home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ###########################################################################################
- # Map suffixes to the content-type of a file.
- # Defaults: see list below
- # Syntax: Addtype <.suffix><representation><encoding><quality>
- # <quality> is optional
- # This directive may be defined multiple times in the configuration file.
- ###########################################################################################
- AddType .mime www/mime binary 1.0 # Internal -- MIME is
- # not recursive
- AddType .bin application/octet-stream binary 1.0 # Uninterpreted binary
- AddType .oda application/oda binary 1.0
- AddType .pdf application/pdf binary 1.0
- AddType .ai application/postscript 8bit 0.5 # Adobe Illustrator
- AddType .PS application/postscript 8bit 0.8 # PostScript
- AddType .eps application/postscript 8bit 0.8
- AddType .ps application/postscript 8bit 0.8
- AddType .rtf application/x-rtf 7bit 1.0 # RTF
- AddType .csh application/x-csh 7bit 0.5 # C-shell script
- AddType .dvi application/x-dvi binary 1.0 # TeX DVI
- AddType .hdf application/x-hdf binary 1.0 # NCSA HDF data file
- AddType .latex application/x-latex 8bit 1.0 # LaTeX source
- AddType .nc application/x-netcdf binary 1.0 # Unidata netCDF data
- AddType .cdf application/x-netcdf binary 1.0
- AddType .sh application/x-sh 7bit 0.5 # Shell-script
- AddType .tcl application/x-tcl 7bit 0.5 # TCL-script
- AddType .tex application/x-tex 8bit 1.0 # TeX source
- AddType .texi application/x-texinfo 7bit 1.0 # Texinfo
- AddType .texinfo application/x-texinfo 7bit 1.0
- AddType .t application/x-troff 7bit 0.5 # Troff
- AddType .roff application/x-troff 7bit 0.5
- AddType .tr application/x-troff 7bit 0.5
- AddType .man application/x-troff-man 7bit 0.5 # Troff with man macros
- AddType .me application/x-troff-me 7bit 0.5 # Troff with me macros
- AddType .ms application/x-troff-ms 7bit 0.5 # Troff with ms macros
- AddType .src application/x-wais-source 7bit 1.0 # WAIS source
- AddType .bcpio application/x-bcpio binary 1.0 # Old binary CPIO
- AddType .cpio application/x-cpio binary 1.0 # POSIX CPIO
- AddType .gtar application/x-gtar binary 1.0 # Gnu tar
- AddType .shar application/x-shar 8bit 1.0 # Shell archive
- AddType .sv4cpio application/x-sv4cpio binary 1.0 # SVR4 CPIO
- AddType .sv4crc application/x-sv4crc binary 1.0 # SVR4 CPIO with CRC
- #
- # The following are neutral CAE formats:
- #
- AddType .igs application/iges binary 1.0 # IGES Graphics format
- AddType .iges application/iges binary 1.0 # IGES Graphics format
- AddType .IGS application/iges binary 1.0 # IGES Graphics format
- AddType .IGES application/iges binary 1.0 # IGES Graphics format
- AddType .stp application/STEP 8bit 1.0 # ISO-10303 STEP -
- AddType .STP application/STEP 8bit 1.0 # Product data files
- AddType .step application/STEP 8bit 1.0
- AddType .STEP application/STEP 8bit 1.0
- AddType .dxf application/dxf binary 1.0 # DXF (AUTODESK)
- AddType .DXF application/dxf binary 1.0
- AddType .vda application/vda binary 1.0 # VDA-FS Surface data
- AddType .VDA application/vda binary 1.0
- AddType .set application/set 8bit 1.0 # SET (French CAD std)
- AddType .SET application/set 8bit 1.0
- AddType .stl application/SLA 8bit 1.0 # Stereolithography
- AddType .STL application/SLA 8bit 1.0
- AddType .ods application/oleobject 8bit 1.0 # OLE storage
- #
- # The following are vendor-specific CAD-formats commonly
- # used at CERN and in HEP institutes:
- #
- AddType .dwg application/acad binary 1.0 # Autocad drawing files
- AddType .DWG application/acad binary 1.0
- AddType .SOL application/solids binary 1.0 # MATRA Prelude solids
- AddType .DRW application/drafting binary 1.0 # Prelude Drafting
- AddType .prt application/pro_eng binary 1.0 # PTC Pro/ENGINEER part
- AddType .PRT application/pro_eng binary 1.0
- AddType .unv application/i-deas binary 1.0 # SDRC I-DEAS files
- AddType .UNV application/i-deas binary 1.0
- AddType .CCAD application/clariscad binary 1.0 # ClarisCAD files
- AddType .snd audio/basic binary 1.0 # Audio
- AddType .au audio/basic binary 1.0
