help FormHiding or displaying a section's title
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes/
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
SmartIcons\setupDisplaying\SmartIconsShowing\SmartIconsHiding\SmartIconsHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_CONTEXT_SMARTICONSContext Help FormHiding or displaying context SmartIcons
Hiding\SmartIconsDisplaying\SmartIconsShowing\SmartIcons descriptionsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_SMARTICONS_DESCRIPTIONSContext Help FormHiding or displaying SmartIcons descriptions
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up NotesZd;
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Hiding\SmartIconsDisplaying\SmartIconsShowing\SmartIconsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_HIDING_OR_DISPLAYING_THE_SMARTICONSContext Help FormHiding or displaying the SmartIcons
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Importing\filesHow Do I?StepsH_IMPORTING_A_FILE_INTO_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormImporting a file into a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents'1
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Indenting textHow Do I?StepsH_INDENTING_A_PARAGRAPHContext Help FormIndenting a paragraph
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsB`
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Keyboard\indenting withIndenting textHow Do I?StepsH_INDENTING_A_PARAGRAPH_WITH_THE_KEYBOARDContext Help FormIndenting a paragraph with the keyboard
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents\
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
RulerIndenting textHow Do I?StepsH_INDENTING_A_PARAGRAPH_WITH_THE_RULERContext Help FormIndenting a paragraph with the ruler
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Printb
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\page settingsPage breaks\insertingCreating\page breaksInserting\page breaksHow Do I?StepsH_INSERTING_PAGE_BREAKSContext Help FormInserting a page break
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsH
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
MeetingsHow Do I?StepsH_INVITING_PEOPLE_TO_A_MEETINGContext Help FormInviting people to a meeting
Printing\page settingsPage breaks\controllingHow Do I?StepsH_KEEPING_ONE_OR_MORE_PARAGRAPHS_ON_A_PAGEContext Help FormKeeping one or more paragraphs on a page
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workspace\setupHow Do I?StepsH_KEEPING_THE_WORKSPACE_IN_BACKContext Help FormKeeping the workspace in back
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Attachments\launchingFile attachments\launchingLaunching\file attachmentsHow Do I?StepsH_LAUNCHING_AN_ATTACHED_FILEContext Help FormLaunching an attached file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Calendar\giving accessDelegating\calendar accessCalendar\reading someone else'sReading\other users' calendarsOpening\other users' calendarsViewing\other users' calendarsDisplaying\other users' calendarsPublic documentsAccess control list\and calendar entriesDelegation profileHow Do I?StepsH_LETTING_OTHERS_MANAGE_YOUR_CALENDARContext Help FormLetting others manage your calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsR
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Calendar\giving accessDelegating\calendar accessCalendar\reading someone else'sReading\other users' calendarsOpening\other users' calendarsViewing\other users' calendarsDisplaying\other users' calendarsPublic documentsAccess control list\and calendar entriesDelegation profileHow Do I?StepsH_LETTING_OTHERS_READ_YOUR_CALENDARContext Help FormLetting others read your calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Links\embedded objectsHow Do I?StepsH_LINKING_AN_EMBEDDED_OBJECT_TO_A_FILEContext Help FormCreating a link to embedded data
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\editingEditing\objectsHow Do I?StepsH_LINKING_AN_OBJECT_TO_DIFFERENT_DATAContext Help FormReassociating a linked object
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Links\dataPasting data\from other applicationsObjects\creatingOLE drag and dropHow Do I?StepsH_LINKING_A_FILE_TO_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormLinking a file to a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notesb
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
PasswordsServers\logging off automaticallyLogging offUser IDs\lockingHow Do I?StepsH_LOGGING_OFF_SERVERS_AUTOMATICALLYContext Help FormLocking your user ID automatically
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Completing tasksHow Do I?StepsH_MARKING_A_TASK_COMPLETE_OR_INCOMPLETEContext Help FormMarking a task complete or incomplete07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Marking documents read or unreadPreviewing\documents, marking readHow Do I?StepsH_MARKING_DOCUMENTS_READ_WHEN_YOU_PREVIEW_THEMContext Help FormMarking documents read when you preview them
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tables\formattingColumns, table\copyingCopying\columnsRows, table\copyingHow Do I?StepsAllH_MERGING_AND_SPLITTING_CELLS_IN_A_TABLEContext Help FormMerging and splitting cells in a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsZd;
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\moving around inMoving\around documentsScroll bar\using in a documentHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_AROUND_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormMoving around a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents333333
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Moving\buttonsButtons\movingHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_A_BUTTONContext Help FormMoving a button
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsH
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Moving\calendar entriesCalendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormMoving a calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentssh
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Moving\hotspotsHotspots\movingHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormMoving a hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings}?5^
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Moving\calendar entriesCalendar entriesRepeating calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_MOVING_A_REPEATING_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormMoving a repeating calendar entry
Page numbersPrinting\page settingsHow Do I?StepsH_NUMBERING_PAGESContext Help FormNumbering pages
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Database\Opening at startupStartupHow Do I?StepsAllH_OPENING_A_DATABASE_AT_STARTUPContext Help FormOpening a database at startup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsP
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Opening\documentsDocuments\openingUnread documents\openingHow Do I?StepsH_OPENING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormOpening a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsj
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\openingOpening\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_OPENING_A_DOCUMENT_FROM_THE_WINDOWS95_DESKTOPContext Help FormOpening a document from the Windows 95 desktop
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Accepting meeting invitationsPenciling inHow Do I?StepsH_PENCILING_IN_A_MEETING_INVITATIONContext Help FormPenciling in a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Previewing\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_PREVIEWING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormPreviewing a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Printu
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Showing\page breaksPrinting\previewingPreviewing\print jobsPage breaks\displayingDisplaying\page breaksHow Do I?StepsH_PREVIEWING_A_DOCUMENT_FOR_PRINTINGContext Help FormPreviewing a document for printing
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Previewing\documentsLinks\previewingHow Do I?StepsH_PREVIEWING_A_LINKED_DOCUMENTContext Help FormPreviewing a linked document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents%
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Previewing\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_PREVIEWING_A_PARENT_DOCUMENTContext Help FormPreviewing a parent document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\attached filesAttachments\printingFile attachments\printingHow Do I?StepsH_PRINTING_AN_ATTACHED_FILEContext Help FormPrinting an attached file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
How Do I?Top 10 TasksStepsH_PRINTING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormPrinting a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Printm
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\documentsDocuments\printingForms\printing andHow Do I?StepsH_PRINTING_A_DOCUMENT_WITH_A_DIFFERENT_FORMContext Help FormPrinting a document with a different form
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 PrintB`
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\calendar entriesDays, calendar\printingCalendar\printingHow Do I?StepsAllH_Printing_a_list_of_calendar_entriesContext Help FormPrinting a list of calendar entries
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 PrintR
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\list of documentsViews\printingFolders\printingHow Do I?StepsH_PRINTING_A_LIST_OF_DOCUMENTS_IN_A_FOLDER_OR_VIEWContext Help FormPrinting a list of documents in a folder or view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print7
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\documentsDocuments\printingPage numbersHow Do I?StepsH_PRINTING_MULTIPLE_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormPrinting multiple documents
Printing\calendar entriesCalendar\printingCalendar entriesHow Do I?StepsAllH_PRINTING_ONE_OR_MORE_CALENDAR_ENTRIESContext Help FormPrinting one or more calendar entries
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\Calendar viewDays, calendar\printingCalendar\printingHow Do I?StepsAllH_PRINTING_ONE_OR_MORE_DATES_ON_THE_CALENDARContext Help FormPrinting a Calendar view
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\to a fileDocuments\printingFiles\printing toViews\printingFolders\printingPostScript filesHow Do I?StepsH_PRINTING_TO_A_FILEContext Help FormPrinting to a file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings333333
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Rescheduling meetingsMeetings\reschedulingHow Do I?StepsH_PROPOSING_A_DIFFERENT_TIME_OR_LOCATION_FOR_A_MEETINGContext Help FormProposing a different date, time, or location for a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsH
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Calendar\reading someone else'sReading\other users' calendarsOpening\other users' calendarsViewing\other users' calendarsDisplaying\other users' calendarsPublic documentsAccess control list\and calendar entriesDelegation profileHow Do I?StepsH_READING_SOMEONE_ELSES_CALENDARContext Help FormReading someone else's calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Moving\SmartIconsSmartIcons\setupHow Do I?StepsH_REARRANGING_SMARTICONS_IN_A_SETContext Help FormRearranging SmartIcons in a set
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Canceling\meeting invitationsRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_AN_INVITEE_FROM_THE_INVITATION_LISTContext Help FormRemoving an invitee from the invitation list
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsNb
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Removing\buttonsButtons\deletingDeleting\buttonsHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_A_BUTTONContext Help FormRemoving a button
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Deleting\hotspotsRemoving\hotspotsHotspots\removingHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormRemoving a hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Deleting\sectionsRemoving\sectionsSections\removingHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_A_SECTIONContext Help FormRemoving a section
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings33333
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Removing\calendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_A_TASK_FROM_THE_CALENDARContext Help FormRemoving a task from the calendar
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Removing\meeting invitationsDeleting\meeting invitationsCalendar profileBroadcast meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_REMOVING_MEETING_INVITATIONS_FROM_THE_INBOX_AUTOMATICALLYContext Help FormRemoving meeting invitations from the Inbox automatically
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes333333
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Renaming\portsPorts\setupHow Do I?StepsH_RENAMING_A_PORTContext Help FormRenaming a port
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notessh
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Reordering portsOrder, portsPorts\setupHow Do I?StepsH_REORDERING_PORTSContext Help FormReordering a port
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Repeating calendar entriesCalendar entriesHow Do I?StepsH_REPEATING_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormRepeating a calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Rescheduling meetingsMeetings\reschedulingHow Do I?StepsH_RESCHEDULING_A_MEETINGContext Help FormRescheduling a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsB`
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Resources, reservingReserving\resourcesHow Do I?StepsH_RESERVING_A_RESOURCE_FOR_A_MEETINGContext Help FormReserving a resource for a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Rooms, reservingReserving\roomsHow Do I?StepsH_RESERVING_A_ROOM_FOR_A_MEETINGContext Help FormReserving a room for a meeting
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
Guide MeGuideMeAllH_ACQUIRE_SCRIPTContext Help FormAcquire Script
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can edit an embedded r
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
object's data by launching the object's server application from Notes. If you're using Windows, you can also edit an embedded
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
object's data "in-place" by using the server application's commands and toolbar directly in Notes. If you're using Windows 95 or Windows NT, you can edit OLE custom control objects.
To edit an embedded OLE object in the server application window:
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, double-click the
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
4. Choose File - Exit & Return to Lotus Notes (or the application's command equivalent).
5. To save the new data in Notes, choose File - Save.
To edit an embedded OLE 2 object "in-place"h
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, double-click the
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
2. Edit the data.
The Notes menu bar contains commands provided by the server application (as well as the Notes File and Window commands). You can use the server application's commands and toolbar to edit the data directly in Notes.f
3. Click anywhere in the document outside the object.
4. To save the new data in Notes, choose File - Save.c
If an OLE 2 object is very large (for example, a spreadsheet containing several hundred lines), it's best not to edit the object in-place. Instead, click the object and choose
Open, where
is the object type (for example, 1-2-3 Worksheet). Then edit the object in the application's window.a
To edit an embedded OLE custom control:
1. With the document in edit mode, double-click the control object.
2. Edit the data.n
The Notes menu bar contains object menu(s) and an Applet menu provided by the OLE custom control. You can use these menus to edit the data directly in Notes.
3. Click anywhere in the document outside the control object.
4. To save the new data in Notes, choose File - Save.
See related topics
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Editing a linked objecte
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to manage objects
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
1. Double-click the entry.
2. Click Edit Document.
3. Make the changes you want.i
4. Click "Save and Close."
If you edit the date, time, or location of a meeting entry that you created, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting. If a room and/or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes sends the Resource Reservations database a reservation request for the new time or for the new location.
See related topics
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Editing a repeating calendar entry
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Click here to see this topic
Editing a task
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to manage calendar entries
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can make changes to an existing document by putting the document in edit mode.
To put a document in edit mode
1. Do one of the following:
Choose Actions - Edit Document.
Press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh).
Double-click the document (if it's already open).
2. (Optional) To return the document to read mode, press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh).
To put a document in edit mode in the preview pane
1. Double-click the document in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
2. (Optional) To return the document to read mode, press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh).
You can edit your own documents in a database if you have at least Author access to the database. You can edit other documents in a database if you have at least Editor access to the database.
You can also put documents in edit mode with the Edit Document icon in the SmartIcons bar.
See related topics
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About documents
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Ways to add information to documents
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to save documents
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Click here to see this topic
Creating a documentp
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
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FPalace Script
You can edit a linked object's data by launching the object's server application from Notes.
If the object is a
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DDE (dynamic data exchange)
A method for displaying data created with other Windows and Presentation Manager applications, such as graphics or spreadsheet ranges, within Notes documents. DDE objects can be reactivated and updated to reflect the current state of changing data.
object, make sure the server application is running and the linked file is open.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, double-click the
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
2. Edit the data.
The data is updated immediately in Notes (unless the object's update type is Manual).
3. Save the linked file.
4. Return to Notes.
5. If the object's update type is Manual, press F9 to update the linked object's data.
6. To save the new data in Notes, choose File - Save.
To edit a linked object, you need access to the linked file.
See related topics
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Specifying a linked object's update type
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Click here to see this topic
Editing an embedded object
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to manage objects
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can edit selected occurrences of a repeating calendar entry.
