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Text File | 1997-08-18 | 43.1 KB | 1,046 lines |
- ''/*********************************************************************
- ''
- '' Module Name: INST.lss
- ''
- '' Module Code: COMINST
- ''
- '' Author:
- ''
- '' Creation Date: Jan 26, 1994
- ''
- '' Copyright Lotus Development Corporation, (c) 1994
- ''
- ''
- ''
- '' Description:
- ''
- ''
- '' Additional authors:
- ''
- '' Change History:
- '' $Log: //CIT/VOL1/CFLOG/logfiles/cominst/toolkit/inst___@.lss $
- ''
- '' Rev 15 Nov 1995 17:05:18 mhishinu
- '' Merged GC5 into FE5
- ''
- '' Rev 1.30 11 Oct 1995 15:57:22 glutz
- '' AddIconINST sets working directory.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.29 26 Sep 1995 09:01:30 jdonohue
- '' Fixed preventing overwrite of cinstall.ini, .inf for language install
- ''
- '' Rev 1.28 25 Sep 1995 12:51:28 jdonohue
- '' Added placeholder function InitLanguageINST
- ''
- '' Rev 1.27 Sep 25 1995 09:52:24 cmoy
- '' Prevent overwrite of cinstall.ini, xxx.lss by supressing INSTTOP section inst
- '' ead of INSTFILES section
- ''
- '' Rev 1.26 07 Sep 1995 14:55:18 tveerapp
- '' Moved the setting of INSTDIR during a language server install from
- '' main.lss to fix spr# WED2SVNRDZ
- ''
- '' Rev 1.25 01 Sep 1995 09:35:18 jdonohue
- '' Turn off INSTLANG?? section for language install
- ''
- '' Rev 1.24 18 Aug 1995 16:43:12 glutz
- '' INITInst sets InitDir to SYM_PARENTDIR$.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.23 14 Aug 1995 13:41:46 jdonohue
- '' Added code to add language qualifier to node icon in AddIconsINST
- ''
- '' Rev 1.22 14 Aug 1995 09:09:26 jdonohue
- '' Added code to handle language install to server
- ''
- '' Rev 1.21 02 Aug 1995 14:56:28 amontalv
- '' Added name of product to node install shortcut.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.20 17 Jul 1995 15:53:58 amontalv
- '' Added code to put install in program folder for server install.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.19 03 May 1995 18:14:14 mzgripce
- '' replace #else with 'else
- ''
- '' Rev 1.18 02 May 1995 12:52:42 cmoy
- '' Merged c2 into cf build
- ''
- '' Rev 1.18 10 Apr 1995 18:09:14 amontalv
- '' Changed comments to reflect change of function reference.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.17 02 Feb 1995 14:27:06 cmoy
- ''
- '' Thangaraj added fixes for Pipeline Problem
- ''
- '' Rev 1.16 13 Jan 1995 17:17:58 tveerapp
- ''
- '' Removed redundant code
- ''
- '' Rev 1.15 12 Jan 1995 15:30:42 tveerapp
- ''
- '' 1. changed cmoVital to cmoOverwrite for making the LAUNCHEXE entry in cinstall.ini
- '' 2. Removed MakePath.It cannot handle file names with paths in it. e.g. reg\foo.exe
- ''
- '' Rev 1.14 11 Jan 1995 15:32:08 tveerapp
- ''
- '' Fixed spr# TVEN28TJK:
- '' The cinstall.ini in the temporary directory is used to determine if the product
- '' being installed supports pipeline(based on the existence of the LAUNCHEXE entry)
- '' If it does, a global flag is set to indicate this and an enrty is made in the
- '' cinstall.ini that is installed on the machine.
- '' If the flag is set and the execuatble exists, it is launched.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.13 29 Dec 1994 12:23:14 tveerapp
- ''
- '' Fixed AND _.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.12 29 Dec 1994 12:15:28 tveerapp
- ''
- '' Added a check for pipeline processing to be launched only for a non-automated
- '' install.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.11 28 Dec 1994 16:13:50 tveerapp
- ''
- '' Added pipeline processing (electronic registration). Functions PostCopyConfig
- '' and PostSuccessReg have these changes. Removed the callback for the elrctronic
- '' registration dialog.