- AddType .aiff audio/x-aiff binary 1.0
- AddType .aifc audio/x-aiff binary 1.0
- AddType .aif audio/x-aiff binary 1.0
- AddType .wav audio/x-wav binary 1.0 # Windows+ WAVE format
- AddType .bmp image/bmp binary 1.0 # OS/2 bitmap format
- AddType .gif image/gif binary 1.0 # GIF
- AddType .ief image/ief binary 1.0 # Image Exchange fmt
- AddType .jpg image/jpeg binary 1.0 # JPEG
- AddType .JPG image/jpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .JPE image/jpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .jpe image/jpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .JPEG image/jpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .jpeg image/jpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .tif image/tiff binary 1.0 # TIFF
- AddType .tiff image/tiff binary 1.0
- AddType .ras image/cmu-raster binary 1.0
- AddType .pnm image/x-portable-anymap binary 1.0 # PBM Anymap format
- AddType .pbm image/x-portable-bitmap binary 1.0 # PBM Bitmap format
- AddType .pgm image/x-portable-graymap binary 1.0 # PBM Graymap format
- AddType .ppm image/x-portable-pixmap binary 1.0 # PBM Pixmap format
- AddType .rgb image/x-rgb binary 1.0
- AddType .xbm image/x-xbitmap 7bit 1.0 # X bitmap
- AddType .xpm image/x-xpixmap binary 1.0 # X pixmap format
- AddType .xwd image/x-xwindowdump binary 1.0 # X window dump (xwd)
- AddType .html text/html 8bit 1.0 # HTML
- AddType .htm text/html 8bit 1.0 # HTML on PCs
- AddType .htmls text/x-ssi-html 8bit 1.0 # Server-side includes
- AddType .shtml text/x-ssi-html 8bit 1.0 # Server-side includes
- AddType .c text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C source
- AddType .h text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C headers
- AddType .C text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C++ source
- AddType .cc text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C++ source
- AddType .hh text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C++ headers
- AddType .m text/plain 7bit 0.5 # Objective-C source
- AddType .f90 text/plain 7bit 0.5 # Fortran 90 source
- AddType .txt text/plain 7bit 0.5 # Plain text
- AddType .rtx text/richtext 7bit 1.0 # MIME Richtext format
- AddType .tsv text/tab-separated-values 7bit 1.0 # Tab-separated values
- AddType .etx text/x-setext 7bit 0.9 # Struct Enchanced Txt
- AddType .MPG video/mpeg binary 1.0 # MPEG
- AddType .mpg video/mpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .MPE video/mpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .mpe video/mpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .MPEG video/mpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .mpeg video/mpeg binary 1.0
- AddType .qt video/quicktime binary 1.0 # QuickTime
- AddType .mov video/quicktime binary 1.0
- AddType .avi video/x-msvideo binary 1.0 # MS Video for Windows
- AddType .movie video/x-sgi-movie binary 1.0 # SGI moviepalyer
- AddType .gz multipart/x-gzip binary 1.0
- AddType .zip multipart/x-zip binary 1.0 # PKZIP
- AddType .tar multipart/x-tar binary 1.0 # 4.3BSD tar
- AddType .ustar multipart/x-ustar binary 1.0 # POSIX tar
- AddType *.* www/unknown binary 0.2 # Try to guess
- AddType * www/unknown binary 0.2 # Try to guess
- AddType .cxx text/plain 7bit 0.5 # C++
- AddType .for text/plain 7bit 0.5 # Fortran
- AddType .mar text/plain 7bit 0.5 # MACRO
- AddType .log text/plain 7bit 0.5 # logfiles9
- AddType .com text/plain 7bit 0.5 # scripts
- AddType .sdml text/plain 7bit 0.5 # SDML
- AddType .list text/plain 7bit 0.5 # listfiles
- AddType .lst text/plain 7bit 0.5 # listfiles
- AddType .def text/plain 7bit 0.5 # definition files
- AddType .conf text/plain 7bit 0.5 # definition files
- AddType . text/plain 7bit 0.5 # files with no extension
- AddType .dcr application/x-director binary 1.0 # Shockwave for Director
- AddType .dir application/x-director binary 1.0 # Shockwave for Director
- AddType .dxr application/x-director binary 1.0 # Shockwave for Director
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # I M P O R T A N T N O T E:
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- # The contents of this file are used by the Domino server.
