Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | trade name | tree | window OCR: FileHound Unregisl tered Shareware URL FileHound FileHound Settings About Pending Downloads Compl Bandwidth Defaults Binary/T ext Viru Scan Sound Miscellaneous F Click for Properties Filename URL When should FileHound pedjumop FULL SPEED? download.txt ftp//fto command not When the Go pushbutton is depressed. Also when FileHound's window visible and has the focus Anytime FileHound's main MoPUIM nol minimized. When going full speed, ab qsow qe 99999 kilobytes per minute Background transfers qab sow qe 100 kilobytes per minute Sample figure: 100KPS 50% 28.8 connection Note Although slow transfers can be convenient for you they do tie up resources on the server. Also, some servers aJe impatient pue will cancel transfers that 'take too long" even if they're not stalled or broken course FileHoun ...