1. Double-click the repeating entry you want to edit.
2. Click Edit Document.
3. Make the changes you want.
If the entry is a repeating meeting entry, you cannot find free time, invite additional people, remove invitees from the invitation list, reserve a new room or resource, or cancel a room or resource reservation.
4. Click "Save and Close."
5. Do one of the following:
Select "Just this one" to change only the selected occurrence of the entry.d
Select "All" to change all occurrences of the entry.
Select "All previous" to change the selected occurrence and all previous occurrences of the entry.
Select "All future" to change the selected occurrence and all future occurrences of the entry.
6. Click OK.
You cannot edit the repeat parent entry (the entry in the Meetings view under which a set of repeating entries is organized).'
If you edit the date or time of a repeating meeting entry that you created, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting.
See related topics
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Repeating a calendar entry
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to manage calendar entries
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
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FPalace Script
1. Double-click the task entry that you want to edit.g
2. Click Edit Task.D
3. Make the changes you want.
4. Click Close and then click Yes.
See related topics
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Ways to assign and manage tasks
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Click here to see this topic
Editing a calendar entry
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"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can
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A copy of data from one application (the server application) that is stored in another application (the container application). Once data is embedded as an object in a container application, changes made to the original data in the server application are not reflected in the container application. Embedded data is displayed in the container application in the server application's format.
a file created with another application as an
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
in a Notes document. This way, you can use an
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
server application to enter and edit data in Notes.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode2
, click where you want the object to appear.
2. Choose Create - Object.
3. Select "Create an object from a file."d
4. In the File box, enter the path to the file and the file name.a
5. (Optional) Select "Display as icon" to display an icon instead of the embedded data.
6. Click OK.
If you're using Windows 95, you can use drag & drop to embed a file created with an
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
server application. To do so, choose Start - Programs - Windows Explorer, drag the file from Explorer and drop it in the Notes document.l
An embedded object is a copy of data from another file; changes made to the original file are
reflected in the Notes document.
Click here for OS/2 information
You cannot create embedded objects; you can create only linked objects.s
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See detailsh
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See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objectsu
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to add objects to documents
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Click here to see this topic
Ways to manage objects
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5Courier New
"MS Sans Serif
"Small Fonts
Times New Roman
Rockwell Light
FPalace Script
You can
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A copy of data from one application (the server application) that is stored in another application (the container application). Once data is embedded as an object in a container application, changes made to the original data in the server application are not reflected in the container application. Embedded data is displayed in the container application in the server application's format.
a new
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
in a Notes document. This way, you can use an e
Click here to see this topic
Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
server application to enter and edit data in Notes.
When you create a new object, Notes opens a blank work file in the application you select so you can enter data. When you save the data, it is saved as an object in Notes
(instead of as a separate file).
If you select an l
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
OLE 2n
server application, Notes opens the blank work file directly in Notes.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, click where you want the object to appear.
2. Choose Create - Object.
3. Select "Create a new object."
4. Select an object type that corresponds to the application you want to use (for example, 1-2-3 Worksheet).
5. (Optional) Select "Display as icon" to display an icon instead of the embedded data.
6. Click OK.
7. If you selected an OLE server application, do the following:
Choose File - Exit & Return to Lotus Notes (or the application's command equivalent).E
8. If you selected an OLE 2 server application, do the following:e
Enter data in the blank work file.
Click anywhere in the document outside the new object.
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You cannot create embedded objects; you can create only linked objects.
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See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objects
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Ways to add objects to documents
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Ways to manage objects
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You can
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A copy of data from one application (the server application) that is stored in another application (the container application). Once data is embedded as an object in a container application, changes made to the original data in the server application are not reflected in the container application. Embedded data is displayed in the container application in the server application's format.
data from another application as an y
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
in a Notes document. This way, you can use an
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
server application to enter and edit data in Notes.
You can paste data from OLE server applications and you can also drag & drop data from
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
OLE 2o
server applications.
To paste data from an OLE server application
1. In the application, select the data you want to embed and copy it to the Clipboard.
2. In Notes, open in m
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modea
the document you want to add the embedded object to.
3. Click where you want the object to appear.o
4. Choose Edit - Paste Special.g
5. Select Paste.
6. In the As box, select the source you copied the data from (for example, if you copied data from 1-2-3 for Windows, select 1-2-3 Worksheet).
7. (Optional) Select "Display as icon" to display an icon instead of the embedded data.
8. Click OK.
To drag & drop data from an OLE 2 server application
1. In Notes, open in t
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modea
the document you want to add the embedded object to.d
2. In the application, select the data you want to embed.o
3. Click the outline of the selected data.
4. Drag the selection to the Notes document and drop it where you want the object to appear.
If you're using Windows 95, you can also drag & drop data from an OLE 2 server application using the Windows desktop. To do so, copy the data to the Clipboard, click the right mouse button on the Windows desktop, and select Paste Shortcut. Then drag the shortcut from the Windows desktop and drop it in the Notes document.
An embedded object is a copy of data from another file; changes made to the original file are
reflected in the Notes document.
Click here for OS/2 information
You cannot create embedded objects; you can create only linked objects.
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See detailsj
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See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objectsO
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Ways to add objects to documents
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Ways to manage objects
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You can specify how you want Notes to empty the trash folder in your mail database. The trash folder contains mail you've marked for deletion.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under "Empty Trash folder," do one of the following:
Select "Prompt me during database close" to have Notes ask you whether you want to clear the mail in the trash folder each time you close your mail database.
Select "Always during database close" to have Notes automatically clear the mail in the trash folder each time you close your mail database.
Select "Manually" to cancel automatic clearing of the trash folder._
3. Click OK.
To clear the mail in the trash folder manually, choose Actions - Empty Trash.
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Deleting mail messages
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Ways to specify basic settings
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You can enable or disable a port for your workstation.
Before you enable a network port, make sure the appropriate network software is installed. Before you enable a modem port, make sure a modem is installed and you know the physical port it is connected to.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select the port you want to enable or disable.n
4. Select or deselect "Port Enabled."O
Notes displays a check mark next to enabled ports.
5. Click OK.
After you enable a port, you can specify whether to
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use the port at individual locations
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. After you disable a port, you cannot use the port at any locations.
For information on enabling or disabling server ports, see Domino Administration Help.
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Adding a port&
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Ways to set up ports
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You can enable or disable the alarm system for your mail database's Calendar view.
2. Under Scheduling Options, select or deselect "Enable alarm notifications."
3. (Optional)
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Set an alarm for all calendar entries of a particular type
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4. Click OK.
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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You can
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Notes provides document security by letting you encrypt fields in documents. Encryption means encoding data so that only those who have the secret encryption key can read it.
the data you send through a port. This way, you can make data transmission more secure, but note that transmission speed may decrease slightly.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select the port you want to secure.
4. Select "Encrypt network data."
5. Click OK.
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About encryption
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Ways to set up ports
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1. Double-click the workspace tab.
2. Click the Tabs tab.
3. Under "Workspace page name," enter a name of up to 32 characters.
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See examples
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Ways to set up your workspaceP
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You can use LMBCS codes from the i
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LMBCS table
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to enter characters that aren't on your keyboard.
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You can use the OPTION key to enter characters that aren't on your keyboard on the Macintosh. To do so, enter the key sequence listed in the Macintosh LMBCS table.O
To create a character using a compose sequence
You can enter some LMBCS characters using a compose sequence from the
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LMBCS table
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1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, click where you want to enter the character.
2. Press ALT+F1 and type the characters listed in the second column of the LMBCS table.
For example, to enter the
character, press ALT+F1 and type L=.
If a compose sequence in the LMBCS table is bold, you must type the characters in the order they appear. (Other compose sequences are not order-sensitive).
Click here for UNIX information
You can also use a compose sequence to create a character in a dialog box. To do so, press ALT+F1 (or, on some keyboards, the COMPOSE key) and type the characters listed in the second column of the LMBCS table.
To create a character using an extended compose sequence
You can enter all LMBCS characters using an extended compose sequence that includes a LMBCS code from the
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LMBCS tablef
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1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modep
, click where you want to enter the character.
2. Press ALT+F1 twice.
3. Press 0 (zero), and then press - (hyphen).e
4. Type the LMBCS code listed in the first column of the LMBCS table. If the LMBCS code has only two digits, precede it with a 0 (zero).
For example, to enter the ! character, press ALT+F1 twice and type 0-033.A
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich textt
field to create special characters.
Notes uses the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) character set to display and print characters, and the Lotus Multibyte Character Set (LMBCS) to store characters. To print special characters, your printer must support the ANSI character set.
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See details
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Ways to add information to documents
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If an object's server application supports OLE 2 "in-place" editing, you can tell Notes to expand the object to fill the entire Notes window.d
1. With the document in edit mode, click the object.
2. Choose Edit - Properties.
3. In the InfoBox, choose Size object to Window.
4. Close the InfoBox.c
5. Save and close the document.d
6. Reopen the document in edit mode, and double-click the object.t
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See detailsy
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See related topics
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Allowing changes to a custom control while in read mode_
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Changing the display of an object
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Editing an embedded object
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Expanding a custom control
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Ways to manage objects
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1. With the document in edit mode, click the custom control.
2. Choose Applet - Object Properties.
3. In the InfoBox, choose one of the following:l
Size object to Window.
Size object below field.
4. Close the InfoBox.b
5. Save and close the document.
6. Reopen the document in edit mode
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See detailse
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See related topics
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Allowing changes to a custom control while in read modek
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Changing the display of an objecte
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Editing an embedded object
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Expanding an embedded OLE 2 object
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Ways to manage objects
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You can expand a section to read its contents or collapse it so it takes up less space onscreen.
To collapse or expand a section, click the triangle to the left of the section.
To collapse or expand all sections in a document, choose View - Collapse All Sections or View - Expand All Sections.
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About collapsed sections
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Creating a collapsed section
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Ways to use features you see in documents
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You can convert part or all of the data from a Notes document so that other applications can use it.
1. Open the document you want to export.
2. (Optional) To export only part of the document, select the part you want to export.
3. Choose File - Export.
4. Under "Save File as Type," select a file type.
5. Select the drive and directory you want to export the data to.
6. Under File Name, do one of the following:
To create a new file with the exported data, enter a unique file name and extension.
To replace data in an existing file with the exported data, select the file.
7. Click Export.
8. If you specified an existing file in step 6, click Replace.
9. If you selected ASCII Text format in step 4, specify a line length and click OK.
See related topics
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About importing and exportingo
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About exporting documents to files
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Changing how Notes translates characters
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Exporting a view
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Ways to share information with other applicationsr
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When you
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invite people to a meeting
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, you can use free time lookup to read the a
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free time schedulesT
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of the invitees and find a time at which all or most of them can meet. You can also find a time at which a specific room and/or resource is free.
1. If necessary, double-click the meeting entry and click Edit Document.
2. Do the following:
Make sure you have
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specified a tentative date and time
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for the meeting in the Date and Time fields.
Make sure you have specified the names of one or more users and/or groups in the "Send invitations to" and "Optional invitees" fields.
(Optional) To include a specific room in the free time lookup, click Reservations, click "Reserve Specific Room," select the room, and click OK.
(Optional) To include a resource in the free time lookup, click Reservations, click "Reserve Resources," select the resource, and click OK.
3. Click "Find Free Time."
4. If the Free Time dialog box displays the message "Scheduled time is NOT OK for everyone," do any of the following:
Select a time from the "Recommended meeting times" field.
Select "by person" above the free time grid and use the time selection box to the right of the grid to specify a time that is free for all or most invitees.
Select "by day" above the free time grid and use the time selection box to the right of the grid to specify a time that is free for all invitees.
Click "Change Invitee List," add invitee names, remove invitee names, and/or change the status of invitees to required or optional, and click OK.
Specify a different date in the Date field.
Specify a different time in the Time field.
5. When you find a time at which all or most of the invitees can meet, click OK.
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Ways to schedule meetingsn
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Setting up to find free time locally
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You can find unread documents in selected databases when you start Notes.G
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Select "Scan for unread" and click OK.
3. Click OK when Notes tells you some preferences will not take effect until you restart Notes.
4. Make the workspace current.
If any databases are selected, click the workspace to deselect them.T
5. Choose Edit - Unread Marks - Scan Unread.
6. Click Choose Preferred.
7. Click the databases you want Notes to scan and click OK.
8. Click Done.
See related topics
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Ways to find unread documents
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Ways to specify startup settings
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You can find out the name of an attached file, the size of the file, and the date and time the file was last modified.
To get information about an attached file, double-click the attachment.
See related topics
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Ways to use file attachments
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Attaching a file to a document
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This document covers the basic mobile tasks, including setting up mobile Notes on your workstation, calling Domino servers, and replicating databases. It also provides tips on using Notes when you travel.
Setting up mobile Notes
Setting up mobile Notesd
To enable a port and modem
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences and click Ports.
2. Select the port to which the modem is connected."
3. If necessary, select Port Enabled to enable the port.
4. Click d
Options where
port 5
is the name of the port you selected (for example, COM2 Options).c
5. Select the modem type and click OK twice.
To specify a server phone number
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.A
2. Choose Create - Server Connection and do the following:
In the Connection type field, select Dialup Modem.
In the Server name field, enter the name of the server you want to call.
In the Phone number field, enter the server's phone number.
3. Choose File - Save to save the server connection document.
To choose a mobile locationk
1. Choose File - Mobile - Choose Current Location.
2. Select a mobile location (such as Home or Travel) and click OK.
Calling servers
Calling serverss
To call a server
1. Choose File - Mobile - Call Server.
2. Select the server you want to call and click Auto Dial.
To call a server using an operator
1. Choose File - Mobile - Call Server, click More Options, and click Manual Dial.n
2. When Notes prompts you to pick up the phone, call the operator.
3. When the operator connects you to an outside line, dial the number.
4. After the connection is made, hang up the phone and click OK.
To hang up
1. Choose File - Mobile - Hang Up.
2. Select the port your modem is connected to and click Hang Up.
Replicating databases
Replicating databasesp
To replicate your mail
1. Click the Replicator tab.
2. Do one of the following:W
To send and receive your mail, choose Actions - Send & Receive Mail.
