# This .properties file was generated by BeanMachine on 01-Aug-97 10:13:43 AM## Translate the words after the equals sign (=)# The pound sign (#) is a comment marker## Prefixes for keys are as follows:## A = action name# B = action description# C = parameter name# E = event name# F = event description# P = property name# Q = property description# X = bean category# Y = bean name# Z = bean description## Note: action, property, and event names must be translated into unique names.# For example, two action names or an action name and a property name cannot be translated to the same string.# Description strings and parameter name strings may be the same if appropriate.## This file MUST NOT have any blank lines in it.#YBeanName = Bouton
ZBeanDescription = La fonction Bouton vous permet de dΘfinir un bouton commun.
XBeanCategory = Commandes
#Adisable = dΘsactiver
Bdisable = Rend le bouton inactif
#Aenable = activer
Benable = Rend le bouton actif
#Ahide = masquer
Bhide = Masque le bouton
#Ashow = afficher
Bshow = Affiche le bouton
#Pbackgroundjava.awt.Color = couleur de fond
Qbackgroundjava.awt.Color = Couleur de fond du bouton
#Pfontjava.awt.Font = police
Qfontjava.awt.Font = Police de caractΦres de l''Θtiquette
#Pforegroundjava.awt.Color = couleur de premier plan