- ''
- '' Rev 1.10 12 May 1994 11:20:52 mmeth
- '' Adding Icons for Lic and Install and using DoMsgBox instead of MessageBox
- ''
- '' Rev 1.9 02 May 1994 18:34:02 mzgripce
- ''
- '' add AddIconsINST()
- ''
- '' Rev 1.8 04 Apr 1994 18:10:44 mmeth
- '' Now can ignore share.lss & shared.ini
- ''
- '' Rev 1.7 22 Mar 1994 12:34:16 mmeth
- '' added licdir & instdir to toolkit registration
- ''
- '' Rev 1.6 28 Feb 1994 14:27:42 mmeth
- '' Incorrectly reseting INSTDIR in PrecopyCOnfigINST
- ''
- '' Rev 1.5 18 Feb 1994 13:29:42 mmeth
- ''
- '' Now check for Listlength of Reg_GetDirSymbolList
- ''
- '' Rev 1.4 17 Feb 1994 10:23:06 mmeth
- '' Added Reg_SetAllowUserToChoseInSMartSUite
- ''
- '' Rev 1.3 16 Feb 1994 11:00:22 mmeth
- '' Added error message if INSTTOP sec is
- ''
- '' Rev 1.2 15 Feb 1994 15:33:58 mmeth
- '' took out a print
- ''
- '' Rev 1.1 15 Feb 1994 14:48:30 mmeth
- '' fixed BASEDIR & Reg_GetDirSymbolLIst(1)
- ''
- '' Rev 1.0 11 Feb 1994 10:56:44 jbrodeur
- '' Initial Revision
- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '' Date Vers. Pgmr SPR# Change
- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------
- '' 2-08-94 0004 MMETH moved checking first prod for change to Initcopylist
- '' 2-04-94 0003 MMETH changed PreCopyConfig to work for SmartSuite
- '' 2-03-94 0002 MMETH corrected 1 prod vs smartsuite
- '' 2-02-94 0001 MMETH cinstall.ini install for standard and server
- '' 1-25-94 0000 Initial Check-In
- '' !
- ''
- ''----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ''
- ''*********************************************************************/
- '** These Are the Required Functions that Products must provide
- '***************************************************************
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION ProductRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION DefaultUserRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION InitINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, basedir$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION PathChangeINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, destdirsym$, mainprodsonly%) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION InitCopyListINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION PreCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, lic%) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION AddTheBillBoardsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, nbytes&) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION PostCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION AddIconsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION UIINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION PostSuccessRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DECLARE PUBLIC FUNCTION InitLanguageINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- '** Product specific functions
- '*****************************
- ' ** Global flag for launching pipeline exe
- PUBLIC gProdsupport%
- '*************************************************************************
- '**************************** Required Functions *************************
- '*************************************************************************
- '*************************************************************************
- '** SUB Initialize
- '**
- '** Purpose: Initialize the INST product scripts. There is only one purpose
- '** of this routine, it is to register **your product**. Without
- '** this function, your product will not install. All you
- '** you need to do in this subroutine is:
- '** modify INST -> your acronmy.
- '** NOTE: so as not to clutter up the INSTCUI.RC file,
- '** we always use SID_INST. You of course can be more
- '** creative!
- '**
- '** ASSUMPTIONS: Many things in the toolkit key off of your
- '** Acronym. These are the constraints:
- '** 1. your top level chapther in the INF must
- '** have a KEYWORD of your Acronym +"TOP"
- '** e.g. INSTTOP
- '** Author: Marcel Meth
- '** Arguments: None
- '** Returns: NONE
- '*************************************************************************
- SUB Initialize
- Reg_RegisterProductNames "INST", LdString(SID_BLANKTEXT)
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION ProductRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS INTEGER
- '**
- '** Purpose: This function allows your product to register itself
- '** in the Install Product Registry. The toolkit squirrles
- '** the information provided and will provide you with
- '** various features accordingly. For example, if you support
- '** shared files, the toolkit will do most of the work
- '** for the LOTUSAPP directory.
- '**
- '** For the most part you should use only Reg_Set... Functions.
- '**
- '**
- '** If you turn on ATM, LICENSING, or and SHARED tools, then
- '** you must be sure to add the appropriate lines and files
- '** in you INST.SCR and INST.LYT, respectively. See Cook book.
- '**
- '** If you support server, you will have to make sure that
- '** you have the correct entire for the install files in your
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** network$: UNINITIALIZED
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards, i.e start at your last dialog
- '** first.