To send mail only, choose Actions - Send Outgoing Mail.o
To replicate selected databasesS
1. Click the Replicator tab.
2. In the left column, select the database entries you want to replicate.e
Make sure you remove the check marks from the entries you don't want to replicate.e
3. Choose Actions - Start.
You can click the arrow icon on a database entry to specify whether to send and/or receive documents and specify whether to receive full documents or document summaries. You can also specify the server to replicate with.
To change replication settings for a database:
1. Click the database on the workspace.e
2. Choose File - Replication - Settings.
3. Specify the settings you want and click OK.
Travel tips
Travel tips
Before you leave
Make sure you have the names and phone numbers of the servers you want to call.p
Make sure you have a phone cord, extra batteries, a power adapter, and your Domino administrator's phone number.
If you don't have a local Help database, install the Help Lite database (HELPLT4.NSF) locally so you can get Help on mobile Notes and other Notes topics when you travel. For information on installing this database, see your Domino administrator.
If you're going to work in local replicas, create them before you leave the office because it will take less time than creating them on the road over a modem.
When you get there
To connect your computer to a phone line, plug one end of a phone cord into your computer modem port, and plug the other end into either a phone jack on the wall or the back of a phone.t
To disable call waiting before you make a call, you can dial *70 in many areas of the United States. (If someone calls the line you're using, call waiting can automatically disconnect you from a server.)l
Make sure you switch to a mobile location (such as Home or Travel) before you call a server. (To have Notes ask for your location each time you start Notes, choose File - Tools - User Preferences and select "Prompt for location.")
When you get backd
When you return to the office, make sure you switch back to a network location (such as Office).
Periodically delete log files to free up hard disk space, especially if you select the Log modem I/O or Log script I/O modem options.
Calling internationallyo
Many countries have different phone jacks, so if you're taking a laptop to a different country, you will probably need a specific connector for the country you're visiting.
Toll-free 1-800 numbers don't work from outside the United States.
You may need to modify your modem file to make international calls. For information, see your Domino administrator.l
If you reside in the United States and take the Lotus Notes software on a computer when you leave the country, see s
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Travelling outside the United States with Notest
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You can end a mobile connection to a Domino server.
1. Do one of the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Hang Up.m
Click the Hang Up icon in the SmartIcons bar.s
2. Select the active modem port.
3. Click Hang Up.
To have Notes hang up automatically after a period in which there is no activity (data transmission), choose File - Mobile - Call Server, click More Options, and specify a number of minutes in the Hangup if idle field.
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Ways to call servers
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You can hide or display a paragraph when the document it's in is previewed, opened, edited, printed, copied to the Clipboard, viewed by Notes, or viewed by a web browser. You can also hide or display a paragraph when the results of a formula you specify are true.A
1. R
Make sure the document is in e
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)n
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.
To hide a section, hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes hides the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. Click the Hide tab.
5. To hide the selected paragraph(s), do one or more of the following:
Select "Notes R4.6 or later" and/or "Web Browsers."
Select one or more document states (such as "Previewed for reading").
Select "Hide paragraph if formula is true" and specify a formula.
6. To display the selected paragraph(s), do one or both of the following:
Deselect "Notes R4.6 or later" and/or "Web Browsers."
Deselect the selected document state(s).
Deselect "Hide paragraph if formula is true."h
If you select "Opened for reading," Notes automatically selects "Printed."
See related topics
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Writing a hidden paragraph formula
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Ways to format paragraphs
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You can hide or display a section's title when the section is expanded.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeA
2. Click the section.
3. Choose Section - Section Properties.
4. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.P
5. Select or deselect "Hide title when expanded."e
See related topics
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Ways to format sections
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You can hide or display context SmartIcons, which are additional icons that change depending on what you're doing in Notes. (For example, Notes displays one set of context icons when you read a document and another set when you edit a document.)
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Under Show, select or deselect "Context icons."
3. Click OK.
You cannot change the icons that appear in the context SmartIcons. To change the icons that display in every context, create a SmartIcons set.
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Creating a SmartIcons setS
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Displaying a different SmartIcons set
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Hiding or displaying the SmartIcons
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Hiding or displaying SmartIcons descriptions
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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When you hold the mouse over one of the SmartIcons, Notes displays a brief description of the icon. You can hide or display these descriptions._
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Under Show, select or deselect Descriptions.
3. Click OK.
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To display SmartIcons descriptions, choose Show Balloons from the Apple Help menu.
See related topics
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Hiding or displaying the SmartIcons
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Hiding or displaying context SmartIcons
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Displaying a different SmartIcons seto
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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You can hide or display the SmartIcons bar.
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Under Show, select or deselect "Icon bar."O
3. Click OK.
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Hiding or displaying context SmartIconst
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Hiding or displaying SmartIcons descriptions
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Displaying a different SmartIcons set
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Ways to set up SmartIcons_
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You can convert data from another application so that a Notes document can use it.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
, click where you want the imported data to appear.S
2. Choose File - Import.
3. Under "List Files of Type," select a file type.
4. Do one of the following:
Select the file's drive and directory and then select the file.
Enter the path and name of the file in the File Name box.
5. Click Import.
6. If necessary, do one of the following:=
If you selected a 1-2-3 or Symphony spreadsheet file, specify whether to import the entire worksheet file or a named range, specify the range if necessary, and click OK.
If you selected an ASCII text file, specify whether to preserve line breaks and click OK.
You must be in a
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On a form, a type of field that can include pictures, tables, pop-ups, objects, edition files, and other data created in Notes, imported from other applications, or pasted from the Clipboard. Text can be bold, italicized, in color, and so on.
rich text
field to import a file.
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About importing and exportingt
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About importing files into documents
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Changing how Notes translates characters
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Importing structured text into a view
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Importing tabular text into a view
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Importing worksheet data into a view
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Ways to share information with other applicationsT
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You can use the Text Properties InfoBox to indent or outdent the first line of one or more paragraphs a specific amount.
1. m
Make sure the document is in r
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeR
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)i
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.
To indent a hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes indents the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. Click the Alignment tab.
5. Click one of the following First line icons:
Click the Normal icon to return the first line of the selected paragraph(s) to normal.
Click the Indent icon to indent the first line of the selected paragraph(s).
Click the Outdent icon to outdent the first line of the selected paragraph(s).
6. If you clicked Indent or Outdent, enter the amount you want to indent or outdent.
The default is 0.25" (0.635 cm).
If you select more than one paragraph in a text field (instead of a rich text field) and click a First line icon, Notes works only on the first line of the entire selection (instead of the first line of each paragraph).e
See related topics
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to indent paragraphsl
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Creating a numbered list
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Creating a bulleted list
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You can use the keyboard to indent or outdent one or more paragraphs.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modes
2. l
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Do one of the following:
Press F7 to indent the first line of the selected paragraph(s).
Press SH+F7 to outdent the first line of the selected paragraph(s).U
Press F8 to indent the entire selected paragraph(s).
Press SH+F8 to outdent the entire selected paragraph(s).
See related topics
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Ways to indent paragraphs
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Creating a numbered list
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Creating a bulleted list
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You can use the
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to indent or outdent one or more paragraphs.
1. o
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeF
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose View - Ruler.
4. On the ruler, do one or both of the following:
Drag the upper pentagon pointer to where you want the first line of the selected paragraph(s) to start.
Drag the lower pentagon pointer to where you want the remaining lines of the selected paragraph(s) to start.
To move both pointers at the same time, drag the lower pentagon pointer to where you want it and then double-click it.
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About the rulert
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to indent paragraphs
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Creating a numbered list
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Creating a bulleted list
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1. P
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moded
2. Click where you want to insert the page break.
Notes inserts the page break above the current paragraph.
3. Choose Create - Page Break.
To see where pages will break, choose View - Show - Page Breaks. Notes displays a page break as a solid line across the screen.R
See related topics
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Keeping one or more paragraphs on a page
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Previewing a document for printing
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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ys to format
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1. If you are using the mail database, do the following:
If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
Click New Entry or double-click the date of the meeting.
Select Invitation.
2. If you are using the Personal Address Book, do the following:
If necessary, switch to the Business Cards or By Category view.t
Select the names of the people you want to invite to the meeting._
Click Schedule Meeting in the action bar.a
3. Enter a description of the meeting in the Brief description field.
4. If necessary,
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specify the date
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of the meeting in the Date field.
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Specify the time
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of the meeting in the Time field.
6. Under Invitations, do one or both of the following:
Specify the names of one or more users and/or groups in the "Send invitations to" field.
Specify the names of one or more users and/or groups in the "Optional invitees" field.
If you selected names from the Personal Address Book in step 2 above, Notes automatically added these names to the "Send invitations to" field.
(Optional) Do any of the following:a
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find free time for the meeting
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, click "Find Free Time," specify a time that is free for all or most of the invitees, and click OK.
To prevent invitees from sending you responses to the invitation, select "I don't want responses from the Invitees."
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reserve a specific room for the meeting
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, click Reservations, click "Reserve Specific Room," select the room, and click OK.
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reserve any available room for the meeting
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, click Reservations and click "Find Available Room," select a site, and click OK.
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reserve a resource for the meeting
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, click Reservations, click "Reserve Resources," select the resource, and click OK.
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set an alarm for the meeting
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, click Alarm options, specify when you want the alarm to go off, and click OK.
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make the meeting a repeating meeting
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, click Repeat, specify how often and for how long you want the meeting to repeat, and click OK.
To keep the selected time free for other meetings, select Pencil in.
To hide the meeting from
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other users who can read your calendar
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, select "Not for public viewing."
To include more information about the meeting, enter it in the Detailed description field.
8. Click "Save and Close" and then click Yes.
Notes sends meeting invitations to the invitees in both the "Send invitations to" and "Optional invitees" fields. Notes also adds the meeting to the Calendar and Meetings views and marks the specified time busy in your
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free time schedule
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(unless you selected Pencil in).
To view your calendar while you're filling out the meeting form, click Check Calendar. To return to the appointment form, press ESC.
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See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetingse
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Ways to create calendar entrieso
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You can keep all the lines in one paragraph on the same page. You can also keep consecutive paragraphs on the same page.
1. o
Make sure the document is in c
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Do one of the following:t
To keep a paragraph on one page, click the paragraph.L
To keep two consecutive paragraphs on one page, click the first paragraph.
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.W
To keep a hotspot, button, attachment, or object on a page, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes keeps the paragraph that contains the item on a page.)
4. Click the Page tab.
5. For Pagination, do one or both of the following:
Select "Keep paragraph on one page."
Select "Keep paragraph with next paragraph."
To see where pages break, choose View - Show - Page Breaks. Notes displays a page break as a solid line across the screen.
See related topics
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Inserting a page break
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Previewing a document for printing
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to format O
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When you maximize the Notes workspace window, you can keep it behind other open windows automatically (if you're using Windows, OS/2, or UNIX). This way, each time you close a window Notes returns to the last window that was current instead of to the workspace.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Select "Keep Workspace in back when maximized."
3. Click OK.
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Ways to set up your workspace
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If you have the application an attached file was created with, you can start the application directly from Notes and read the file.O
1. Double-click the file attachment.
2. Click Launch.
If you make edits, they won't be saved in the launched file. To edit the file, save a copy of the file and edit the copy.c
See related topics
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Attaching a file to a document
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Ways to use file attachments
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Ways to share information with other applicationsr
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You can use your delegation profile to give users "Read public documents" and "Write public documents" access to your mail database. This way, users can read, create, edit, and delete calendar entries (appointments, meeting invitations, meeting responses, events, reminders, and anniversaries) but cannot read, create, edit, or delete any other documents in your mail database.
1. Choose Actions - Mail Tools - Delegation Profile.
2. Under Calendar Access, do one of the following:
To give all users "Read public documents" and "Write public documents" access to your mail database, select "Everyone can manage my Calendar."
To give only selected users and/or groups "Read public documents" and "Write public documents" access to your mail database, specify the names of the users and/or groups in the "Only the following people/groups can manage my Calendar" field.
3. Click OK.
If you give a user Editor access to your mail database (by specifying the user's name in the "Read, send, and edit any document in my mail file" field under E-mail Access), Notes automatically gives the user "Read public documents" and "Write public documents" access.
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See details
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See related topics
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Letting others use your mail database
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Letting others read your calendarp
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Reading someone else's calendart
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You can use your delegation profile to give users "Read public documents" access to your mail database. This way, users can read calendar entries (appointments, meeting invitations, meeting responses, events, reminders, and anniversaries) but cannot read any other documents in your mail database.
1. Choose Actions - Mail Tools - Delegation Profile.
2. Under Calendar Access, do one of the following:
To give all users "Read public documents" access to your mail database, select "Everyone can read my Calendar."
To give only selected users and/or groups "Read public documents" access to your mail database, specify the names of the users and/or groups in the "Only the following people/groups can read my Calendar" field.
3. Click OK.
If you give a user Reader, Author, or Editor access to your mail database (by specifying the user's name in any of the fields under E-mail Access), Notes automatically gives the user "Read public documents" access.
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See detailsO
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See related topics
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Letting others use your mail databasea
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Letting others manage your calendarE
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Reading someone else's calendar
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If you're using Windows, you can
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A connection between two files that lets the files share data. You can link one file to another file in the same application or two files from different applications. When two files are linked, changes to the information in the source file will appear in the file it is linked to. For example, if a 1-2-3 spreadsheet is linked to a Freelance Graphics chart, changes made to the spreadsheet will affect the chart.
data from an embedded l
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
object in Notes to another OLE 2 client application. This way, you can store data from other applications in Notes and then create links to the data from other Notes documents or from other applications.
