PC World Komputer 1998 April A
Text File
106 lines
13056 WEB Retriever
13057 WEB: Version 1.0 for Windows/32
13058 %s(%d): Unexpected internal error in '%s', module '%s', line %d
13059 Unexpected internal error
13060 %s(%d): Unable to open or create the WEB Navigator database '%s'
13061 Unable to open or create the WEB Navigator database
13062 %s(%d): Unable to reopen the WEB Navigator database '%s'
13063 Unable to reopen the WEB Navigator database
13064 %s(%d): Unable to determine the Web cache database path
13065 %s(%d): Using Web cache '%s'
13066 %s(%d): Invalid queue request
13067 Invalid queue request
13068 %s(%d): The request did not contain a URL
13069 The request did not contain a URL
13070 Process(%d): Retrieving URL '%s'
13071 %s(%d): Retrieving URL '%s'
13072 %s(%d): Unable to retrieve URL '%s'
13073 Unable to retrieve URL
13074 Process(%d): Refreshing URL '%s'
13075 %s(%d): Refreshing URL '%s'
13076 %s(%d): Unable to refresh URL '%s'
13077 Unable to refresh URL
13078 %s(%d): Retrieving header '%s'
13079 Process(%d): Parsing command
13080 Process(%d): Waiting for '%d' seconds
13081 %s(%d): Processing command '%s'
13082 %s(%d): Unsupported command '%s'
13083 %s(%d): Bad function request
13085 %s(%d): Unable to reattach to Notes user ID
13086 Unable to reattach to Notes user ID
13087 %s(%d): Unable to start process, quota exceeded, current processes '%d', maximum processes '%d'
13089 %s(%d): Unable to initialize Internet administration options for '%a', using defaults...
13090 Unable to initialize Internet administration options
13091 %s(%d): Unable to initialize the WEB process
13092 Unable to initialize the WEB process
13093 %s(%d): Unable to start a new WEB process, the WEB processes are terminating
13094 The WEB processes are terminating
13095 %s(%d): Unknown WEB process state '%d'
13096 Unknown WEB process state
13097 %s(%d): Unable to attach to Notes user ID
13098 Unable to attach to Notes user ID
13099 %s(%d): Unable to get Notes user name
13100 Unable to get Notes user name
13101 %s(%d): Could not find any Web Navigator templates
13102 Could not find any Web Navigator templates
13103 Process(%d): Flushing DB memory
13104 %s(%d): Flushing DB memory...
13105 %s(%d): Finished flushing DB memory
13106 Process(%d): Dumping Notes memory
13107 %s(%d): Starting memory dump...
13108 %s(%d): Finished memory dump
13109 Process(%d): Saving WEB statistics to stats package
13110 %s(%d): Saving WEB statistics to stats package...
13111 %s(%d): Finished saving WEB statistics to stats package
13112 Process(%d): Dumping UNK table information
13113 %s(%d): Dumping UNK table information...
13114 %s(%d): Current UNK table size (%lu)
13115 %s(%d): Finished dumping UNK table information...
13116 Process(%d): Retrieving HTTP header '%s' from URL '%s'
13117 %s(%d): Retrieving HTTP header '%s' from URL '%s'
13118 %s(%d): HTTP header '%s', value '%s', from URL '%s'
13119 %s(%d): Unable to get HTTP header '%s' from URL '%s'
13120 Unable to get HTTP header
13121 LOAD WEB\n
13122 Loads the Web Navigator task\n
13124 Lists WEB console commands and their syntax\n
13126 Stops all WEB processes\n
13128 Refreshes the WEB processes with the latest Admin options\n
13129 %s(%d): Could not mark URL '%s' as private page
13130 %s(%d): Could not copy re-directed note: URL '%s'
13131 Process(%d): Initializing
13132 Process(%d): Idle
13133 Process(%d): Stopping
13134 Process(%d): Loading additional WEB process
13135 Process(%d): Performing one minute processing
13136 Process(%d): Performing five minute processing
13137 %s(%d): InterNotes(R) WEB Retriever starting for '%a'...
13139 %s(%d): InterNotes(R) WEB Retriever process '%d' starting...
13143 %s(%d): InterNotes(R) WEB Retriever stopping...
13144 %s(%d): InterNotes(R) WEB Retriever ended...
13145 %s(%d): Process stopping...
13146 %s(%d): Process ended...
13147 %s(%d): Error locating web process '%s'
13148 %s(%d): Error loading web process '%s'
13149 %s(%d): Unable to open note by UNID
13150 Unable to open note by UNID
13151 %s(%d): Unable to update note for URL '%s'
13152 Initializing
13153 Running
13154 Terminating
13155 Unknown
13156 Yes
13157 No
13158 None
13159 Terse
13160 Verbose
13161 Debug
13162 Year(s)
13163 Day(s)
13164 Hour(s)
13165 Minute(s)
13166 Second(s)