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION ProductRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- ProductRegINST = gNEXT
- Reg_SetSupportedInstallTypes prodno%, 1, 1, 1
- 'Reg_SetSelectedInstallType ProdNo%,TypeSelected$
- Reg_SetProdSizes prodno%, 524288, 524288 ' .5 meg.
- Reg_SetUIInOrOut prodno%, 1
- Reg_SetShareFlags prodno%, 0, 0, 0, 0
- Reg_SetAllowUserToPickInSuite prodno%, 0
- 'Reg_SetCDOption prodno%,Inst%,CDOptStr$
- 'Reg_SetCDOptionSelected ProdNo%,Inst%,Selection%
- 'Reg_SetNodeOption ProdNo%,Inst%,NodeOptStr$
- 'Reg_SetNodeOptionSelected ProdNo%,Inst%,Selection%
- Reg_SetSrvSupport prodno%, 1
- Reg_SetLicenseSupport prodno%, 0
- Reg_SetATMSupport prodno%, 0
- 'Reg_SetProgManagerGroup prodno%, LdString(SID_INST)
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION DefaultUserRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: **Only** the first registered product gets called.
- '** For SMartSUite, this will be Smart Suite.
- '** This functions allows you to set the default user reg.
- '** information that the user will be shown. The toolkit
- '** will provide default values from MS-Windows. If you disagree
- '** with them you should modify them in this function using:
- '**
- '** It is upto you how you store registration information.
- '** it will not be stored until later in PostCopyConfigINST.
- '** The CIT provides functions that allow you to access .ri
- '** files: Lot_ReadDefaultsfromRi(ripath$).
- '**
- '** If you need to write back to the floppy, do it here.
- '** Most Lotus products will no longer write back to the floppy.
- '** Remeber, you can't write back to a CD or network!
- '**
- '** In Symbols : SYM_NAME$, SYM_COMPANY$
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** network$: UNINITIALIZED
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '**
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards, i.e start at your last dialog
- '** first.
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION DefaultUserRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DefaultUserRegINST = gNEXT
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION InitINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, basedir$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: This is the first time you will be called when
- '** the server parmater us valid. You need to use this
- '** function to intialize certain things. (See the MUST DO
- '** below).
- '**
- '** This is a good place to put up a dialog warning the user
- '** of a prrevious version of your product. If there is a previous
- '** version you might want to steer them twords or away from it.
- '**
- '**
- '** Must Do: You **MUST** set inital values for all of the destination
- '** ======= directories that you refer to in your INF file. If you do not,
- '** then InitCopylist will fail! e.g. SetSymbolValue "INSTDIR", basedir$
- '** Of course you may be more intelligent. You should preface your
- '** directory with basedir$. The toolkit is finding a good drive
- '** letter and basedirectory. Also, remeber all paths end in a
- '** \ and are lower case.
- '**
- '** You should **NOT** define LOTUSAPPDIR, NETLOTUSAPPDIR, WINDIR, &
- '** WINSYSDIR. The toolkit does this for you.
- '**
- '** Once you have defined destdir symbols, you need to register
- '** them with the toolkit. (See the code below)
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '**
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards, i.e start at your last dialog
- '** first.
- '**
- '** basedir$: The toolkit has found a good base. for your directory.
- '** This is it. You should use it. This will make Smart
- '** Suite work, and will pick a good drive letter for you.
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION InitINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, basedir$) AS STRING
- DIM dirSym$, sym$, symname$
- InitINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- If network$ <> gSERVER AND network$ <> gSTANDARD AND network$ <> gDISTRIBUTION$ Then
- Reg_SetUIInOrOut prodno%, FALSE
- Else
- '** Figure out where the first product is., put install there!
- SetSymbolValue "INSTDIR", GetSymbolValue(SYM_PARENTDIR$)
- Else
- SetSymbolValue "INSTDIR", basedir$
- End If
- sym$ = Reg_GetDirSymbolList(prodno%)
- symname$ = sym$ + gNAME
- SetSymbolValue "INSTDIRNAME", " "
- SetListItem sym$, 1, "INSTDIR"
- SetListItem symname$, 1, "INSTDIR" + gNAME$
- End If
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION PathChangeINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, destdirsym$, mainprodsonly%) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: This function is called whenever the user proposes changes
- '** to a path for your product. by the time this function calls
- '** you, the paths have already been checked syntactically, and
- '** the directory has been checked to see that it is in fact writeable.