1. In Notes, do one of the following:
To create a link to part of an embedded object, open in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modea
the document containing the embedded object, double-click the object, and select the data you want to link.
To create a link to an entire embedded object, open the document containing the embedded object and click the object.
2. Choose Edit - Copy.
3. In the application, click where you want the link to appear.
4. Choose Edit - Paste Special.
5. Click Paste Link (or the application's option equivalent).
6. Select a display format for the object.
7. Click OK.
See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objects
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Ways to manage objects
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Ways to add objects to documents
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You can associate a linked
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
with a different file or with different data in the same file.o
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modee
, choose Edit - External Links.
2. Select the link.e
3. Click Edit Link.
4. Do one or both of the following:
To link to a different file, enter the path and name of the file under Source.
To link to different data in the same file, specify the part of the file under Item.
For example, if the object type is 1-2-3 Worksheet and the range specified under Item is A:A1..A:C3, you could change the range to B:A1..B:C3.
5. Click OK.
You cannot associate a
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DDE (dynamic data exchange)
A method for displaying data created with other Windows and Presentation Manager applications, such as graphics or spreadsheet ranges, within Notes documents. DDE objects can be reactivated and updated to reflect the current state of changing data.
object with different data. To link to different data, you have to create a new object.
See related topics
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Ways to manage objects
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You can
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A connection between two files that lets the files share data. You can link one file to another file in the same application or two files from different applications. When two files are linked, changes to the information in the source file will appear in the file it is linked to. For example, if a 1-2-3 spreadsheet is linked to a Freelance Graphics chart, changes made to the spreadsheet will affect the chart.
data from another application as an
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Lotus Notes: A copy of data from a server application for embedding in a client application; or, a pointer to data in a server application for linking in a client application.
in a Notes document. This way, you can display the latest data from an
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Although OLE was originally an acronym for "Object Linking and Embedding" (a Microsoft Windows utility that allowed applications to share data) it is now generally recognized to stand for a broader technology. See the 1997 edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style, pp. 160-168 for a full explanation.
If an application allows users to insert OLE objects into it, it is called a "container application."
If an application allows users to create OLE objects for insertion in other applications, it is called a "server application."
When a file contains an OLE object, it is called a "compound document."
Notes/FX (based on OLE and the Notes API) advances the capability of OLE by letting you "see" information at field-level and send/receive data at that level.
server application in Notes.b
If you're using OS/2, you can link data from
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DDE (dynamic data exchange)
A method for displaying data created with other Windows and Presentation Manager applications, such as graphics or spreadsheet ranges, within Notes documents. DDE objects can be reactivated and updated to reflect the current state of changing data.
server applications.
To paste data from an OLE server application
1. In the application, select the data you want to link and copy it to the Clipboard.a
2. In Notes, open in a
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit moded
the document you want to add the linked object to.c
3. Click where you want the object to appear.
4. Choose Edit - Paste Special.o
5. Select "Paste link to source."
6. In the As box, select a display format for the object.?
7. (Optional) If available, select "Display as icon" to display an icon instead of the linked data.
8. Click OK.
You can also link data from some t
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Version 2.0 of "Object Linking and Embedding," is a Microsoft Windows technology that allows applications to share data. OLE 2 is an expansion of OLE technology that lets you share data in additional ways. For example, you can use OLE 2 features such as "drag & drop" and "edit in-place" to create and manipulate object data more easily.
OLE 2a
server applications by using drag and drop. To do so, select the data you want to link in the application, press CTRL+SHIFT and click the outline of the selected data, drag the selection to a rich text field in a Notes document, and drop it where you want the data to appear.
Click here for Macintosh information
On the Macintosh, you don't need to press any keys as you drag the selected data to the Notes document, but "Enable OLE drag and drop" must be selected in the Advanced list in your user preferences.
To paste data from a DDE server applicationt
1. In the application, select the data you want to link and copy it to the Clipboard.
Make sure you keep the application open.l
2. In Notes, open in s
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
the document you want to add the linked object to.t
3. Click where you want the object to appear.d
4. Choose Edit - Paste Special.p
5. In the Display As box, select a display format for the object.r
6. Click Link.
A linked object is a pointer to data in another file; changes made to the original file are reflected in the Notes document. Notes asks whether to update a linked object each time the document containing the object is opened.a
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See detailsn
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See related topics
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About OLE and DDE objectsn
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Ways to add objects to documents
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Ways to manage objects
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You can lock your
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A file assigned to every user and server that uniquely identifies them to Lotus Notes.
user ID
automatically. When you do, Notes logs off servers and asks for your password after you leave Notes unused for a specified amount of time. (This way, you can prevent unauthorized users from accessing servers when you leave your workstation unattended.)
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. In the "Lock ID after" box, type a number of minutes.
3. Click OK.
Make sure your user ID is password-protected. If it is, Notes asks for your password the first time you try to access a server after automatic logoff.
See related topics
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Locking your user ID manually
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Setting or changing your passworde
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Ways to specify basic settings
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1. If necessary, switch to the To Do view.
2. Select the task.7
3. Do one of the following:l
Click Mark Completed (or choose Actions - Mark Completed).
Choose Actions - Unmark Completed.
If another user assigned the task to you, Notes asks if you want to send additional comments to the user.
4. If necessary, do one of the following:n
To send a message without comments, click No.
To send a message with comments, click Yes, enter your comments, click Send, and then click OK.T
If you mark a task complete, Notes displays the task in the Complete category of the To Do view. If another user assigned the task to you, Notes also sends a message to the user.
If you assign a task to one user, Notes displays the task in the Complete category of the To Do view in your mail database when you receive a completion message. If you assign a task to more than one user, Notes displays the task in the Complete category when you receive a completion message from all of the users.
See related topics
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Ways to create tasks
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You can mark documents read that you display in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Under Advanced options, select "Mark documents read when opened in preview pane."
3. Click OK.
See related topics
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Previewing a document_
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Ways to mark documents read or unreadR
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ays to specify advanced settings
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Merging combines a number of cells into one and arranges the data from these cells vertically in the new merged cell. Splitting a merged cell breaks it into its constituent cells and leaves the data arranged vertically in one cell. You must merge cells before you can split them into their original cells.n
To merge cells into one cell A
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the cells you want to merge.
3. Choose Table - Merge Cells.
To split a merged cell
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the merged cell you want to split.
3. Choose Table - Split Cell.o
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Ways to format tables
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You can scroll around a document when it's too large to display all of its contents onscreen at once.
To move to a location in a document, drag the scroll box to the position in the scroll bar that corresponds to the desired location.
To move up or down one screen at a time, click the scroll bar above or below the scroll box.
To move up or down one line at a time, click the arrows at the top or bottom of the scroll bar.
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See detailss
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See related topics
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Displaying the horizontal scroll bar
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Ways to read documents
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Ways to use features you see in documents
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modee
2. Select the button.R
3. Choose Edit - Cut.l
4. Click where you want to place the button.
5. Choose Edit - Paste.
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Removing a button
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Ways to format buttons
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You can use drag & drop to move an entry in the Calendar view.
To move to a new date
1. Click and hold the entry.
2. (Optional) To move the entry to a preceding or succeeding page, do the following:
Drag the entry to the dog-ear at the bottom left or right corner of the Calendar view.
Hold the entry over the dog-ear until the calendar page you want is current.
3. Drag the entry to the new date.
To move to a new time
1. Click and hold the entry.
2. To display the time slots on the date you want, drag the entry over the clock icon in the top left or right corner of the date.
To scroll the time slots on the date, drag the entry over one of the scroll arrows.
3. Drag the entry to the new time.
If you move a meeting entry that you created, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting. If a room and/or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes sends the Resource Reservations database a reservation request for the new time.p
You can also move a calendar entry by
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putting the entry in edit mode
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and changing the entry's date and/or time.
See related topics
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Moving a repeating calendar entry
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Ways to manage calendar entriesA
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the hotspot.
3. Choose Edit - Cut.
4. Click where you want to place the hotspot.t
5. Choose Edit - Paste.
See related topics
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Removing a hotspot
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Ways to format hotspots
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You can use drag & drop to move selected occurrences of a repeating calendar entry in the Calendar view.
To move to a new date
1. Click and hold the repeating entry.
2. (Optional) To move the entry to a preceding or succeeding page, do the following:
Drag the entry to the dog-ear at the bottom left or right corner of the Calendar view.
Hold the entry over the dog-ear until the calendar page you want is current.
3. Drag the entry to the new date.
4. Do one of the following:
Select "Just this one" to move only the selected occurrence of the entry.
Select "All" to move all occurrences of the entry.
Select "All previous" to move the selected occurrence and all previous occurrences of the entry.
Select "All future" to move the selected occurrence and all future occurrences of the entry.
5. Click OK.
To move to a new time
1. Click and hold the repeating entry.
2. To display the time slots on the date you want, drag the entry over the clock icon in the top left or right corner of the date.
To scroll the time slots on the date, drag the entry over one of the scroll arrows.
3. Drag the entry to the new time.
4. Do one of the following:
Select "Just this one" to move only the selected occurrence of the entry.
Select "All" to move all occurrences of the entry.
Select "All previous" to move the selected occurrence and all previous occurrences of the entry.
Select "All future" to move the selected occurrence and all future occurrences of the entry.
5. Click OK.
If you move a repeating meeting entry that you created, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting.u
You can also move a repeating calendar entry by
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putting the repeating entry in edit mode
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and changing the entry's date and/or time.
See related topics
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Repeating a calendar entry
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Ways to manage calendar entries
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1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modeh
2. Click the section.t
3. Choose Edit - Cut.i
4. Click where you want to place the section.
5. Choose Edit - Paste.,
See related topics
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Removing a section
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Ways to format sections
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You can display the SmartIcons bar along a selected side of the Notes window.N
1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. Under Position, select a side.o
3. Click OK.
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To display the SmartIcons bar in its own movable window, select Floating. You can also hide the floating window by clicking the close box in its upper left corner. To redisplay the window, choose File - Tools - SmartIcons and select "Icon bar" under Show.
See related topics
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Changing the size of the SmartIcons
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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If you
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specify headers or footers
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that include page numbers, you can change the first page number.
1. Choose File - Page Setup.
2. Enter a new number in the "Start page numbers at" box.
3. Click OK.
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To change the first page number, choose File - Print and click Margins.
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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You can set Notes to display a database instead of the workspace at startup.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click the Basics panel of the dialog box.
3. Click the Startup Database button.
4. Select the database that you want to have open when Notes starts up.
5. Click OK in the Startup Database dialog box.
6. Click OK in the User Preferences dialog box.
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Ways to specify advanced settingsr
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To open a document
1. Double-click the document title.
To close a document and open the next document
1. Make sure the document is in
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You can read but not modify a document. To modify a document, you must have Editor access (or better) to the database or you must be the document's author.
read mode
2. Press ENTER or click the Next icon in the SmartIcons bar.
To close a document and open the next unread document
1. Make sure the document is in
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You can read but not modify a document. To modify a document, you must have Editor access (or better) to the database or you must be the document's author.
read mode
2. Click the Next Unread icon in the SmartIcons bar.
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Ways to read documents
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Closing a document
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If you use Windows 95, you can create a shortcut to a Notes document from the Windows 95 desktop. Then when you double-click the shortcut, Notes opens the document in the database you created the shortcut in.
1. Resize the Notes window so that you can see the Windows 95 desktop.
2. In a Notes view, drag the document you want to create a shortcut for out of the Notes window to the desktop.
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Ways to read documents
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Opening a document
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Opening a database from the Windows 95 desktop
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If you're not sure if you can attend a meeting, you can accept the meeting invitation tentatively (or "pencil in" the meeting).s
1. Open the invitation.o
2. Click Other.
3. Select Pencil In in the "Action to take" field.
4. (Optional) Enter comments in the "Comments to include" field.
5. Click OK.
Notes sends a message with your response to the meeting chairperson. Notes also adds the meeting to the Calendar and Meetings views but keeps the specified time free in your
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free time schedule
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To view your calendar while you're responding to the invitation, click Check Calendar. To return to the invitation, press ESC.
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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You can read a document in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
1. Click the document you want to preview.
2. Choose View - Document Preview.
You can change the size of the preview pane by dragging the pane's top (or left) border.
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About panes
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Rearranging panes
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Ways to preview documents
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You can see where pages break and words wrap before you print a document. This is useful because printed documents may differ from displayed documents. Also, Notes may print documents differently on different printers.
1. Open the document you want to preview.V
2. Choose View - Show - Page Breaks.
Notes displays a page break as a solid line across the screen. (Notes does not display headers and footers.)s
3. (Optional) To leave preview mode, choose View - Show - Page Breaks again.
If you change page settings (such as margins) while you're in preview mode, choose View - Show - Page Breaks to leave preview mode. Then choose the command again to show the document with the new page settings.
See related topics
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Inserting a page break
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Keeping one or more paragraphs on a page
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Ways to printv
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Ways to preview documents
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You can read a linked document in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
. A document link looks like this:
1. Choose View - Document Link Preview.e
2. If the document has multiple links:
Press the right arrow key to change the preview pane display to the next linked document.
Press the left arrow key to change the preview pane display to the previous linked document.
You can change the size of the preview pane by dragging the pane's top (or left) border.
See related topics
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About panes
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Rearranging panesa
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Ways to preview documentsa
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Using a link
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When you open a response document, you can read its parent document in the
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The pane that displays the top of the selected document in the view pane.
preview pane
1. Open a response document.
2. Choose View - Parent Preview.
You can change the size of the preview pane by dragging the pane's top (or left) border.