- # Making changes, additions, or deletions below this note
- # is not supported in this release of Domino.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- # Map suffixes to MIME content-encodings.
- # Defaults see list below
- # Syntax: AddEncoding <.suffix><encoding>
- # Each keyword will have two values. Multiple keyword/values are
- ###########################################################################################
- AddEncoding .Z x-compress 1.0 # Compressed data
- AddEncoding .gz x-gzip 1.0
- ###########################################################################################
- # Map suffixes to the language of a document.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: AddLanguage <.suffix><encoding>
- # There will be two values for each keyword. Multiple keyword/
- # values are allowed.
- # Example:
- # AddLanguage .uk en_UK
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify path for the standard icons included in directory listings
- # Default:IconPath <ServerRoot>/icons/*
- # Syntax: IconPath <icon directory path>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- IconPath /icons/
- ###########################################################################################
- # Specify blank icon URL for directory listing
- # Default: default shown below
- # Syntax: AddBlankIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
- #
- # Specify directory icon URL for directory listing
- # Default: default shown below
- # Syntax: AddDirIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
- #
- # Specify parent directory icon URL for directory listing
- # Default: default shown below
- # Syntax: AddParentIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
- #
- # Specify unknown icon URL for directory listing
- # Default: default shown below
- # Syntax: AddUnknownIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
- #
- # Bind icon URL to a MIME content-type or content-encoding
- # Default: default set of icons shown below
- # Syntax: AddIcon <icon URL><ALT text><template>
- ###########################################################################################
- AddBlankIcon blank.gif
- AddDirIcon dir.gif DIR
- AddParentIcon back.gif UP
- AddUnknownIcon unknown.gif ???
- AddIcon binary.gif BIN binary
- AddIcon text.gif TXT text/*
- AddIcon image.gif IMG image/*
- AddIcon movie.gif MOV video/*
- AddIcon sound.gif AU audio/*
- AddIcon tar.gif TAR multipart/*tar
- AddIcon compress.gif CMP x-compress x-gzip
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify whether case sensitivity for suffixes is on or off.
- # Default: Off
- # Syntax: SuffixCaseSense <on/off>
- # Only one value per keyword is allowed; only one keyword/value
- # pair is allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- SuffixCaseSense Off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Indicate if the absence of a trailing slash in the URL will
- # provide a directory listing or the default welcome page.
- # Default: On
- # Syntax: AlwaysWelcome <on/off>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- AlwaysWelcome On
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Enable/disable or selective directory browsing
- # Default: On
- # Syntax: DirAccess <on/off/selective>
- # One value per keyword is allowed. One keyword/value pair is
- # allowed.
- ###########################################################################################
- DirAccess off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Configure/disable readme feature for directory browsing.
- # Default: top
- # Syntax: DirReadme <top/bottom/off>
- # One value per keyword is allowed. One keyword/value pair is
- # allowed.
- ###########################################################################################
- DirReadme top
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Control the appearance of the directory listing.
- # Defaults: DirShowIcons On
- # DirShowDate On
- # DirShowSize On
- # DirShowDescription On
- # DirShowBrackets On
- # DirShowCase On
- # DirShowHidden On
- # DirShowBytes Off
- # Syntax: <directive> <on/off>
- # Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
- # pair is allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- DirShowIcons On
- DirShowDate On
- DirShowSize On
- DirShowDescription On
- DirShowBrackets On
- DirShowCase On
- DirShowHidden On
- DirShowBytes Off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify the maximum width for the description text in
- # directory listings.
- # Default: DirShowMaxDescrLength 25
- # Syntax: DirShowMaxDescrLength <num>
- # Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
- # pair is allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- DirShowMaxDescrLength 25
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify the minimum width for the filename field for
- # directory listings.