- '** Your obligation is to verify that the proposed new path is okay with
- '** you. If, not, put up a dialog telling the user and return
- '** gBACK.
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '** destdirsym$: The destdir symbol that has changed. e.g. "INSTDIR"
- '** mainprodsonly%: (TRUE | FALSE) , when TRUE this means that only
- '** your top level product directory should change,
- '** probably "INSTDIR"
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION PathChangeINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, destdirsym$, mainprodsonly%) AS STRING
- DIM path$
- PathChangeINST = gNEXT
- path$ = GetSymbolValue (destdirsym$)
- '' The following is a psudocode example
- ''''''rc$ = DetectVersionPriorToDarwin(path$)
- ''''''If rc$ = "BEAGLE" then
- '''''' PathChangeINST = gBACK
- ''''''end if
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION InitCopyListINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: Product must Initialize the copylist
- '**
- '** Must Do: You must initialize the copy list. However,
- '** ======= if you leve the code totally untouched as is,
- '** it will probably work for you.
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION InitCopyListINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DIM i%, sym$, chpt$
- InitCopyListINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- sym$ = Reg_GetProductAcronym(prodno%) + gTOP$
- chpt$ = Lot_GetChapterFromKeyWord(sym$)
- if chpt$ = "" then
- ErrorMsg 0, "Developers: You need to have install section with INSTTOP in INF file"
- end if
- SELECT CASE Reg_GetProdSelectedInstallType(prodno%)
- i% = F_LAPTOP
- i% = F_CUSTOM
- Lot_InitializeCopyList chpt$, i%
- '** FOR STANDARD we only want to install the cinstall.ini file
- If network$ <> gSERVER$ Then
- If FIsKeywordinCopyList ("INSTFILES") <> FALSE Then
- chpt$ = Lot_GetChapterFromKeyword("INSTFILES")
- Lot_ToggleChapterFilesInCopyList chpt$
- End If
- End If
- 'For a language install, we don't overwrite the cinstall.ini and .INF files
- 'by turning off the INSTTOP section
- IF network$ <> gSERVER$ THEN
- chpt$ = Lot_GetChapterFromKeyword("INSTTOP")
- Lot_SetChapterFilesInCopyListInOrOut chpt$, 0
- END iF
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION UIINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: This is your chance to put up any User Interface
- '** that you want. remeber, try to keep it short.
- '** In Smart Suite, if every product puts up to extra
- '** dialogs, then the Smart SUite will consist of 16 dialogs!
- '**
- '** Pay attention to the value of direction, if you are putting
- '** up more than one dialog.
- '**
- '** The toolkit will do an acurate space computation later,
- '** so you can tamper with the copy list. But you shouldn't
- '** write out anything to the disk until PostCopyCofig!
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION UIINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- UIINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION PreCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, lic%) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: This is the very last function called before the space is
- '** acurately computed (to the last byte) and files are copied
- '** by the toolkit. If you have any last minute changes to
- '** do, this is the time to do them. example:
- '** Test for monitor resolution, and turn on the chapter
- '** in the copy list with the appropriate resoltuion.
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '** lic%: TRUE | FALSE; TRUE licensing is turned on else it is off
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION PreCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, lic%) AS STRING
- DIM dirSym$
- PreCopyConfigINST = gNEXT
- '* Just in case product 1 changed.
- dirSym$ = Reg_GetDirSymbolList(1)
- If GetListLength(dirSym$) >= 1 Then
- dirSym$ = GetListItem(dirSym$, 1)
- End If
- SetSymbolValue "INSTDIR", GetSymbolValue(dirSym$)
- Else
- SetSymbolValue "INSTDIR", GetSymbolValue (SYM_BASEDIR$)
- End If
- '** TV: We have to reset this symbol for language/server install
- SetLanguageSubdir "INSTDIR", "INSTDIR"
- Lot_RefreshDestination ("INSTDIR")
- 'Make sure LOTUSUSERDIR still is the same as COMPONENTSDIR
- IF GetSymbolValue(SYM_LOTUSUSERDIR$) <> "" THEN
- Lot_RefreshDestination (SYM_LOTUSUSERDIR$)
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION AddTheBillBoardsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, nbytes&)
- '**
- '** Purpose: This is where to add the billboards using the function:
- '** AddToBillboardList. Use nbytes& as the last parameter to
- '** the MS-SETUP function AddToBillboardList
- '**
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '** nbytes: Determines the duration of billboard timing.