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About panes
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Rearranging panes
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Ways to preview documents
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If you're using Windows, you can print file
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A file attached to a Lotus Notes document. An attachment remains with the document until delete the attachment or the document.
directly from Notes.
1. Click the attachment.
2. Choose Attachment - View.
3. (Optional) To print only part of the file, highlight the part you want to print.
4. Choose File - Print.
5. (Optional) To print only the highlighted part of the file, click Selection under Print Range.
6. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To print faster (with reduced print quality), select a lower setting in the Print Quality box.
To print more than one copy, enter the number of copies.
To sort multiple copies, select Collate Copies.
7. Click OK.
To specify a different printer, click Setup, select a printer under Specified Printer, and click OK.
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See details
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Ways to print
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1. Open the document you want to print or click its title.
2. Choose File - Print.c
3. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To print only selected pages, enter the first and last pages you want to print.
To print faster (with reduced print quality), select Draft Quality.s
To print more than one copy, enter thember of copies._
To print pictures at their original size, select "Graphics Scaled to 100%."
4. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows or OS/2, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
Click here for Macintosh information
1. Open the document you want to print or click its title.
2. Choose File - Print.a
3. (Optional) Specify any of the standard Macintosh print options you want, such as the pages or number of copies you want to print.
4. Click Print.
To stop printing, press COMMAND+. (period).
See related topics
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Previewing a document for printing
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Ways to print
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You can print a document with a different
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Forms control how you edit, display, and print documents. A form can contain fields, static text, graphics, and special objects. A database can have any number of forms.
(if another form is available).
1. Open the document you want to print or click its title.
2. Choose File - Print.
3. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To print only selected pages, enter the first and last pages you want to print.
To print faster (with reduced print quality), select Draft Quality.i
To print more than one copy, enter the number of copies.
To print pictures at their original size, select "Graphics Scaled to 100%."
4. Click Form Override.
5. Select a form and click OK.
6. Click OK to print.
To stop printing in Windows or OS/2, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
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1. Open the document you want to print or click its title.
2. Choose File - Print.
3. (Optional) Specify any of the standard Macintosh print options you want, such as the pages or number of copies you want to print.
4. Click Form Override.i
5. Select a form and click OK.
6. Click Print.3
To stop printing, press COMMAND+. (period).a
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to printp
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Displaying a document with a different form
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You can print a list of calendar entries in a Calendar view. Notes prints the titles of the entries, but does not print them in the Calendar view format._
1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Choose File - Print.
3. Under View options, select "Print selected days."
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Specify the first and last dates
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you want to print in the From and To field.
To print all calendar entries in the database, specify a first and last date that encompasses the range of calendar entries in the database. Notes does not print dates before the first calendar entry or after the last calendar entry in the database.y
5. (Optional) To print only selected pages, enter the first and last pages you want to print.
7. (Optional) To print more than one copy, specify the number you want in the Copies field.
8. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to print the calendar
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Ways to display the calendar
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1. Switch to the folder or view you want to print.
2. (Optional) To print a partial list of documents,
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select the documents
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you want to print.
3. Choose File - Print.c
4. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To print faster (with reduced print quality), select Draft Quality.
To print more than one copy, enter a number of copies.
5. Select Print View.
6. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows or OS/2, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
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1. Switch to the folder or view you want to print.
2. (Optional) To print a partial list of documents,
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select the documents
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you want to list.
3. Choose File - Print.
4. (Optional) Specify any of the standard Macintosh print options you want, such as the pages or number of copies you want to print.
5. For Selection, select View.
6. Click Print.
To stop printing, press COMMAND+. (period).d
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to printP
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Select the documents
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you want to print.
2. Choose File - Print.
3. (Optional) Do any of the following:
To print faster (with reduced print quality), select Draft Quality.
To print more than one copy, enter a number of copies.
To print pictures at their original size, select "Graphics Scaled to 100%."U
4. Select Print Selected Documents.
5. Select a document separator.y
To set the first page number of each document to 1 (or the value specified using File - Page Setup), select Page Break as the document separator and select "Reset Page Numbers."
6. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows or OS/2, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
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Select the documents
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you want to print.r
2. Choose File - Print.
3. (Optional) Specify any of the standard Macintosh print options you want, such as the pages or number of copies you want to print.
4. For Selection, select "Selected documents."
5. Select a document separator.N
To set the first page number of each document to 1, select Page Break as the document separator and select "Reset page numbers." (To change the first page number of each document, click Margins.)
6. Click Print.C
To stop printing, press COMMAND+. (period).
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Previewing a document for printing
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Ways to printo
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You can print the contents of one or more calendar entries.
1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.c
2. Do one of the following:e
To select one calendar entry to print, click the entry.R
To select more than one calendar entry to print, hold SHIFT and click each entry.
3. Choose File - Print.e
4. Under View options, do the following:
Select "Print selected documents."
If you selected more than one entry, select a document separator.
6. (Optional) To print more than one copy, specify the number you want in the Copies field.g
7. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
You can also print one or more calendar entries from the Meetings view.
See related topics
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to print the calendar
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You can print calendar entries on the current page in a Calendar view using the Calendar view display.
1. If necessary, switch to the Calendar view.
2. Change the display of the Calendar view to two day, one week, two week, or one month.
3. Display the page for the days, weeks, or month that you want to print. For example, if you want to print calendar entries for the month of April, change the display to one month and display the April page.
4. Choose File - Print.
5. Under View options, select "Print View" if necessary.
7. (Optional) To print more than one copy, specify the number you want in the Copies field.
8. Click OK.
To stop printing in Windows, click Cancel in the message box Notes displays.
See related topics
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to print the calendar
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Ways to display the calendar
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You can print to an external file if you have a PostScript
printer selected.
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To prepare to print to a file, choose Start - Settings - Printers, select a PS printer, choose File - Properties, and click Details. Then under "Print to the following port," select an option starting with "FILE:" and click OK.!
1. :
Do one of the following:
To print one or more documents to a file,
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select the document(s)
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To print a list of documents in a folder or view to a file, switch to the folder or view.d
2. Choose File - Print.:
3. Do one of the following:L
To print one or more documents, select Print Selected Documents.
To print a list of documents, select Print View.
4. Click Printer.F
5. Do one of the following:
If you're using Windows, click Setup, click Options, select Encapsulated PostScript File, enter a file name, and click OK two times.
If you're using Windows 95, select a PS printer description ending with "on FILE:", click OK, and enter a file name.
If you're using OS/2, click Setup, click Options, select Raw PostScript file or Encapsulated PostScript file, enter a file name, and click OK three times.
If you're using UNIX, click File, enter a file name, and click Apply. (With UNIX, you can print to a file in either PostScript or PCL format.)
6. Click OK.
Click here for Macintosh information
1. Do one of the following:
To print one or more documents to a file,
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select the document(s)
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To print a list of documents in a folder or view to a file, switch to the folder or view.
2. Choose File - Print.
3. For Destination, select File.
4. For Selection, do one of the following:
To print one or more documents, select Selected documents.
To print a list of documents, select View.
5. Click Save.
6. Enter a file name and click Save.
See related topics
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Specifying a printer
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to print
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1. Open the invitation.
2. Click Other.
3. Select "Propose Alternative Time/Location" in the "Action to take" field and click OK.
4. Do any of the following:
To propose a different date,
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specify a different date
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in the Proposed date field.
To propose a different time,
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specify a different time
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in the Proposed time field.
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propose a specific room
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, click "Propose Specific Room," select the room, and click OK.
To n
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propose any available room
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, click "Find Available Room," select a site, and click OK.
5. (Optional) Enter a reason for the proposed change in the "Reason for change" field.
6. Click "Send Counter Proposal."
Notes sends a counter-proposal message to the meeting chairperson. When the chairperson
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accepts or declines the counter-proposal
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, Notes sends you the chairperson's response.
To view your calendar while you're responding to the invitation, click Check Calendar. To return to the invitation, press ESC.
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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If you have "Read public documents" access or at least Reader access to a user's mail database, you can read the user's calendar.
1. Select your mail database.r
2. Choose Actions - Calendar Tools - Open Another Calendar.l
3. Select an Address Book that contains the name of the user whose calendar you want to read.
4. Select the user's name and click OK.l
5. (Optional) To display another folder or view in the user's mail database, drag the left border of the view pane to the right until the navigation pane is visible, and click the folder or view you want.
If you have only "Read public documents" access, Notes displays only calendar-related views such as the Calendar and Meetings views. To display meeting invitations and responses to meeting invitations, switch to the Meetings view.
6. When you are through reading the calendar, press ESC.
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let other users read your calendar
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, choose Actions - Mail Tools - Delegation Profile and use one of the options under Calendar Access.
See related topics
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Ways to let others use your calendar
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1. Choose File - Tools - SmartIcons.
2. In the box above the second column of icons, select the SmartIcons set you want to modify.C
3. Drag each icon you want to move to a new location in the second column.
4. Click OK.
See related topics
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Adding SmartIcons to a set
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Removing SmartIcons from a set
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Ways to set up SmartIcons
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After you invite people to a meeting, you can cancel one or more of the invitations.
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Click Edit Document.
3. Choose Actions - Remove - Invitees.
4. Select one or more invitees and click OK.
Notes sends a message to the selected invitee(s) telling them that they are no longer required to attend the meeting. When an invitee opens the message, Notes removes the meeting from the invitee's calendar.
If the meeting is a repeating meeting, you cannot remove an invitee from the invitation list.
See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetings
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You can delete a button from a document.
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modee
2. Select the button.o
3. Choose Edit - Clear.
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Moving a button
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Ways to format buttons
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You can delete a hotspot but keep its contents (the text inside the hotspot). You can also delete both a hotspot and its contents.
To delete a hotspot but keep its contentse
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the hotspot.
3. Choose Hotspot - Remove Hotspot.
To delete a hotspot and its contents
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Select the hotspot.
3. Choose Edit - Clear.g
See related topics
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Ways to format hotspotsg
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You can delete a section but keep its contents (the text inside the section). You can also delete both the section and its contents.
To delete a section but keep its contents
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the section.
3. Choose Section - Remove Section.
To delete a section and its contents
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the section.
3. Choose Edit - Clear.
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Moving a section
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Ways to format sections
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1. If necessary, switch to the To Do view.
2. Double-click the task entry that you want to remove from the calendar.a
3. Click Edit Task.S
4. Click "Remove From Calendar View."
See related topics
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Declining a task
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Ways to create tasks
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You can automatically remove meeting invitations from the Inbox folder after you respond to them.A
3. Select "Remove Invitations from my Inbox after I respond to them" and click OK.
Notes removes invitations from the Inbox folder but does not remove the corresponding meeting entries from the Calendar and Meetings views.A
If you enable this option and receive a broadcast invitation (an invitation that you don't have to respond to), Notes removes the invitation from the Inbox after you
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add the broadcast meeting to your calendar
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See related topics
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Ways to respond to meeting invitations
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If you're using Windows, OS/2, or UNIX, you can rename a port.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.
3. Select the port you want to rename.
4. Click Rename.
5. Type a new name and click OK.
6. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
For information on renaming server ports, see Domino Administration Help.
See related topics
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Ways to set up ports
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You can tell Notes which ports to try first when you try to connect to a server.
1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.h
3. Select the port you want to reorder.I
4. Click the up or down Reorder arrow one or more times.
5. Click OK.
Notes tries enabled ports in the order in which they appear in the Communications Ports box. (However, Notes skips enabled ports that are not in use at the current
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
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Enabling or disabling a port
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Selecting ports for a location
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Ways to set up ports
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When you create a calendar entry, you can create a set of repeating calendar entries.
1. If necessary, click New Entry and specify the settings you want.
2. Click Repeat.
3. Specify how often you want to repeat the calendar entry in the Repeat field.s
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Specify the first date
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for the repeating entry in the Starting date field.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Until and specify the last date for the repeating entry.
Click For and specify how long you want to repeat the entry for.
Click OK.
7. Click "Save and Close."
You can create a repeating entry only when you create a new calendar entry. To repeat an existing calendar entry, create the entry again, click Repeat, and specify the repeat information you want before you save and close the entry.
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See details
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See related topics
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Ways to create calendar entries
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Moving a repeating calendar entry
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Editing a repeating calendar entry
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Deleting a repeating calendar entry
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Ways to manage calendar entries
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After you invite people to a meeting, you can change the date, time, and/or location of the meeting.
1. Double-click the meeting entry.
2. Click Edit Document.
Do any of the following:
To change the date,
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specify a different date
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in the Date field.
To change the time,
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specify a different time
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in the Time field.
To c
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find free time
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, click "Find Free Time," specify a time
that is free for all or most of the invitees, and click OK.
To E
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reserve a specific roome
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, click Reservations, click "Reserve Specific Room," select a room, and click OK.
To l
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reserve any available room
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, click Reservations, click "Find Available Room," select the site in which you want to reserve the room, and click OK.
4. E
Click "Save and Close."A
When you change the date, time, and/or location of a meeting, Notes sends the invitees a new invitation to the rescheduled meeting. If a room and/or resource is reserved for the meeting, Notes sends the Resource Reservations database a reservation request for the new time or for the new location.m
If the meeting is a repeating meeting, you can change the date and time of selected occurrences of the meeting but you cannot change the location of the meeting.
You can also reschedule a meeting by
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moving the meeting entry
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in the Calendar view.
See related topics
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Ways to schedule meetingsm
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When you
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invite people to a meeting
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, you can reserve one or more resources, such as a projector or monitor, for the meeting.
1. If necessary, double-click the meeting entry and click Edit Document.
2. Make sure you have
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specified the date and time
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of the meeting in the Date and Time fields.
3. Click Reservations.
4. Click Reserve Resources, select one or more resources, and click OK.
When you save the meeting entry, Notes sends a request to the Resource Reservations database for the selected resource(s) at the selected time. If a resource is free, Notes reserves the resource for you and sends a message telling you the request has been accepted. If a resource is not free, Notes sends a message telling you the request has been declined.
