This site has several protected areas that require you to enter a username and password. If you have not yet registered, you need to request a new account below.
Choose what you want to do
New Account
Request a new account
Registered Users
Examine or update your existing account
- This is only visible if you have already authenticated
Login to update your existing account
If you've already been prompted for a username and password, and entered something that didn't work, you can clear the bad username by erasing the name from the authentication dialog box the next time you come across it.
Handle New Account Request agent Initialize event calls HandleNewAccount subroutine
4. Request Utilities script library subroutines (a new design feature in 4.5, so this version of the registration
application will only run on a 4.5 server or above) are called by HandleChangePassword and
Steps for customization
1. Add yourself and your server to the ACL as Manager and member of the role "User Manager". If
you need to replicate the database to multiple servers, be sure that all servers are members of the
User Manager role. If other administrators will assist in management of the registration process, be
sure that they are members of the User Manager role.
2. Modify the shared field "GroupsToJoin" to reflect the name of a group in your PAB
that you want to use for registered users.
Do not use slash ("/") characters in the name of this
3. Add the group you chose in step 2 to the ACL as Author with the "Create documents" permission
checked, and add it to the role "Web Users."
4. Note: Do not add the group you have chosen to the PAB. It will be added automatically when
the first user registers.
5. Modify the declarations in the "Modifiable Constants" script library to point to the appropriate
Public Address Book database(s). NOTE: Groups must be created in the domain's primary
address book, otherwise the Notes/Domino 4.x server will not recognize them when interpreting
access control. The option of re-directing them by modifying nabGroupsPath$ is provided for
test purposes only. Person documents, on the other hand, may be in any address book configured
on the server. Also, the server will not authenticate users who are registered in a secondary
Public Address Book unless it has been properly configured using the cascading technique or
using a Master Address Book. Please see the Notes Administrator Help for more information
about this.
6. Edit the Agent Manager section of the Server document in the PAB to make sure that you have
permission to run restricted LotusScript agents on your server. If giving yourself access requires
actually changing one or more fields in the Server document, you will need to stop and restart
the Domino server for the change to take effect. If you merely have to add yourself to a group
that is already listed in the Server document, you should not have to reboot the server.
NOTE: if you follow the directions for altering the EnsureUserInNAB routine (see below), you
must also give yourself permission to run
restricted LotusScript agents on your server.
7. Edit the ACL on your PABs to make sure that you have permission to create and edit person
and group documents. (Be sure to select the correct Creator and Modifier roles if you have
implemented this feature in your PABs).
8. Make cosmetic changes to forms.
9. Open the Handle Change Password Request agent, position your cursor to a blank line in the script,
type a single space and then select File - Save to force it to be re-compiled and signed with your user ID.
Do the same with the Handle New Account Request agent. (Recompilation is required to incorporate
the changes in the Modifiable Constants and Request Utilities libraries. Signature is required to grant
access rights for your server).
10. Raise the Anonymous ACL entry to Author, and check the "Create documents" permission. Then
go to the Advanced panel in the Access Control List dialog and raise the "Maximum Internet name
and password" setting to Author.
11. See below for additional information about running this application...
You must repeat both steps 5
9 if you want to change the name of the PAB used for storing Person
or Group documents at any point after completing the above customization instructions.
If you experience delays between the time that a user registers and the time that the user can successfully
authenticate with the server, there are changes that you can make to the routine EnsureUserInNAB and
accompanying Declarations in the Request Utilities script library. Comments in the LotusScript code for this
routine explain these changes.
Domino Registration sample application
If you want to protect certain areas of your site, and require that Web users enter a user name and password before they access the protected information, you'll need to create an account for users. To do this, you register users in the Public Address Book on the Domino server.
This application is a sample showing how to register Web users for Domino-based applications. Users can create accounts for themselves with no manual intervention.
Security Warning:
This sample is designed to allow anyone with Web connectivity to your server to create a user name and password for themselves on your server. This will not allow them to use Notes to access your data, but it will allow them to use their Web browser through Domino to access and possibly change data. Be very careful in deploying this application or modified versions of it. This application modifies your Public Address Book.
By running this application, you acknowledge that this software may modify your Notes Public Address Book, which could, in certain circumstances, compromise security.
About the Domino sample registration application
The sample registration application asks users for a name, company name, phone number and e-mail address. The form contains a randomly generated password, which users can change when they register, or they can change their password at a later date. When the user submits the form, the password is encrypted, and a person document is created and the user name is added to a Group in the Public Address Book on the Domino server.
The registration process is very simple; however, it does have some built-in error checks. For example, it uses an input validation formula to verify that the user's e-mail address has a valid structure when the form is submitted. Also, if the user name already exists in the Domino server's Public Address Book, it asks the user to pick another user name.
Making sure your site is ready to register users
In order to see how the sample registration application works, you need to have at least one database that has a default access of No Access. This forces Domino to authenticate users, which means they'll have to register. (If your databases all have a default access of Reader, Domino will never be required to authenticate users, which means they would never be required to register.) To do this:
Change the databases(s) default access to No Access in the ACL.
Add the group you chose in customization step 3 (above) to the database ACL.
Assign this group an appropriate access level, (for example, Author).
Use a browser to connect to your server and attempt to open this database. Your browser will display a login prompt, indicating that it will only give registered users access to the database.
Now open up the Registration application from a browser and use it to create an account, then return to the database you were attempting to access. Enter the name and password information for the account you just created into your browser's login dialog. If you have followed these instructions, you should now gain access to the database.