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT | gBACK (If you are showing UI and you
- '** allow the user to step backwards.)
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION AddTheBillBoardsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, nbytes&) AS STRING
- AddTheBillBoardsINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- 'psudo code follows as an example
- ''''If network$ <> gNODE$ Then
- '''' SetListItem "IDC_BMP", 1, STR$(IDD_BILLBD1_BMP)
- '''' AddToBillboardList GetSymbolValue(SYM_CUIDLL$), DB_BILLBD1, "_FNameOrgDlgProc@16", nbytes&
- ' else
- '''' AddToBillboardList GetSymbolValue(SYM_CUIDLL$), DB_BILLBD1, "FNameOrgDlgProc", nbytes&
- ''''End If
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION PostCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: This is called just after file copy has completed.
- '** This is your opportunity to do all the configuaration
- '** you need. This includes:
- '**
- '** 1. Writing to all your ini files
- '** 2. Writeing to OLE Reg database
- '** 3. Writing to any other confi files you may support
- '** 4. Writing out user registration information
- '** 5. Add program manager icons of those features
- '** thatwere installed.
- '** 6. Create any working directories.
- '** A working directory is one that does not contain any
- '** files, thus the toolkit did not create it for you.
- '**
- '** NOTE: THERE are many subtlties in here if you are
- '** dealing with node and CD installs. In particular,
- '** you must be ***very*** careful to understand where the
- '** things are that you are pointing to. They could
- '** be on the node, server, or CD! This, in combination
- '** with the INF file for Server/Node is probably the trickiest
- '** part of writing a quality install. When configuring,
- '** you must be careful to consider what happens if there is
- '** a preexisting product on the machine, in the same location or
- '** another one! This is very very tricky. What happens
- '** if you had a full installation previously in location C:\FOO
- '** and now the user is installing a minimum installation in loaction
- '** D:\FOO.
- '**
- '** Each and every thing you do for configuartion needs very
- '** careful thought.
- '**
- '** WE support a function Lot_WhereIsFeature("FeatureID")
- '** This currrently tells you the location of a feature
- '** If the feature appears both in the SERVER.INF and the
- '** NODE.INF referred to by the same Keyword ID.
- '** We do not support CDs with this command yet, but we will at some
- '** time.
- '**
- '** Also look out for writing to a file when the directory
- '** doesn't exist. If the user deselected one of your
- '** you options, your install may still be running,
- '** but since there were no files to copy into the directory
- '** it wasn't created by the toolkit!
- '**
- '** Finally, remember that configuration files generally
- '** hold the state that the user has customized earlier.
- '** Sometimes you don't want to overwrite these!
- '** You will primarily use three MS-SETUP functions
- '** in here:
- '** 1. CreateIniKeyValue (writing to ini files)
- '** 2. SetRegKeyValue (writing to OLE reg DB)
- '** 3. CreateProgmanItem (writing to progman)
- '**
- '** CreateProgmanGroup & ShowProgmanGroup are
- '** done for you by the time you reach this
- '** function.
- '**
- '** You will not have to do any configuration of LOTUS SHARED
- '** tools. The toolkit will do this for you.
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '** programgroup$: The name of the program group the user chose to
- '** install the program manager icons
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION PostCopyConfigINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- PostCopyConfigINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- '** PUBLIC FUNCTION AddIconsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- '** Purpose: This is called just after file copy has completed.
- '** 1. Add program manager icons of those features
- '** thatwere installed.
- '**
- '** NOTE: THERE are many subtlties in here if you are
- '** dealing with node and CD installs. In particular,
- '** you must be ***very*** careful to understand where the
- '** things are that you are pointing to. They could
- '** be on the node, server, or CD! This, in combination
- '** with the INF file for Server/Node is probably the trickiest
- '** part of writing a quality install. When configuring,
- '** you must be careful to consider what happens if there is
- '** a preexisting product on the machine, in the same location or
- '** another one! This is very very tricky. What happens
- '** if you had a full installation previously in location C:\FOO
- '** and now the user is installing a minimum installation in loaction
- '** D:\FOO.