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See detailse
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See related topics
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Reserving a room for a meeting
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Canceling a room or resource reservation
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Tracking responses to a meeting invitation
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Ways to schedule meetings
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When you
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invite people to a meeting
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, you can reserve a room for the meeting.
1. If necessary, double-click the meeting entry and click Edit Document.
2. Make sure you have
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specified the date and time
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of the meeting in the Date and Time fields.
3. Click Reservations.
4. Do one of the following:
To reserve a specific room, click "Reserve Specific Room," select a room, and click OK.
To reserve any available room, click "Find Available Room," select the site in which you want to reserve the room, and click OK.
When you save the meeting entry, Notes sends a request to the Resource Reservations database for the selected room at the selected time. If the room is free, Notes reserves the room for you and sends a message telling you the request has been accepted. If the room is not free, Notes sends a message telling you the request has been declined.
If you click "Find Available Room," make sure you specify the names of the invitees in the "Send invitations to" and "Optional invitees" fields first. This way, Notes selects a room of sufficient capacity for all of the invitees.O
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See details
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See related topics
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Reserving a resource for a meeting
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Canceling a room or resource reservation
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Tracking responses to a meeting invitation
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Ways to schedule meetings
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01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Sizing\picturesPictures\resizingFormatting\picturesGraphics\resizingHow Do I?StepsH_RESIZING_A_PICTUREContext Help FormResizing a picture04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents-
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\savingSaving\documentsHow Do I?StepsH_SAVING_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormSaving a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentsb
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Documents\savingSaving\documentsVersions, of documentsHow Do I?StepsH_SAVING_A_NEW_VERSION_OF_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormSaving a new version of a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Keyword fields\selectingStepsH_SELECTING_A_KEYWORDContext Help FormSelecting a keyword
Locations\ports andPorts\locations andHow Do I?StepsH_SELECTING_PORTS_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSelecting ports for a location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Calendar entriesSetting alarmsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_AN_ALARM_FOR_A_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormSetting an alarm for a calendar entry
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsq=
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Setting alarmsCalendar profileHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_AN_ALARM_FOR_A_TYPE_OF_CALENDAR_ENTRYContext Help FormSetting an alarm for all calendar entries of a particular type
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Tabs, in documents\settingHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_TABS_WITH_THE_KEYBOARDContext Help FormSetting tabs
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
RulerTabs, in documents\settingCentering\tabsDecimal tabsRemoving\tabsDeleting\tabsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_TABS_WITH_THE_RULERContext Help FormSetting tabs with the ruler
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Server connectionsPhone numbersCreating\server connectionsEditing\server connectionsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_A_DIALUP_SERVER_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up a dial-up server connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Hunt group connectionsHunt groupsCreating\hunt group connectionsEditing\hunt group connectionsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_A_HUNT_GROUP_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up a hunt group connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Server connectionsPorts\server connections andCreating\server connectionsEditing\server connectionsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_A_NETWORK_SERVER_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up a network server connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Server connectionsPassthru servers\connectionsCreating\server connectionsEditing\server connectionsHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_A_PASSTHROUGH_SERVER_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up a passthru server connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Server connectionsRemote LAN service\setupCreating\server connectionsEditing\server connectionsMicrosoft Remote Access ServiceAppleTalk Remote AccessHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_A_REMOTE_LAN_SERVER_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up a remote LAN server connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile NotesZd;
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Setup\mobile NotesMobile Notes\setupHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_MOBILE_NOTESContext Help FormSetting up mobile Notes
Workstation\setupHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_NOTES_FOR_USE_WITHOUT_A_CONNECTIONContext Help FormSetting up Notes for use without a connection
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsq=
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Free time lookupReplicator\and free time schedulesFree time schedulesHow Do I?StepsH_SETTING_UP_TO_FIND_FREE_TIME_LOCALLYContext Help FormSetting up to find free time locally
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Objects\updatingUpdating\objectsHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_LINKED_OBJECTS_UPDATE_TYPEContext Help FormSpecifying a linked object's update type
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Modem setupSetup\modemsHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_MODEM_FILEContext Help FormSetting up a modem
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\printer settingsPaper, and printingHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_PAPER_SOURCEContext Help FormSpecifying a paper source
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Passthru servers\locations andLocations\passthru servers andHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_PASSTHRU_SERVER_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying a passthru server for a location
Printing\printer settingsPrinting\printer settingsHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_PRINTERContext Help FormSpecifying a printer
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\printer settingsOrientation, printLandscape modeHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_PRINTERS_ORIENTATIONContext Help FormSpecifying a printer's orientation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Replication\schedulesScheduling replicationLocations\replication schedules, andReplicator\optionsHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_REPLICATION_SCHEDULE_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying a replication schedule for a location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
User IDs\locations andLocations\User IDs andHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_A_USER_ID_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying a User ID for a location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetingsd;
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Dates\specifyingTimes\specifyingHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_DATES_AND_TIMESContext Help FormSpecifying dates and times
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print%
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\page settingsHeadersFootersCreating\headers and footersDatabases\headersDatabases\footersHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS_FOR_A_DATABASEContext Help FormSpecifying headers and footers for a database
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks09 Print
@01 User's Guide11 Chapter 11 Printing
Printing\page settingsHeadersFootersCreating\headers and footersDocuments\headersDocuments\footersHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS_FOR_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormSpecifying headers and footers for a document
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notesy
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Locations\mail andMail\locations andAddressing mail\locations andQuick-address methodServer-based mailWorkstation-based mailHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_MAIL_OPTIONS_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying mail options for a location
Locations\phone numbers andLocations\time information andTime zonesHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_PHONE_AND_TIME_INFORMATION_FOR_THE_CURRENT_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying phone and time information for the current location
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile NotesD
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
Locations\phone numbers andPhone numbersCalling card numbersHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_PHONE_INFORMATION_FOR_A_LOCATIONContext Help FormSpecifying phone information for a location
Printing\printer settingsPaper, and printingHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_PRINTER-SPECIFIC_SETTINGSContext Help FormSpecifying printer-specific settings
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Free time schedulesCalendar profileHow Do I?StepsH_SPECIFYING_WHO_CAN_READ_YOUR_FREE_TIME_SCHEDULEContext Help FormSpecifying who can read your free time schedule
Startup settingsFull text indexes\creatingBackground\indexingReplication\and background indexingHow Do I?StepsH_STARTING_BACKGROUND_INDEXINGContext Help FormEnabling background indexing at startup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Starting NotesStopping NotesExiting NotesEnding NotesQuitting NotesHow Do I?StepsH_STARTING_STOPPING_AND_EXITING_NOTESContext Help FormStarting, stopping, and exiting Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes9
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Agents\scheduling andHow Do I?StepsH_STARTING_THE_AGENT_MANAGERContext Help FormEnabling scheduled agents at startup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
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SubscribingLinks\and subscriptionHow Do I?StepsH_SUBSCRIBING_TO_MACINTOSHBASED_DATAContext Help FormSubscribing to Macintosh-based data
Workspace pages\switchingTabs, workspace\switchingHow Do I?StepsH_SWITCHING_TO_A_DIFFERENT_WORKSPACE_PAGEContext Help FormSwitching to a different workspace page
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
MDI modeHow Do I?StepsH_SWITCHING_TO_WINDOWS_95_MODEContext Help FormSwitching to MDI mode
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Tracing connectionsNetworksServers\tracing connectionsLOG.NSF\tracing connectionsPorts\setupShowing\port informationHow Do I?StepsH_TRACING_A_NETWORK_CONNECTIONContext Help FormTracing a connection attempt
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Printing\invitee responsesDisplaying\invitee responsesViewing\invitee responsesRepeating calendar entries\and meetingsHow Do I?StepsH_TRACKING_RESPONSES_TO_A_MEETING_INVITATIONContext Help FormTracking responses to a meeting invitation
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks08 Use Mobile Notes
@01 User's Guide10 Chapter 10 Using Mobile Notes
United StatesTravelling with NotesHow Do I?StepsH_TRAVELLING_OUTSIDE_THE_UNITED_STATES_WITH_NOTESContext Help FormTravelling outside the United States with Notes
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Days, calendar\navigatingCalendar\navigatingPages, calendarHow Do I?StepsH_TURNING_TO_A_DIFFERENT_CALENDAR_PAGEContext Help FormTurning to a different calendar page
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Hotspots\usingDisplaying\pop-up textPop-up text\usingText\pop-upHow Do I?StepsH_USING_A_HOTSPOTContext Help FormUsing a hotspot
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications
(@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Lotus ComponentsObjects\Lotus ComponentsOLE custom controlsOCXHow Do I?StepsH_USING_LOTUS_COMPONENTSContext Help FormUsing Lotus Components
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsNb
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Attachments\viewingFile attachments\viewingDisplaying\attached filesViewing\attachmentsHow Do I?StepsH_VIEWING_AN_ATTACHED_FILEContext Help FormViewing an attached file
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit DocumentsP
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_ADD_COLUMNS_OR_ROWS_TO_A_TABLEContext Help FormWays to add columns or rows to a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toDocuments\and Java appletsHow Do I?Ways ToH_WAYS_TO_ADD_JAVA_APPLETS_TO_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormWays to add Java applets to documents04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applicationsb
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Ways toCreating\objectsHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_ADD_OBJECTS_TO_A_DOCUMENTContext Help FormWays to add objects to documents
How Do I?Top 10 TasksStepsH_WAYS_TO_CHANGE_HOW_PARAGRAPHS_LOOKContext Help FormWays to format paragraphs
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks12 Share Information with Other Applications7
&@01 User's Guide14 Chapter 14 Sharing Information with Other Applications
Ways toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CHANGE_OBJECTSContext Help FormWays to manage objects
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documentso
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toEditing\sectionsFormatting\sectionsHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CHANGE_SECTIONSContext Help FormWays to format sections
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toFormatting\tablesEditing\tablesHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CHANGE_TABLESContext Help FormWays to format tables
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks01 Set Up Notes
?01 User's Guide01 Chapter 1 Setting Up Notes
Workstation\setupSetup\workstationWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CHANGE_YOUR_NOTES_SETUPContext Help FormWays to change your Notes setup
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule Meetings
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Creating\calendar entriesCalendar entriesAdding\calendar entriesCalendar\adding entriesWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CREATE_CALENDAR_ENTRIESContext Help FormWays to create calendar entries
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsO
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Creating\calendar entriesCalendar entriesAdding\calendar entriesCalendar\adding entriesWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CREATE_CALENDAR_ENTRIES_FROM_EXISTING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormWays to create calendar entries from existing documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CREATE_HOTSPOTSContext Help FormWays to create hotspots04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Creating\listsLists\creatingWays toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CREATE_LISTSContext Help FormWays to create lists
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks07 Use the Calendar, Assign Tasks, and Schedule MeetingsV
@01 User's Guide09 Chapter 9 Using the Calendar, Assigning Tasks, and Scheduling Meetings
Ways toTasksHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_CREATE_TASKS_FROM_EXISTING_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormWays to create tasks from existing documents
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents%
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_DELETE_COLUMNS_OR_ROWS_FROM_A_TABLEContext Help FormWays to delete columns or rows from a table
CN=Joe Levine/OU=CAM/O=Lotus
01 Do Everyday Tasks04 Read, Create, and Edit Documents
@01 User's Guide05 Chapter 5 Reading, Creating, and Editing Documents
Ways toDocuments\displayingDisplaying\documentsHow Do I?Ways toH_WAYS_TO_DISPLAY_DOCUMENTSContext Help FormWays to change the display of documents
You can resize a picture that was pasted or imported into a Notes document. (Notes treats a picture as one unit, so you must resize the entire picture.)
To resize a picture
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the picture.t
3. Drag the box in the picture's lower right corner.
Notes displays the picture's current width and height as a percentage of its original width and height above the status bar.o
To return a picture to its original size
1. Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. Click the picture.n
3. Choose Picture - Picture Properties.
4. Click the Basics tab.
5. Click "Reset width and height to 100%."
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Adding a picture
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When an alarm goes off, Notes displays the Alarm dialog box, which shows a description of the calendar entry associated with the alarm.
To repeat the alarm 10 minutes later, click Snooze.
To repeat the alarm a different number of minutes later, specify the number of minutes in the Snooze for field and then click Snooze.
To clear the alarm, click OK.U
If you click Snooze and exit Notes before the alarm goes off again, Notes clears the alarm.
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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When you start Notes, Notes checks to see if any alarms were scheduled to go off since you last exited Notes. If any alarms were scheduled to go off, Notes asks if you want to display them.
1. When Notes asks if you want to display missed alarms, do one of the following:s
To clear the missed alarms, select No.
To display the missed alarms, select Yes.l
If you select Yes, Notes displays the Missed Alarms dialog box, which shows a description of the calendar entry associated with each missed alarm.
2. If you selected Yes, do one of the following:
To repeat some of the alarms 10 minutes later and clear the rest, select the alarms you want to repeat and click Snooze.
To repeat some of the alarms a different number of minutes later and clear the rest, specify the number of minutes in the Snooze for field and then click Snooze.
To clear all of the alarms, click Done.
If you click Snooze and exit Notes before the selected alarms go off again, Notes clears the alarms.
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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You can save a document you're working in and keep it open, or save a document and close it. It's a good idea to save a document often while you're working in it.
To save a document and keep it open
1. Choose File - Save or press CTRL+S (or COMMAND+S on the Macintosh).
To save a document and close itS
1. Press ESC.
2. Select Yes to save your changes.i
You can also save documents with the File Save icon in the SmartIcons bar.