- # Default: DirShowMinLength 15
- # Syntax: DirShowMinLength <num>
- # Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
- # pair is allowed.
- ###########################################################################################
- DirShowMinLength 15
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify the maximum width for the filename field for
- # directory listings.
- # Default: DirShowMaxLength 25
- # Syntax: DirShowMaxLength <num>
- # Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
- # pair is allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- DirShowMaxLength 25
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Enabling and disabling HTTP methods
- # Defaults: GET, HEAD, and POST are enabled, the rest are disabled
- # Syntax: Enable <method>
- # Disable <method>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- Enable GET
- Enable HEAD
- Enable POST
- Disable PUT
- Disable DELETE
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify the directory where meta-information should be stored.
- # Default: .web
- # Syntax: MetaDir <directory name>
- # Only one keyword/value pair is allowed
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- MetaDir .web
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Specify the suffix for the file in which meta-information is
- # to be stored. Meta-information is stored in a file with the
- # same name as the actual document, but appended with a suffix
- # specified by the MetaSuffix directive.
- # Default: .meta
- # Syntax: MetaSuffix <.suffix>
- # Only one value per keyword, but multiple keyword/value pairs
- # are allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- MetaSuffix .meta
- ###########################################################################################
- # The httpd daemon normally gives a content-length header line for
- # every document it returns. When it's running as a proxy it buffers
- # the document received from the remote server before sending it to
- # the client. This directive can be used to set the value of this
- # buffer. If it is exceeded the document will be returned without
- # a content-length header field.
- # Default: 50 K
- # Syntax: MaxContentLengthBuffer <size in K>
- # Only one keyword/value pair allowed.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- MaxContentLengthBuffer 50 K
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # User authentication and document protection
- #
- # Within the configuration file, there are three directives that define
- # file access protection: Protect, Defprot, and Protection.
- #
- # The Protection directive
- # defines how a set of files is to be protected, in other words, a protection set-up.
- # A protection set-up can be the name of a separate protect file or can be defined within the
- # configuration file.
- #
- # The Protect and DefProt directives define the association of a protection set-up with a set of
- # files to be protected. The Defprot statement associates a protection setup with a file template
- # but does not activate the protection. The Protect statement associates a protection set-up
- # with a file template and activates the protection.
- #
- #
- #
- # Protection directive:
- # Syntax: Protection set-up name { directives }
- # Within the braces, any combination of nine possible protection directives can be defined:
- # AuthType, ServerID, PassWdFile, GroupFile, GetMask, PutMask, PostMask, Mask, ACLOverride
- # Default: <none>
- #
- #
- # Protect directive:
- # Syntax: Protect template
- # Default: <none>
- #
- # DefProt directive:
- # Syntax: DefProt template setup
- # Default: <none>
- #
- # Example DefProt and Protect directives
- #
- # Protection setup by usernames; specify groups in the group
- # file "if you need groups"; create and maintain password file
- # with the htadm program
- #
- # Protection PROT-SETUP-USERS {
- # ServerId YourServersFancyName
- # AuthType Basic
- # PasswdFile /where/ever/passwd
- # GroupFile /where/ever/group
- # GET-Mask user, user, group, group, user
- # }
- #
- #
- # Protection setup by hosts; you can use both domain name
- # templates and IP number templates
- #
- # Protection PROT-SETUP-HOSTS {
- # ServerId YourServersFancyName
- # AuthType Basic
- # PasswdFile /where/ever/passwd
- # GroupFile /where/ever/group
- # GET-Mask @(*.ibm.com, 128.141.*.*, *.ncsa.uiuc.edu)
- # }
- # Defprot /very/secret/URL/*
- # Protect /very/secret/URL/* PROT-SETUP-USERS
- # Protect /another/secret/URL/* PROT-SETUP-HOSTS
- #
- #Protection PROT-ADMIN {
- # PasswdFile C:\WINNT35\admin.pwd
- # Mask All@(*)
- # PostMask All@(*)
- # PutMask All@(*)
- # GetMask All@(*)
- # AuthType Basic
- # ServerID Private_Authorization
- #}
- #
- #Protect /admin-bin/* PROT-ADMIN
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- # Pass the URLs that this proxy is willing to forward.