- '**
- '** Each and every thing you do for configuartion needs very
- '** careful thought.
- '**
- '** WE support a function Lot_WhereIsFeature("FeatureID")
- '** This currrently tells you the location of a feature
- '** If the feature appears both in the SERVER.INF and the
- '** NODE.INF referred to by the same Keyword ID.
- '** We do not support CDs with this command yet, but we will at some
- '** time.
- '**
- '** Also look out for writing to a file when the directory
- '** doesn't exist. If the user deselected one of your
- '** you options, your install may still be running,
- '** but since there were no files to copy into the directory
- '** it wasn't created by the toolkit!
- '**
- '** Finally, remember that configuration files generally
- '** hold the state that the user has customized earlier.
- '** Sometimes you don't want to overwrite these!
- '** You will primarily use three MS-SETUP functions
- '** in here:
- '** 1. CreateProgmanItem (writing to progman)
- '**
- '** CreateProgmanGroup & ShowProgmanGroup are
- '** done for you by the time you reach this
- '** function.
- '**
- '** You will not have to do any configuration of LOTUS SHARED
- '** tools. The toolkit will do this for you.
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT | gBACK (If gBACK, and you are showing UI)
- '** then step backwards
- '** programgroup$: The name of the program group the user chose to
- '** install the program manager icons
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MZ
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION AddIconsINST (prodno%, network$, direction$, programgroup$) AS STRING
- DIM instdir$, notused%, Caption$
- DIM LanguageQualifier$, LanguageAcronym$
- AddIconsINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- If direction$ = gBACK Then
- End If
- If network$ = gSERVER Then
- instdir$ = Lot_WhereIsFeature(prodno%, "INSTFILES", "install.exe")
- Caption$ = Reg_GetProductName(1)+ LdString(SID_NOT_VIEWSTRING)
- 'Add language qualifier for secondary languages
- LanguageAcronym$ = GetSymbolValue(SYM_INSTALL_LANGUAGE$)
- LanguageQualifier$ = Lot_SetLanguageDirectory ( LanguageAcronym$ )
- Caption$ = Caption$ + " " + LanguageQualifier$
- ASSERT instdir$ <> "", ""
- If IsNewShell() THEN
- notused%=Lot_AddLinkToFolder(prodno%, instdir$ + "install.exe", _
- Caption$+".lnk", _
- Caption$, "", instdir$)
- Lot_RegisterObject "INSTFILES",UNIN_CLASS_SHORTCUT$, Lot_GetProgFolder(prodno%) + Caption$+".lnk"
- Else
- CreateProgmanItem programgroup$, Caption$, _
- instdir$ + "install.exe", ",,,," + instdir$, cmoOverwrite
- Lot_RegisterObject "INSTFILES", UNIN_CLASS_ICON$, programgroup$ + "\" + Caption$
- End If
- End If
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION PostSuccessRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: If you need to launch something after install runs
- '** In Symbols :
- '** Out Symbols:
- '**
- '** Arguments: All paremeters are **read only**.
- '** prodno%: This is your prodno%. It is assigned to you by the
- '** toolkit in the order in which you were registered.