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Saving a mail message
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Ways to save documents
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If a database designer
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enables versioning for a form
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, you can save multiple versions of a document created with the form. Versioning is useful when you want to track revisions of a document.
To save a new version of a document, choose File - Save As New Version.t
You can only use File - Save As New Version if the database designer enables manual versioning for the current form. (If the database designer enables automatic versioning for the form, a new version of the document is created each time you choose File - Save.)
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Ways to save documents
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When you're in a keyword field, you can select from a list of available
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A predefined choice in a keyword field. A keyword can be one or more words.
1. In a keyword field, press ENTER, or click the entry helper button if the field has one.
2. Do one of the following:e
Select a keyword from the list.n
If the list does not contain the keyword you want and the New Keywords box is available, type your own keyword.e
Some keyword fields accept more than one keyword.
3. Click OK.
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About documentsr
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You can select the ports you want to use at a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
1. If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. In the Ports to use field, select the ports you want to use at the location.
Notes displays the ports that are currently enabled for your workstation (except for disconnected locations).
3. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
Notes uses the selected ports in the order in which they're displayed. To
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enable a port
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for your workstation or
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change the port order
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, choose File - Tools - User Preferences and click Ports.
See related topics
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About locations
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Setting up a location
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Choosing a location
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1. If necessary, double-click the calendar entry and click Edit Document.
2. Click Alarm options.
If you haven't enabled the alarm system, Notes asks if you want to enable it.
3. If necessary, click Yes.
4. Do one of the following:
Select Before or After and specify the number of minutes before or after the entry that you want to set the alarm for.
Select On and
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specify the date and times
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that you want to set the alarm for.
5. (Optional) Specify a different message in the Alarm Message field.e
Notes uses the entry's description as the alarm message by default.
6. Click OK.
When you save the entry, Notes sets the alarm.
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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You can set an alarm for all appointments and meetings, all reminders, all events, and/or all anniversaries.
2. If necessary, select "Enable alarm notifications."
3. Select "Automatically set alarm(s) for" and do any of the following:
To set an alarm for all appointments and meetings, select Appointments/Meetings and specify the number of minutes in advance that you want to set the alarm for.
To set an alarm for all reminders, select Reminders and specify the number of minutes in advance that you want to set the alarm for.
To set an alarm for all events, select Events and specify the number of days in advance that you want to set the alarm for.
To set an alarm for all anniversaries, select Anniversaries and specify the number of days in advance that you want to set the alarm for.
4. Click OK.
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Ways to set and manage alarms
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~Zc .
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You can enter tab stops in the Text Properties InfoBox for one or more paragraphs.
Make sure the document is in r
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
2. c
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose Text - Text Properties.
To set tabs for a hotspot, button, attachment, or object, select the item and choose <Item> - <Item> Properties. (Notes sets tabs for the paragraph that contains the item.)
4. Click the Page tab.
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5. In the Tabs box, do one of the following:
Select Individually set and enter the tab stops you want.
Select Evenly spaced and enter the interval at which you want to place tab stops.
Enter numbers in inches or centimeters (for example 1" or 2.5cm). If you enter more than one tab stop, separate them with semicolons (for example, 1.5";2.5";3").
Enter L, C, R, or D before the tab stop to specify a left, centered, right, or decimal tab stop, respectively (for example, C1" or R2.5cm).t
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set tabs
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You can use the
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to set tab stops for one or more paragraphs.
Make sure the document is in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
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You can select one or more paragraphs when you specify paragraph properties (such as margins and tabs). To select one paragraph, click the paragraph. To select more than one paragraph, drag the pointer from the beginning of the first paragraph to the end of the last paragraph.
You can also specify paragraph properties before you type a paragraph. Click where you want to start the paragraph, specify paragraph properties, and then type the paragraph.
Select the paragraph(s)
3. Choose View - Ruler.
4. On the ruler, do one or more of the following:!
Click where you want a left tab stop.Y
Right-click (on the Macintosh, press OPTION and click) where you want a right tab stop.
Press SHIFT and click where you want a decimal tab stop.
Press SHIFT and right-click (on the Macintosh, press SHIFT+OPTION and click) where you want a centered tab stop.
To remove a tab stop, click it. To change a tab's type, right-click the tab stop and select a tab type (on the Macintosh, click the tab stop to delete it and create a new one).
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About the rulers
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Changing the unit of measurement
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Ways to set tabs
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You can specify a phone number to use to connect to a server over a modem.
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.R
Notes opens the Connection view of your Personal Address Book.
2. Do one of the following:l
To create a server connection document, click Add Connection.
To edit a server connection document, select the server and click Edit Connection.
3. Do the following:
In the Connection type field, select Dialup Modem.
In the Server name field, enter the name of the server you want to access.
In the Country code field, enter the server's country code.m
In the Area code field, enter the server's area code.e
In the Always use area code field, select Yes if you want to dial the area code every time you call the server. Select No if you want Notes to dial the server's area code (and, if necessary, country code) only when you call the server from a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
with a different area code.
In the Phone number field, enter the server's phone number.
4. Choose File - Save to save the server connection document.
To specify more than one phone number for a server, enter each phone number separated by a semicolon. This way, each time you call the server Notes lets you select the number to dial.
To automatically delay dialing, include one or more commas within a phone number; each comma forces a 2-second delay. To make a phone number more readable, include parentheses and hyphens within the phone number; Notes ignores them when it dials the number.k
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See detailse
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See related topics
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About server connections
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Ways to set up server connectionsI
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Ways to specify phone numbersc
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Ways to call servers
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Specifying phone information for a location
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If your organization has set up hunt groups for
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passthru servers
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, you can use a hunt group name to connect to multiple passthru servers with a single phone call.
1. Ask your Domino administrator for the hunt group country code, area code, and phone number.
2. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.
Notes opens the Connection view of your Personal Address Book.P
3. Do one of the following:
To create a hunt group connection document, click Add Connection.
To edit a hunt group connection document, select the hunt group name and click Edit Connection.
4. Do the following:
In the Connection type field, select Hunt Group.
In the Hunt group name field, enter the name you want to use for the hunt group. You can use any name.
In the Country code field, enter the hunt group country code.n
In the Area code field, enter the hunt group area code.i
In the Always use area code field, select Yes if you want to dial the area code every time you call the hunt group. Select No if you want Notes to dial the hunt group area code (and, if necessary, country code) only when you call the hunt group from a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
with a different area code.
In the Phone number field, enter the hunt group phone number.g
5. Choose File - Save to save the hunt group connection document.c
To automatically delay dialing, include one or more commas within a phone number; each comma forces a 2-second delay. To make a phone number more readable, include parentheses and hyphens within the phone number--Notes ignores them when it dials the number.d
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See related topics
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About server connections
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Ways to set up server connections
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Ways to specify phone numbers
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Ways to call servers
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Specifying phone information for a location
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You can use a specific network port to connect to a server on a local area network.
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.
Notes opens the Connection view of your Personal Address Book.
2. Do one of the following:
To create a server connection document, click Add Connection.
To edit a server connection document, select the server and click Edit Connection.
3. Do the following:
In the Connection type field, select "Local Area Network."
In the Server name field, enter the name of the server you want to access.
In the Use LAN port field, specify the enabled port you want to use.
4. Choose File - Save to save the server connection document.M
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enable a port
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for the workstation, choose File - Tools - User Preferences and click Ports. To _
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select a port for the current location
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, choose File - Mobile - Edit Current Location.
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See related topics
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About server connections
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Ways to set up server connections
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If you have access to a
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passthru serverh
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, you can use the passthru server to connect to other servers. Servers you connect to using a passthru server are called destination servers.a
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.
Notes opens the Connection view of your Personal Address Book.
2. Do one of the following:s
To create a server connection document, click Add Connection.i
To edit a server connection document, select the server and click Edit Connection.
3. Do the following:
In the Connection type field, select Passthru Server.i
In the Server name field, enter the name of the destination server you want to access.
In the Passthru server name or hunt group name field, enter the name of the passthru server or
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hunt group
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you want to use.
4. Choose File - Save to save the server connection document.t
If you're going to connect to a passthru server over a modem, make sure you
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create a dial-up server connection
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and specify a phone number for the passthru server.
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See related topics
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About server connections
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Ways to set up server connectionsf
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Setting up a hunt group connection
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If you're using a remote LAN service, such as Microsoft Remote Access Service or AppleTalk Remote Access, you can use a remote LAN server to connect to other servers on the network.
Click here for Windows 95 and Windows NT information
In Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, remote access is called "Dial-Up Networking."
To create a remote LAN server connection document:
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.e
Notes opens the Connection view of your Personal Address Book.M
2. Click Add Connection.
3. In the Connection type field, select "Remote LAN Service."c
4. In the Server name field, enter the name of the server you want to access.
5. In the Use LAN port field, specify an enabled port that uses the same protocol driver as the remote LAN server. (For example, if the remote LAN server uses TCP, specify TCP.)
6. In the Choose a Service Type field, specify the remote LAN service you're using.
7. If you're using Microsoft Remote Access Service, do the following:
In the Remote connection name field, enter the name of the remote LAN server you want to use.
(Optional) In the Login name field, enter a name to override the name specified in the phone book in your operating system.
(Optional) In the Password field, enter a password to override the password specified in the phone book in your operating system.
(Optional) In the Phone number field, enter a phone number to override the number specified in the phone book in your operating system.n
Click OK.
8. If you're using AppleTalk Remote Access, enter the location in your operating system of the connection document you want to use, and click OK.
This is an AppleTalk connection document, not a Notes connection document.l
9. Choose File - Save to save the remote LAN server connection (Notes) document.
To edit a remote LAN server connection document:
1. Choose File - Mobile - Server Phone Numbers.M
Notes opens the Server Connections view of your Personal Address Book.
2. Select the server and click Edit Connection.
3. If the options you want to modify are not editable on the form, click Modify Remote LAN Service Configuration to open a dialog box in which you can edit options.
4. Edit the options you want and click OK to close the dialog box.
5. Choose File - Save to save the server connection document.
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See related topics
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About server connections
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Ways to set up server connections
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Before you use mobile Notes, you need to perform the following tasks:w
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Task 1: Set up a modem
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. To set up your modem, you must enable a port for the modem (if necessary) and specify your modem type.
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Task 2: Set up a dial-up server connection
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for each server you want to call. You specify the phone number for each server in a server connection document in your Personal Address Book.
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Task 3: Choose a mobile location
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such as Home or Travel.
See related topics
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About setting up mobile Notes
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About locations
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About server connections
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You use the Network and Remote Workstation Setup dialog box to set up Notes for use both on a
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Computers that share devices such as printers and file servers, and can communicate with each other. A LAN is often confined to one building because connections are made over cable or dedicated lines.
local area network
and over a modem. (Notes displays this dialog box only the first time you set up Notes.)
1. In the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box, select "Network and remote connections."
2. If you have your
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A file assigned to every user and server that uniquely identifies them to Lotus Notes.
user ID
file on a disk, select "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file."
3. Click OK to close the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box.
If you're not sure if you have a user ID or what type of connection you have, select Quit and see your Domino administrator. When you're ready, you can restart Notes and begin setup again.
4. If you selected "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file," select the name of your user ID file and click OK. (If the user ID is password-protected, enter the password and click OK.)
5. In the Network and Remote Workstation Setup dialog box, do all of the following:
Enter your user name if necessary.
Enter your
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The server on which your Lotus Notes mail file is stored. If you don't use Notes mail, your Notes administrator assigns you a home server.
home serverE
If you use Notes mail, enter your home server's phone number.
(Optional) Under "Connect to server now," select "Via modem" if you want to use Notes over a modem the first time you start Notes.
(Optional) Enter a phone dialing prefix.
To change the default settings for the modem port, click Setup. Change the settings. To specify an acquire script, click Acquire Script. Select a script and edit it if necessary, and then click OK. Click OK when you are finished specifying the modem settings.
(Optional) Click Script to select a connect script for the modem and edit if necessary. Then click OK.
Select the correct type of network protocol your workstation uses to connect to Domino servers. To change the default settings for the network type, click Setup. Change the settings and click OK. For information about specifying secondary Notes name servers, see Chapter 6 of
Configuring the Domino Network
. Click OK when you are finished setting up the network connection.i
Specify how you want to connect to the server after completing the Setup program: by network or by modem port. Click OK.
6. Click OK to close the Network and Remote Workstation dialog box.C
7. In the Time Zone Setup dialog box, select a time zone and click OK.
8. Click OK again to complete your workstation setup.n
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Ways to change your Notes setup
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You use the Remote Workstation Setup dialog box to set up Notes for use over a modem. (Notes displays this dialog box only the first time you set up Notes.)
1. In the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box, select "Remote connection (via modem)."
2. If you have your
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A file assigned to every user and server that uniquely identifies them to Lotus Notes.
user ID
file on a disk, select "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file."
3. Click OK to close the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box.
If you're not sure if you have a user ID or what type of connection you have, select Quit and see your Domino administrator. When you're ready, you can restart Notes and begin setup again.
4. If you selected "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file," select the name of your user ID file and click OK. (If the user ID is password-protected, enter the password and click OK.)
5. In the Remote Workstation Setup dialog box, do all of the following:u
Enter your user name if necessary.
Enter your
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The server on which your Lotus Notes mail file is stored. If you don't use Notes mail, your Notes administrator assigns you a home server.
home server
If you use Notes Mail
, enter your home server's phone number.
(Optional) Enter a phone dialing prefix.
Select a modem type and modem port.
To change the default settings for the modem port, click Setup. Change the settings. To specify an acquire script, click Acquire Script. Select a script and edit it if necessary, and then click OK. Click OK when you are finished specifying the modem settings.U
(Optional) Click Script to select a connect script for the modem and edit if necessary. Then click OK.