- #
- # Pass http:*
- # Pass ftp:*
- # Pass gopher:*
- # Pass wais:*
- # Pass https:*
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Proxy server protection and caching directives
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Proxy protections; if you want only certain domains to use
- # your proxy, uncomment these lines and specify the Mask
- # with hostname templates or IP number templates:
- #
- # Protection PROXY-PROT {
- # ServerId YourProxyName
- # Mask @(*.ibm.com, 128.141.*.*, *.ncsa.uiuc.edu)
- # }
- # Protect * PROXY-PROT
- #
- # Protect http:* PROXY-PROT
- # Protect ftp:* PROXY-PROT
- # Protect gopher:* PROXY-PROT
- # Protect wais:* PROXY-PROT
- # Protect https:* PROXY-PROT
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Enable caching, specify cache root directory, and cache size
- # in megabytes
- #
- # Turn caching on or off
- # Default: Caching Off
- # Syntax: Caching <On | Off>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- Caching Off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Absolute path of the cache directory. Subdirectories will be created
- # for each protocol cached.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: CacheRoot <directory>
- # Example:
- # CacheRoot \your\cache\root\dir
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Maximum cache size in megabytes
- # Default: CacheSize 5 M
- # Syntax: CacheSize <size> M
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheSize 5 M
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Maximum time to keep cache files. Files older than specified time
- # are removed.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: CacheClean <URL template> <time-spec>
- # Examples:
- # CacheClean * 2 months
- # CacheClean http:* 1 week
- # CacheClean gopher:* 20 days
- # CacheClean http://*.com/* 20 days 6 hours
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- # Maximum time to keep unused cache files. Files older than specified
- # time are removed.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: CacheUnused <URL template> <time-spec>
- # Examples:
- # CacheUnused http:* 2 weeks
- # CacheUnused ftp:* 1 week
- # CacheUnused gopher:* 1 week
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Maximum time to keep cache files for which the server gave neither
- # an Expires nor a Last-Modified header.
- # Specify default expiry times for ftp and gopher;
- # NEVER specify it for HTTP, otherwise documents generated by
- # scripts get cached which is usually a bad thing.
- #
- # Default: <dependent on protocol>
- # Syntax: CacheDefaultExpiry <URL template> <time-spec>
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheDefaultExpiry ftp:* 1 day
- CacheDefaultExpiry gopher:* 1 day
- CacheDefaultExpiry http:* 0 days
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Garbage collection controls
- #
- # Enable garbage collection -- remove expired files to free up memory.
- # Default: Enabled whenever caching is enabled
- # Syntax: Gc <On | Off>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- Gc Off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Daily garbage collection time
- # Default: 03:00
- # Syntax: GcDailyGC <military time format>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- GcDailyGc 03:00
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Amount of virtual storage in kilobytes to allocate for garbage collection
- # Default: 500
- # Syntax: GcMemUsage <number of kilobytes>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- GcMemUsage 500
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Lower limit of size criterion for removal of cached files. All files
- # below this size are assigned equal size criterion priority.
- # All values are converted to kilobytes
- # Default: 200 kilobytes
- # Syntax: CacheLimit_1 <number of kilobytes> K
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheLimit_1 200 K
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Upper limit of size criterion for removal of cached files. All files
- # above this size are assigned equal size criterion priority.
- # All values are converted to kilobytes
- # Default: 4 megabytes
- # Syntax: CacheLimit_2 <number of kilobytes> K
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheLimit_2 4000 K
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # URLs matching specified template will not be cached.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: NoCaching <URL template>
- # This directive can occur multiple times within the configuration file
- # Example:
- # NoCaching http://Localhost/*
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Only URLs matching the specified template will be cached.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: CacheOnly <URL template>
- # This directive can occur multiple times within the configuration file
- # Example:
- # CacheOnly http://info.ibm.com/*
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Proportion of a file's age (LastModified) to be used as the expiry time.
- # This is used to determine expiry time when a remote server
- # does not specify an Expires header. For instance, if a file is
- # 1 month old and CacheLastModifiedFactor was set to 0.5, the file
- # would expire in approximatley 15 days.