- '** When your product is oart of Smart Suite, Smart Suite
- '** will always be product #1. (prodno% >=1)
- '** direction$: gNEXT
- '**
- '** Errors: No return code for errors, you must Raise them
- '** Author: MMeth
- '** Returns: return: gNEXT
- '**
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION PostSuccessRegINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- DIM rc$, ExecError%, notused%, executable$, gInstallIniFile$, prodbaseDir$
- DIM distribution$, automation$
- DIM cwd$, TmpInstallIni$
- PostSuccessRegINST = direction$
- '' In the backwards case, keep backing up
- 'If direction$ = gBACK Then
- 'End If
- 'Build the path to the installed cinstall.ini
- prodbaseDir$ = Lot_GetInstallDir()
- gInstallIniFile$ = MakePath(prodbaseDir$,gINSTALLINI$)
- '** the following is to identify if the product currently being installed supports
- '** the electronic registration. It sets up a global flag to indicate this
- '** and makes the LAUNCHEXE entry to the installed cinstall.ini
- cwd$ = GetSymbolValue(SYM_STF_CWDDIR$)
- TmpInstallIni$ = MakePath(cwd$,gINSTALLINI$)
- executable$ = GetIniKeyString(TmpInstallIni$, "TOOLKIT","LAUNCHEXE")
- IF executable$ <> "" THEN
- gProdsupport% = 1
- '** make the exe entry
- network$ = GetSymbolValue(SYM_NETWORK$)
- IF network$ = gSERVER THEN
- CreateIniKeyValue gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT", "LAUNCHEXE", "", cmoOverwrite
- CreateIniKeyValue gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT", "LAUNCHEXE", gNotesInstallType$, cmoOverwrite
- '** The current product that is being installed does not support pipeline
- gProdsupport% = 0
- '** the following is to identify subsequent installs from a distribution install
- '** to avoid launching the electronic registration. It makes an entry for
- '** a distribution install
- network$ = GetSymbolValue(SYM_NETWORK$)
- automation$ = GetSymbolValue(SYM_AUTOMATIONINST$)
- distribution$ = GetIniKeyString(gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT", "DISTRIBUTION")
- IF network$ <> gNODE$ AND _
- distribution$ = "" AND _
- automation$ <> gTRUE$ THEN
- '** Notes modifies cinstall.ini to include the entire launch string, so we don't want to add the prodbase
- '** and we also don't want to find out if the file exists since we already did this.
- executable$ = GetIniKeyString(gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT","LAUNCHEXE")
- IF executable$ <> "" THEN
- '*** The check below is because MakePath only works with
- '** a file name of 12 characters .e.g. foo.exe and not reg\foo.exe
- '** Commentd out for NOTES !! (MAC 08-18-97)
- '** IF RIGHT$(prodbaseDir$, 1) <> "\" THEN
- '** prodbaseDir$ = prodbaseDir$ + "\"
- '** END IF
- '** executable$ = prodbaseDir$ + executable$
- '** IF DoesFileExist(executable$,femExists) <> 0 AND gProdsupport% = 1 THEN
- ExecError% = WinExec(executable$,SW_SHOWNORMAL)
- IF ExecError% < 32 THEN
- ErrorMsg SID_ERR_EXECPIPELINE, executable$
- '** END IF
- '** Record the language of install
- CreateIniKeyValue gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT", "LANGUAGE",_
- GetSymbolValue(SYM_INSTALL_LANGUAGE$), cmoOverwrite
- CreateIniKeyValue gInstallIniFile$, "TOOLKIT", "DISTRIBUTION", "YES", cmoVital
- '********************************
- '********************************
- '** Product Specific Functions **
- '********************************
- '********************************
- '*************************************************************************
- '** FUNCTION GetINSTPathfromLotusIni() AS STRING
- '**
- '** Purpose: Gets the product dir path from Lotus.ini file, and searches for
- '** inst.exe in the dir.
- '**
- '** Author: JYOTI KEDIA
- '** Arguments: None
- '** Returns: if inst.exe does not exist in dir specified in lotus.ini, it
- '** returns "", otherwise returns the full path to the product.
- '*************************************************************************
- DIM DestDir$, lotusinipath$, defdir$, temp%, ProdDir$, fullpath$, rv%
- DestDir$ = GetWindowsDir()
- lotusinipath$ = DestDir$ +"lotus.ini"
- if DoesFileExist(lotusinipath$,femExists) then
- defdir$ = GetIniKeyString(lotusinipath$,"Lotus Applications", "inst")
- if defdir$ <> "" then
- temp% = INSTR(1,LCASE$(defdir$),"inst.exe")
- if temp% <> 0 then
- ProdDir$ = MID$(defdir$,1,(temp%-1))
- if ProdDir$ <> "" then
- fullpath$ = ProdDir$ + "inst.exe"
- if DoesFileExist(fullpath$, femExists) then
- rv% = Lot_CleanPath(fullpath$)
- GetINSTPathfromLotusIni = fullpath$
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- GetINSTPathfromLotusIni = ""
- '*************************************************************************
- '** PUBLIC FUNCTION InitLanguageINST (prodno%, network$, direction$)
- '** Purpose: Placeholder, since all products must provide a function of this
- '** name, does nothing.
- '*************************************************************************
- PUBLIC FUNCTION InitLanguageINST (prodno%, network$, direction$) AS STRING
- InitLanguages "", "", prodno%
- InitLanguageINST = ""