6012 The data files and program files needed to run a Notes workstation.
6013 Lotus Domino Server
6014 The program, data, and template files needed to run a Lotus Domino server.
6015 Server Data Files.
6016 These are special templates that allow Notes to function properly. These are required.
6017 Personal Data Files
6018 Files that identify you and how you installed Notes on your computer. You must install these data files to use Notes remotely.
6019 Additional Templates
6020 Database templates for creating new Notes databases or custom applications.
6021 Example Files
6022 Example files are examples of Notes databases and are similar to templates, except that they contain data.
6023 Documentation Databases
6024 Guides to installation, Notes administration, and upgrading to new releases of Notes.
6025 Notes Release 4 Help
6026 A database that provides context-sensitive information about most Notes features. If you install Notes Help, you do not need to install Notes Help Lite.
6027 Notes Help Lite
6028 A subset of Help that provides context-sensitive information about most Notes features. This database is highly recommended for anyone using Notes remotely.
6029 Tutorial Databases
6030 The online Tutorial provides interactive lessons that teach you the basics of Lotus Notes Release 4.
6031 Notes Guided Tour
6032 The animated, online Guided Tour explores the major Notes Release 4 features.
6033 Attachment Viewer
6034 Filters for viewing attached files, such as spreadsheets and word processing documents, for which the associated application is not installed on the local system.
6035 Novell support files
6036 Network files that allow Notes to run in a Novell NetWare environment.
6037 Notes Smart Icons.
6038 Notes Smart icons.
6039 Notes Modems.
6040 Install Modem support.
6041 Notes.ini
6042 Install Notes.ini
6043 Obsolete WIN16 Notes Server files
6044 Obsolete WIN16 Notes Client files
6045 Obsolete WIN32 Notes Server files
6046 Obsolete WIN32 Notes Client files
6047 Obsolete Notes files
6048 OS/2 version of Notes
6049 Win 32 version of Notes
6050 Win 16 version of Notes
6051 Notes Obsolete Data Files
6052 Notes Obsolete Templates Files
6053 A problem has occured writing 'notes.ri'.
6054 Workstation data files
6055 These are special databases and templates that allow Notes to function properly. These are required.
6056 Notes Applications.
6057 Notes sample application templates.
6058 nserver.exe
6060 Advanced Services
6061 These Advanced Services are available only if you have purchased the Lotus Domino Advanced Services license.
6062 Advanced Services
6063 The program files necessary for Advanced Services -- partitioned servers, clusters, and billing. When installing partitioned servers on Windows NT, only select this option for the first partitioned server.
6064 NT Files
6065 Notes required Windows NT files
6066 Win 95 Files
6067 Notes required Windows 95 files
6068 Notes Un-Installer
6069 Notes Un-Installer
6070 4.0
6071 Lotus Applications
6072 Lotus Notes Lotus Script lsxbe
6073 Lotus Notes Lotus Script lsxodbc
6074 TeamMail
6075 Components
6076 LotusScriptExtensions
6077 2.0
6078 Error Registering Notes
6079 Error Registering LotusScriptExtensions
6080 Error Registering TeamMail
6081 TeamMail Mail Enabling dll
6082 1.0
6083 qnc.exe
6084 Notes Just-in-time Debugger
6085 NumberOFCrashes
6086 LogFilePath
6087 WaveFile
6088 DumpSymbols
6089 DumpAllThreads
6090 AppendToLogFile
6091 VisualNotification
6092 SoundNotification
6093 Instructions
6094 MaximumCrashes
6095 DumpAllModules
6096 Quincy
6097 -p %ld -e %ld -g
6098 notessrv.ico
6099 notes.ico
6100 Node Installer
6101 Notes
6102 Advanced Server Documentation
6103 Advanced Server Documentation Files
6104 Java support files
6105 Files that enable the Notes Web Navigator to run Java applets.
6106 Windows () system files
6107 Windows () system files
6108 nume.dll
6109 ngina.dll
6110 Additional Dictionaries
6111 Files for international dictionaries.
6112 Single Password Logon
6113 Support files for synchronizing the Notes and Windows NT logon names and passwords.
6116 Notes Performance Monitor
6117 Automatically adds Domino Server to the Performance monitor.
6118 Domino Partitioned Server
6119 Program and data files necessary for installing one to six Domino servers (partitioned servers) on one computer.
6120 Advanced Services Data
6121 The data files necessary for Advanced Services. You must select this option for each partitioned server.
6122 Notes Service Install
6123 Install Notes as a service.
6124 System files for Autologon
6125 User synchronization
6126 Notes extension dll for synchronization of Windows NT/Notes users from Windows NT User Manager. Administrators only.
6127 NT User synchronization
6128 Notes extension dll for synchronization of Windows NT/Notes users from Windows NT User Manager. Administrators only.
6129 Domino.Action Templates
6130 The template files needed to run Domino.Action. Domino.Action streamlines the creation, design and content management of web sites.
6132 drwtsn32
6133 SMTP Support
6134 Installs support for SMPT
6135 SMTP data files
6136 SMPT data files
6137 Notes AdminOnly
6138 Domino Server Administration
6139 Domino Certificate Server
6140 The Domino applications need to manage SSL and X.509 certifcates, and to establish a Certificate Authority.
6141 Notes Designer ToolBox
6142 Provides Web preview capability, a brief Web design tutorial, and a set of sample databases and templates useful in designing Web applications.
6143 Notes Designer Tutorial
6144 A database which will guide you through creating a Web site with a home page, links to other content pages, and a discussion forum.
6145 Notes Designer Samples
6146 A series of databases which illustrate how to create different Web site layouts, use frames in Domino, create Web pages using the Designer or HTML, and more.
6148 NetWare
6149 RemoteServer
6150 Java Internationalization
6151 Java Character Set Conversion Tables. These should be selected if you are an international user.
6152 Do you want to launch Notes now?
6153 nclient.bat
6154 nserve.bat
6155 Notes Install has found an old copy of notes.ini:
6156 . We will create a backup of this file named notes.bak.
6157 Select YES to backup this file or NO to update this file.