- # Default: 0.1
- # Syntax: CacheLastModifiedFactor <proportion>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Interval of time until document expiry within which document will
- # not be cached. By default, no document expiring within 2 minutes
- # will be cached.
- # Default: 2 minutes
- # Syntax: CacheTimeMargin <time margin>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheTimeMargin 2 minutes
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Set proxy to standalone mode so that only documents found in cache
- # are returned. Files not in cache will return an error rather than
- # connecting to other servers. This setting is typically used with
- # expiry checking disabled.
- # Default: Off
- # Syntax: CacheNoConnect <On | Off>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheNoConnect Off
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Set expiry checking to on if you do not want to return an expired
- # document. If it is desirable to have the proxy always return
- # documents from cache (e.g., for demos), expiry checking can be turned
- # off.
- # Default: On
- # Syntax: CacheExpiryCheck <On | Off>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheExpiryCheck On
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Amount of time after which a cache lock can be broken. Cache
- # files are locked during retrieval. The lock timeout ensures
- # that a file will not be locked indefinitely should a retrieval fail.
- # NOTE: CacheLockTimeOut should never be less that OutPutTimeOut.
- # Default: 20 minutes
- # Syntax: CacheLockTimeOut <time-spec>
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- CacheLockTimeOut 20 minutes
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Path and name of file that contains a log of all document requests.
- # The value can be either an absolute path or a path relative to
- # ServerRoot (one example shown of each)
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: CacheAccessLog <file path>
- # Examples:
- # CacheAccessLog /absolute/path/logfile
- # CacheAccessLog logs/logfile
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Configuring Proxy to Connect To Another Proxy
- #
- # HTTP proxy server that the server should contact for HTTP requests
- # if the server being configured is part of a chain of proxies.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: http_proxy <URL>
- #
- # FTP proxy server that the server should contact for FTP requests
- # if the server being configured is part of a chain of proxies.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: ftp_proxy <URL>
- #
- # Gopher proxy server that the server should contact for Gopher requests
- # if the server being configured is part of a chain of proxies.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: gopher_proxy <URL>
- #
- # WAIS proxy server that the server should contact for WAIS requests
- # if the server being configured is part of a chain of proxies.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: wais_proxy <URL>
- #
- # A list of Internet addresses or domains from which the server should
- # retrieve resources directly rather than going through a proxy.
- # Default: <none>
- # Syntax: no_proxy <template>
- # Examples:
- # http_proxy http://outer.proxy.server/
- # ftp_proxy http://outer.proxy.server/
- # gopher_proxy http://outer.proxy.server/
- # wais_proxy http://outer.proxy.server/
- # no_proxy .my.domain,.ibm.com:8001
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # ServerPriority directive:
- # Syntax: ServerPriority 0|1|2
- # Default: 1
- # Note: This is the priority class on you system you want your server to run.
- # 0 - normal process (no priority)
- # 1 - maximum priority as a normal process
- # 2 - maximum priority as a server foreground process.
- ###########################################################################################
- ServerPriority 1
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Path and name of files that are to be loaded into memory each time the
- # server is started. This directive may occur multiple times within the
- # configuration file. The name must be fully qualified and may not contain
- # any wildcard charcters.
- # Syntax: CacheLocalFile <file path>
- # Default: <none>
- # Examples:
- # CacheLocalFile /temp/path/index.html
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # imbeds:
- # Use this directive to enable server side includes.
- # Syntax: imbeds <on/off/files/cgi><.suffix>
- # <.suffix> is optional - if present, it limits which files are
- # parsed for server side includes.
- # Default: on .shtml
- # If more than one imbeds directive is specified, the last one is used.
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- imbeds on .shtml
- ###########################################################################################
- ### Added for Web Administration
- #
- Fail /adm-bin
- #
- #our protection setup
- Protection ADMINPROT {
- AuthType Basic
- ServerId /
- GetMask All
- PostMask All
- }
- Authentication Basic WAAUTH:Authentication
- #
- # resources being protected (multiple Protect directives are allowed)
- Protect /adm-bin/* ADMINPROT
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- ###########################################################################################
- #
- # Server-side imagemap support
- #
- ###########################################################################################
- service /cgi-bin/htimage* INTERNAL:HTImage*
- service /cgi-bin/imagemap* INTERNAL:HTImage*