6. Click OK to close the Remote Workstation Setup dialog box.
7. In the Time Zone Setup dialog box, select a time zone and click OK.
8. Click OK again to complete your workstation setup.
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Ways to set up Notes the first time
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Ways to change your Notes setupa
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You use the Network Workstation Setup dialog box to set up Notes for use on a
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Computers that share devices such as printers and file servers, and can communicate with each other. A LAN is often confined to one building because connections are made over cable or dedicated lines.
local area network
. (Notes displays this dialog box only the first time you set up Notes.)
1. In the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box, select "Network connection (via LAN)."
2. If you have your
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A file assigned to every user and server that uniquely identifies them to Lotus Notes.
user IDt
file on a disk, select "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file."
3. Click OK to close the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box.
If you're not sure if you have a user ID or what type of connection you have, select Quit and see your Domino administrator. When you're ready, you can restart Notes and begin setup again.
4. If you selected "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file," select the name of your user ID file and click OK. (If the user ID is password-protected, enter the password and click OK.)
5. In the Network Workstation Setup dialog box, do all of the following:
Enter your user name if necessary.
Enter your g
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The server on which your Lotus Notes mail file is stored. If you don't use Notes mail, your Notes administrator assigns you a home server.
home servers
Select a network type. To change the default settings for the network type, click Setup. Change the settings and click OK. For information about specifying secondary Notes name servers, see Chapter 6 of
Lotus Domino 4.6 Configuring the Domino Network
. Click OK when you are finished setting up the network connection.
6. Click OK to close the Network Workstation Setup dialog box.
7. In the Time Zone Setup dialog box, select a time zone and click OK.
8. Click OK again to complete your workstation setup.
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Ways to set up Notes the first timeS
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Ways to change your Notes setupa
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You use the Unconnected Workstation Setup dialog box to set up Notes for use as a standalone workstation. (Notes displays this dialog box only the first time you set up Notes.)
1. In the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box, select "No connection to a server."s
2. If you have your
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A file assigned to every user and server that uniquely identifies them to Lotus Notes.
user IDp
file on a disk, select "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file."
3. Click OK to close the Notes Workstation Setup dialog box.
If you're not sure what type of connection you have or if you have a user ID, select Quit and see your Domino administrator. When you're ready, you can restart Notes and begin setup again.
4. If you selected "Your Notes user ID has been supplied to you in a file," select the name of your user ID file and click OK. (If the user ID is password-protected, enter the password and click OK.)P
5. In the Unconnected Workstation Setup dialog box, enter your user name if necessary.
6. Click OK to close the Unconnected Workstation Setup dialog box.
7. In the Time Zone Setup dialog box, select a time zone and click OK.
8. Click OK again to complete your workstation setup.e
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Ways to set up Notes the first time
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Ways to change your Notes setup
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You can store the
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free time schedules
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of selected users locally. This way, you can
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look up free time for meetings
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with these users even when you're working remotely.
To set up Replicator to store selected free time schedules locally
1. Click the Replicator tab.
2. Double-click the arrow button on the "Local free time info" entry.C
=Joe Levine/OU=C
If the "Local free time info" entry does not appear, switch to a location at which you use a local mail file (for example, Home) to make the entry appear and then switch back to the current location.
3. Under "Keep local free time information for," specify the names of the users and/or groups whose free time schedules you want to store.
If your organization uses hierarchical names, you must specify each user's full hierarchical name. For example, if you want to specify Mary Tsen and her hierarchical name is Mary Tsen/Illustration/Production/Acme/US, you must specify this full hierarchical name.
4. (Optional) Do any of the following:
Under "Amount of free time to keep local," select the amount of free time information you want to store for each user.
Under "Do not refresh free time information more often than," select the amount of times you want Replicator to replicate free time information during p
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scheduled replicationT
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5. Click OK.
To replicate selected free time schedules
1. Click the Replicator tab.
2. Click the "Local free time info" entry.
3. Choose Actions - Replicate Selected Database.
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About Replicator
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Ways to manage your free time schedule
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Ways to replicate databases with Replicator
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You can specify whether a linked object is updated automatically or manually when the object is activated.
1. With the document in
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit modei
, choose Edit - External Links.f
2. Select the link.w
3. Do one of the following:
Select Automatic to update continuously as the object's data is edited.
Select Manual to update only as needed.N
4. Click Close.
To update a linked object manually, make sure the document is in l
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Edit mode lets you modify documents. To put a document in edit mode, choose Actions - Edit Document or press CTRL+E (or COMMAND+E on the Macintosh). If the document's already open, you can also put it in edit mode by double-clicking it.
edit mode
and press F9.
It's useful to select Manual as the update type for objects, such as large bitmaps, that take a lot of time to update.
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Updating a linked object
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Ways to manage objects
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1. Choose File - Tools - User Preferences.
2. Click Ports.F
3. Select the port your modem is connected to (for example, COM2).
4. If necessary, select "Port Enabled" to enable the port.
5. Click R
Options, where
is the port name (for example, COM2 Options).
6. Select a modem type.G
7. (Optional) Specify any additional modem settings you want.
8. Click OK.
9. Click OK to close the User Preferences dialog box.
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Ways to set up ports
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You can specify the type of paper you want to use to print.O
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1. Choose File - Page Setup.
2. Click Paper.
3. Under First Page and Other Page, do one of the following:
Select Manual Feed to use paper loaded in the printer's manual input slot. (If no paper is loaded, the printer waits for you to load paper.)
Select Upper Tray to use paper loaded in the printer's upper tray.
Select Lower Tray to use paper loaded in the printer's lower tray.
The options that are available depend on the printer you're using.
4. Click OK.
To restore the original paper source settings, click Reset.
Click here for OS/2 information
To specify a paper source, choose File - Print, click Printer, and click Setup.
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To specify a paper source, choose File - Print.A
Click here for UNIX information
To specify a paper source, choose File - Print, click Printer, and click Options.e
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to printr
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You can specify a default passthru server for a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
. When Notes can't connect to a server directly, Notes tries to use the default passthru server (for the current location) to connect to the server.
1. If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. In the Passthru server field, enter the name of a passthru server.
Your Domino administrator may have already specified a passthru server for you.
3. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
You can specify additional passthru servers to use to connect to servers. To do so, you
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set up passthru server connections
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See related topics
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About using passthru servers
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About locations
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Setting up a location
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Choosing a location
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1. Choose File - Print.
2. Click Printer.c
3. Select a printer.
Notes displays a list of the printers you specified when you set up Notes on your workstation, or that you installed using the Windows or OS/2 Control Panel.
4. Click OK.
Click here for UNIX information
1. Choose File - Print.
2. Click Printer.n
3. Click Options.&
4. Under Printer Name, select a printer and click OK.e
Notes displays a list of the printers your UNIX administrator has installed.
5. Click OK and then Apply.
6. (Optional) To automatically use this printer for future Notes sessions, click Save and then Apply.s
The first time you print, you must specify a printer.
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To specify a printer, use the Chooser on the Apple menu.
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to printV
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You can print in portrait or landscape mode.
1. Choose File - Print.H
2. Click Printer.
3. Click Setup.
4. Select an Orientation setting.r
5. Click OK.
Landscape mode is useful for printing parts of documents that are wider than your printer's maximum print width (such as pictures and tables).
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To specify print orientation, choose File - Page Setup.
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Ways to set up a printer
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Ways to print
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You can specify a replication schedule for a c
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
. When the location is current, you can use the Replicator workspace page to select databases and
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replicate them on the schedule
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If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. Under Replication, do the following:
In the "Schedule" field, select Enabled.
In the "Replicate daily between" field, specify start and end times that define the period of the day during which you want replication to occur.L
In the "Repeat every" field, specify the number of minutes you want to elapse between replication sessions.
In the "Days of week" field, specify the days on which you want replication to occur._
3. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
You can specify a replication schedule for the current location by clicking the Replicator tab and then clicking the clock button on the "Start replication at" entry.
. Yo
eate call and ha
See related topics
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About scheduling replication
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About locationsn
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Setting up a location
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Choosing a location
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Ways to specify Replicator options
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Ways to set up Replicators
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You can specify a User ID file that Notes should switch to for a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
. For example, if you sometimes travel to a different office, create a location document that switches to an ID authorized for servers at that office.
1. If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. Expand the Advanced section.
3. In the "User ID to switch to" field, enter the operating system path and name of a User ID file.
4. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
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Ways to set up locations
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Switching to a different User ID
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When a Date or Time field has a date or time box next to it (for example, when you create a calendar entry), you can use it to specify the date or time.
To specify a date
1. Click the date box to the right of the date field.
2. (Optional) To move back or forward one month, click the arrow in the top left or right corner of the date selection box.
3. Click the date you want.
Notes displays the currently selected date in bold.
To specify a time
1. Click the time box to the right of the time field.
2. Do any of the following:
To change the start time, drag the top clock to the time you want.
To change the end time, drag the bottom clock to the time you want.
To move both the start and end times at once, drag the duration bar (between the start and end times) to the time you want.t
To display a different range of time, click the arrow in the top or bottom right corner of the time selection box.
3. Click the checkmark in the bottom left corner of the box.
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Ways to create calendar entries
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You can specify headers and footers that appear when you print any document in a database, print a list of documents in a folder or view, print a Calendar view, or print a list of calendar entries.
1. Choose File - Database - Properties.t
2. Click the Printer tab.e
Click her
this topic
print margins(
3. Select Header or Footer.c
4. Do one or more of the following:v
Enter text.n
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Crop pages
ated topics
Click the Page icon to enter the page number.n
Click the Date icon to enter the date the document is printed.
Click the Time icon to enter the time the document is printed.
Click the Tab icon to insert a tab.
Click the Title icon to enter the document title.
To specify a multi-line header or footer, enter a carriage return at the end of each line.
5. (Optional) Change the font, point size, or style for the header or footer.e
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Numbering pageso
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Setting print marginsn
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Ways to specify headers and footersa
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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Choose File - Document Properties.
2. Click the Printer tab.s
Click her
this topic
print margins(
3. Select Header or Footer.r
4. Do one or more of the following:e
Enter text.i
lick here to see
Click the Page icon to enter the page number.t
Click the Date icon to enter the date the document is printed.
Click the Time icon to enter the time the document is printed.
Click the Tab icon to insert a tab.a
Click the Title icon to enter the document title.i
To specify a multi-line header or footer, enter a carriage return at the end of each line.
5. (Optional) Change the font, point size, or style for the header or footer.n
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See related topics
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Numbering pages
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Setting print margins
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Ways to specify headers and footers
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Ways to set up a page for printing
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You can specify mail options such as whether to use server-based or workstation-based mail at a
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
1. If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. Under Mail, do any of the following:
In the Mail file location field, select On server to use your mail file directly on a server at the location or select Local to use a local replica of your mail file at the location.
In the Mail file field, enter the path to your mail file.
In the Mail domain field, enter the mail file's domain.
In the Recipient name type-ahead field, select Disabled if you don't want to use the quick-address method when you type mail addresses at the location. Select "Personal Address Book" to have Notes look for names in your Personal Address Book when you type mail addresses. Select "Personal then Public Address Book" to have Notes look for names in your Personal Address Book and then the Public Address Book on your mail server when you type mail addresses.
In the Recipient name lookup field, select "Stop after first match" to have Notes find only the first name that matches the recipient name when you send mail from the location. Select "Exhaustively check all address books" to have Notes find all of the names that match the recipient name and ask you which one to use.
In the Transfer outgoing mail field, enter the number of outgoing mail messages you want to automatically initiate mail routing. (This option is available only when Local is selected in the Mail file location field.)
3. Choose File - Save to save the location document.
See related topics
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About locationse
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Setting up a location
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Choosing a locations
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Addressing a message using the quick-address method
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You can update settings such as the area code and time zone for the current
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
. This is useful if you work with one location (such as Travel) in different places.
1. Choose File - Mobile - Edit Current Time/Phone.
2. Do any of the following:i
In the Dial field, enter the number you need to dial to get an outside line at the location (if any).
In the Country code field, enter the country code at the location.
In the Area code field, enter the area code at the location.
In the Time zone field, select the time zone at the location.
Select or deselect "Daylight savings time."
In the Date field, enter the current date at the location.
In the Time field, enter the current time at the location.
3. Click OK.
To have Notes display this dialog box automatically when you use the location, choose File - Mobile - Edit Current Location and select Yes in the Prompt for time/date/phone field.
See related topics
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About locations
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Setting up a locationf
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Specifying phone information for a location
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You can specify phone information such as a dialing prefix or calling card number for a mobile
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A document in your Personal Address Book that contains communication and other location-specific settings you use when you work with Notes in a specific place. You can create as many location documents as you need.
(such as Home or Travel).
1. If necessary, do the following:
Choose File - Mobile - Locations.
Select the location and click Edit Location.
2. Under Phone Dialing, do any of the following:
In the Prefix for outside line field, enter the number you need to dial to access an outside line at the location (if any). For example, many business phones in the United States require that you dial 9 to access an outside line.
In the International prefix field, enter the number you need to dial to make international calls.
In the Country code at this location field, enter the country code for the location.
In the Long distance prefix field, enter the number you need to dial to make long distance calls.
In the Area code at this location, enter the area code for the location.
In the Calling card access number field, enter a calling card access number to use a calling card for each call you make from the location. (The access number is the number you dial before a phone number to indicate that you want to use a calling card).e
In the Calling card number field, enter a calling card number to use a calling card for each call you make from the location.y
3. To use a different phone number for a server at the location, do the following:
Under Phone Dialing, click Dialing Rules, and select the server.
Enter a different dialing prefix, phone number, and/or suffix for the server.
Click OK.r
You can include commas in a phone number or dialing prefix to automatically delay dialing. Each comma forces a 2-second delay.
4. Choose File - Save to save the location document.