Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | web site | window OCR: SourceLister 60x Copyright EmZet Computing 1998 DYMPING ADL .ER32 PAS Interface Type tAdler Record Case Integer Of [Value LongInty {treated as unsigned 32 .52 Word) End Procedure InitAdler32 [Var Adler tAdler} {Initializes the given variable for Adler32 caleulation.} README .TXT Freely distributable freely usable The original copvright notice may not be modified or omitted This is the DOS executable and BPascal source of DUMPING DUMPING checks PNG file and dumps its content to the screen t conforms to the PNG [Portable Network Graphics) Specification, 9th Draft. and it should be able to deteci any errors given PNG file All known bugs have been fixed. Interlaced PNG images are fully supported LongInt calculation READMF Freelv origina mocified check Sper cification snown beer ixed